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red states rule
10-26-2012, 02:26 AM
As the election slips away, liberals show their tolerance towards those supporting the Romney/Ryan ticket

If this is going on before the election, what will Obama supporters do after Obama loses?


With all of that in mind, how are some liberals behaving in the run up to election day 2012? In Wisconsin, Walker derangement syndrome continues to metastasize. An openly gay Republican volunteer was sent to the hospital (http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/25/wisconsin-gop-campaign-worker-hospitalized-after-apparent-gay-bashing-assault/) by a deranged Leftist who labeled him a "traitor:"

“I was getting ready for work and there was a knock at the door,” Wood emailed The Daily Caller late Wednesday. “I opened it, and a guy wrapped a ligature around my neck, slammed my head into the doorway, and smashed my face into a mirror, telling me ‘You should have kept your [f*******] mouth shut.’” “He then kidney-punched me, while at the same time saying I was ‘warned,’ and continued to beat me,” he added. Wood said his attacker’s reference to a warning likely pointed to graffiti he found painted on his car last week. The vandalism included the phrases “house trained republican faggot,” “traitor,” and “ur like a jew 4 hitler.” Those slurs, he explained, were references to him being a gay Republican working to help Lee, a straight GOP candidate, defeat the openly gay Democrat Mark Pocan.

Also in Badgerland, the son of a Republican State Senator was badly beaten (http://www.nbc15.com/home/headlines/Son-of-State-Senator-Neal-Kedzie-Attacked-175307881.html) when he attempted to stop vandals from stealing his Romney/Ryan yard sign:

Early Friday morning Kedzie heard a noise, looked out his front window and saw someone stealing his Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan yard sign. He says, "I immediately opened up my front door, ran out off the front porch and said hey, you have something that belongs to me." Kedzie says the two men told him he was right and while one put the yard sign back in the ground the other walked around behind him. He says that's when they charged him and before he could defend himself he was in a choke hold. He says they punched him at least 20 times in the head ... Kedzie's injuries are visible. He says his head is still swollen and his eyes are still sore. He says, "During the beating they're saying things like Romney sucks and F-Romney and go Obama."

In Virginia, a Romney supporter watched in horror as an unidentified perpetrator literally torched her yard sign (http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Romney-Yard-Sign-Torched-in-Virginia-175707841.html):

The couple’s signs have been stolen in the past but never set on fire as a sign for Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was about 2 a.m. Monday. "The dogs were barking so I came downstairs and looked out my front window and there’s a gentleman standing on the front porch and I looked past him to see the sign in a fireball in my front yard," she said. Her first thought was that the sign was deliberately set on fire. "It’s one thing to spray-paint a sign or slash it or steal it," she said. "It’s another to set it on fire. That’s wrong." "Due to the nature of the call, we did turn the case over to the fire marshal’s office for Loudoun County," Leesburg Police Officer Chris Tidmore said.

And as Katie mentioned (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/10/25/rep_jim_morans_son_resign_from_campaign_after_bein g_caught_on_tape_encouraging_voter_fraud) earlier, conservatives in Florida are receiving mysterious letters questioning their eligibility to vote and warning of potential criminal consequences for doing so. The state's Republican Party chairman was even targeted by the hoax (http://www.wtsp.com/news/topstories/article/279560/250/FBI-joins-Floridas-voter-letter-fraud-investigation):

Florida Democrats have spent quite a lot of energy complaining about the new voter ID law (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/06/09/follow_up_what_prompted_wasserman_schultzs_jim_cro w_statement) in the Sunshine State, predictably whining about illusory (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/06/07/dnc_chair_gop_aims_to_literally_drag_the_country_b ack_to_jim_crow_era) "voter suppression" at every step. Here's a cut-and-dried instance of verifiable, targeted, partisan voter suppression. Will Democrats notice or care? My aim here is not to impute the egregious behavior of a few unhinged liberals onto the Democrat Party as a whole; there are bad apples on both sides of the aisle. But I'm tired of the Left regularly slandering conservatives for supposed "violent" tendencies, almost always with zero evidence. Enough of the sanctimonious "new tone" lectures. Spare me, and heal thyself.

UPDATE - Another: A Florida veteran's American flags and Romney signs (http://www.clickorlando.com/news/Lake-County-veteran-s-Mitt-Romney-signs-flags-torched-in-yard/-/1637132/17135018/-/14gkcooz/-/index.html) were torched in his front yard.

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2012/10/25/ugly_liberals_turn_to_dirty_tricks_violence_as_ele ction_approaches

10-26-2012, 03:53 PM
Bet the Mayor's of most notable Democrat led cities are now hoping, and wishing for Obama to lose the election.

It's probably the only ONE ANSWER any of them have in looking for more Federal Funds to remove the BURNT OUT, rotting old Ghetto portions of their cities...that will be set on fire...AS LONG AS OBAMA LOSES....and as PROMISED by those who Need to SELL more Drugs.

10-26-2012, 04:01 PM
Interesting how none of this is reported by the liberal media...........

10-26-2012, 05:33 PM
Interesting how none of this is reported by the liberal media...........

Much like none of the so=called Liberal Media...otherwise known as the Obama Defense League, who has been totally unwilling to investigate, or report honestly about Obama, or Democrats. Reporting this kind of stuff could be harmful to their Biased positions, and the threats of exposing Obama or Democrats with actual, honest facts...is totally Un-Liberal in nature.

red states rule
10-27-2012, 07:33 AM
and the liberal tolerance continues to flow

Obama Supporters Continue Threats To Riot, Assassinate Romney (http://www.infowars.com/obama-supporters-continue-threats-to-riot-assassinate-romney/)
Secret Service attention fails to dampen violent Twitter comments

Paul Joseph Watson

October 23, 2012

Despite the issue garnering a significant amount of media interest as well as the attention of the Secret Service, Obama supporters continued their threats to riot and assassinate Mitt Romney if Obama loses in the aftermath of last night’s presidential debate.

As we reported last week (http://www.prisonplanet.com/threats-to-assassinate-romney-explode-after-debate.html), Twitter has been flooded recently with violent comments from Obama supporters. The increase in volume of the comments seemed to coincide with Romney’s poll numbers edging higher against Obama.

Not only have Obama voters been making open threats that they will riot and cause mayhem, they have also been caught making direct threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, prompting the Secret Service to announce (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/secret-service-aware-threats-against-romney_654788.html) that it was “aware” of the threats and would “conduct appropriate follow up if necessary.”

Despite the fact that the media reported extensively on threats made against Obama prior to the 2008 election (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_threats_against_Barack_Obama#2008), their silence on the threats made against Romney has been deafening. Indeed, the act of a few old guys hanging up empty chairs in reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech garnered substantially more coverage (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/20/13989510-empty-chair-lynchings-anti-obama-protests-gone-too-far?lite) and concern from the press compared to hundreds if not thousands of tweets threatening violence against Mitt Romney.

Americans who simply display political signs expressing opposition to Obama’s policies have been treated as potential violent threats by authorities in the past (http://www.lifenews.com/2009/02/19/state-3871/), and yet not a single Twitter user has faced retribution for making direct and sometimes graphic death threats against Romney.

Leftists routinely cry foul and attempt to demonize conservatives as violent extremists whenever online rhetoric gets heated, and yet when their own engage in even worse conduct, their behavior is absolved and the media is disinterested.

Before the Secret Service announced they were investigating the threats, Obama front group Think Progress attempted to imply that the whole story was somehow a racist contrivance (http://www.infowars.com/obama-front-group-accuses-drudge-infowars-of-race-baiting/) dreamed up by the Drudge Report and Infowars.

Here are just a selection of tweets from Obama supporters threatening riots and violence during and after last night’s foreign policy debate. There are too many to reprint in full.If the Secret Service does plan on following this up, they are going to be very busy indeed.

10-27-2012, 12:00 PM
and the liberal tolerance continues to flow

red states rule. FIRST. If I had any connection to TWITTER, or any means to identify those who make such threats. I would happily allow the FBI, and SECRET SERVICE to get a Search Warrant...according to Law. And allow them to search my database, and the servers used by TWITTER, to disclose the violent users. And punish them, exactly the same way they would, and have punished Idiots across the Internet.

If you threaten ANYONE's life, in any way in a public forum like the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, or any other Internet domain source. YOU WILL BE FOUND, and PUNISHED according to present, Federal, and State laws.

And....in addition. When the ACLU, or Jesse the Racist Jackson jump in to defend the culprits. I would also include A.G. Holder, and Obama in any court proceedings since BOTH named men...Intentionally INCITE Racial Violence as well.

10-27-2012, 12:12 PM
I hope Romney stops all welfare and foodstamps to the lazy.
Then you will see riots, you may also see why the second amendment is needed!!

red states rule
10-28-2012, 04:25 AM
red states rule. FIRST. If I had any connection to TWITTER, or any means to identify those who make such threats. I would happily allow the FBI, and SECRET SERVICE to get a Search Warrant...according to Law. And allow them to search my database, and the servers used by TWITTER, to disclose the violent users. And punish them, exactly the same way they would, and have punished Idiots across the Internet.

If you threaten ANYONE's life, in any way in a public forum like the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, or any other Internet domain source. YOU WILL BE FOUND, and PUNISHED according to present, Federal, and State laws.

And....in addition. When the ACLU, or Jesse the Racist Jackson jump in to defend the culprits. I would also include A.G. Holder, and Obama in any court proceedings since BOTH named men...Intentionally INCITE Racial Violence as well.

I am sure these twits have already had a vist from the FBI and Secret Service

Yet we are told how Obama has been recieved the respect he has deserved as if the 8 years of GW Bush never happened

If you watch the entire video lsten to Rachel Maddow and her Obama loving guest discuss the "hate" from the right towards Obama as the video shows the tolerance libs showed GWB for 8 years
