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View Full Version : MoveOn.org Releases Vile Anti-Romney Ad

red states rule
10-31-2012, 03:47 PM
Libs never cease to amaze me. Do they really think making vile, vulgar, insults is going to make people vote for you

Warning : very vulgar language. IOW more liberal civility on display


Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 03:51 PM
Reminiscent of how I felt about the vile OWS folks.
Let them be disgusting, from age 15 to age 85. It's apparently all they've got left.

red states rule
10-31-2012, 04:00 PM
Reminiscent of how I felt about the vile OWS folks.
Let them be disgusting, from age 15 to age 85. It's apparently all they've got left.

and does anyone reallly believe the people in the video really live in a nursing home?

This is how libs win peopole over to their side Abbey, and is why I still believe Romney will win in a Reagan style blowout

Abbey Marie
10-31-2012, 04:02 PM
and does anyone reallly believe the people in the video really live in a nursing home?

This is how libs win peopole over to their side Abbey, and is why I still believe Romney will win in a Reagan style blowout

My overall impression of Dems has been that more than anything, they run on emotion.

red states rule
10-31-2012, 04:06 PM
My overall impression of Dems has been that more than anything, they run on emotion.

Spot on Gabby

As far as this election, they could not care less about the results of Obama's polices - only his good intentions

Of course the real reason they back Obama is due to their insatiable thirst for politial power, and feel it is their birthright to be in charge of DC

10-31-2012, 04:44 PM
My overall impression of Dems has been that more than anything, they run on emotion.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense, and a brain knows, and can see the Desperation, Despair, and Frustration the Dems and Obama are using in this last week before the elections.

Those who refuse to admit the DIRTY GAMES...laughingly showing elderly Americans calling Romney a "MF" are probably just like those people shown in the Video. Money Hungry, and willing to sell their Soul to the Devil....for a One time Cash Prize of Stupidity, and Ignorance.

We all need to remember WHO the DNC Chairwoman is, that is behind this kind of GUTTER politics. But very fitting, coming from such a GUTTER kind of Personality, challenged by Humanity in comparison to Elephant Dung, and SHE wins, every time.

Thank you Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Your Lowness says volumes about your mental capacity as well.4031

11-01-2012, 09:55 AM
I think the exploitation of Alzheimer's patients ought to be illegal....

11-01-2012, 12:51 PM
I think the exploitation of Alzheimer's patients ought to be illegal....

Funny stuff, talking about Alzheimer's patients. But it's probably more true, and accurate than not.

Those elderly people in the video probably ARE Proud Alzheimer Democrats who were the first to step FORWARD to disclose how miserable, and frustrated the Liberal, Democrat, Progressives who LOVE Obama really are.

We should all look at that disgraceful video as a FREE DEMOCRAT WARNING, and PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT to the rest of America.

11-01-2012, 01:22 PM
The profanity etc. is just to get people's attention, and get the media to broadcast the ad a lot more for free.

The message, though, is to prepare Democrats for resisting, lying, and demonizing once Romney wins.

"Republicans suppressed the vote."

"Republicans 'ousted' Obama."

"Republicans didn't win legitimately, they cheated instead."

Nope, Democrats are pretty much conceding here, that Romney will win on Tuesday. They are just trying to get people to sabotage any future Republican administration, by filling them with lies and hate.

Standard Democrat tactics, used regularly since 2000.

11-01-2012, 02:30 PM
The profanity etc. is just to get people's attention, and get the media to broadcast the ad a lot more for free.

The message, though, is to prepare Democrats for resisting, lying, and demonizing once Romney wins.

"Republicans suppressed the vote."

"Republicans 'ousted' Obama."

"Republicans didn't win legitimately, they cheated instead."

Nope, Democrats are pretty much conceding here, that Romney will win on Tuesday. They are just trying to get people to sabotage any future Republican administration, by filling them with lies and hate.

Standard Democrat tactics, used regularly since 2000.

PROFANITY is all the Democrats have, or expect from their BASE whom has such little, real, educational backgrounds. They can't even spell FOUR LETTER Swear words correctly.
So. People like Debbie Wasserman Schultz....convince people...for a price, to demonstrate to the rest of America. How cheap, and dirty Democrats really can be.
It's a wonder they didn't have those elderly people in the video....riding in Wheelchairs...swearing, and calling OBAMA a MOFO. That would be such an HONEST ad.

11-01-2012, 02:41 PM
Can you imagine if Michael Moore tried to pull this stunt on Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson?

11-01-2012, 02:49 PM
Can you imagine if Michael Moore tried to pull this stunt on Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson?

Bite your tongue, Thunderknuckles. It's an insult to use M.M.'s name in the same sentence with someone like Andy Jackson.

Abbey Marie
11-01-2012, 03:44 PM
Question for our Dem members: Do you ever secretly wish your party had more class?

11-01-2012, 05:41 PM
The first old gal was funny. She voted for FDR in 1940. She's been a brain-dead libtard her entire life... :lol:

Abbey Marie
11-01-2012, 05:58 PM
The first old gal was funny. She voted for FDR in 1940. She's been a brain-dead libtard her entire life... :lol:

Probably supported by a hard-working conservative husband, which enabled her to be a theoretical liberal.

11-01-2012, 06:18 PM
Probably supported by a hard-working conservative husband, which enabled her to be a theoretical liberal.Or a union guy who couldn't support her, so she ended up in a nursing home with Medicare only, and is turning tricks for Mike Moore for spending money. :laugh2:

Robert A Whit
11-01-2012, 07:05 PM
I am not sure who produced that video but have a feeling it was intended to be spread out on the internet.

It could be a spoof for all I know.

But it is very reflective of the dirty way democrats campaign.

That much I do know.

11-01-2012, 07:08 PM
The first old gal was funny. She voted for FDR in 1940. She's been a brain-dead libtard her entire life... :lol:

That funny one honestly IS an Insult to anyone with No Teeth, Alzheimer's, and wearing DEPENDS to prevent massive leaks of LIBERALISM.