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View Full Version : Polls coming in after 3rd debate: Romney drawing farther ahead

10-27-2012, 01:02 PM
As polls start to come in after the 3rd (and last) Presidential debate, more and more of them show Mitt Romney ahead by up to 5%. The RealClearPolitics average of polls show Romney with a 1.0% lead, the biggest lead he's had this year. He is also gaining in states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, while being distinctly ahead in Florida and other swing states.

And keep in mind that many of these polls are the ones that still sample far more Democrats than Republicans, though it looks likely that more Republicans will vote on Nov. 6, 2012 than Democrats, just as they did in Nov. 2010. The leads aren't huge (yet ;) ), but they mean that if the election were held today and people voted as they responded to the polls, Romney would win.

Note for those who insist Obama won the 2nd or 3rd debates: He didn't gain any votes after any of them, and in fact continues to lose votes. What other kind of "winning" matters?
Maybe next election, Demmies. :salute:


Abbey Marie
10-27-2012, 02:23 PM
Shhh! If they hear this, they'll just cheat even more.

red states rule
10-27-2012, 02:33 PM
Shhh! If they hear this, they'll just cheat even more.\\

Well since the left is already making excuses for the pending Obama loss, the margin of victory for Romney must be outside the margin of cheat

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Shhh! If they hear this, they'll just cheat even more.

I believe that they are cheating at max level right now. But true, they may find a way to zombie up some more dead voters. Voting while dead being a luxury only dems seem to find after dying. -Tyr

10-27-2012, 02:39 PM
I believe that they are cheating at max level right now. But true, they may find a way to zombie up some more dead voters. Voting while dead being a luxury only dems seem to find after dying. -Tyr

Tyr. None of us should ever forget. No matter how much cheating the Democrats manage to do...while denying that they cheat. How their Wizard of OZ old-woman leader, and Wicked Witch...Literally of the WEST...Nancy (Botox) Pelosi WILL INSIST...even if Obama loses. That "WE DEMOCRATS NEVER LOSE, AND ALWAYS WIN....EVEN WHEN WE LOSE!"

They will instruct young, Black, Angry, Unemployed, Gang members, and Youth to TAKE TO THE STREETS if Obama loses. And Democrats will have something else to BLAME on Republicans....or BUSH again.

10-27-2012, 03:11 PM
I Blame Bush!!

Robert A Whit
10-27-2012, 03:41 PM
CSPAN put on some dude that works for the newspaper in North Caroline and that jerk is reporting on early ballots claiming Obama is leading.

This should be banned. What the hell is up with that program? The CSPAN guy is a black.

Imagine that.

I mean the employee, not the reporter.

10-27-2012, 05:34 PM
CSPAN put on some dude that works for the newspaper in North Caroline and that jerk is reporting on early ballots claiming Obama is leading.

This should be banned. What the hell is up with that program? The CSPAN guy is a black.

Imagine that.

I mean the employee, not the reporter.

Robert. Do you happen to remember Hillary Clinton's famous line about the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"?

Think about that in reverse now. That reporter, or whatever he is. Is nothing more than an assigned, designated, planted Liberal. Put there to TALK UP whatever is happening, and it MUST be PRO-OBAMA. Better known as the "VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY".

We must all remember. And keep in mind. Politics is a DIRTY, DIRTY, SOMETIMES DEADLY Business..

10-27-2012, 07:47 PM
CSPAN put on some dude that works for the newspaper in North Caroline and that jerk is reporting on early ballots claiming Obama is leading.

Are they reporting results or are they reporting that more "democrats" have voted than "republicans"? I've heard that explanation before regarding absentee ballots but I imagine it depends on the state. Either way I don't think they should report results of any kind.

10-28-2012, 09:25 AM
CSPAN put on some dude that works for the newspaper in North Caroline and that jerk is reporting on early ballots claiming Obama is leading.

This should be banned. What the hell is up with that program? The CSPAN guy is a black.

Imagine that.

I mean the employee, not the reporter.

For some reason, the early voting is regularly leftwing. I don't know why -- more city voting goes early?

Remember during the 2004 election when Kerry voters all voted in the morning and the media was reporting a projected Kerry win? Which vanished during the afternoon.

So I think reports like this are meaningless and I agree if they are reporting actual vote counts instead of exit polling, that's not right and it should be stopped.

10-28-2012, 09:28 AM
The RCP averages have been stagnant for days now: Romney a point ahead in the national polls that don't matter, and in the battleground states, 8 states for Obama and 4 for Romney. Days.

So I think Romney's momentum shift stopped as of the third debate, or maybe with this Mourdock stuff going on now. Which is balanced by the bad Benghazi news for Obama. And the hurricane coming, which has distracted everyone.

I think the momentum shift has stopped, and it seems to be in Obama's favor. We'll be able to tell better this coming weekend.

Mr. P
10-28-2012, 12:10 PM
CSPAN put on some dude that works for the newspaper in North Caroline and that jerk is reporting on early ballots claiming Obama is leading.

This should be banned. What the hell is up with that program? The CSPAN guy is a black.

Imagine that.

I mean the employee, not the reporter.

Not to worry, MOST Obamabots don't know what CSPAN is let alone watch it. Just sayin

I agree reporting of early ballot results should be banned, in fact made illegal/criminal.