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View Full Version : Soldier tackles Westboro scum stomping our flag at fallen soldier's funeral.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2012, 06:01 PM

Topics: Donna Johnson (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/donna-johnson/) ♦ Patriot Guard Riders (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/patriot-guard-riders/) ♦ westboro baptist church (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/westboro-baptist-church/)

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A member of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church was tackled on Saturday by an angry soldier at a funeral for fallen Army Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson in North Carolina.
“So at the funeral today for Fallen Soldier Sgt. Johnson a Westboro member decided it would be smart to stomp on the American flag,” the blog Guardian of Valor (http://guardianofvalor.com/soldier-protects-old-glory-from-being-disgraced-by-westboro-baptist-church/) explained. “A Soldier did not take kindly to that and broke through the line, hitting one of the protesters that was disgracing Old Glory. As he was being arrested, two other Soldiers rescued the flag.”
The Westboro Baptist Church believes that God is punishing the United States because of America’s acceptance of homosexuality, and has gained infamy for picketing the funerals of public figures and military members.
<!-- RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2 --><IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px" id=google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0 height=250 marginHeight=0 frameBorder=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

Johnson, 26, was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

http://1.rp-api.com/3068847/via.pngRaw Story (http://s.tt/1q8rb)(http://s.tt/1q8rb)
The Westboro scum make a mockery of our rigts, while disrespecting those that sacrifice so much to insure those rights. They agitate and provoke to get attacked then make money on lawsuits from those attacks. Were I ever to be involved the asshat I busted up would never come back to play such games.
That woman gave her life protecting this nation and they do this crap at her funeral. Too bad they all were not beaten half to death IMHO..-Tyr

10-19-2012, 06:09 PM

Topics: Donna Johnson (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/donna-johnson/) ♦ Patriot Guard Riders (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/patriot-guard-riders/) ♦ westboro baptist church (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/westboro-baptist-church/)

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/wp-content/plugins/repostus/repostus_bttn_lng_repost.png (javascript:void();)
A member of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church was tackled on Saturday by an angry soldier at a funeral for fallen Army Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson in North Carolina.
“So at the funeral today for Fallen Soldier Sgt. Johnson a Westboro member decided it would be smart to stomp on the American flag,” the blog Guardian of Valor (http://guardianofvalor.com/soldier-protects-old-glory-from-being-disgraced-by-westboro-baptist-church/) explained. “A Soldier did not take kindly to that and broke through the line, hitting one of the protesters that was disgracing Old Glory. As he was being arrested, two other Soldiers rescued the flag.”
The Westboro Baptist Church believes that God is punishing the United States because of America’s acceptance of homosexuality, and has gained infamy for picketing the funerals of public figures and military members.
<!-- RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2 --><IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px" id=google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0 height=250 marginHeight=0 frameBorder=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

Johnson, 26, was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

http://1.rp-api.com/3068847/via.pngRaw Story (http://s.tt/1q8rb)(http://s.tt/1q8rb)
The Westboro scum make a mockery of our rigts, while disrespecting those that sacrifice so much to insure those rights. They agitate and provoke to get attacked then make money on lawsuits from those attacks. Were I ever to be involved the asshat I busted up would never come back to play such games.
That woman gave her life protecting this nation and they do this crap at her funeral. Too bad they all were not beaten half to death IMHO..-Tyr

The following is a photo of ALL WESTBORO SCUM, showing the contents of their Empty SCUMMY BRAINS.....

PLEASE PASS THIS ON......4003 4004

10-19-2012, 06:45 PM
The Westboro scum make a mockery of our rigts, while disrespecting those that sacrifice so much to insure those rights. They agitate and provoke to get attacked then make money on lawsuits from those attacks. Were I ever to be involved the asshat I busted up would never come back to play such games.
That woman gave her life protecting this nation and they do this crap at her funeral. Too bad they all were not beaten half to death IMHO..-Tyr

Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2012, 07:01 PM
Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

First, the soldier didnt riot nor did he kill anybody.
Second , it wasnt about a cartoon or a nasty reply about God or Jesus.
Third, it was a funeral where custom and decency calls for respect. Respect that the scum never show and use foul tactics to provoke attacks then sue the attacker. The woman gave her life serving our nation and deserved better. Were it my relative , I would have broken bones on many of them !! Fact!!
Truly dishonorable people regardless of what religion they lay claim to. I am the same when I say, bust their sorry Christian asses just like I would say if they were muslim. I'm an equal opportunity fairminded ass-stomper myself. If the deed calls for punishment I do not care what religion the soon to be victim is..-Tyr

10-19-2012, 07:07 PM
Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

Wrong jafar. Despite their filthy, scummy techniques that would make maggots puke. Nobody is taking their 1st amendment rights away. That's the beauty...if you want to call it that, of FREE SPEECH.
The difference is. Most, mentally stable, common sense, sincere, respectful people who also have that 1st amendment right. Exercise that freedom of speech like Stable, Mentally Fit Human beings. Despite those who intend to prove otherwise.

On the same token. Because Drunk Drivers kill people each year due to their drinking, and driving. It doesn't work to punish the millions of other drivers who do not DRINK and DRIVE by taking their vehicles away.

10-19-2012, 07:11 PM

Topics: Donna Johnson (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/donna-johnson/) ♦ Patriot Guard Riders (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/patriot-guard-riders/) ♦ westboro baptist church (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/tag/westboro-baptist-church/)

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/wp-content/plugins/repostus/repostus_bttn_lng_repost.png (http://javascript<strong></strong>:void();)
A member of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church was tackled on Saturday by an angry soldier at a funeral for fallen Army Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson in North Carolina.
“So at the funeral today for Fallen Soldier Sgt. Johnson a Westboro member decided it would be smart to stomp on the American flag,” the blog Guardian of Valor (http://guardianofvalor.com/soldier-protects-old-glory-from-being-disgraced-by-westboro-baptist-church/) explained. “A Soldier did not take kindly to that and broke through the line, hitting one of the protesters that was disgracing Old Glory. As he was being arrested, two other Soldiers rescued the flag.”
The Westboro Baptist Church believes that God is punishing the United States because of America’s acceptance of homosexuality, and has gained infamy for picketing the funerals of public figures and military members.
<!-- RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2 --><iframe style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px" id="google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0" height="250" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" width="300" allowtransparency="" name="google_ads_iframe_/1010624/RS_V3_STORY_EMBEDDED_300_2_0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Johnson, 26, was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

http://1.rp-api.com/3068847/via.pngRaw Story (http://s.tt/1q8rb)(http://s.tt/1q8rb)
The Westboro scum make a mockery of our rigts, while disrespecting those that sacrifice so much to insure those rights. They agitate and provoke to get attacked then make money on lawsuits from those attacks. Were I ever to be involved the asshat I busted up would never come back to play such games.
That woman gave her life protecting this nation and they do this crap at her funeral. Too bad they all were not beaten half to death IMHO..-Tyr

Hell yes!!!!!!! :salute:

10-19-2012, 07:15 PM
First, the soldier didnt riot nor did he kill anybody.
Second , it wasnt about a cartoon or a nasty reply about God or Jesus.
Third, it was a funeral where custom and decency calls for respect. Respect that the scum never show and use foul tactics to provoke attacks then sue the attacker. The woman gave her life serving our nation and deserved better. Were it my relative , I would have broken bones on many of them !! Fact!!
Truly dishonorable people regardless of what religion they lay claim to. I am the same when I say, bust their sorry Christian asses just like I would say if they were muslim. I'm an equal opportunity fairminded ass-stomper myself. If the deed calls for punishment I do not care what religion the soon to be victim is..-Tyr

So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted. You would do the same if you were insulted. Where's the difference?!?

I strongly agree that a funeral was the wrong place to do this and that their freedom of speech should have been restricted by common decency and acting like civilised people. Much the same as you people should act like civilised members of the world community by kindly refraining from spreading lies about Islam and insulting us in the process.

10-19-2012, 07:22 PM
So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted. You would do the same if you were insulted. Where's the difference?!?

I strongly agree that a funeral was the wrong place to do this and that their freedom of speech should have been restricted by common decency and acting like civilised people. Much the same as you people should act like civilised members of the world community by kindly refraining from spreading lies about Islam and insulting us in the process.

Wrong again jafar. Speaking about what one might like to do, is totally different from actually taking action on what was said.
In this case. Those from that so-called Church attempted, and succeeded in the destruction, and interruption of a very Personal, Human celebration...called a Funeral, to remember the fallen soldier.

Tyr, and anyone else on this forum who announced WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO DO to those Westboro people is...Exercising their 1st amendment rights, without taking physical action.
Now. You tell us. You have never felt contempt, or anger against any other human being...throughout your life. And all of us will know what kind of person you are, vs. what you want us to believe you are.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2012, 07:28 PM
So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted. You would do the same if you were insulted. Where's the difference?!?

I strongly agree that a funeral was the wrong place to do this and that their freedom of speech should have been restricted by common decency and acting like civilised people. Much the same as you people should act like civilised members of the world community by kindly refraining from spreading lies about Islam and insulting us in the process.

Big difference is the time, the place and the function in which their disrespect is shown. If they go out into the streets ,not at a funeral of a fallen soldier and then protest I'd just laugh at them.
A matter of moral judgement and you 'll notice that I never mentioned killing any of them, just giving a damn fine ass stomping. Thats another HUGE difference. Apples and oranges amigo... -Tyr

10-20-2012, 05:26 AM
Wrong again jafar. Speaking about what one might like to do, is totally different from actually taking action on what was said.
In this case. Those from that so-called Church attempted, and succeeded in the destruction, and interruption of a very Personal, Human celebration...called a Funeral, to remember the fallen soldier.

Tyr, and anyone else on this forum who announced WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO DO to those Westboro people is...Exercising their 1st amendment rights, without taking physical action.
Now. You tell us. You have never felt contempt, or anger against any other human being...throughout your life. And all of us will know what kind of person you are, vs. what you want us to believe you are.

The last time I had a physical fight was at the end of primary school when I beat up the school bully after taking beatings for a few years. What does that tell you? :p

Big difference is the time, the place and the function in which their disrespect is shown. If they go out into the streets ,not at a funeral of a fallen soldier and then protest I'd just laugh at them.
A matter of moral judgement and you 'll notice that I never mentioned killing any of them, just giving a damn fine ass stomping. Thats another HUGE difference. Apples and oranges amigo... -Tyr

Exactly. They should have shut up and let the funeral happen. It goes back to my saying that if you offend someone badly enough, they are going to punch you in the nose. It is up to you to exercise your right to free speech in a way that will not get you punched in the nose and that includes shutting your big fat mouth sometimes.

10-20-2012, 05:57 AM
So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted. You would do the same if you were insulted. Where's the difference?!?

I strongly agree that a funeral was the wrong place to do this and that their freedom of speech should have been restricted by common decency and acting like civilised people. Much the same as you people should act like civilised members of the world community by kindly refraining from spreading lies about Islam and insulting us in the process.

A funeral is the wrong venue. A flag burning demonstration too is the wrong way to express contempt. Wrong, but permissible. To deny the ability is to deny the principle, a greater wrong. Thus, the law will come down on the side of the person(s) with bad taste. Hurtful, but important.

Abbey Marie
10-20-2012, 06:54 AM
The last time I had a physical fight was at the end of primary school when I beat up the school bully after taking beatings for a few years. What does that tell you? :p

It helps explain why you are anxious to make it illegal for people to offend.

10-20-2012, 07:33 AM
Mildly ironic that there was a fight at the funeral of a woman who gave her life to protect constitutional rights etc, because someone got pissed off that others were using those very rights.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Mildly ironic that there was a fight at the funeral of a woman who gave her life to protect constitutional rights etc, because someone got pissed off that others were using those very rights.

A big difference between using and abusing ,but you know that and apparently decided to ignore it. Right?

10-20-2012, 08:38 AM
Jafar, I note your comments / objections. Perhaps you've forgotten a certain British example of a Muslim desire to exercise THEIR right to free speech ?

I refer to Islam4uk's intention to use the very location where funeral processions of returning British war dead had been repeatedly seen, to make their own disgusting protests AGAINST our military forces being in Afghanistan.

Your Islamic chums cared not a jot for the comparative sanctity of the location, in terms of the special significance Wootton Bassett has held, for years, for the British Army and for the deep respect the citizens of Wootton Bassett in particular have shown to our war dead. They cared not at all for the grieving families for whom those processions would have had special meaning, at a time of great sensitivity. No, they wanted to show inhuman contempt for ALL of this, just to make their squalid pro-Islamic point.


Gordon Brown tonight condemned as "abhorrent and offensive" plans by a controversial Islamist group to stage a march through Wootton Bassett.

In a statement, the prime minister said the Wiltshire town had assumed a "special significance" in the life of the nation, which should be respected.

The leader of Islam4UK has said he will try to persuade people in Wootton Bassett to back an anti-war parade along the main street – the same route used to bring home the bodies of troops from Afghanistan (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/afghanistan).

Anjem Choudary , whose group is an offshoot of the radical al-Muhajiroun movement, has caused anger by calling for members to parade through the Wiltshire town carrying up to 500 coffins symbolising the Muslim dead from the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

Local politicians have asked Choudary to abandon the protest (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/protest) and a Facebook site dedicated to preventing the march quickly attracted more than 120,000 members.

Downing Street intervened in the growing controversy with a statement from the prime minister saying he was "personally appalled".

Brown said: "I believe that we as a nation should honour those brave servicemen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

"Wootton Bassett has a special significance for us all at this time, as it has been the scene of the repatriation of many members of our armed forces who have tragically fallen.

"Any attempt to use this location to cause further distress and suffering to those who have lost loved ones would be abhorrent and offensive."

Choudary said Wootton Bassett had been chosen because it would attract huge publicity and that he had not yet spoken to the police, who would have to approve the parade. He also had no date in mind, leaving him open to the accusation that the idea is a publicity stunt.

If you're going to be consistent, Jafar, you should be equally condemnatory towards your Islamist buddies of the FORMER 'Islam4uk' group, which as a result of announcing its intentions, received an official ban in the UK. Their disgusting plan earned them 'proscribed' status. And not before time !!

So, if free speech can indeed be taken too far, I cite my example as one of Muslims teaching us such a lesson, from what THEY are prepared to say, and do.

Wouldn't you agree ?

10-20-2012, 01:52 PM
Mildly ironic that there was a fight at the funeral of a woman who gave her life to protect constitutional rights etc, because someone got pissed off that others were using those very rights.

Noir. Were you born that disrespectful? Or did you learn how to be disrespectful, and disgusting in pre-school?

10-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Noir. Were you born that disrespectful? Or did you learn how to be disrespectful, and disgusting in pre-school?

Since when is it disrespectful to point out irony?

The only way it could of been more ironic would of been if the solider had killed the protester

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2012, 02:31 PM
Since when is it disrespectful to point out irony?

The only way it could of been more ironic would of been if the solider had killed the protester

Dont worry, the law will prosecute the soldier while the public at large celebrates his act. Our Constitution insures the right to protest and insures by Rule of Law the prosecution of anybody that breaks the law by interfering in that protest but society at large may choose to act upon the total disrespect that protests promotes against our nation and the solemn act that a funeral represents! Those people walk a damn fine line and will eventually get seriously hurt. Perhaps you forget that their antics are actually in protest of homosexuality in America. They pursue no true and valid course by the disrespectful actions that they take . They use and abuse the protest by disrespectful acts visited upon the dead and the families of those that died for our nation. Tit for tat baby.. I'd bust some heads and do my time.. Pay the price, deliver a bit of justice for the family of the fallen , these professional asshats be damned regradless of their religion....-Tyr

10-20-2012, 04:22 PM
Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

By lashing out violenty the man will be charged with assault. The protestors will go home with their right to offend people still intact.

10-20-2012, 04:22 PM
Quite frankly, I wish someone would in fact kill these westboro idiots. They obviously represent no religion, and have been going around to funerals like this for far too long. I suppose it is their "right" to use freedom of speech as an excuse, but more and more places are putting limitations on their actions and giving them distances they must stay away from at funerals. They are pure hate and have got to know they are picketing at funerals of innocent people. I truly believe they are doing it out of part hatred and part attention seeking. I hope someone loses it one day and runs them all over with an 18 wheeler. As many say, freedom of speech has limitations, and sometimes consequences.

10-20-2012, 04:32 PM
Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

It's a price worth paying, Jafar. Inalienable rights means inalienable rights. However, if their placement interferes with the movement of the funeral procession, it's no longer speech. Having said that it would be tempting for a judge to let that soldier plea bargain the charge to disorderly conduct with deferred judgement to spare the soldier a criminal record.

Dont worry, the law will prosecute the soldier while the public at large celebrates his act. Our Constitution insures the right to protest and insures by Rule of Law the prosecution of anybody that breaks the law by interfering in that protest but society at large may choose to act upon the total disrespect that protests promotes against our nation and the solemn act that a funeral represents! Those people walk a damn fine line and will eventually get seriously hurt. Perhaps you forget that their antics are actually in protest of homosexuality in America. They pursue no true and valid course by the disrespectful actions that they take . They use and abuse the protest by disrespectful acts visited upon the dead and the families of those that died for our nation. Tit for tat baby.. I'd bust some heads and do my time.. Pay the price, deliver a bit of justice for the family of the fallen , these professional asshats be damned regradless of their religion....-Tyr

Who are you to judge that? Either we have a First Amendment or we don't. Selective law enforcement validates the Obama regime and how they do business. You might want to wait until you're about 70 years old before busting heads unless you want to be in the labor market with a criminal record.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2012, 05:14 PM
It's a price worth paying, Jafar. Inalienable rights means inalienable rights. However, if their placement interferes with the movement of the funeral procession, it's no longer speech. Having said that it would be tempting for a judge to let that soldier plea bargain the charge to disorderly conduct with deferred judgement to spare the soldier a criminal record.

Who are you to judge that? Either we have a First Amendment or we don't. Selective law enforcement validates the Obama regime and how they do business. You might want to wait until you're about 70 years old before busting heads unless you want to be in the labor market with a criminal record.

Im fifty eight years old , spent the better part of 30 years busting heads. No criminal record , other than misdeameanor assault. Never used anything but my fists and yes it was the majority of the time my job. Only about 30 or 40 fights were personal non-job related.
I am the person that judges what I would do. I do believe that I mentioned = do the crime ,take the time and deliver a bit of justice. However that was not speaking to anything serious like killing, just beating their sorry asses. Which was my solemn vow should my nephew come home from Iraq to be buried and they show up!
I've never broken a vow and am careful what I vow..-Tyr

10-20-2012, 06:18 PM
Im fifty eight years old , spent the better part of 30 years busting heads. No criminal record , other than misdeameanor assault. Never used anything but my fists and yes it was the majority of the time my job. Only about 30 or 40 fights were personal non-job related.
I am the person that judges what I would do. I do believe that I mentioned = do the crime ,take the time and deliver a bit of justice. However that was not speaking to anything serious like killing, just beating their sorry asses. Which was my solemn vow should my nephew come home from Iraq to be buried and they show up!
I've never broken a vow and am careful what I vow..-Tyr

Someone should then be actively telling, and reminding the Obama administration. From top to bottom. They are forbidden from being SELECTIVE in who the First Amendment applies to as well.
Seems Mister Obama pretends the First Amendment is only respected, and useful when anyone who always agree's with him uses it to his benefit. Otherwise. As we have been seeing. The Obama methods of SELECTIVE use of the First Amendment are a violation of the Constitution. Just like his Disregard, and Ignoring of his OATH.

10-20-2012, 09:19 PM
Dont worry, the law will prosecute the soldier while the public at large celebrates his act. Our Constitution insures the right to protest and insures by Rule of Law the prosecution of anybody that breaks the law by interfering in that protest but society at large may choose to act upon the total disrespect that protests promotes against our nation and the solemn act that a funeral represents! Those people walk a damn fine line and will eventually get seriously hurt. Perhaps you forget that their antics are actually in protest of homosexuality in America. They pursue no true and valid course by the disrespectful actions that they take . They use and abuse the protest by disrespectful acts visited upon the dead and the families of those that died for our nation. Tit for tat baby.. I'd bust some heads and do my time.. Pay the price, deliver a bit of justice for the family of the fallen , these professional asshats be damned regradless of their religion....-Tyr

This group would likey do well as a topic point on the 'requirements of a christian' thread.

Also, again, my post was really nothing to do with them, moreso the situation.

10-20-2012, 11:55 PM
Quite frankly, I wish someone would in fact kill these westboro idiots. They obviously represent no religion, and have been going around to funerals like this for far too long. I suppose it is their "right" to use freedom of speech as an excuse, but more and more places are putting limitations on their actions and giving them distances they must stay away from at funerals. They are pure hate and have got to know they are picketing at funerals of innocent people. I truly believe they are doing it out of part hatred and part attention seeking. I hope someone loses it one day and runs them all over with an 18 wheeler. As many say, freedom of speech has limitations, and sometimes consequences.

I never thought you would come out with something similar to those violently protesting against insulting films about Islam. Now you understand how some of us may feel about constant insults against our faith.

10-20-2012, 11:57 PM
So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted. You would do the same if you were insulted. Where's the difference?!?

I strongly agree that a funeral was the wrong place to do this and that their freedom of speech should have been restricted by common decency and acting like civilised people. Much the same as you people should act like civilised members of the world community by kindly refraining from spreading lies about Islam and insulting us in the process.
just as soon as your "brothers" stop flying planes into buildings and attempting to blow people up!!
sounds like your tarquaia veil is slipping!

10-21-2012, 12:00 AM
I never thought you would come out with something similar to those violently protesting against insulting films about Islam. Now you understand how some of us may feel about constant insults against our faith.
There was no protest, I'm doubting the film exists too!

it was a well planned, expertly executed terror attack.
Even the obamessiah has admitted this!

10-21-2012, 12:55 AM
Here is a good example where unfettered freedom of speech may not be such a good thing. Aren't they exercising that right by stomping on the flag at a funeral? It's incredibly bad taste to do so, and perhaps they could have chosen a better place and time for thier protest. Their act of freedom of speech cause some to be so angry and offended that they lashed out violently.

I could point this incident out as a pot/kettle/black type incident next time you complain about Muslims rioting the next time Muslims are offended by freedom of speech, but I won't this time. It would be in bad taste :p

and it's for this reason there is a first amendment. Yes, their spiel is hateful and deplorable, yet we allow it. Granted there are limits imposed by communities, i.e., how many feet they must stand back of. Indeed, in most cases the community is involved, via firefighters/police vehicles, motorcycle vets or sympathizers. They drown them out, for the family.

10-21-2012, 04:29 AM
just as soon as your "brothers" stop flying planes into buildings and attempting to blow people up!!
sounds like your tarquaia veil is slipping!

Stop calling me a liar!

10-21-2012, 06:12 AM
Jafar, I note your comments / objections. Perhaps you've forgotten a certain British example of a Muslim desire to exercise THEIR right to free speech ?

I refer to Islam4uk's intention to use the very location where funeral processions of returning British war dead had been repeatedly seen, to make their own disgusting protests AGAINST our military forces being in Afghanistan.

Your Islamic chums cared not a jot for the comparative sanctity of the location, in terms of the special significance Wootton Bassett has held, for years, for the British Army and for the deep respect the citizens of Wootton Bassett in particular have shown to our war dead. They cared not at all for the grieving families for whom those processions would have had special meaning, at a time of great sensitivity. No, they wanted to show inhuman contempt for ALL of this, just to make their squalid pro-Islamic point.


If you're going to be consistent, Jafar, you should be equally condemnatory towards your Islamist buddies of the FORMER 'Islam4uk' group, which as a result of announcing its intentions, received an official ban in the UK. Their disgusting plan earned them 'proscribed' status. And not before time !!

So, if free speech can indeed be taken too far, I cite my example as one of Muslims teaching us such a lesson, from what THEY are prepared to say, and do.

Wouldn't you agree ?

I heartily agree they went too far as well. Most salafi groups do. Everyone knows they are fringe dwelling nutters.

10-21-2012, 07:54 AM
I never thought you would come out with something similar to those violently protesting against insulting films about Islam. Now you understand how some of us may feel about constant insults against our faith.

Solid principles transcend feelings. My God is big and powerful enough to deal with blasphemy, apparently yours is not. The United States has an inalienable right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Inalienable means inalienable.

red states rule
10-21-2012, 08:01 AM
I would like to get a bunch other folks together, we all have one of those Super Soakers filled with unine, have the max pressure on each Soaker, and let we all really do piss on them

So what if the cops step in? It would be worth the fine to do that to these vermin

10-21-2012, 09:53 AM
I fing it interesting that no one has pointed out that equating the actions of an individual at a funeral (an emotionally charged event to begin with) to the far more heinous actions executed regularly by a significant number of members of a major religion is disingenuous at best. It is also clear that a some posters have no conept of what "freedom of speech" means or what that right truly implies.

Personally, I find the entire idea that disagreeing with the tenants of a religion (any religion) is punishable by death more than just silly but it is also dangerous to freedom loving peoples anywhere on the planet. It was abhorent when the Romans persecuted Christians, it was abhorent when Christians persecuted pagans and Jews and it is abhorent now when Muslims espouse the same belief.

I fully expect that the soldier will face legal prosecution and pay the price for his actions. In the Muslim world, the soldier would have been justified in hacking off the head of as many members of the church in question as he could get his hands on. Not only would the soldier have been justified (according to some posters here) but admired as a hero by many. The disparity in views is glaringly obvious and very disconcerting in it's implications.

red states rule
10-21-2012, 09:56 AM
I fing it interesting that no one has pointed out that equating the actions of an individual at a funeral (an emotionally charged event to begin with) to the far more heinous actions executed regularly by a significant number of members of a major religion is disingenuous at best. It is also clear that a some posters have no conept of what "freedom of speech" means or what that right truly implies.

Personally, I find the entire idea that disagreeing with the tenants of a religion (any religion) is punishable by death more than just silly but it is also dangerous to freedom loving peoples anywhere on the planet. It was abhorent when the Romans persecuted Christians, it was abhorent when Christians persecuted pagans and Jews and it is abhorent now when Muslims espouse the same belief.

I fully expect that the soldier will face legal prosecution and pay the price for his actions. In the Muslim world, the soldier would have been justified in hacking off the head of as many members of the church in question as he could get his hands on. Not only would the soldier have been justified (according to some posters here) but admired as a hero by many. The disparity in views is glaringly obvious and very disconcerting in it's implications.

CSM, if it was up to me the soldier would get a promotion for what he did. The Westboro pigs got off lucky since the bastard stomping on the flag was able to walk away under his own power

10-21-2012, 10:13 AM
I never thought you would come out with something similar to those violently protesting against insulting films about Islam. Now you understand how some of us may feel about constant insults against our faith.

Sure, I see the similarities between soldiers at a funeral getting upset with protestors - at the funeral. Compare that to Muslims around the world killing innocent people and having raging riots, chanting "death to America", that's an entire nation in case you don't understand - over a film that no one is forced to watch, and has nothing to do with America, or the innocent people the animals are killing. Sure, I can see the connection! :rolleyes:

10-21-2012, 10:50 AM
I am a little surprised that the Patriot Guard wasn't there to get in on it. They have done a fine job in screening the families of fallen heroes from these Wesboro psuedo-religious scum.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/k56_o9XRQFQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2012, 07:25 PM
I am a little surprised that the Patriot Guard wasn't there to get in on it. They have done a fine job in screening the families of fallen heroes from these Wesboro psuedo-religious scum.

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/k56_o9XRQFQ" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Thanks - :clap: , they are indeed a truly awe inspiring group of caring people. The man was right , no grieving family should have to hear or see the Westboro group of disrespectful scum.--Tyr

10-21-2012, 09:03 PM
Here's something Westboro can't stop without a fight:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2012, 10:39 PM
Here's something Westboro can't stop without a fight:


Thanks for that video..---:beer:
Why doesnt our media highlight and promote such dedicated individuals that show such kindness and patriotism?
Why wouldnt obama and corrupt crew be inviting that man to the Whitehouse?
Both answers are so very revealing!
Vote the scum out!!!!--Tyr

10-21-2012, 11:49 PM
Sure, I see the similarities between soldiers at a funeral getting upset with protestors - at the funeral. Compare that to Muslims around the world killing innocent people and having raging riots, chanting "death to America", that's an entire nation in case you don't understand - over a film that no one is forced to watch, and has nothing to do with America, or the innocent people the animals are killing. Sure, I can see the connection! :rolleyes:

Not a dead horse remains unbeaten in this reply. :rolleyes:

10-22-2012, 07:34 AM
So you are no better than those who rioted when Muslims were insulted.

There's an obvious difference.....this soldier only attacked the person who was stomping on the flag......not some unrelated person thousands of miles away......

10-22-2012, 08:58 AM
Thanks for that video..---:beer:
Why doesnt our media highlight and promote such dedicated individuals that show such kindness and patriotism?
Why wouldnt obama and corrupt crew be inviting that man to the Whitehouse?
Both answers are so very revealing!
Vote the scum out!!!!--Tyr

Tyr. The MSM isn't in much of a Pro-America mood these days, when their One, and Only Beloved Obama has been striving to remove such information that appears to be Anti-Obama from the public view.

As for inviting that man to the White House. He's not a partisan kind of guy. Just an American, willing to do what Obama and company can't, and won't do. Remember. Obama sends out FORM LETTERS to the parents and families of Americans this man is Honoring.

Need we say anything more?

10-22-2012, 09:22 AM
Not a dead horse remains unbeaten in this reply. :rolleyes:

And yet it was on topic with my reply to Jafar, who made a direct comparison to the Westboro group protesting and people acting in response, to Muslims acting in response to something that upset them. So if you want to enter a thread yourself, reply OFF topic, and only to me, save yourself the time, no need to make an ass out of yourself when everyone already knows you're an ass.

10-22-2012, 09:23 AM
Not a dead horse remains unbeaten in this reply. :rolleyes:

Including you!

10-22-2012, 09:26 AM
Including you!

Gabby. So now. You are telling us. Your first name is "MR. ED"?