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View Full Version : Oath of Office

10-31-2012, 09:46 AM
I, (full name) having been appointed a (rank), United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, SO HELP ME GOD.

So, I'd just like to point out, if obama is reelected, nowhere in there does it say i have to respect the man. (obviously I'll have to listen)

I am not going in because i love my gov't. I'm not going in because of all the benefits my country offers. I'm going in to bring freedom to the rest of the world. I'm going in to be there for the people that work the hardest. Hopefully Medivac pilot, i don't want to shoot people, just help them.

11-01-2012, 02:32 AM
I think Romney said "We don't dictate, we liberate."

Cadet, thank you for volunteering and for the reasons you stated.....bring freedom to the rest of the world.

11-01-2012, 02:57 PM
So, I'd just like to point out, if obama is reelected, nowhere in there does it say i have to respect the man. (obviously I'll have to listen)

I am not going in because i love my gov't. I'm not going in because of all the benefits my country offers. I'm going in to bring freedom to the rest of the world. I'm going in to be there for the people that work the hardest. Hopefully Medivac pilot, i don't want to shoot people, just help them.

cadet. Hopefully. When you hold up your hand to take that oath. We'll have a Real, Commander-in-Chief you CAN RESPECT without having any need to explain your intentions.

Thought you might like this. I raised my hand over my 30 years 6 times:

(a) Enlistment Oath. - Each person enlisting in an armed force
shall take the following oath:
"I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will
support and defend the Constitution of the United States against
all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of
the President of the United States and the orders of the officers
appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code
of Military Justice. So help me God."

Robert A Whit
11-06-2012, 05:09 PM
When you retire from the military, do you get both the pension and also social security paid to you? I may be wrong but when I was in the Army I believe I paid social security.

11-06-2012, 07:27 PM
When you retire from the military, do you get both the pension and also social security paid to you? I may be wrong but when I was in the Army I believe I paid social security.

Bob. I began getting my Military pension in the year I retired, in 1995. I didn't begin collecting Social Security till this year, when I became 65.

I paid S.S. every year I was in uniform. And there are some civilians who are convinced we are not eligible to collect both.

Truth is. Being disabled, and unable to work. My navy pension has never been enough to qualify as above Poverty level.

Also. Despite keeping my part of the bargain...or Contract. I'm sure you are familiar with, with the military. The Govt. decided, before I retired, during the Clinton era. That WE would be required to pay for our Medical, and Prescriptions....despite the Govt. promises that said...If we gave 20, or more years. They would take care of those expenses.

Bottom Line. THE GOVT. can't even keep any promises to VETERANS. And the people think Obamacare will WORK???

Robert A Whit
11-06-2012, 08:06 PM
Bob. I began getting my Military pension in the year I retired, in 1995. I didn't begin collecting Social Security till this year, when I became 65.

I was not asking if those who retired collect SS at that point. I know the minimum age for those getting SS. But I thank you for your explanation non the less.

I paid S.S. every year I was in uniform. And there are some civilians who are convinced we are not eligible to collect both.

I thought you could double dip since each is for something different. The Military pension is an inducement to get the best people to remain.

Truth is. Being disabled, and unable to work. My navy pension has never been enough to qualify as above Poverty level.

Also. Despite keeping my part of the bargain...or Contract. I'm sure you are familiar with, with the military. The Govt. decided, before I retired, during the Clinton era. That WE would be required to pay for our Medical, and Prescriptions....despite the Govt. promises that said...If we gave 20, or more years. They would take care of those expenses.

Bottom Line. THE GOVT. can't even keep any promises to VETERANS. And the people think Obamacare will WORK???

Can you NOW get Tri Care? I have read posts on other forums where retired vets state they have Tri Care!! Have you spoken to your VA rep about any of this?

One thing I learned about the Feds is they force you to BEG for what they promised you.

11-06-2012, 08:31 PM
I was not asking if those who retired collect SS at that point. I know the minimum age for those getting SS. But I thank you for your explanation non the less.

I thought you could double dip since each is for something different. The Military pension is an inducement to get the best people to remain.

Can you NOW get Tri Care? I have read posts on other forums where retired vets state they have Tri Care!! Have you spoken to your VA rep about any of this?

One thing I learned about the Feds is they force you to BEG for what they promised you.

Yes. We have, and use Tricare as a secondary health care provider for everything Medicare won't, or can't cover. Better than 10 percent of my S.S. monthly is taken out for Medicare. And Tricare is basically like the Medicare DONUT HOLE in many respects. And, despite what many civilians believe. I pay for that as well.
As for speaking to a VA rep. Of course. But even they are limited when it comes to Veteran services. Congress, and the President have made sure of that. Remember earlier this year when Mister Obama told WE Vets...."Time to pay up!" ?
It may have been rescinded. But buried deeply in the OBAMACARE Stack of Lies...HE WASN'T KIDDING.

Robert A Whit
11-06-2012, 09:23 PM
Yes. We have, and use Tricare as a secondary health care provider for everything Medicare won't, or can't cover. Better than 10 percent of my S.S. monthly is taken out for Medicare. And Tricare is basically like the Medicare DONUT HOLE in many respects. And, despite what many civilians believe. I pay for that as well.
As for speaking to a VA rep. Of course. But even they are limited when it comes to Veteran services. Congress, and the President have made sure of that. Remember earlier this year when Mister Obama told WE Vets...."Time to pay up!" ?
It may have been rescinded. But buried deeply in the OBAMACARE Stack of Lies...HE WASN'T KIDDING.

I was under the impression that Tri Care was better than Medicare and that drugs were free to Vets. According to Democrats, Tri Care is the best care on earth. Who wulda thunk it? That they told me lies.