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red states rule
10-23-2012, 03:26 PM
Last night Obama LIED when he said he did not embark of his "Apology Tour"

Well, here is Obama making his apologies to other nations and bashing America


10-23-2012, 08:26 PM
As someone who gave 30 years of my life. Separated from family, out of the country for most of those years. I did so because of the Pride I had in calling my self an American Fighting man. Despite being in relative safety aboard seven different U.S. NAVY ships over those years. I served with thousands of other Americans. Just like me. During two major wars, and several, smaller military operations.

Then I retired from active duty in 1995. Expecting to learn how to enjoy being out of uniform, and conforming to the civilian way of life everyone who calls themself an American learns to expect.

But sadly. As times change. So to does the nation I served to protect, and defend. And we had to endure the First Liar. Bill Clinton for eight years. Then George W. Bush for eight years. And now. One of the worst, most prolific, dangerous men to ever win a national election. Barrack H. Obama has been working hard to DESTROY the Nation I gave my life to protect and defend.

And sadly for me. And countless millions of other Americans, in, and out of uniform. The America we once knew. Is on the brink of being Destroyed FROM WITHIN because selfish, uneducated, easily led, gullible, and very dangerous Americans are too stupid to know what they are doing.

November 6th, 2012. As FDR once said on December 8, 1941. We are facing a date in November of INFAMY.

red states rule
10-24-2012, 02:27 AM

10-24-2012, 08:31 AM

The closer we get to election day. The LESS Obama remembers Which lies he told, and in what order.

It was wonderful to see Romney be Honest as he looked at Obama Monday night, explaining why he called it "The Obama Apology Tour".

Obama had to come up with another lie to defend, and deny what everyone knew...was a true statement by Romney. And Romney remained sincere, and quietly spoke, while looking directly into those BEADY eyes full of contempt. After being confronted by Actual, Honest facts...he needed to deny....I mean..LIE about again.

red states rule
10-29-2012, 02:37 AM
Obama owes an apology to the US taxpayer for racking up over $6 trillion in debt, causiing a credit downgrade, which has increased the amount of interest that needs to be paid on the debt

Obama owes an apology to the secured creditors and non union workers that were screwed over in the auto bailout where the unions given everything they wanted in violation of established bankruptcy law

Obama owes an aploogy to the families of the four US citizens who were murdered in the Benghazi attack. Obama ignored his constitutional duties for political resaons and to try and win re-election. He later dismissed the attack as a "bump in the road". We have had weeks of lies, changing stories, and fallguys offered up in a lame attempt to sweep this story under the rug