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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 06:12 PM

Darkness Descending in England

By Pamela Geller (http://www.americanthinker.com/pamela_geller/)<INS style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; POSITION: relative; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 300px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; DISPLAY: inline-table; HEIGHT: 250px; VISIBILITY: visible; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><INS style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; POSITION: relative; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 300px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 250px; VISIBILITY: visible; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0px" id=aswift_0_anchor><IFRAME style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" id=aswift_0 vspace=0 height=250 marginHeight=0 frameBorder=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=aswift_0 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no hspace=0></IFRAME></INS></INS>The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain. The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP). I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his recent arrest and that of Robinson and Weston, and he told me the appalling details.
Carroll told me that British authorities tried everything in the book to stop him from running for police and crime commissioner (PCC) for the Bedfordshire Police Authority. Nonetheless, he officially won the right to run for PCC last Friday. But then, the very next day, British authorities carried out these mass arrests of EDL and BFP members, stripping them and forcing them to wear white paper overalls like those given to incarcerated terrorists. They were allowed no phone calls.
Meanwhile, British police raided the homes of Carroll, Robinson, and three others who had been arrested. "They absolutely ransacked mine," Carroll told me. "They smashed the door off and wrecked my home. They took my only vehicle, with all the tools of my trade inside, and impounded it, as well as Tommy's car." The police, the bomb squad, forensics teams, and sniffer dogs spent seven and a half hours stripping Carroll's van to the bone. "When they finished," he said, "they found nothing! They loaded it up with bugs and GPS monitors and threw everything in the back; it looks like it's been in a blender."

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/10/darkness_descending_in_england.html#ixzz2ApKlO3JA

This is nothing short of Gestapo tactics. SHOWS CLEARLY THE POWER OF THE MUSLIMS THERE. BRITAINS ONLY HOPE IS REVOLUTION AND NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All authority that went along with this should be executed IMHO...-Tyr

10-30-2012, 06:35 PM
All authority that went along with this should be executed IMHO...-Tyr

Preventing another Brievik incident from these crazy white supremacists is a good thing. I'm sure they had a good reason to make the arrests. A terrorist attack in the planning perhaps?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 06:42 PM
Actually this is a good thing. Preventing another Brievik incident from these crazy white supremacists is a good thing.

Fukk you ...You are just another lying muslim ffkk. You bastards will not win.. Not as long as Im alive!!
Guess what, Americans are slow to anger but me IM NOT! Someday when the sleeping majority wake up justice will be delivered..
ekta magadia ektu shongrasi etu konasta' motashu kanika... Injun' blood and spirit endures.. -Tyr

10-30-2012, 06:54 PM
Headin across the pond?

10-30-2012, 07:16 PM
Preventing another Brievik incident from these crazy white supremacists is a good thing. I'm sure they had a good reason to make the arrests. A terrorist attack in the planning perhaps?

'Another Breivik incident', Jafar ?? You're claiming, then, that the EDL was plotting some sort of massacre ????

I see no other way of interpreting your remark, Jafar.

And your charge of 'white supremacists' is WAY off the mark. The EDL care about preservation of culture, they dare to care about the indigenous population of the UK. Why, by your reckoning, is that something earning opposition ?

Fact is, Jafar, that the EDL wouldn't be saying and doing what it is, if immigrants to the UK just integrated with the rest of the population .. which would hardly be true, would it, if 'racial difference' was the issue. The truth is that Muslims set up their own communities, stand apart from everyone else, and insist that all other people perpetually defer to THEIR wants, THEIR demands, and play the race card whenever they don't get their way.

Jafar, can you stand a small dose of the truth ? Watch the video this link leads to .. one of Tommy Robinson, just driving around in his home town, who's approached by a local leading Muslim figure, then ASSAULTED as he sat in his OWN car. Note during the exchange that Robinson declares his support for the principle of integration.


So tell me, how's that for 'the religion of peace', eh ?? The assault happens 1 minute 47 seconds into the video. 'Courtesy' of one 'Saif al-Islam'

10-30-2012, 07:21 PM
Nazi's are being arrested?
Oh noes, Britain is dooooooomed

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 07:23 PM
Headin across the pond?

WHY? Are you wanting me to leave? I like fighting in my own territory when it has to be done. And someday it will have to be done here. Not because we want it but because they will not stop until they are destroyed. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 07:24 PM
Nazi's are being arrested?
Oh noes, Britain is dooooooomed

Really? Nazis? Give some proof of that blather dude.. Those men are patriots.. -Tyr

10-30-2012, 07:29 PM
WHY? Are you wanting me to leave? I like fighting in my own territory when it has to be done. And someday it will have to be done here. Not because we want it but because they will not stop until they are destroyed. -Tyr

Waiting until it happens here is ok with me. We can't police the whole world.

10-30-2012, 07:35 PM
Nazi's are being arrested?
Oh noes, Britain is dooooooomed

WHAT Nazis ??

Noir, check out the YouTube link. See for yourself the EDL leader being assaulted by a Muslim, one obviously spoiling for a fight, while he's just sitting in his car !

Robinson has a right to mind seeing his own hometown being overrun by an alien, invasive, culture .. and to mind being set upon by someone representing that, for daring to mind the fact of that invasion !!

He has a right to his views !

10-30-2012, 07:38 PM
Waiting until it happens here is ok with me. We can't police the whole world.

... or, if you had your way, any of it at all ... eh ?

Better just to wait for the next 9/11 to come along, isn't that so, Dilloduck ? Isn't that your preference ?

And your 'waiting until it happens here' remark .. isn't that tantamount to saying that such an incursion should first be seen to happen, i.e, be ALLOWED to ?

10-30-2012, 07:40 PM
... or, if you had your way, any of it at all ... eh ?

Better just to wait for the next 9/11 to come along, isn't that so, Dilloduck ? Isn't that your preference ?

Why is it that America has to continually save your ass ?

10-30-2012, 07:41 PM
Really? Nazis? Give some proof of that blather dude.. Those men are patriots.. -Tyr

Never heard of the BFP, but if they're anything like the EDL then they're scum.

Last run in i had with the EDL was when i lived in England, i was going door to door campaigning for the Liberal Democrats. They were driving around in a white van with 'A Great Britain is a White Britain' sprayed on the side, shouting their hateful bile out though a megaphone.
My presence did not go unnoticed, as i overheard mutterings about "The yellow poof" (I was wearing a yellow laurel as that is the lib dem colours) and so on.

EDL, BNP (possibly the BFP, as i said hadn't heard of them before) are all decedents of the same bigoted, far right ideology as Nazism.

10-30-2012, 07:43 PM
Why is it that America has to continually save your ass ?

And why is it that you want to sit idly by while the world goes to hell in a handbasket ?

10-30-2012, 07:45 PM
And why is it that you want to sit idly by while the world goes to hell in a handbasket ?

We've sent out troops to die all over the world---are you hoping we do it again ? and people wonder why our defense budget is so high.

10-30-2012, 07:48 PM
Never heard of the BFP, but if they're anything like the EDL then they're scum.

Last run in i had with the EDL was when i lived in England, i was going door to door campaigning for the Liberal Democrats. They were driving around in a white van with 'A Great Britain is a White Britain' sprayed on the side, shouting their hateful bile out though a megaphone.
My presence did not go unnoticed, as i overheard mutterings about "The yellow poof" (I was wearing a yellow laurel as that is the lib dem colours) and so on.

EDL, BNP (possibly the BFP, as i said hadn't heard of them before) are all decedents of the same bigoted, far right ideology as Nazism.

Really ?

OK, then, let me set you a challenge. Can you provide proof of EDL racism ? [And I will question 'evidence' coming from far-Left groups]

I don't profess to speak for the EDL, by the way .. but I'd suggest that, in your example, you might've got some taunts because you were recognisably representative of the Left ... the Left, which has institutionally aided nearly unrestricted immigration, and disproportionate deference, to alien cultures .. for decades.

10-30-2012, 07:57 PM
We've sent out troops to die all over the world---are you hoping we do it again ? and people wonder why our defense budget is so high.

What I'm 'hoping' for, Dillloduck, is that Islamists will cease trying to dominate whatever areas of the world they settle in.

What I 'hope' for, Dilloduck, is an end to terrorism. For the trash to lay down their arms, give up violence, become recognisably HUMAN for once !!

But .. you know what ? Surprise, surprise ....

... Just HOPING for all of that won't make it happen.

No, Dilloduck. Enemies need to be defeated, before THEY defeat YOU. That's the way of it. The War on Terror, for example, was started on 11th September 2001 by a bunch of terrorist subhumans, and it's been fought since that day out of necessity.

Realities have to be tackled. That's just the way it is.

10-30-2012, 07:58 PM
Really ?

OK, then, let me set you a challenge. Can you provide proof of EDL racism ? [And I will question 'evidence' coming from far-Left groups]

I don't profess to speak for the EDL, by the way .. but I'd suggest that, in your example, you might've got some taunts because you were recognisably representative of the Left ... the Left, which has institutionally aided nearly unrestricted immigration, and disproportionate deference, to alien cultures .. for decades.

"A Great Britain is a White Britain"
Does that sound like the slogan of a non-racially prejudice party?

I can barely recall the things they were saying, but one that sticks in my head (as it was basically a football chant) was "Brown-town Bristol, going down the shit-hole" because the area of Bristol we were in has a population of brown people.

Needless to add, they were not their to canvas locals, or gain votes, they were there purely to insult locals, because of their skin colour.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 07:59 PM
Waiting until it happens here is ok with me. We can't police the whole world.

So waiting until Americans are suffering and dying from it in our streets is ok with you??
Thats mighty nice of you there buddy. How about we attempt to stop it before it gets a foothold and cranks up?
Wouldnt that be a better plan--prevention!???
Or do you think its so much better to let the snake bite , then do the treatment?
Dillo, you have this assbackwards .. Prevention is a much preferable action..-Tyr

10-30-2012, 08:12 PM
"A Great Britain is a White Britain"
Does that sound like the slogan of a non-racially prejudice party?

I can barely recall the things they were saying, but one that sticks in my head (as it was basically a football chant) was "Brown-town Bristol, going down the shit-hole" because the area of Bristol we were in has a population of brown people.

Needless to add, they were not their to canvas locals, or gain votes, they were there purely to insult locals, because of their skin colour.

But these are just assertions, Noir, as they stand.

I'm asking for actual EVIDENCE. Do you, perhaps, have material from the EDL showing just what you're asserting ? Because what I have - and I've already posted it ! - is a video clip of Robinson declaring that he was FOR integration. Now, I suggest to you, Noir, that such an aim cannot be reconciled with racism.

10-30-2012, 08:41 PM
But these are just assertions, Noir, as they stand.

I'm asking for actual EVIDENCE. Do you, perhaps, have material from the EDL showing just what you're asserting ? Because what I have - and I've already posted it ! - is a video clip of Robinson declaring that he was FOR integration. Now, I suggest to you, Noir, that such an aim cannot be reconciled with racism.

hey, maybe i've got it all wrong, maybe my personal experience was just a misunderstanding, after all these folks look like a lovely bunch of lads...


edit - some more misunderstandings...


10-30-2012, 09:29 PM
Preventing another Brievik incident from these crazy white supremacists is a good thing. I'm sure they had a good reason to make the arrests. A terrorist attack in the planning perhaps?

If they do have good reason, they had better make it public. Arresting someone for participating in the political process and communicating their opinions is repression and dictatorship.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 09:35 PM

I wrote this about the English Defence League here (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/pro.html):

Since everyone who stands up for human rights and freedom against Islamic supremacism and violence is branded a racist nowadays, it's useful to look at the evidence. Here is a group that is so racist that it has featured a Sikh speaker (http://www.youtube.com/user/mananacam#p/u/0/aOjInFT7VL4), has a youth group that bears the slogan (http://www.englishdefenceyouth.org/), "Black, White and Brown Unite," and says (http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=122&Itemid=28): "We welcome members from all over the political spectrum, and with varying views on foreign policy, united against Islamic extremism and its influence on British life. Everyone from those whose ancestral roots are in pre-Roman Britain to immigrants just arrived yesterday will be welcomed into the EDL with open arms as long as they are willing to stand up with us for English values and against Islamist hate."...But there is more. As the photos above from its pro-Geert Wilders demonstration yesterday show, the EDL is standing up for human rights, for the freedom of speech, for Western civilization, for Israel, and for the defense against the global jihad and the Islamization of Britain. There is no credible evidence that this group is racist or fascist in the slightest degree. And it is standing as a virtually unarmed David against a Goliath of the British establishment, government, media, and police muscle. They are being vilified and smeared as well as brutalized and railroaded. Yes, it has come to this, and it has come to this

Noir , take your propaganda pics and shove them. Thats not the same group. Most likely staged shots by the opposition.. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 09:44 PM
http://www.jihadwatch.org/images/edl1.jpg (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/03/blumenthal-bitches-and-brutes.html)
http://www.jihadwatch.org/images/edl2.jpg (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/03/blumenthal-bitches-and-brutes.html)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 09:47 PM
http://www.jihadwatch.org/images/edl1.jpg (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/03/blumenthal-bitches-and-brutes.html)
http://www.jihadwatch.org/images/edl2.jpg (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/03/blumenthal-bitches-and-brutes.html)

They support Israel and have minorities as members --hardly Nazis.
You have it wrong and your staged pics are bullshat dude..--Tyr

10-30-2012, 09:49 PM
hey, maybe i've got it all wrong, maybe my personal experience was just a misunderstanding, after all these folks look like a lovely bunch of lads...


edit - some more misunderstandings...


Noir. So tell us. Which photo had you in it?

10-30-2012, 09:54 PM
Fukk you ...You are just another lying muslim ffkk. You bastards will not win.. Not as long as Im alive!!
Guess what, Americans are slow to anger but me IM NOT! Someday when the sleeping majority wake up justice will be delivered..
ekta magadia ektu shongrasi etu konasta' motashu kanika... Injun' blood and spirit endures.. -Tyr

http://www.angermanagementusa.com/ :)

'Another Breivik incident', Jafar ?? You're claiming, then, that the EDL was plotting some sort of massacre ????

I see no other way of interpreting your remark, Jafar.

And your charge of 'white supremacists' is WAY off the mark. The EDL care about preservation of culture, they dare to care about the indigenous population of the UK. Why, by your reckoning, is that something earning opposition ?

A Nazi by a different name is still a Nazi.

WHAT Nazis ??

Noir, check out the YouTube link. See for yourself the EDL leader being assaulted by a Muslim, one obviously spoiling for a fight, while he's just sitting in his car !

Just sitting in his car?

He asked for it. Saif al Islam didn't react the same as I would have, but Tommy Robinson asked for it.

His EDL are all warm and cuddly aren't they?

Attacking Women and babies as they eat



Yes, just WARM AND CUDDLY people. Just peacefully protesting Christians eh?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 09:59 PM
http://www.jihadwatch.org/mt-static/images/comment/typepad_logo.png (http://profile.typekey.com/6p0120a6a86f9f970c) road-hog.blogspot.com (http://profile.typekey.com/6p0120a6a86f9f970c) | <A href="http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/edl-stands-up-against-fascists-in-britain.html#comment-647672"><ABBR class=published title=2010-03-06T18:28:17-08:00>March 6, 2010 6:28 PM</ABBR> | Reply (javascript:void(0);)

Just so you know about the British guys in court today, because they called the protesting Muslims scum. The Muslims were protesting at a coming home parade for British soldiers. Scroll don't this newspaper link to see who they were annoyed at. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1160958/HE-coward-mocking-victims-friendly-Families-dead-soldiers-react-fury-Muslim-hate-preacher.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1242335/Muslims-called-British-soldiers-rapists-cowards-scum-exercising-freedom-speech-court-hears.html

http://www.jihadwatch.org/mt-static/images/comment/typepad_logo.png (http://profile.typekey.com/Proud_Kaffir7908) Proud_Kafir7908 (http://profile.typekey.com/Proud_Kaffir7908) | <A href="http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/edl-stands-up-against-fascists-in-britain.html#comment-647689"><ABBR class=published title=2010-03-06T19:36:12-08:00>March 6, 2010 7:36 PM</ABBR> | Reply (javascript:void(0);)

Robert, thanks for re-posting the EDL's slogan "White, Black and Brown Unite" again, since such info might eventually help unravel the mainstream media's PC MC house of cards for its shameless defense of the islamization of Britain. I suppose the more Brits see this, the more support the EDL will gain...
I had the luck in recent times to talk to a friend of my wife's who's been living in the UK for the last decade, and she told us that the British public in general is completely fed up with the surrender stance of their politicians, that they would never have allowed things to go the way they've been going if their voices had been heeded. And, just as JW reader Richard the Lionheart once said, she told me that basically everyone won't simply sit idly much longer if the Porkistanization of Britain isn't stopped or reversed. And this is truly great news.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/mt-static/images/comment/typepad_logo.png (http://profile.typekey.com/KimKimmel) Wellington (http://profile.typekey.com/KimKimmel) | <A href="http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/edl-stands-up-against-fascists-in-britain.html#comment-647705"><ABBR class=published title=2010-03-06T21:48:02-08:00>March 6, 2010 9:48 PM</ABBR> | Reply (javascript:void(0);)

Yes, their slogan is "White, Black and Brown Unite.", man is that racist and nazilike.
You either fell for the propaganda thats been put out against them or you know they support Israel and are dead set against the Islamization of Britain and you dont agree with that. -Tyr

10-30-2012, 10:00 PM
Hey, you guys believe whatever you want to believe, I've had arguments with a BNP supporter who said that 'holocaust evidence' was fabricated by the western governments in the past. And that most BNP/Nation Front media is actually "lefty-propaganda" to make them look bad.

Sadly he then got confused when i insisted that he too must be working for the lefty-propaganda machine, failing to see the irony.

All the pictures, anecdotes and such that i could bring to this discussion would clearly be warped, leftist propaganda. Have fun convincing eachother the EDL etc are what you want them to be, rather than what they are. I won't be taking any further part in the discussion.

10-30-2012, 10:24 PM
Hey, you guys believe whatever you want to believe, I've had arguments with a BNP supporter who said that 'holocaust evidence' was fabricated by the western governments in the past. And that most BNP/Nation Front media is actually "lefty-propaganda" to make them look bad.

Sadly he then got confused when i insisted that he too must be working for the lefty-propaganda machine, failing to see the irony.

All the pictures, anecdotes and such that i could bring to this discussion would clearly be warped, leftist propaganda. Have fun convincing eachother the EDL etc are what you want them to be, rather than what they are. I won't be taking any further part in the discussion.

My question boils down to a very simple point: Those who were arrested shouldn't have been for their beliefs. Beliefs, even really wacky ones, shouldn't be criminalized.

10-31-2012, 08:54 AM
Something that comes to mind when I read these threads. A friend of mine years ago had some albums from England of the Beatles doing rehearsals and studio work. In the song Get Back Paul was singing;

Get back
Get back
Get back to where you once belong
Get back you Pakistani

Seems even in the 60's the Beatles recognized there was a problem.

10-31-2012, 10:32 AM
Ah jeeez, do we have to go save the Brits again?
Of course, with smegs like 007 around, the Brits are in trouble anyway.

10-31-2012, 10:46 AM
Ah jeeez, do we have to go save the Brits again?
Of course, with smegs like 007 around, the Brits are in trouble anyway.
I wonder why that gobshite brought up my name.
only a total clunge would obsess over me to this extent!
stop stalking me you ugly old clunge bag!

The USA has NEVER saved the UK.
I would bet that you cannot name a time in history when the USA Saved the UK?

10-31-2012, 10:51 AM
The USA has NEVER saved the UK.
I would bet that you cannot name a time in history when the USA Saved the UK?

World War II maybe?
If the U.S. had not intervened, the Brits would have become a German colony. And poofs like you would be tending gardens for my Aryan ancestors. :cheers2:

10-31-2012, 11:46 AM
September 1940 the British won the Battle of Britain ensuring that the Nazis could never invade the UK.
correct me if I'm wrong. America entered hostilities with Japan on 8 th December 1941, fourteen months after the British victory in the Battle of Britain.
At that time the British empire was not at war with Japan.
The British empire declared war on Japan in support of the USA.
The USA did not declare war on the nazis in support of Britain.
Britain came to the assistance of the USA.
Same again in Korea, desert storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.
looks to me more like it is the Brits saving your asses!!

i didn't see American support in Northern Ireland( exept for the terrorists), nor the Falklands, no honoring the NATO promise on that one!!

Do any of you regret the millions of US Dollars given to NORAID?

Even when you realise that Gerry Adams spent much of it paying for terrorist training for IRA volounteers in al Quaida camps?
that same money was used to fund 911!!

10-31-2012, 06:25 PM

I wrote this about the English Defence League here (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/pro.html):
Since everyone who stands up for human rights and freedom against Islamic supremacism and violence is branded a racist nowadays, it's useful to look at the evidence. Here is a group that is so racist that it has featured a Sikh speaker (http://www.youtube.com/user/mananacam#p/u/0/aOjInFT7VL4), has a youth group that bears the slogan (http://www.englishdefenceyouth.org/), "Black, White and Brown Unite," and says (http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=122&Itemid=28): "We welcome members from all over the political spectrum, and with varying views on foreign policy, united against Islamic extremism and its influence on British life. Everyone from those whose ancestral roots are in pre-Roman Britain to immigrants just arrived yesterday will be welcomed into the EDL with open arms as long as they are willing to stand up with us for English values and against Islamist hate."...
But there is more. As the photos above from its pro-Geert Wilders demonstration yesterday show, the EDL is standing up for human rights, for the freedom of speech, for Western civilization, for Israel, and for the defense against the global jihad and the Islamization of Britain. There is no credible evidence that this group is racist or fascist in the slightest degree. And it is standing as a virtually unarmed David against a Goliath of the British establishment, government, media, and police muscle. They are being vilified and smeared as well as brutalized and railroaded. Yes, it has come to this, and it has come to this

Noir , take your propaganda pics and shove them. Thats not the same group. Most likely staged shots by the opposition.. -Tyr

Exactly, Tyr ! Those photos could've easily been (and I'm sure they WERE ..) of people trying to masquerade as EDL supporters so as to do their utmost to smear the EDL's reputation. Noir posted nothing showing where they actually originated, much less did he prove any degree of endorsement of any of them by the EDL itself, or anyone allied to them.

And I've now seen a post where he says he's withdrawing from the discussion. Clearly, he's done this before being fully pressed to prove the bona fides of any of these pictures !!

Enough said, I think ...

10-31-2012, 06:46 PM
If they do have good reason, they had better make it public. Arresting someone for participating in the political process and communicating their opinions is repression and dictatorship.

... and I agree .. well said !

Even so, the way the law is framed over here, legally speaking, these arrests can be justified on 'hatespeech' grounds (although making the charges stick might be another matter). Here, our law permits arrest if people or groups engage in activities where it can be deemed to be the case that there's a likelihood of public expressiveness leading to incitement to violence.

It could always be claimed that the EDL's presences and behaviours are sufficiently provocative as to have potential for such 'incitement'. Thus .. anyone holding a view that others could be violently offended by, then expressing that view publicly, is liable to action being taken against them ...

... and it's 'truly amazing' how easily offended some Muslims can be ....

It's in this sort of way that expression of views can be legally curbed. And, it goes further. Citizens from other countries can be denied entry to the UK if their viewpoints are considered undesirable enough, therefore 'not conducive to the Public good'. Cases of this are ...


Controversial 'shock jock' radio presenter Michael Savage, who was barred from entering the UK two years ago for his extreme views, has had the ban reaffirmed.

The Conservative-led British government announced in July it would only lift the ban initiated by the previous Labour leadership if Savage took back statements he had made on his broadcasts that were deemed a 'threat to national security'.

And while the U.K has never specified which comments it found so dangerous, an attorney for the British government has stayed true to its threat, reaffirming the ban.

The Right-wing radio presenter, whose hardline views on Islam, rape and autism have caused outrage in the US, was identified in May 2009 by then U.K. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith as one of 16 people barred due to their political views.

The list also included hate preachers, Hamas terrorist leader Yunis Al-Astal, former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Stephen Donald Black and neo-Nazi Erich Gliebe.

Now Michael Atkins, writing on behalf of the U.K.'s treasury solicitor, has told Savage's London-based attorney the ban had to stick because Savage had not gone back on his 'extreme' comments.


A Dutch MP who called the Koran a "fascist book" has been sent back to the Netherlands after attempting to defy a ban on entering the UK.

Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film - which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism - in the UK's House of Lords.

But Mr Wilders, who faces trial in his own country for inciting hatred, has been denied entry by the Home Office.

He told the BBC it was a "very sad day" for UK democracy.

The Dutch ambassador was also at Heathrow to make clear his government's opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK.

Mr Wilders' film Fitna caused outrage across the Muslim world when it was posted on the internet last year.

After being questioned at Heathrow, the MP said he had been to the House of Lords two weeks ago and there had been "no problem".

He added: "I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not protesting or running through the streets of London."

Mr Wilders added: "Democracy means differences and debate. It's a very sad day when the UK bans an elected parliamentarian... Of course I will come back."

He said the government's actions had proved that Gordon Brown was the "biggest coward in Europe"

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 07:07 PM
September 1940 the British won the Battle of Britain ensuring that the Nazis could never invade the UK.
correct me if I'm wrong. America entered hostilities with Japan on 8 th December 1941, fourteen months after the British victory in the Battle of Britain.
At that time the British empire was not at war with Japan.
The British empire declared war on Japan in support of the USA.
The USA did not declare war on the nazis in support of Britain.
Britain came to the assistance of the USA.
Same again in Korea, desert storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.
looks to me more like it is the Brits saving your asses!!

i didn't see American support in Northern Ireland( exept for the terrorists), nor the Falklands, no honoring the NATO promise on that one!!

Do any of you regret the millions of US Dollars given to NORAID?

Even when you realise that Gerry Adams spent much of it paying for terrorist training for IRA volounteers in al Quaida camps?
that same money was used to fund 911!!

I believe that as an American, that somebody has to comment.
You are accurate. In most of that I mean.

We think on the other hand that our protecting your supply lines did a lot so you could keep making those P-40s you beat the Germans with. We think that what we did for the Soviets helped them stop the Nazis and that left to your devices, you perhaps today might be fluent in Russian but for our troops that did a lot to end the Nazi menace.

As to your troops saving our asses in the other wars, hardly. Sure, they helped. But save us?

Not on your life. I recall very well the Falklands and I figured you guys did a great job beating up the powerful Agentine military. LOL Surely you won't claim their military was the more powerful?

10-31-2012, 07:09 PM
Just sitting in his car?

Well .. maybe not. He was also - peacefully - debating some of his viewpoints with a passenger in that car. And, also, he had the unmitigated gall to drive around, in his OWN hometown !!

Was that 'naughty' of him, Jafar ? You might well think so ...

He asked for it. Saif al Islam didn't react the same as I would have, but Tommy Robinson asked for it.

HOW ??

Saif al Islam was spoiling for a fight. Anyone watching that video can see that !

This 'al Islam' character, as is obvious, didn't 'react' to anything .. over and above Robinson's actual presence in that locality, anyway. Al Islam was the instigator of that confrontation. And while we're at it ... Robinson was called a racist, even though Robinson made the point that what he opposed was the application, in his homeland, of Islam, which he obviously called a fascist ideology.

Jafar, being against Islam is no racist act. You can only begin to argue it is, IF you can correctly claim that only one race can follow it. But as we well know, Jafar, Islam transcends races ... you can have a black negro Muslim, a white caucasian British person become a Muslim (Richard Reid is one clear example) .. as well as other races being Muslims. So, Jafar, your 'race card' argument, here, just doesn't fly.

His EDL are all warm and cuddly aren't they?

Attacking Women and babies as they eat



Yes, just WARM AND CUDDLY people. Just peacefully protesting Christians eh?



Who posted that material on YouTube ? And why, exactly ?

Can we have assurances that what's shown is the entirety of what was involved ?

Was any editing involved ? Any digital manipulations, perhaps ?

Oh, and by the way, certainly in the case of the first video .. was there EVEN any evidence of EDL being involved AT ALL ? If there was, I must've missed it .. that could have been from last year's rioting in England, couldn't it, which did NOT involve EDL activity.

Jafar .. you are arguing as a Muslim typically would .. doing your utmost to demonise anyone who shows you, and your faith, strong opposition. Opposition in this case from someone patriotically motivated, someone who thinks that his culture, his beliefs, his very identity and that of the country he comes from, have the right to have that identity preserved, not eroded and attacked.

If the tables were turned, and people of faiths opposing your own were to invade the native environments where Islam is traditionally associated with, then insist that THEIR belief systems must squeeze out YOURS ... would you have no right to object ?

You would resist opposing beliefs purposely hell-bent upon conquest over you, and you know you would. And, Jafar, in doing so, how would YOU like to be called a 'racist' ?

Somehow, I doubt that you would.

10-31-2012, 07:31 PM
Hey, you guys believe whatever you want to believe, I've had arguments with a BNP supporter who said that 'holocaust evidence' was fabricated by the western governments in the past. And that most BNP/Nation Front media is actually "lefty-propaganda" to make them look bad.

Sadly he then got confused when i insisted that he too must be working for the lefty-propaganda machine, failing to see the irony.

All the pictures, anecdotes and such that i could bring to this discussion would clearly be warped, leftist propaganda. Have fun convincing eachother the EDL etc are what you want them to be, rather than what they are. I won't be taking any further part in the discussion.

Just thought I'd quickly add:

1. You have not proved, through the use of verifying links and provable origins, your assertions regarding the EDL, and ..

2. Even in this post I'm replying to, you've diverted attention from the EDL to the BNP. As we both will know, Noir, these are two entirely separate entities. In fact .. the BNP tried to infiltrate the EDL, and the EDL kicked the invaders out !!

All the pictures, anecdotes and such that i could bring to this discussion would clearly be warped, leftist propaganda.

To be fair ... have you actually proved otherwise, Noir ?

10-31-2012, 07:45 PM
I believe that as an American, that somebody has to comment.
You are accurate. In most of that I mean.

We think on the other hand that our protecting your supply lines did a lot so you could keep making those P-40s you beat the Germans with. We think that what we did for the Soviets helped them stop the Nazis and that left to your devices, you perhaps today might be fluent in Russian but for our troops that did a lot to end the Nazi menace.

As to your troops saving our asses in the other wars, hardly. Sure, they helped. But save us?

Not on your life. I recall very well the Falklands and I figured you guys did a great job beating up the powerful Agentine military. LOL Surely you won't claim their military was the more powerful?

Some very fair points, it really has to be said.

I'd put it this way, though. The Battle of Britain, in 1940, was a case of - primarily, anyway - us Brits fighting off invasion from Germany.

That said, had America not entered the war and played its decisive part, sooner or later, I think that the Third Reich would've eventually had another crack at taking over the UK. Would we have prevailed a second time ? Quite possibly.

But then, quite possibly not. What American full-scale intervention did for us, and for that matter for occupied territory in Europe (not forgetting the Channel Islands, which DID suffer German occupation, by the way !!) was to make sure that Hitler suffered ultimate defeat. Even though this didn't happen solely because of the Americans, what they did was to GUARANTEE the shift of supremacy away from German forces.

There are many who owe you a debt of gratitude who've not lived up to that responsibility since. This sorely needs to be recognised.

By the way ...


The documents (http://www.gwu.edu/%7Ensarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB374/), published by the National Security Archives (http://www.nsarchive.org), an independent research organisation in Washington, also highlight American worries that a protracted war could draw in the Soviet Union on Argentina (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/argentina)'s side, with far-reaching geopolitical repercussions in an area of the world the US saw as its backyard.

To try to ensure that did not happen, the Reagan administration provided the Thatcher government with substantial covert support, particularly in the form of satellite intelligence on Argentinian military deployments on the Falklands, while outwardly portraying itself as neutral.

In a personal note to Thatcher on 1 April 1982, Reagan wrote: "I want you to know that we have valued your co-operation on the challenges we both face in many different parts of the world. We will do what we can to assist you here. Sincerely, Ron."

The Reagan-Thatcher transatlantic partnership. What a stellar team !! I really miss those days ...

10-31-2012, 07:49 PM
I have a wild idea: Why not just leave people alone until they commit an obvious crime? That goes for both muslims and nationalists.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 07:52 PM
Just thought I'd quickly add:

1. You have not proved, through the use of verifying links and provable origins, your assertions regarding the EDL, and ..

2. Even in this post I'm replying to, you've diverted attention from the EDL to the BNP. As we both will know, Noir, these are two entirely separate entities. In fact .. the BNP tried to infiltrate the EDL, and the EDL kicked the invaders out !!

To be fair ... have you actually proved otherwise, Noir ?

Noir tried to combine he EDL with the BNP. I saw that right away and knew it was most likely deliberate because the EDL does not embrace the BNP. Noir also post those pics that were staged and several had nothing that even identified them with the EDL. Then when asked to show proof he volunteers to exit the discussion, that red flags with me big time! I post information that clearly shows the EDL SUPPORTS JEWS AND ISRAEL YET HE CALLS EDL NAZIS! I think perhaps he confused the EDL withe BNP. EDL are patriots made up of many races and classes of Brit citizens. Noir couldnt be more wrong about them IMHO.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 07:59 PM
Whats happening in Britain will be tried here. Its already been started and the sentiment will grow. Muslims already saying they think laws should be made to protect mohammad.


<g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 724px; HEIGHT: 1503px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "7230,15040" filled = "t" fillcolor = "#fefdfa" stroked = "f" path = " m200,250 l200,14750 at200,14750,300,14850,-300,14750,200,15250 l6970,14850 at6970,14750,7070,14850,6970,15250,7470,14750 l7070,250 at6970,200,7070,300,7470,200,6970,-300 l250,200 at200,200,300,300,200,-300,-299,225 e"><g_vml_:fill opacity = "1"></g_vml_:fill></g_vml_:shape><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 724px; HEIGHT: 1503px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "7230,15040" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "#aab123" strokeweight = ".75pt" path = " m200,245 l200,14805 at200,14750,300,14850,-300,14750,324,15234 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "1" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"></g_vml_:stroke></g_vml_:shape><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 724px; HEIGHT: 1503px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "7230,15040" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "#aab123" strokeweight = ".75pt" path = " m250,14850 l7025,14850 at6970,14750,7070,14850,6970,15250,7470,14750 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "1" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"></g_vml_:stroke></g_vml_:shape><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 724px; HEIGHT: 1503px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "7230,15040" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "#aab123" strokeweight = ".75pt" path = " m7070,14800 l7070,245 at6970,200,7070,300,7470,200,6970,-300 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "1" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"></g_vml_:stroke></g_vml_:shape><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 724px; HEIGHT: 1503px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "7230,15040" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "#aab123" strokeweight = ".75pt" path = " m7020,200 l250,200 at200,200,300,300,324,-284,-284,324 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "1" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"></g_vml_:stroke></g_vml_:shape>Wednesday, October 31, 2012<META content=6590312557191237519 itemprop="aiaBlogId"><META content=5512561326583350784 itemprop="aiaPostId">Poll: Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims Believe That Critics of Muhammad Should Be Criminally Prosecuted

And one in eight American Muslims believe that Muhammad's critics should face the death penalty. But keep in mind that 1/8 and 46% are still minorities, so we have absolutely nothing to worry about. Indeed, we can continue focusing all our energies on the real problem: Islamophobia.

WorldNetDaily--Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.

The results came in a groundbreaking scientific poll for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. It was taken Oct. 22-26 and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.98 percentage points.

The poll also found 40 percent of Muslims in America believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards.

And the big winner among Muslim-Americans in the presidential election is Barack Obama, the poll found. More than 72 percent said they are definitely supporting Obama, and another 8.5 percent are leaning that direction. Only 11 percent are for Romney.

10-31-2012, 07:59 PM
I have a wild idea: Why not just leave people alone until they commit an obvious crime? That goes for both muslims and nationalists.

I agree - it is a 'wild idea', in part, anyway. What passes for 'criminality' between those two groups you name certainly varies considerably.

On the Muslim side, maybe the 'criminality' would translate into a second '7/7' terrorist attack ?? With co-ordinated bombings in various parts of London, as was true back then ?? I for one cannot accept that sitting back and risking a repetition of all those deaths and injuries is a good idea.

I see what you're trying to say, though, and on the so-called 'nationalist' side, your suggestion has merit. I'd simply suggest that you should be careful what you wish for.

Robert A Whit
10-31-2012, 08:01 PM
Some very fair points, it really has to be said.

I'd put it this way, though. The Battle of Britain, in 1940, was a case of - primarily, anyway - us Brits fighting off invasion from Germany.

Well stated. I almost spoke of some American pilots who also flew for your air force but decided there were not all that many. Still, anything helped given what was happening.

That said, had America not entered the war and played its decisive part, sooner or later, I think that the Third Reich would've eventually had another crack at taking over the UK. Would we have prevailed a second time ? Quite possibly.

With the Soviets marching across Poland, etc, I think you would have won.

But then, quite possibly not. What American full-scale intervention did for us, and for that matter for occupied territory in Europe (not forgetting the Channel Islands, which DID suffer German occupation, by the way !!) was to make sure that Hitler suffered ultimate defeat. Even though this didn't happen solely because of the Americans, what they did was to GUARANTEE the shift of supremacy away from German forces.

There are many who owe you a debt of gratitude who've not lived up to that responsibility since. This sorely needs to be recognised.

By the way ...


The Reagan-Thatcher transatlantic partnership. What a stellar team !! I really miss those days ...

I tell ungrateful Americans in my homeland that to not appreciate Ronald Reagain is to ignore what he actually did globally. Thatcher was a wonderful partner.

10-31-2012, 08:03 PM
Noir tried to combine he EDL with the BNP. I saw that right away and knew it was most likely deliberate because the EDL does not embrace the BNP. Noir also post those pics that were staged and several had nothing that even identified them with the EDL. Then when asked to show proof he volunteers to exit the discussion, that red flags with me big time! I post information that clearly shows the EDL SUPPORTS JEWS AND ISRAEL YET HE CALLS EDL NAZIS! I think perhaps he confused the EDL withe BNP. EDL are patriots made up of many races and classes of Brit citizens. Noir couldnt be more wrong about them IMHO.-Tyr

:goodposting::goodposting::goodposting::goodpostin g:

I totally agree, Tyr, and I've got nothing useful to add. Exactly !

10-31-2012, 08:08 PM
Well stated. I almost spoke of some American pilots who also flew for your air force but decided there were not all that many. Still, anything helped given what was happening.

With the Soviets marching across Poland, etc, I think you would have won.

I tell ungrateful Americans in my homeland that to not appreciate Ronald Reagain is to ignore what he actually did globally. Thatcher was a wonderful partner.


Thanks for all of this !

And on the point of American pilots ... well, as Dowding was known to have remarked, pilots were the resource we most badly needed back in 1940. Every single one of them, your own countrymen included, played a valuable (and often overlooked) part in fending off the Luftwaffe.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 08:12 PM
The Reagan Thatcher team was a model partnership. We will not see that ever again. In fact , unless the brits actually start to fight back Britain will fall. We owe a debt to Britain still from WW2. I THINK IF THEY CAN START TO FIGHT BACK WE SHOULD HELP THEM. I truly believe they need to start their own revolution to save themselves!Then we need to intervene to defeat the muslims and their allies there.
Otherwise Islam gets all of Europe and shortly after that they will attack us militarily with the newly acquired military resources.
War is coming to our shores ,its just a question of time. I see farther ahead than most of these blinded clowns ..-Tyr.

10-31-2012, 08:28 PM
The Reagan Thatcher team was a model partnership. We will not see that ever again. In fact , unless the brits actually start to fight back Britain will fall. We owe a debt to Britain still from WW2. I THINK IF THEY CAN START TO FIGHT BACK WE SHOULD HELP THEM. I truly believe they need to start their own revolution to save themselves!Then we need to intervene to defeat the muslims and their allies there.
Otherwise Islam gets all of Europe and shortly after that they will attack us militarily with the newly acquired military resources.
War is coming to our shores ,its just a question of time. I see farther ahead than most of these blinded clowns ..-Tyr.

As you'll know, Tyr, I strongly agree with you.

Will such a revolution happen ? I certainly have my doubts (though I can't discount this entirely). The very legal framework we live under, not to mention the fact that the vast majority of us don't even own guns, makes any of that a diminished prospect.

There's even the reality of the legal straitjacket that our ties with the EU places us under. We have diminished capacity to govern the substance of our own laws these days !

No, I think that if there's hope, it chiefly lies with America. You aren't disempowered as we are, consequently, your sense of spirit and identity are each far stronger. You are much better placed to fight the threat of Islam than we are.

And this, I suggest, itself adds value and necessity to the continuation of, even the ramping up of, the War on Terror. At least, under that unifying banner, there's a CHANCE of us in the UK contributing something of value (.. though, of course, our own Left would fight this tooth and nail ..).

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 09:12 PM
As you'll know, Tyr, I strongly agree with you.

Will such a revolution happen ? I certainly have my doubts (though I can't discount this entirely). The very legal framework we live under, not to mention the fact that the vast majority of us don't even own guns, makes any of that a diminished prospect.

There's even the reality of the legal straitjacket that our ties with the EU places us under. We have diminished capacity to govern the substance of our own laws these days !

No, I think that if there's hope, it chiefly lies with America. You aren't disempowered as we are, consequently, your sense of spirit and identity are each far stronger. You are much better placed to fight the threat of Islam than we are.

And this, I suggest, itself adds value and necessity to the continuation of, even the ramping up of, the War on Terror. At least, under that unifying banner, there's a CHANCE of us in the UK contributing something of value (.. though, of course, our own Left would fight this tooth and nail ..).

If Britain falls it greatly increases our chances of falling as well. The Brits allowing the population to be completely disarmed has come back to bite them right in the ass and thats why we must never allow it here. The EDL in Britain being targetted and attempts at destroying it come right from those that have yielded to the muslims. Those traitors should be destroyed! My tagline is not a joke. Execute all the traitors..-Tyr

10-31-2012, 09:17 PM
If Britain falls it greatly increases our chances of falling as well. The Brits allowing the population to be completely disarmed has come back to bite them right in the ass and thats why we must never allow it here. The EDL in Britain being targetted and attempts at destroying it come right from those that have yielded to the muslims. Those traitors should be destroyed! My tagline is not a joke. Execute all the traitors..-Tyr:goodposting::goodposting::clap:

10-31-2012, 09:57 PM
I post information that clearly shows the EDL SUPPORTS JEWS AND ISRAEL YET HE CALLS EDL NAZIS!

Since the Zionists in Israel are acting exactly like the Nazis, I am not surprised at EDL support.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 10:16 PM
Since the Zionists in Israel are acting exactly like the Nazis, I am not surprised at EDL support.

Really? Who are they roasting in ovens? Murdering in concentration camps by slaving them to death?-Tyr

11-01-2012, 12:17 AM
Really? Who are they roasting in ovens? Murdering in concentration camps by slaving them to death?-Tyr

Though not as blatant as "ovens", the Palestinians especially in Gaza are being treated no differently to the Jews back in the days of Nazi Germany. Gaza is just like the Warsaw Ghettos.

Don't take my word for it. Here it from this Jew.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:50 AM
Though not as blatant as "ovens", the Palestinians especially in Gaza are being treated no differently to the Jews back in the days of Nazi Germany. Gaza is just like the Warsaw Ghettos.

Don't take my word for it. Here it from this Jew.


When he said, "Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism" I knew he was a totally sold out lying ffing traitor.
Were that man to stand in front of me now I'd stomp his lying ass. Such scum should be treated even worse IMHO.
There is nothing worse in this world than a damn lying traitor!--Tyr

11-01-2012, 07:00 PM
When he said, "Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism" I knew he was a totally sold out lying ffing traitor.
Were that man to stand in front of me now I'd stomp his lying ass. Such scum should be treated even worse IMHO.
There is nothing worse in this world than a damn lying traitor!--Tyr

Never heard of the King David Hotel terrorists attack huh ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 07:05 PM

EDL members arrested on Armistice DayNearly 200 members of the far-right English Defence League were arrested in central London yesterday after police discovered that they planned to attack the protesters occupying St Paul’s Cathedral.
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Link to this video (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8884652/170-English-Defence-League-members-arrested-near-Cenotaph.html)

By Mark Hughes,, Crime Correspondent

7:30PM GMT 11 Nov 2011

The group of 172 were held inside the Red Lion pub near the Cenotaph in Whitehall after detectives discovered intelligence that they planned to head to the London Stock Exchange occupation.

They were arrested shortly after the Armistice Day ceremony and taken to central London police stations in order to prevent a breach of the peace.

The EDL website says that the group planned to travel to London to demonstrate against a proposed demonstration by Muslims Against Crusades. Last year MAC members set fire to poppies.

However, MAC was listed as a banned organisation by the Home Secretary Theresa May earlier this week, meaning any MAC demonstration would result in arrest. But many EDL members made the trip to central London anyway.

Protesters campaigning against inequality and corporate greed have occupied St Paul's since last month. It is not known why the EDL would want to attack them, however a police source said this was the intelligence officers had.
WELL THERE IS THE COVER STORY FOR THE BRIT POLICE GESTAPO RAID. Arrested but no bombs, no weapons found and still thier leader in jail.
Arrested because somebody supposedly alleged that they were going to attack the protestors yet when muslims actually do attack them during demonstrations in the past the police turned a blind eye and made them move away to areas farther away to protect the muslims!
All the Brit ww2 dead must be turning over in their graves! I am not even british and it pisses me off to no end.
Those authorities behind this need to be taken to the nearest tree and hanged for the damn traitors that they are! -Tyr

11-01-2012, 07:22 PM
Really? Who are they roasting in ovens? Murdering in concentration camps by slaving them to death?-Tyr

Tyr. As jafar continues his hateful rants against Jews, or Israel. Take note of how jafar also intentionally avoids any references to Palestinian, and Hamas attacks on Israel which he CONDONES. But if Israel defends itself in any way. jafar calls them Terrorists, and easily refers to the OVENS while applauding, and doing HIGH FIVES...in secretive joy.

11-01-2012, 08:40 PM
When he said, "Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism" I knew he was a totally sold out lying ffing traitor.
Were that man to stand in front of me now I'd stomp his lying ass. Such scum should be treated even worse IMHO.
There is nothing worse in this world than a damn lying traitor!--Tyr

Even a Jew can't criticise the Zionist regime. It's a funny old world.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:42 PM
Even a Jew can't criticise the Zionist regime. It's a funny old world.

They can but when they are lying bastards I call them on it too. That SOB IS A LYING BASTARD!-TYR

11-02-2012, 11:01 AM
Simply becuase you say so ? :laugh:

11-02-2012, 12:26 PM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CnXK3VPJbjc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>.

11-02-2012, 07:28 PM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CnXK3VPJbjc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>.

GABBY. Trying to transition TOM JONES, and a popular one of his singles into this thread about Britain is LAME, and far below the much bragged about Higher Education you claim to have in being SUPERIOR to everyone else here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Murtaza Ali Shah
(http://www.debatepolicy.com/TodaysPrintWriterName.aspx?ID=2&URL=Murtaza Ali Shah)Saturday, November 03, 2012
From Print Edition

http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.png140 http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.png28 http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.png3 http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.png3

LONDON: Britain’s Counter-terrorism Command Unit and Specialist Internet Bureau have taken notice of a representation made by an influential Muslim organisation which is asking the government to ban the blasphemous film “Innocence of Muslims” for posing danger to UK’s national security.

The Jamaat-e-Ahle Sunnat UK, which claims to represent the majority of Muslims in Britain, has approached the home secretary and police forces around the country requesting that the movie be removed from YouTube on the grounds that it incites racial and religious hate crimes and openly encourages violence in the name of faith. The group didn’t request that the film, which caused outrage among Muslims across the world, be banned for being offensive, nor that it will incite hatred against the Muslims but rather that it would encourage violence by Muslims to non-believers. Raja Zahid Nawaz confirmed to The News that his organisation had been contacted by the security officials with assurance that the contents of the letter were being studied and all the activity around the film online and otherwise was being monitored.

Ghulam Rabanni, Secretary General of the organisation, told The News that the blasphemous film is not about the “freedom of speech”.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 08:56 AM
Simply becuase you say so ? :laugh:

Because history /reality says so..Thats enough for me and should be for you too but your blindness rules you.-Tyr

11-04-2012, 12:12 PM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/P1bA89GdJEA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:45 PM
<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/P1bA89GdJEA" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>.

There is already a thread here for posting favorite music videos Gabby. Doing it here is not a good ideal.

11-04-2012, 01:14 PM
Gabby, please contribute to the thread and don't just post videos.

11-04-2012, 02:43 PM
I suggest that this video is well worth watching ... already posted on another thread ... and I regard it as a useful contribution. Anjen Choudary, if nothing else, is most candid about his expectations of Islamic ambition.

See what you think of the video this link offers ...


11-04-2012, 02:47 PM
There is already a thread here for posting favorite music videos Gabby. Doing it here is not a good ideal.

Tyr. We should leave gabby alone. Her actions here, in posting the music video only serves to prove how LITTLE, and USELESS the Liberal mind, and Democrat principles really are.

Gabby just reminds me of that line about "ALLOWING A FOOL to say whatever they want, if it removes all DOUBT."

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 03:32 PM
I suggest that this video is well worth watching ... already posted on another thread ... and I regard it as a useful contribution. Anjen Choudary, if nothing else, is most candid about his expectations of Islamic ambition.

See what you think of the video this link offers ...


The dog sits there and actually tells how he wants to not only take over and destroy Brtiain but also take over and destroy the world in the name of Allah. He needs to be destroyed IMHO. He and every damn one like him!! What he is actually talking about is putting to death the hundreds of millions that will oppose Islam! And they wil do that without moments hesitation for they are more fanatical and more crazy that any Nazi that ever lived!!
America and the rest of the world must wake up, these animals can not be bartered with to give up thier absolute abd unrelenting goal to enslave the entire world. War is coming to ALL non-muslim controlled nations because they are bringing it. We will either have a third world war with Islam or we wil go under without fighting.
F-that, I am going to fight and I will teach my son how to fight and what to fight.-Tyr

11-05-2012, 01:27 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2012, 03:29 PM

First gabby and now you posting stupid music type videos that have nothing to do with the thread.
Bullshit, posting dude, you want to be like gabby?

11-05-2012, 04:00 PM
Tyr. Funny stuff. Isn't it? Both jafar, and gabby operate from the very same VACANT space between their ears. And both of them are REALLY IMPRESSED with themselves.

Remember that old line...."A Full house, couldn't beat THAT PAIR"? That's jafar, and gabby. And they really do believe everything they say, and do. Is taken seriously.

Like Good Obama voters...they are.

11-05-2012, 07:47 PM
First gabby and now you posting stupid music type videos that have nothing to do with the thread.
Bullshit, posting dude, you want to be like gabby?

That was for your paranoi(mi)a that Muslims are like animals and are hell bent on world domination. Are you afraid of your own shadow in case it is an Al Qaeda sleeper agent Tyr?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2012, 07:54 PM
That was for your paranoi(mi)a that Muslims are like animals and are hell bent on world domination. Are you afraid of your own shadow in case it is an Al Qaeda sleeper agent Tyr?

Dude , if I were afraid I wouldnt be speaking out like this. Islam's problem is that I am not afraid to post the truth about it! Which they now ask our government to make illegal! F-that, F-them, if it were made illegal I would not quit.-Tyr

11-05-2012, 08:27 PM
That was for your paranoi(mi)a that Muslims are like animals and are hell bent on world domination. Are you afraid of your own shadow in case it is an Al Qaeda sleeper agent Tyr?

jafar. Call it whatever your masters tell you to call it. But, like Tyr. I do not fear you, or anyone who is determined to gain World Domination, as your shadow Brotherhood claims, is their eventual intent for the World.

Martyrdom or whatever you are seeking with your Bastardized Twisting of a Peaceful Religion will only work...as long as you allow it to exist. Because of your fears that far outweigh mine.

When someone threatens me. I follow the law, and report it. Unlike you. Who seems to be satisfied, always being the target, or victim, rather than admitting you would love FREEDOM like the rest of the Civil, Free World. But you seem to have fallen into a perpetual cowardice only you can change...but will never dare do.
That is what you want us to fear. But we won't fall for it, and like truth. Nobody can change it.

11-05-2012, 10:16 PM
That was for your paranoi(mi)a that Muslims are like animals and are hell bent on world domination. Are you afraid of your own shadow in case it is an Al Qaeda sleeper agent Tyr?

According to an 8yr old girl from your home of Australia, that is the goal. Never did see you speak out against that.

11-05-2012, 10:30 PM
jafar. Call it whatever your masters tell you to call it. But, like Tyr. I do not fear you, or anyone who is determined to gain World Domination, as your shadow Brotherhood claims, is their eventual intent for the World.

Martyrdom or whatever you are seeking with your Bastardized Twisting of a Peaceful Religion will only work...as long as you allow it to exist. Because of your fears that far outweigh mine.

When someone threatens me. I follow the law, and report it. Unlike you. Who seems to be satisfied, always being the target, or victim, rather than admitting you would love FREEDOM like the rest of the Civil, Free World. But you seem to have fallen into a perpetual cowardice only you can change...but will never dare do.
That is what you want us to fear. But we won't fall for it, and like truth. Nobody can change it.

Having lived in both worlds, I can tell you from experience that your freedom is an illusion.