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View Full Version : Ummm, guys, Hurricane Sandy isn't that big

10-30-2012, 02:38 PM
OK, I know, there's no such thing as a little hurricane.

But Katrina was a Category 4, wasn't it, with winds topping 150mph? Sandy is maybe a Cat 1, max winds around 80mph and gusts to 90?

If Sandy had hit New Orleans dead on like Katrina did, people there would mostly brush it off, "just another hurricane, no big deal", they get them fairly frequently down there. They board up the windows, stock up on batteries and Coleman fuel, and either visit their aunt in Denver or just ride it out.

What's different about Sandy isn't the hurricane itself. It's that it hit 60 million people, not 15 million like Katrina did... and it was 60 million who aren't used to hurricanes in an area far less prepared for one. 80mph winds, huge rain, and storm surges along the shore are still nothng to sneeze at.

And Sandy is hitting *newspapermen* right where they live: Manhattan and Washington DC. That's the real reason for all the consternation and screaming. "Journalists" who went to NO to cover Katrina, felt like they were visiting a foreign land (well, for them, maybe they were: The United States of America), not seeing something that was happening to THEM. But Sandy is hitting them right between the eyes: They CAN'T get away from it.

Katrina was huge and unusually powerful; Sandy is only average as hurricanes go. But Sandy is hitting journalists where they live... and that makes it news.

10-30-2012, 03:06 PM
Of course it's bigger news when a disaster hits the most important part of the country.

Robert A Whit
10-30-2012, 03:14 PM
If you are flooded and lost a lot of what you hold dear, it won't matter if you compare to Katrina or not.

While the media is interested in this huge storm, they also were super interested in Katrina.

I blame the media for not clearing up that in Katrina it was not Bush's fault. FEMA performed well.

Bush performed well.

Blanco refused to work with Bush until it was far too late. She tied his hands. She had to ask for help and she kept refusing.

Bush was CIC over the coast guard and we can thank the Coast guard for saving over 100,000 lives. When Blanco sat on her behind, what could Bush do given he had to follow the law?

As to the damage of the East Coast, I suspect it will loom huge. Time will tell.

10-30-2012, 03:47 PM
Sandy had the barometric pressure of a Category 4 storm. It's overall size is larger than Katrina. The reason Katrina had larger wind speeds is due to being a tighter storm that fed off warm waters, as opposed to the cooler waters that fed Sandy.

10-30-2012, 04:39 PM
Of course it's bigger news when a disaster hits the most important part of the country.
New York ain't that important !!
hardly anyone on welfare in New York!

10-30-2012, 04:42 PM
It was a pretty large storm, with a storm surge as big as Katrina.
my wife and I are a little bummed that we missed it, but hey , Sandy extended our trip to England and Scotland by another 4 days!!

Robert A Whit
10-30-2012, 04:48 PM
Sandy had the barometric pressure of a Category 4 storm. It's overall size is larger than Katrina. The reason Katrina had larger wind speeds is due to being a tighter storm that fed off warm waters, as opposed to the cooler waters that fed Sandy.

That is not what the SF Bay Area news reports stated. They state it was a cat 1 when it landed. Even so, that was so bad that I saw the video showing the crane BOOM toppling. The Boom is the part that sticks up and has wire lines on it to lift loads. Something in my opinion snapped allowing the boom to fall over. Thank GOD it did not fall off the building. Even when Katrina hit land, I believe it was in the area of a Cat 3 storm. The damage to NO mostly came from the flood. Floods like that are almost impossible to predict. The NO flood depended on some unique factors.

They measure hurricanes using a barometer and it is not possible for the barometer to show maybe a Cat 1 hurricane but be a 4 in real life. Either it is a 1 or a 4, but not both.

Make no mistake, wind speeds vary even in hurricanes so I believe they clock the maximum speeds. NJ would be in deep trouble had a 4 hit it dead on.

Robert A Whit
10-30-2012, 04:52 PM
If a person took careful note of what they saw on TV, we know that Sandy was spread out over a wider area than Katrina. I believe that while Sandy was about 1000 miles in diameter, Katrina was about 300 miles in diameter.

I am not sure that as far north as Sandy hit that the area of impact was as well prepared for hurricanes as is Florida and the Gulf area states are.

10-30-2012, 05:40 PM
Does it really matter whether Sandy was, or wasn't that big to some?

Try telling that to the millions who were, and are still be affected with what took place. From the smallest amount of damage, to those who lost their homes to fires...because Firefighters couldn't reach, or didn't have any way to put those fires out.

Try telling the families of people who were injured, or died during this storm....it wasn't that big.

Why does anyone have to make such claims about such things. If for no other reason than that seemingly needed 15 minutes of NON Human fame????

10-31-2012, 05:21 AM
Anyone blame white people yet?

10-31-2012, 05:31 AM
Anyone blame white people yet?

Or Bush?
Or the Jooooooooooooos?

10-31-2012, 06:55 AM
If you are flooded and lost a lot of what you hold dear, it won't matter if you compare to Katrina or not.

While the media is interested in this huge storm, they also were super interested in Katrina.

I blame the media for not clearing up that in Katrina it was not Bush's fault. FEMA performed well.

Bush performed well.

Blanco refused to work with Bush until it was far too late. She tied his hands. She had to ask for help and she kept refusing.

Bush was CIC over the coast guard and we can thank the Coast guard for saving over 100,000 lives. When Blanco sat on her behind, what could Bush do given he had to follow the law?

As to the damage of the East Coast, I suspect it will loom huge. Time will tell.

I have it from reliable sources that Bush's Army Corps of Engineers bombed the levees in New Orleans. Of course the flood from Katrina was Bush's fault.

"levee was bombed by the Army Corps of Engineers "

Raw transcript of comments by NOLA evacuee Clara Barthelemy:

"The 17th Street levee was bombed by the Army Corps of Engineers to save the more valuable
real estate in the city… to keep the French Quarter protected, the Ninth Ward was sacrificed…
people are afraid to speak out… everyone who was near there heard the bombings… they bombed
seven times. That’s why they didn’t fix the levees… 20 feet of water. Gators. People dying in
water. They let the parishes go, not the city center. Tourist trap was saved over human life."


10-31-2012, 09:19 AM
Hasn't sandy been classified as a tropical storm and not a hurricane?

10-31-2012, 10:27 AM
I heard Dubya is going to fly over Manhattan before he goes off to play golf in Florida. :rolleyes:

10-31-2012, 11:31 AM
Dubya, the liberal obsession!!
he's history! Get over it!!

10-31-2012, 12:15 PM
OK, I know, there's no such thing as a little hurricane.

But Katrina was a Category 4, wasn't it, with winds topping 150mph? Sandy is maybe a Cat 1, max winds around 80mph and gusts to 90?

If Sandy had hit New Orleans dead on like Katrina did, people there would mostly brush it off, "just another hurricane, no big deal", they get them fairly frequently down there. They board up the windows, stock up on batteries and Coleman fuel, and either visit their aunt in Denver or just ride it out.

What's different about Sandy isn't the hurricane itself. It's that it hit 60 million people, not 15 million like Katrina did... and it was 60 million who aren't used to hurricanes in an area far less prepared for one. 80mph winds, huge rain, and storm surges along the shore are still nothng to sneeze at.

And Sandy is hitting *newspapermen* right where they live: Manhattan and Washington DC. That's the real reason for all the consternation and screaming. "Journalists" who went to NO to cover Katrina, felt like they were visiting a foreign land (well, for them, maybe they were: The United States of America), not seeing something that was happening to THEM. But Sandy is hitting them right between the eyes: They CAN'T get away from it.

Katrina was huge and unusually powerful; Sandy is only average as hurricanes go. But Sandy is hitting journalists where they live... and that makes it news.

tell all that to me after i pry my neighbors 30 foot boat out of my livingroom

think b4 you post.... they are pulling bodies from my neighborhood and i lost my house...

so shut the fuck up....

10-31-2012, 12:43 PM
tell all that to me after i pry my neighbors 30 foot boat out of my livingroom

think b4 you post.... they are pulling bodies from my neighborhood and i lost my house...

so shut the fuck up....

I agree, anyone downplaying the monstrosity that hit the NY metropolitan area and surrounding states is ignorant and not getting enough news. There are complete towns gone. Breezy Point NY washed away, and what was left burned over 100 homes down. The entire Jersey coastline is gone. Rye Playland beach by me, destroyed. Untold billions of damage and that's not counting lost business and product. My neighborhood alone is pretty much a war zone. There's no less than 1000 trees down, some homes destroyed, the shoreline ruined any house within 1000yds, and I can't even begin to explain the amount of things damaged or ruined. It's just complete devastation on the shore lines from Atlantic City, NJ all the way to the Connecticut shores, and who knows where else. Inland didn't get the tidal floods, but still billions of dollars in damage to houses, cars, businesses, wiring and other infrastructure. And after all of that, this doesn't count the lost lives. It's much too early to give a definitive count, but I believe it was at like 70 the last time I heard.

Sure, it was "only" a category 1. But the pressure was enough to have the worst water levels in the HISTORY of the NYC area. it was 9 1/2 feet above the record in NYC and 11 1/2 feet above the record in the Long Island areas. Every subway was flooded, every rail line damaged and the first time that Wall Street shut down due to weather since 1888. People are still stuck in high rises in lower Manhattan since this started and have no way out. It may have been a "less powerful" wind effect from this storm, but the width and total devastation is something that the Northeast Coast has rarely, if ever, seen before. Any downplaying of this right now is just plain ignorant, and a smack into the faces of those who lost loved ones or lost their homes or livelihoods.

10-31-2012, 12:52 PM
I heard Dubya is going to fly over Manhattan before he goes off to play golf in Florida. :rolleyes:

Thanks gabby. You beat Obama to it. Playing the Losing Bush Blame game again.

10-31-2012, 12:58 PM
Thanks gabby. You beat Obama to it. Playing the Losing Bush Blame game again.
AboutTime..... will call you in 5 mins

give you the first hand update...

10-31-2012, 02:08 PM
For a storm that "isn't that big", projections are now looking at approximately $50 billion dollars...

Hurricane Sandy cost may hit $50 billionhttp://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/sandy-cost-hit-50-billion-article-1.1194978

10-31-2012, 02:51 PM
For a storm that "isn't that big", projections are now looking at approximately $50 billion dollars...

Hurricane Sandy cost may hit $50 billionhttp://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/sandy-cost-hit-50-billion-article-1.1194978

jimnyc: Those who came here to claim Sandy wasn't such a big storm. Only need to know, as I have spoken personally with one member who wishes to remain honorably...quiet here. Namely that. Those who make such claims should speak to that member, and ask him, and his wife how happy they are..despite losing EVERYTHING they owned to the Atlantic Ocean...about Sandy's TINY SIZE.

That 50 Billion dollar projection means NOTHING to anyone who now has NOTHING!

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 02:56 PM
tell all that to me after i pry my neighbors 30 foot boat out of my livingroom

think b4 you post.... they are pulling bodies from my neighborhood and i lost my house...

so shut the fuck up....

I am sure sorry you have such losses.

But must you abuse the poster you replied to?

10-31-2012, 02:59 PM
I am sure sorry you have such losses.

But must you abuse the poster you replied to?

Robert. If that POSTER had just kept his mouth SHUT. You would have no reason to ask such a question.

You just don't want to GET IT....do you?

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 03:01 PM
jimnyc: Those who came here to claim Sandy wasn't such a big storm. Only need to know, as I have spoken personally with one member who wishes to remain honorably...quiet here. Namely that. Those who make such claims should speak to that member, and ask him, and his wife how happy they are..despite losing EVERYTHING they owned to the Atlantic Ocean...about Sandy's TINY SIZE.

That 50 Billion dollar projection means NOTHING to anyone who now has NOTHING!

You know, some of us have been in serious auto accidents. And some of us have been wiped out by other events.

Not me, but some have.

While there are always people who lost a lot in almost all storms of such power, why take it out on a person who posted something trying to explain a different point. I think his major point was the news media that feeds off angst and harm to humans. It sells and is good for ratings. That I think was his point. Not that some guy here was not being hurt.

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 03:03 PM
Robert. If that POSTER had just kept his mouth SHUT. You would have no reason to ask such a question.

You just don't want to GET IT....do you?

How do you keep your mouth shut on forums?

For a question like yours, back atcha.

10-31-2012, 03:10 PM
You know, some of us have been in serious auto accidents. And some of us have been wiped out by other events.

Not me, but some have.

While there are always people who lost a lot in almost all storms of such power, why take it out on a person who posted something trying to explain a different point. I think his major point was the news media that feeds off angst and harm to humans. It sells and is good for ratings. That I think was his point. Not that some guy here was not being hurt.

I've been pronounced dead, twice in my life. Millions of people are now devastated, and nobody cares what YOU are insisting here. Nor does anyone care about me.
Millions of Americans who are far more important than YOUR FEELINGS here on a forum. Need help.

Start LISTENING, and stop TALKING for a change.

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 03:19 PM
I've been pronounced dead, twice in my life. Millions of people are now devastated, and nobody cares what YOU are insisting here. Nor does anyone care about me.
Millions of Americans who are far more important than YOUR FEELINGS here on a forum. Need help.

Start LISTENING, and stop TALKING for a change.

You have one purpose today.


Sorry pal, I am not playing your game.

10-31-2012, 03:34 PM
As any weather expert will tell you, there is no such thing as a "small hurricane."
Because of Sandy's massive size and slow movement, it dropped an enormous amount of rain. Also, the storm surge of a hurricane is much more devastating than the winds in many cases. The storm surge in upper New Jersey was 20-25 feet in many cases.
Seeing the massive damage was like a blow to the head. I can't imagine seeing it first hand.

Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 03:34 PM
I agree, anyone downplaying the monstrosity that hit the NY metropolitan area and surrounding states is ignorant and not getting enough news. There are complete towns gone. Breezy Point NY washed away, and what was left burned over 100 homes down. The entire Jersey coastline is gone. Rye Playland beach by me, destroyed. Untold billions of damage and that's not counting lost business and product. My neighborhood alone is pretty much a war zone. There's no less than 1000 trees down, some homes destroyed, the shoreline ruined any house within 1000yds, and I can't even begin to explain the amount of things damaged or ruined. It's just complete devastation on the shore lines from Atlantic City, NJ all the way to the Connecticut shores, and who knows where else. Inland didn't get the tidal floods, but still billions of dollars in damage to houses, cars, businesses, wiring and other infrastructure. And after all of that, this doesn't count the lost lives. It's much too early to give a definitive count, but I believe it was at like 70 the last time I heard.

Sure, it was "only" a category 1. But the pressure was enough to have the worst water levels in the HISTORY of the NYC area. it was 9 1/2 feet above the record in NYC and 11 1/2 feet above the record in the Long Island areas. Every subway was flooded, every rail line damaged and the first time that Wall Street shut down due to weather since 1888. People are still stuck in high rises in lower Manhattan since this started and have no way out. It may have been a "less powerful" wind effect from this storm, but the width and total devastation is something that the Northeast Coast has rarely, if ever, seen before. Any downplaying of this right now is just plain ignorant, and a smack into the faces of those who lost loved ones or lost their homes or livelihoods.

Exactly, Jim. The number of people crushed by trees alone is tragic. I don't undestand the need people have to downplay these things, both before and afterwards.

Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 03:36 PM
I am sure sorry you have such losses.

But must you abuse the poster you replied to?

Oh, you mean like 007 abused me?

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 03:40 PM
Oh, you mean like 007 abused me?

Today, a couple hours ago, I read each of his posts that led to him being booted off this topic.

No,. I did not read him abusing you.

Can you tell me the number of the post so I in fairness to you can try to understand why you said the above?

10-31-2012, 03:44 PM
Oh, you mean like 007 abused me?
Never did, lets try to remain within the realms of reality here.
a decent person would apologise for the blatant lie you just spouted.
Are you a decent person?

Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 03:59 PM
All has been discussed, and I am not going to rehash it. I made this post because it was tres hypocritical of Robert to point out somone else's supposed abuse, given recent history.

And Robert, the fact that you STILL deny that what 007 did in that thread was wrong, belies any apologies you may have made there.

10-31-2012, 04:02 PM
Can we remain on topic here? Sandy was a devastating event and deserves discussion.

10-31-2012, 04:03 PM
What was wrought:


Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 04:06 PM
Can we remain on topic here? Sandy was a devastating event and deserves discussion.

Yes indeedy.

10-31-2012, 04:10 PM
You have one purpose today.


Sorry pal, I am not playing your game.

Please stop with the all bold, it's annoying, and I believe has already been asked of you before. If it wasn't you, I apologize, but the all bold needs to go regardless.

10-31-2012, 04:17 PM
The effects of Hurricane Sandy has not deterred the photochop artists from doing their thing. Some of the doctored photos are rather clever.


10-31-2012, 04:28 PM
The effects of Hurricane Sandy has not deterred the photochop artists from doing their thing. Some of the doctored photos are rather clever.


Damn, someone posted the first one on FB, told me it was from a friend of theirs, and I fell for it! Sad that people would use such a tragedy to photoshop for fun, but after seeing the things I've seen them do to Britney Spears, well, um, if they would do that this doesn't surprise me!

10-31-2012, 04:46 PM
Holy Gridlock, Batman! Manhattan looks worse than L.A. during rush hour.


10-31-2012, 04:50 PM
Holy Gridlock, Batman! Manhattan looks worse than L.A. during rush hour.

I saw similar on the news, heard it was insane. I live in the 'Burbs well north of there, and it's nutty around here. Back to work, back for groceries, gas... They don't call it the rat race for nothing!

10-31-2012, 04:54 PM
All has been discussed, and I am not going to rehash it. I made this post because it was tres hypocritical of Robert to point out somone else's supposed abuse, given recent history.

And Robert, the fact that you STILL deny that what 007 did in that thread was wrong, belies any apologies you may have made there.
you are the one hurling abuse, as are many others, the whole pattern of abuse woven by an admin because he dosent like my opinions.
Show the abuse?
Didn't think so!!

10-31-2012, 04:56 PM
Can we remain on topic here? Sandy was a devastating event and deserves discussion.
As do false and unsubstantiated allegations of abuse!

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 04:58 PM
All has been discussed, and I am not going to rehash it. I made this post because it was tres hypocritical of Robert to point out somone else's supposed abuse, given recent history.

And Robert, the fact that you STILL deny that what 007 did in that thread was wrong, belies any apologies you may have made there.

It was and I wonder why you call his post an attack yet don't call your posts vs ME an attack?

I read all of his posts and asked you to please just give me the message number where you state he abused you. That is not too much to ask for.

As to my remark about abuse, that exists on the forum. I read that one. Apparently you have double standards by all appearances.

I am still trying to understand how 007 displaying humor was terrible?

10-31-2012, 04:58 PM
you are the one hurling abuse, as are many others, the whole pattern of abuse woven by an admin because he dosent like my opinions.
Show the abuse?
Didn't think so!!

As do false and unsubstantiated allegations of abuse!

Participate or move on please. If you have an issue with Abbey, send her a PM. That's the last of it in this thread.

10-31-2012, 04:58 PM
Holy Gridlock, Batman! Manhattan looks worse than L.A. during rush hour.


That traffic doesn't look that bad from here. Really.

10-31-2012, 04:59 PM
It was and I wonder why you call his post an attack yet don't call your posts vs ME an attack?

I read all of his posts and asked you to please just give me the message number where you state he abused you. That is not too much to ask for.

As to my remark about abuse, that exists on the forum. I read that one. Apparently you have double standards by all appearances.

I am still trying to understand how 007 displaying humor was terrible?

Same to you - try to familiarize yourself with our rules. If you have a problem with a staff member, send a PM, we are not going to have a shitload of threads ruined because you guys take issue with someone or don't like the treatment here.

/END of discussion

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 05:00 PM
Please stop with the all bold, it's annoying, and I believe has already been asked of you before. If it wasn't you, I apologize, but the all bold needs to go regardless.

Nobody complained till just now. Do you plan to unbold your tag line? Seems you would if it bothers you all that much. As you can tell, this post is not in bold.

10-31-2012, 05:02 PM
Nobody complained till just now. Do you plan to unbold your tag line? Seems you would if it bothers you all that much. As you can tell, this post is not in bold.

Robert has been removed from the discussion. I chalk up the idiocy today to it being Halloween!

10-31-2012, 06:52 PM
That traffic doesn't look that bad from here. Really.

Looks like downtown Cincinnati.

10-31-2012, 08:05 PM
OK, I know, there's no such thing as a little hurricane.

But Katrina was a Category 4, wasn't it, with winds topping 150mph? Sandy is maybe a Cat 1, max winds around 80mph and gusts to 90?

If Sandy had hit New Orleans dead on like Katrina did, people there would mostly brush it off, "just another hurricane, no big deal", they get them fairly frequently down there. They board up the windows, stock up on batteries and Coleman fuel, and either visit their aunt in Denver or just ride it out.

What's different about Sandy isn't the hurricane itself. It's that it hit 60 million people, not 15 million like Katrina did... and it was 60 million who aren't used to hurricanes in an area far less prepared for one. 80mph winds, huge rain, and storm surges along the shore are still nothng to sneeze at.

And Sandy is hitting *newspapermen* right where they live: Manhattan and Washington DC. That's the real reason for all the consternation and screaming. "Journalists" who went to NO to cover Katrina, felt like they were visiting a foreign land (well, for them, maybe they were: The United States of America), not seeing something that was happening to THEM. But Sandy is hitting them right between the eyes: They CAN'T get away from it.

Katrina was huge and unusually powerful; Sandy is only average as hurricanes go. But Sandy is hitting journalists where they live... and that makes it news.

Yeah, down here in VA, this stuff is all typical of what we call "hurricane season". Really, we see it the same way New Englanders see the first real snowstorm of the year. Me and my roommate just stayed in, minus one run over to Taco Bell, and watched anime all day while drinking Woodchuck. We had fun with the hurricane.

11-05-2012, 07:10 AM
I am sure sorry you have such losses.

But must you abuse the poster you replied to?

Yes.... i must because i have been living in a shelter...no car, no house....all my possessions gone, FEMA nowhere to be found, I have to walk two miles to a Dunkin Donuts to access the Internet and my pets are in a shelter 1/2 a mile away.

Anyone who thinks that SANDY was a little storm is welcome to trade places with me and wiccanliberal at anytime they like

Dealing with inept FEMA people and local liberal politicians and agencies has produced NOTHING... Hell...Obama hasnt even put his feet on the ground over here where we are... and we're at the biggest shelter in the STATE!! as of yesterday they didnt even have computers to access information at their sites here on long island!!

less then 72 hours after 9-11 bush was on the ground at the WTC...

President Barack NO SHOW OBAMA has been MIA .

so much for him caring for the middle and lower classes..... people here are fed up with his lies.

Abbey Marie
11-05-2012, 09:21 AM
V4R: I am sorry you are going through all of this. It must be so painful. Do you have relatives you can live with for a bit until you get back on your feet? Where do you live?

Robert A Whit
11-05-2012, 01:13 PM
Yes.... i must because i have been living in a shelter...no car, no house....all my possessions gone, FEMA nowhere to be found, I have to walk two miles to a Dunkin Donuts to access the Internet and my pets are in a shelter 1/2 a mile away.

Anyone who thinks that SANDY was a little storm is welcome to trade places with me and wiccanliberal at anytime they like

Dealing with inept FEMA people and local liberal politicians and agencies has produced NOTHING... Hell...Obama hasnt even put his feet on the ground over here where we are... and we're at the biggest shelter in the STATE!! as of yesterday they didnt even have computers to access information at their sites here on long island!!

less then 72 hours after 9-11 bush was on the ground at the WTC...

President Barack NO SHOW OBAMA has been MIA .

so much for him caring for the middle and lower classes..... people here are fed up with his lies.

Though you suffer, taking it out on posters is a total waste of time and effort on your part.
I keep hearing that Obama was like the coming of Jesus to your area since the media gives him such high marks.

The role of FEMA is to virtually make payments to the state you live in as well as get some remedies to you asap.

FEMA is not the first responder, but the last.

Katrina got Bush a black eye due to the media telling lies about how it works.

We know of many agencies having thousands upon thousands of workers.

FEMA is a tiny operation. They are paper shufflers.

Some think they must have at least 100,000 workers. They don't. They number around 2500 and that covers all the states.

Obama is being an ass trying to take credit.

Bush could have grandstanded at NO too but saw that they did not need a POTUS getting in their way.

NO could not spare one man to provide security for Bush. And the locals had no resources to put up with those huge caravans presidents have with them.

I think storms should be off the table as political events. By letting Obama use it as a political event as the MSM has, he got points even though as you say, he was of no help at all.