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View Full Version : Trump: $5 Million for Charity if President Gives Up More Records

10-24-2012, 01:55 PM
so the question is will he release the records or not?

Donald J. Trump (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) says he'll make a five million dollar donation to the charity of President Obama's choice-if the President gives up his college records and his passport records.

Trump made the announcement via Twitter, Facebook, and a video he posted on YouTube.


10-24-2012, 01:58 PM
Mister Trump. Please take notice. The Obama, personal arm of the New Black Panthers will be knocking on your door. Very soon.

Tell your Bodyguards to be on Extra alert. Remember. They have threatened to Riot. And may start with You.

10-24-2012, 02:18 PM
I was hoping he really had something!

But it's just Trump being a disappointment as usual.

10-24-2012, 02:48 PM
I was hoping he really had something!

But it's just Trump being a disappointment as usual.

Wouldn't you like to be able to be that Disappointing some day? Sad thing is. Obama would never give in to that offer. It would expose more of his lies, and the people he has managed to fool thus far....still need to believe he's being honest with them...at least, until after the election.

10-24-2012, 02:59 PM
Was that Trump's idea of releasing a bombshell about Obama?
I really don't want Trump on my team. The guy's nothing but a media whore.
How about he just give the 5 million to a worthy charity and shut the hell up.

10-24-2012, 03:03 PM
Was that Trump's idea of releasing a bombshell about Obama?
I really don't want Trump on my team. The guy's nothing but a media whore.
How about he just give the 5 million to a worthy charity and shut the hell up.

Thunderknuckles. I tend to agree with you. But everyone hates him because he has more Money than the Treasury, and Obama combined right now. At least. Trump Assets have Value. Unlike the shrinking U.S. Dollar.

10-24-2012, 03:32 PM
Was that Trump's idea of releasing a bombshell about Obama?
I really don't want Trump on my team. The guy's nothing but a media whore.
How about he just give the 5 million to a worthy charity and shut the hell up.

Yeah, really. If he wants to give money to charity, go to it, and quit bothering the rest of us with these teasers that don't come to anything. Sheeeeeeeeeesh. What a disappointment. I was hoping he had some good dirt, but I knew he was probably just self-publicizing. What a time-waster! Trump should be ashamed of himself.

10-24-2012, 03:43 PM
Was that Trump's idea of releasing a bombshell about Obama?
I really don't want Trump on my team. The guy's nothing but a media whore.
How about he just give the 5 million to a worthy charity and shut the hell up.

Him, and that other twit Gloria Allred, both trying to get information on the candidates thinking they can change the election. Both known for getting in front of the cameras.

10-24-2012, 03:49 PM
Donald J. Trump (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) says he'll make a five million dollar donation to the charity of President Obama's choice-if the President gives up his college records and his passport records.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 04:57 PM
Simply brilliant ! Obama will refuse and people will be asking if he is so damn smart and honest what is he hiding!!??
How do I know obama will refuse? Answer, because obama has spent 4 years and much money to keep that all hidden. Nobody would do that if it wasnt very very bad!! Like it would show obama not being a genius, and involved in corruption/fraud even back then !

Why does this supposed honest brilliant man keep all that hidden?
trump should be praised for it..
america has a right to know the fraud they have been handed....-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 04:59 PM

Your picture?????

10-24-2012, 05:42 PM
Simply brilliant ! Obama will refuse and people will be asking if he is so damn smart and honest what is he hiding!!??

Simply stupid! Obama will laugh, the late nights will savage Trump, the birthers will be back in the spotlight, Romney will suffer some guilt by association...

Or from Trump's perspective, he will grab another 15 minutes of attention... OK, "brilliant" from that angle.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 05:51 PM
Simply stupid! Obama will laugh, the late nights will savage Trump, the birthers will be back in the spotlight, Romney will suffer some guilt by association...

Or from Trump's perspective, he will grab another 15 minutes of attention... OK, "brilliant" from that angle.

Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden?? Are you not bright enough to understand why obama does it? America has a right to know. Yet obama gets by with it because he has fools defending him in it.
If it were it Romney hiding such info you'd be among the first demanding it IMHO.-Tyr

Anton Chigurh
10-24-2012, 05:57 PM
People have so easily forgotten - college transcripts were a major issue in the 2004 election. The "intellectual candidate" Kerry kept harping on it, wanting to see Bush's transcripts, presumably to have some proof of what a dullard he was claimed to be. Keep in mind, Kerry wouldn't release his own transcripts during the campaign. Bush bowed to the pressure, and released his.

Then the following summer after the election, Kerry finally released his. And know what? The "intellectual candidate's" grades were slightly WORSE than Bush's! :laugh:

So yeah, I want to see the boy genius Obama's transcripts. I particularly want to read his writings of the time.

Somehow it was perfectly okay for a candidate and others to call for a sitting President's college transcripts just eight years ago, but it's not ok - in fact it's taboo - to do so now.

10-24-2012, 06:10 PM
If this is Trumps "really big" October surprise then I an deeply disappointed.

10-24-2012, 06:15 PM
If this is Trumps "really big" October surprise then I an deeply disappointed.

I'm not. He looks like he had his hair done with a deeper part to hide the HELOCOPTER LANDING ZONE.

10-24-2012, 06:17 PM
Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden?? Are you not bright enough to understand why obama does it? America has a right to know. Yet obama gets by with it because he has fools defending him in it.
If it were it Romney hiding such info you'd be among the first demanding it IMHO.-Tyr

Oh brother, can't you just read the post for what it is without going on conspiratorial rants? I don't agree with him hiding it I just think it's stupid and pointless to bring it up... unless your Trump and his motives are suspect. Nothing good will come from this from Romney's perspective.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 06:19 PM
If this is Trumps "really big" October surprise then I an deeply disappointed.

Not me. I applaud it because it highlights the deception and the false hypedc up image America was sold the first time around about obama being a greatr genius and man of integrity. When he refuses (and he will) to do so all honest folks must ask themselves why give up 5 million dollars? What could be that bad in those records!!

I'd say Trump was brilliant in doing this myself..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 06:22 PM
Oh brother, can't you just read the post for what it is without going on conspiratorial rants? I don't agree with him hiding it I just think it's stupid and pointless to bring it up... unless your Trump and his motives are suspect. Nothing good will come from this from Romney's perspective.

Read post number 14 which puts it very well. Then get back to me on it.:laugh2:

10-24-2012, 06:27 PM
Read post number 14 which puts it very well. Then get back to me on it.:laugh2:

Tyr. We must not lose sight of the expected, standard, always present Obama/Democrat double standards of hypocrisy they use so well.

We all know. It was too late to see the information needed...before Obama was elected. But his own, personal MSM protected him from the very start...because they FEARED being Honest to the AMERICAN People would also make them Racists.

10-24-2012, 06:55 PM
Simply stupid! Obama will laugh, the late nights will savage Trump, the birthers will be back in the spotlight, Romney will suffer some guilt by association...

Or from Trump's perspective, he will grab another 15 minutes of attention... OK, "brilliant" from that angle.

I agree, but with THIS, I'm pretty sure there won't be blowback on Romney. Just Trump, being the idiot he is.

10-24-2012, 07:01 PM
I agree, but with THIS, I'm pretty sure there won't be blowback on Romney. Just Trump, being the idiot he is.

Kathianne. Liberal, Democrat, Progressives NEED as much as they can find, or create to throw at Romney. They do this because they have NOTHING Obama has done...to Defend.

Like Obama has been doing since the last debate. And as Romney reminded him. Attacking him IS NOT a plan, or agenda that anyone wants to see, or hear.

Obama and company are basically like RATS, cornered on the main deck of a ship like the Titanic....and they are trying to make excuses WHY THEY SHOULDN'T JUMP IN THE WATER. So. The water will take them down anyhow.

10-24-2012, 08:43 PM
People have so easily forgotten - college transcripts were a major issue in the 2004 election. The "intellectual candidate" Kerry kept harping on it, wanting to see Bush's transcripts, presumably to have some proof of what a dullard he was claimed to be. Keep in mind, Kerry wouldn't release his own transcripts during the campaign. Bush bowed to the pressure, and released his.

Then the following summer after the election, Kerry finally released his. And know what? The "intellectual candidate's" grades were slightly WORSE than Bush's! :laugh:

So yeah, I want to see the boy genius Obama's transcripts. I particularly want to read his writings of the time.

Somehow it was perfectly okay for a candidate and others to call for a sitting President's college transcripts just eight years ago, but it's not ok - in fact it's taboo - to do so now.

Of course you are right ---- EVERYbody wants to see Obama's grades: you KNOW Harvard put him up as prez of the Law Review not because he had any kind of good academic record but because he was "clean and articulate," as Biden said. AND I want to see whether he said he was a foreign exchange student at any time because I BET he did. And what's more, I kind of suspect he really was a foreign exchange student ---

If he applied as a foreign student, he definitely isn't qualified to be president.

However, Trump should have had actual info, not this nonsense nothing.

10-24-2012, 08:46 PM
Of course you are right ---- EVERYbody wants to see Obama's grades: you KNOW Harvard put him up as prez of the Law Review not because he had any kind of good academic record but because he was "clean and articulate," as Biden said. AND I want to see whether he said he was a foreign exchange student at any time because I BET he did. And what's more, I kind of suspect he really was a foreign exchange student ---

If he applied as a foreign student, he definitely isn't qualified to be president.

However, Trump should have had actual info, not this nonsense nothing.

Really--his "watch me try to bribe the president" routine was a joke--right along with Allred's latest adventure.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 09:05 PM
Really--his "watch me try to bribe the president" routine was a joke--right along with Allred's latest adventure.

Really?? Explain how it is a bribe! Its a public offer genius, how many bribes are public offers?
Its a monetary reward for doing what he should have already done freely himself. The fact that he hasnt clearly reveals something very, very, VERY BAD.. 2=2= 4, hide this + hide that = BAD!!--You know it but will pretend otherwise.-Tyr

10-24-2012, 09:24 PM
Read post number 14 which puts it very well. Then get back to me on it.:laugh2:

It was a well written post, not by you not surprisingly, and I agree with it. It would be great to see the transcripts and records and likely tell us quite a bit about BO. However, none of that counters my first post; it's grandstanding and a non-starter.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 09:37 PM
It was a well written post, not by you not surprisingly, and I agree with it. It would be great to see the transcripts and records and likely tell us quite a bit about BO. However, none of that counters my first post; it's grandstanding and a non-starter.

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http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=587666#post587666)
Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden?? Are you not bright enough to understand why obama does it? America has a right to know. Yet obama gets by with it because he has fools defending him in it.
If it were it Romney hiding such info you'd be among the first demanding it IMHO.-Tyr

Oh brother, can't you just read the post for what it is without going on conspiratorial rants? I don't agree with him hiding it I just think it's stupid and pointless to bring it up... unless your Trump and his motives are suspect. Nothing good will come from this from Romney's perspective.

Amazing that you now agree with Anton's post after YOU having said the above comment " that it's stupid and pointless to bring it up".. when replying to me
Quite contradictary but hey its you, so we expect that..

Obvious that Anton's comment didnt think it stupid or pointless, (yet you agreed with it )
your bias shows quite clearly and it reveals a lack of integrity in posting.-Tyr

10-24-2012, 09:44 PM
Amazing that you now agree with Anton's post after YOU having said the above comment " that it's stupid and pointless to bring it up".. when replying to me
Quite contradictary but hey its you, so we expect that..-Tyr

Wow, you fail at copy/paste.

Look genius. There can be two things at play here; 1. It being stupid and pointless to bring it up, and 2. Still wanting to see the transcripts. It's really that simple.

In my first post in this thread, I said it was "simply stupid." You then asked, "Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden??" How in the world do get you get that I agree with keeping it hidden?


And you speak of integrity. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 09:46 PM
Wow, you fail at copy/paste.

Look genius. There can be two things at play here; 1. It being stupid and pointless to bring it up, and 2. Still wanting to see the transcripts. It's really that simple.

In my first post in this thread, I said it was "simply stupid." You then asked, "Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden??" How in the world do get you get that I agree with keeping it hidden?

Stop weaseling dude. You got caught man up..-:laugh2:
The two dont jive, get it..
To me you stated it was stupid and pointless but to Anton you agreed that it had a good point, that he made a good point.
Your attempted spin is an EPIC FAIL.---Tyr

10-24-2012, 09:49 PM
Stop weaseling dude. You got caught man up..-:laugh2:
The two dont jive, get it..--Tyr

Given your lack of reading comprehension abilities. I think I'm doing OK.

10-24-2012, 09:50 PM
Stop weaseling dude. You got caught man up..-:laugh2:
The two dont jive, get it..
To me you stated it was stupid and pointless but to Anton you agreed that it had a good point, that he made a good point.
Your attempted spin is an EPIC FAIL.---Tyr

Dude, get real. He makes a good point that we want to see it. He didn't address the political point of Trump grandstanding.

10-24-2012, 09:56 PM
I agree, but with THIS, I'm pretty sure there won't be blowback on Romney. Just Trump, being the idiot he is.

Yeah, you'r probably right about that. Just as long as his team steers clear.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 09:57 PM
Dude, get real. He makes a good point that we want to see it. He didn't address the political point of Trump grandstanding.

The more you moan baby the worse it gets!--:laugh2:
You got caught with your pants down and the horse backed up to the stump you were standing on.-:laugh:-Tyr

10-24-2012, 10:03 PM
The more you moan baby the worse it gets!--:laugh2:
You got caught with your pants down and the horse backed up to the stump you were standing on.-:laugh:-Tyr


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 10:05 PM


Anton Chigurh
10-24-2012, 10:35 PM
Dude, get real. He makes a good point that we want to see it. He didn't address the political point of Trump grandstanding.But, I will.

This of course is a stunt, and I see no upside for Trump in this other than the Tyrs of the world thinking he is some genius.


If Trump had done this while he was running, and without the birth certificate challenge, he would have at the very least had a legitimate point with millions of people actually listening. Now? It's more like, "Okay I couldn't get you on that COLB thing, but take THIS!"

And no one's really listening to him now.

He should take the 5 million he's ponying up here, and hire the best private investigative and security companies in the business to really dig up the treasure trove of carefully buried cat shit on this charlatan. I can tell them where to start - with a cat named Larry Sinclair, and the three unsolved, execution style murders of gay, black choir members of Obama's church - which happened fairly close together in late 2007, early 2008, starting right after Obama announced his candidacy.

Trump is wasting his time on self aggrandizing ploys such as this, and has nearly unlimited resources with which to actually, maybe, do some good.

Obama should be damn glad I'm not a billionaire....

10-25-2012, 07:30 AM
But, I will.

This of course is a stunt, and I see no upside for Trump in this other than the Tyrs of the world thinking he is some genius.


If Trump had done this while he was running, and without the birth certificate challenge, he would have at the very least had a legitimate point with millions of people actually listening. Now? It's more like, "Okay I couldn't get you on that COLB thing, but take THIS!"

And no one's really listening to him now.

True, true. Right now it's a nothing story except for red meat.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 07:48 AM
This of course is a stunt, and I see no upside for Trump in this other than the Tyrs of the world thinking he is some genius.

He didnt make his billions by being a dumb bastard!

He should take the 5 million he's ponying up here, and hire the best private investigative and security companies in the business to really dig up the treasure trove of carefully buried cat shit on this charlatan. I can tell them where to start - with a cat named Larry Sinclair, and the three unsolved, execution style murders of gay, black choir members of Obama's church - which happened fairly close together in late 2007, early 2008, starting right after Obama announced his candidacy.

More information on obama and what looks to be an accusation of being involved in someway with the deaths of 3 black gay church members!

That bamboy proves to be a real thug, possibly even a bisexual leftist muslim loving scumbag. :laugh:
Sho' glad it wasnt me that posted this accusation about obama because I'd have been laughed completely off the forum for it ! -Tyr

Anton Chigurh
10-25-2012, 08:26 AM
That bamboy proves to be a real thug, possibly even a bisexual leftist muslim loving scumbag. :laugh:
Sho' glad it wasnt me that posted this accusation about obama because I'd have been laughed completely off the forum for it ! -TyrThat stuff is nothing new, it first surfaced during the 2008 campaign. It still begs to be investigated. One of the victim's mothers even said she felt it had to do with Obama before she - oops - disappeared.

Any other time three gay black choir members are killed in succession from the same city, much less the same church - Oprah would be all over it, America's Most Wanted would profile it, there would be bloody murder screams of "SERIAL KILLER LOOSE IN CHICAGO!!!" but what happened was, a impenetrable wall of.... Silence.

And LOTS of internet scrubbing.

10-25-2012, 08:44 AM
Not me. I applaud it because it highlights the deception and the false hypedc up image America was sold the first time around about obama being a greatr genius and man of integrity. When he refuses (and he will) to do so all honest folks must ask themselves why give up 5 million dollars? What could be that bad in those records!!

I'd say Trump was brilliant in doing this myself..

I disagree; I think it's lame. It also opens up the opportunity for an Obamite like George Soros offering Romney ten million to his favorite charity to release his tax records. :slap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 09:02 AM
I disagree; I think it's lame. It also opens up the opportunity for an Obamite like George Soros offering Romney ten million to his favorite charity to release his tax records. :slap:

There is a big difference between tax records =sensitive info , and school records. For a thousand bucks I'll post all my school records but the price would be very much higher for me to post my tax records although I have nothing to hide there.. Romney almost certainly has done nothing illegal in regards to his taxes or else we would have seen proof of it by the dirty,corrupt opposition. Now obama has spent much money keeping his education records hidden which includes how it was paid for and who paid! A man would only hide that if it harms him or involved something illegal, like fraud. And fraud it most likely is IMHO.-For me that means its not lame but rather very important for the people to know.Tyr

10-25-2012, 10:46 AM
Simply stupid! Obama will laugh, the late nights will savage Trump, the birthers will be back in the spotlight, Romney will suffer some guilt by association...

Wow, three out of four in one 10 minute spot less than 6 hours later.

Obama to Leno: Issue with Trump ‘dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya’ (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-leno-trump-kenya-video-130707760--election.html)
Trump's offer--$5 million to the charity of the president's choice in exchange for the release of Obama's college and passport applications--was mocked mercilessly on Twitter (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/trump-announcement-obama-161111445--election.html).
On "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," President Barack Obama laughed it off, joking to Leno that the bad blood between him and the real estate mogul-turned-birther-conspiracy theorist "dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya."

10-25-2012, 11:19 AM
There is a big difference between tax records =sensitive info , and school records. For a thousand bucks I'll post all my school records but the price would be very much higher for me to post my tax records although I have nothing to hide there.. Romney almost certainly has done nothing illegal in regards to his taxes or else we would have seen proof of it by the dirty,corrupt opposition. Now obama has spent much money keeping his education records hidden which includes how it was paid for and who paid! A man would only hide that if it harms him or involved something illegal, like fraud. And fraud it most likely is IMHO.-For me that means its not lame but rather very important for the people to know.Tyr

I agree with everything you said which is why I think Trump's move was dumb. I'm sure that there is nothing in Romney's returns that are illegal, but The Obamites will make them controversial. I'm sure that Obama's school records are damning to him which is why no amount of money, like a measly 5 million, is going to get him to give them up.

10-25-2012, 01:15 PM
I disagree; I think it's lame. It also opens up the opportunity for an Obamite like George Soros offering Romney ten million to his favorite charity to release his tax records. :slap:

glockmail. I think it's lame too! But...that comes with a BUT. Anything that can cost Soros money in defending Obama is good.

Trump knew Obama WOULD NEVER do as he offered. Rich people do that kind of stuff all the time. Pretending to strut their stuff by bragging about spending Millions for useless causes like this.

As for Romney releasing any more tax records. The election is less than two weeks away.

It takes longer than that for Trump, or Obama to find something HONEST to say.