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View Full Version : Do ideological buzz words make you tune out?

10-28-2012, 01:12 PM
If you want to see what's on the leftist menu, you can look at MSNBC, Granma, The Guardian. If you want to see what's on the rightist menu, you can check out at cnsnews, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, The London Telegraph and many more. If you have any doubt where the ideological stance on an issue is, you can satisfy your curiosity in pretty short order. When someone just regurgitates what can easily be looked up it's a waste of time and shows lack of effort and/or intelligence from whomever is doing such communicating. Why listen to a repeat of what you've already read? Some of the buzz words that cause me to stop reading are: Neo-con, socialist, muslim, anti-choice, pro-death, corporate greed, tea bagger, regressive, Christian right, fundamentalist, warmonger, Koch brothers, one percenter, zionist, rethuglican, repuglican, democrap, racist, anti-women, bigot. There are more, but even if I agree with your position, thoughtless or lazy communication is a turn off.

10-29-2012, 08:48 AM
I have been tuning out quite a few threads of late.

10-30-2012, 02:00 AM