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View Full Version : Biden Says GOP Has ‘Bullets … Aimed at You,’ Confuses Afghanistan and Iran

10-22-2012, 05:47 AM

Vice President Joe Biden used controversial language to describe the GOP agenda in an exchange with an audience member in Las Vegas Thursday.

Biden referenced “Young Guns,” the book the Republican vice presidential nominee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., co-wrote with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., in his speech to union workers at the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas Events Center.

“They have guns but no bullets,” a member of the crowd shouted.

“Unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you,” Biden replied, pointing at the man who had spoken and prompting laughter from the audience.

Anyone else remember the Gabby Giffords shooting? How the liberal news media blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting because of her rhetoric?

Well, I remember. I guess this is just one more example.... one of a legion of examples of double standards in this election.

Moving along, the following is strictly for your entertainment:

“How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran?” Biden asked the audience.

In reply, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid raised his hand.

“How many of you know someone who has been injured or lost in Iraq or Iran?” Biden asked again. “Well, let me tell you something. We owe … these families more than we can ever pay them.”

As Biden continued, it became clear that rather than referring to a secret war, he had mixed up “Iran” and “Afghanistan.”

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 07:40 AM

Anyone else remember the Gabby Giffords shooting? How the liberal news media blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting because of her rhetoric?

Well, I remember. I guess this is just one more example.... one of a legion of examples of double standards in this election.

Moving along, the following is strictly for your entertainment:

His boss mixed up how manY states he wanted to -RULE- OVER!= 57..

10-22-2012, 02:59 PM
Does anyone recognize how STUPID BIDEN sounds? If anyone in Washington, or even here on the Internet said such a thing...USING THE WORD Bullets...as Joe did.

People would be screaming, and dialing the numbers for the FBI Office, or SECRET SERVICE....claiming the person who used the word BULLETS....was making threats against either Obama, or Biden.

Son of a Gun (if I dare use that phrase). It's a wonder I didn't realize.....I used the word BULLET, and BULLETS my self. Right here in this post.

NOTE: ( would everyone please PRETEND...you didn't see me say those words?) Thank you.

red states rule
10-24-2012, 03:28 AM
Well, you cannot expect Biden and Obama can talk about the last 4 years while they were in charge
