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View Full Version : Ohio: More voting problems as ballot cast for Romney comes up Obama

10-31-2012, 01:37 PM
More problems with electronic voting machines. You know, the ones that were supposed to make voting easier... and more secure.

And once again, the error just happens to favor Democrats.

Has anybody seen any reports of voters trying to select Obama but the name came up Romney? Even ONE time?

BTW, with regard to the advantages of these electronic voting machines....

Does anybody recall EVER seeing a voter with a pencil marking the candidate they wanted on a paper ballot, only to see the box next to some other candidate get magically blacked in instead?

(Aside from old people marking a butterfly ballot in Floriduh in 2000, a butterfly ballot that local classrooms full of 5th graders had no trouble with?)



Problem found at board of elections
Incorrect inputs irritate voter
6:51 AM, Oct 31, 2012 |

MARION — Joan Stevens was one of several early voters at the polls on Monday. But when Stevens tried to cast her ballot for president, she noticed a problem.

Upon selecting “Mitt Romney” on the electronic touch screen, Barack Obama’s name lit up.

It took Stevens three tries before her selection was accurately recorded.
“You want to vote for who you want to vote for, and when you can’t it’s irritating,” Stevens said.

Stevens said she alerted Jackie Smith, a board of elections member who was present. Smith declined to comment, but Stevens says she mentioned that the machine had been having problems all day.

10-31-2012, 07:39 PM
I'm afraid problems like this might be larger than we are hearing about, and it will only look like sour grapes if people complain about it after the election. There should be checks and balances in place, and after someone is DONE voting, it should have a manner to show them what was actually submitted, and allow them to be changed on the spot. Maybe that is the case, it's hard to tell. I just hope people don't "assume" what they hit worked and leave.

11-02-2012, 07:47 PM
We should all begin to see the connections now, when we discuss WHY the U.N. is sending their Voting agents into OUR states.

Knowing how Dangerous, and Distrustful they are...coming to examine Our Polling places for OBAMA is like asking Ahmadinejab to Attend a Banquet for George W. Bush, as the KEYNOTE speaker.