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View Full Version : Hurricane forces Obama to balance governing, campaigning

red states rule
10-29-2012, 12:40 PM
Once again, the liberal media shows it does not give a damn how this storm will effect tens of millions of people - but are worried it will take time away from Obama from trying to save his job

To them this is a news story while people worry about losing their homes and everything they own

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama faced the delicate task on Sunday of balancing his response to a potentially huge natural disaster with his own tough re-election effort as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the U.S. East Coast nine days before Election Day.

Trying to demonstrate that he had learned the lessons of White House predecessor George W. Bush's botched handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Obama sought to project the image of a president fully engaged in marshaling resources to deal with a looming national emergency.
Visiting the federal storm-response headquarters in Washington, Obama warned East Coast residents to prepare for a "serious and big" storm that will be slow-moving and might take time to clear up. But he vowed the government would "respond big and respond fast" after it strikes.

Even as he pledged to stay on top of the storm threat, Obama - after shuffling his campaign travel because of the approaching hurricane - stuck to his plan to fly to Florida on Sunday night for a rally in Orlando on Monday.

But he scrapped an appearance later in the day in Ohio - considered the most critical election swing state - so that he could return to Washington to monitor what could be one of the largest storms to ever hit the U.S. mainland.

The hurricane threat also scrambled Republican challenger Mitt Romney's schedule, but he too was going ahead with some of his events.

With Sandy forecast to barrel ashore between the mid-Atlantic states to New England late on Monday, Obama faces an increased risk to his prospects in a tight presidential race if the government's emergency apparatus fails to perform well. Voters go to the polls nationwide on November 6.


10-29-2012, 03:02 PM
His speeches are still fucked up, it's like he is still campaigning against Bush!!

red states rule
10-30-2012, 06:28 AM
and it should come as no surprise who is worried about those impacted by Sandy and who is worried about the election

As of Sunday at 6:45 ET, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus had tweeted prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Sandy.
http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/ScreenShot2012-10-28at63833PM.png (https://twitter.com/Reince/status/262681786075734018)

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, didn't do the same.

http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/ScreenShot2012-10-28at63913PM.png (https://twitter.com/DWStweets/with_replies)
The lack of concern from DWS isn't surprising. After all, (http://washingtonexaminer.com/hurricane-isaac-disrupting-democrats-plans-to-disrupt-gop-convention/article/2505975#.UI5ruBh5Hx4) she ignored people in her own district facing Hurricane Isaac back in August in order to crash the RNC.

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/10/29/rnc_chairman_sends_hurricane_prayers_dnc_chair_not _so_much

10-30-2012, 07:42 AM
As of Sunday..,

You'll be no doubt glad to know that as of Monday she had tweeted about the hurricane.

Again, your hackiness is shinning through.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 09:00 AM
It took a massive and disasterious hurricane to make this asshat go do some of his real duties as President. And thats so rare, so marvelous that the media glorifies him in it!! You can bet your last dime some advisers had to talk him into doing it by pointing out that if he didnt do it the results would be very bad on his getting reelected. In short, its really being done BY HIM simply because of the election otherwise he wouldnt be actually trying to be truly presidential.
Good God , these asshat supporters are stupid and gullible, "look at our guy , he is actually doing his job, isnt that marvelous"?
We can blame a large section of our citizens for being stupid and gullible as hell but greater blame should fall on the MainStream media, for what they do is nothing less than treasonous and corrupt IMHO.-Tyr