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View Full Version : Iran says it's uncovered spy rings from U.S., allies

05-26-2007, 07:40 PM
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran said Saturday it has uncovered spy rings organized by the United States and its Western allies, claiming on state-run television that the espionage networks were made up of "infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers."

The Intelligence Ministry has "succeeded in identifying and striking blows at several spy networks comprised of infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers in western, southwestern and central Iran," said the statement, using shorthand for United States and its allies.

The broadcast did not elaborate on how the alleged networks were uncovered, but said further details would be published within days.

Meanwhile, the state IRNA news agency said the networks "enjoyed guidance from intelligence services of the occupying powers in Iraq" and also that "Iraqi groups" were "involved in the case."

The White House said Saturday that it does not confirm or deny allegations about intelligence matters. "We urge Iran to play a positive role in Iraq ... and stop blaming everyone else for problems they are only bringing on themselves," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

Since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Iran has often accused the United States and Britain of trying to undermine the security of the Islamic republic.

The allegations Saturday come just two days before ambassadors of the United States and Iran are to sit down in Baghdad, Iraq, to discuss ways to ease the Iraq crisis. It remains unclear how this announcement will affect those talks, although it reflects a toughening of Iran's stand. (Full story)

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki echoed that note, saying Saturday that the Baghdad talks can bear fruit only if Washington takes a "realistic approach."

"The two sides can be hopeful about the outcome of the negotiations, if America develops a realistic view toward Monday's talks, admits its wrong policies in Iraq, decides to change them and accepts its responsibilities," Mottaki said.

The Baghdad talks will offer a very rare one-on-one forum between the two countries since they broke off formal relations after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution. The agenda is expected to be limited to Iraqi affairs, without spilling over into the nuclear impasse between Iran and the West.

U.S. holds Iranians as Iranians hold Americans
The talks come against the backdrop of five Iranians held by U.S. troops for more than three months, after their January capture in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil.

U.S. authorities said the five were members of Iran's elite Quds Force, accused of arming and training Iraqi militants. Tehran has claimed they were part of a government liaison office and has demanded their release.

For its part, Iran has arrested a number of Iranian-Americans in recent months, accusing them of seeking to topple the ruling establishment. (Iranian-Americans called political prisoners)

Haleh Esfandiari, director of the Middle East Program at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, has been held at Tehran's notorious Evin Prison since early May and charged with seeking to topple the government in Tehran. She traveled to Iran in December to visit her 93-year-old mother, but knife-wielding men in masks stopped her when she headed to the airport to leave on December 30.

She was interrogated extensively and imprisoned earlier this month. The Iranian government announced she was being charged with setting up a network to overthrow the Islamic establishment.

Other Iranian-Americans have also been prohibited from leaving Iran in recent months, including journalist Parnaz Azima, who works for the U.S.-funded Radio Farda.

Ali Shakeri, a founding board member at the University of California, Irvine's Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, and Kian Tajbakhsh, a consultant working for George Soros' Open Society Institute, are two other Iranian-Americans prevented from leaving Iran.

Another American, former FBI agent Robert Levinson, disappeared in March after going to Iran's resort island of Kish, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Earlier this month, state television said Iran had captured 10 men crossing the country's eastern border, with $500,000 in cash, maps of sensitive Iranian locations and modern spying equipment. No other details were available.

Report of CIA plans may raise tensions
Saturday's Iranian statement followed reports that President Bush has authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch new covert action to destabilize the Iranian government.

Iranian officials have repeatedly raised concerns that Washington could incite members of Iran's many ethnic and religious minorities against the Shiite-led government in Tehran.

Although the United States has denied such reports, it has launched several Iran-related initiatives, including establishing offices for Iranian affairs in Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates, and committing $75 million to promoting democracy in Iran.

Iran's numerous minorities have generally been quiet, with little overt show of opposition to the government, but there have been worrisome signs lately.

Fierce clashes broke out last May between Iranian police and Azeris in the northwestern city of Tabriz, after a cartoon in a state-run newspaper suggested the Turkic Azeris -- Iran's largest minority, making up about a quarter of Iran's 70 million people -- were stupid.

A series of bomb attacks in the past two years in Khuzestan, the center of Iran's Arab minority, killed several people. The Iranian government blamed the bombings on Britain and United States, which denied any involvement.

U.S.-Iranian tensions also increased after the Pentagon moved two aircraft carriers and seven other ships into the Persian Gulf in a show of force. (Full story)


How much longer are we going to put up with Iran's crap, we need to go in there and kick ass.

05-26-2007, 08:00 PM
How much longer are we going to put up with Iran's crap, we need to go in there and kick ass.

what crap are we putting up with?

05-26-2007, 08:10 PM
what crap are we putting up with?

Look at all the internation laws they have broke, not to mention the Genieva Convention. The problem is trying to handle everything Diplomatically which is making us look like cowards. We need to go in there and show them who the boss is.

05-26-2007, 08:26 PM
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran said Saturday it has uncovered spy rings organized by the United States and its Western allies, claiming on state-run television that the espionage networks were made up of "infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers."

I wonder how much that ABC report has to do with it.

05-26-2007, 08:28 PM
Look at all the internation laws they have broke, not to mention the Genieva Convention. The problem is trying to handle everything Diplomatically which is making us look like cowards. We need to go in there and show them who the boss is.

WHAT international laws have they broke?

The Iranians are still in compliance with the NPT. And they only ran afoul of the UN within the last few months.

The nuclear issue is a BS issue. Israel has 200 nukes, the US has 20,000.

Iran has zero. India, Pakistan also have nukes. Again no UN intervention.

Pakistan not only harbors Bin Laden the signed a treaty to offer him safe haven if he plays by the rules, AND pakistan sold nuclear secrets.

And what about N Korea? How come the UN hasn't done anything about them?

Do you see the five fold hypocrisy in the nuclear "issue"?

What other issues? The safely released brits?

What else? Bombs?

Yep we did give Saddam WMD to use against Iran. Are those the bombs you were talking about?

What are your issues Nevada Medic?

And what Geneva convention probs are you refering to?

05-26-2007, 08:29 PM
I wonder how much that ABC report has to do with it.

I was wondering the same thing.

05-26-2007, 08:31 PM
I wonder how much that ABC report has to do with it.


I have been reading for two years that the US has operations inside Iran, as well as Israel conducting operations inside Iran to destabalize and gather intel on the locations of weapons facilities.

ABC only provided actual details on events that were widely reported worldwide for two previous years.

05-26-2007, 08:33 PM
what crap are we putting up with?

interferrence in iraq

taking Americans prisoner

supporting hamas

supporting hexbollah

supporting al queda

supporting all the other terror organizations

building nukes to use against us and Israel

just to name a few.

05-26-2007, 08:34 PM
WHAT international laws have they broke?

The Iranians are still in compliance with the NPT. And they only ran afoul of the UN within the last few months.

The nuclear issue is a BS issue. Israel has 200 nukes, the US has 20,000.

Iran has zero. India, Pakistan also have nukes. Again no UN intervention.

Pakistan not only harbors Bin Laden the signed a treaty to offer him safe haven if he plays by the rules, AND pakistan sold nuclear secrets.

And what about N Korea? How come the UN hasn't done anything about them?

Do you see the five fold hypocrisy in the nuclear "issue"?

What other issues? The safely released brits?

What else? Bombs?

Yep we did give Saddam WMD to use against Iran. Are those the bombs you were talking about?

What are your issues Nevada Medic?

And what Geneva convention probs are you refering to?

Think back here recently to the 15 Brisish Allied Forces that were kidnapped while in International Waters.

05-26-2007, 08:37 PM
interferrence in iraq

taking Americans prisoner

supporting hamas

supporting hexbollah

supporting al queda

supporting all the other terror organizations

building nukes to use against us and Israel

just to name a few.

I'm picking ABC article, coupled with #2 on the above list as probable reasons for Iran's 'pronouncement'. What do you want to bet they've 'taken into custody' more professors or aid workers?

05-26-2007, 08:51 PM
Think back here recently to the 15 Brisish Allied Forces that were kidnapped while in International Waters.

I mentioned them. safely released.

And they were captured in a water way with a delta in which the physical lines are always changing.

The Iraq Iran war began as a result of the same waterway border confusion. And there is no treaty discerning the national boundaries.

The Brits were seizing craft from Iran, the Iranians seized the brit craft. They coined the term border dispute for a reason. We have been involved in quite a few.

No harm, no foul.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2007, 08:54 PM
I wonder how much that ABC report has to do with it.

Yes; interesting timing on that, doncha think?

05-26-2007, 08:57 PM
interferrence in iraq

taking Americans prisoner


But we HAVE taken several hundred Iranians prisoner in Iraq.

supporting hamas

supporting hexbollah

Guilty, so friggin what???? Seriously, so friggin what?

supporting al queda

Bullshit. LINKS????????

building nukes to use against us and Israel

Obviously Iran has zero intention of targeting the US with it's nuclear energy program, or it's nuclear weapons ten years from now.

Israel, who gives a shit? Seriously who gives a shit? That is Israel's problem not ours.

just to name a few.

two actually, Iran supports Hezbollah and Hamas. Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of the palestinians btw. Why aren't we supporting them too?

I mean Bush says he wants democracy in the ME?

OK, that's one.

05-26-2007, 08:59 PM
Yes; interesting timing on that, doncha think?

Abbey thinking

05-26-2007, 09:22 PM

But we HAVE taken several hundred Iranians prisoner in Iraq.

Guilty, so friggin what???? Seriously, so friggin what?

Bullshit. LINKS????????

Obviously Iran has zero intention of targeting the US with it's nuclear energy program, or it's nuclear weapons ten years from now.

Israel, who gives a shit? Seriously who gives a shit? That is Israel's problem not ours.

two actually, Iran supports Hezbollah and Hamas. Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of the palestinians btw. Why aren't we supporting them too?

I mean Bush says he wants democracy in the ME?

OK, that's one.

Iranian apologist now ? :laugh2: oh great

05-26-2007, 09:35 PM
Iranian apologist now ? :laugh2: oh great

I am gonna cut you some slack and under react.


I just have no use whatsoever for allowing Bush to widen the war into Iran when WE exacerbated the Iran conflict by invading BOTH of Iran's neighbors and calling Iran the AXIS of EVIL.


sorry bout the yelling but


Bush can't handle the two he started, NO MORE ELECTIVE WARS!!!!!!!!

And the justification for this war will be as full of shit as the last. You know the routine by now.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2007, 09:51 PM
All that for one line, ey. Over-react much?

Your obvious trolling for fights all over the board today doesn't impress me. Been there, seen that, many, many times over.

05-26-2007, 10:20 PM
[QUOTE=loosecannon;67336]Abbey thinking

All that for one line, ey. Over-react much?

Your obvious trolling for fights all over the board today doesn't impress me. Been there, seen that, many, many times over.

You are full of shit. Trolling for fights is the work of OCA.

I just find the ignorance of Bushbots and war apologists irresistable.

The ABC article was a non story to folks with a clue.

05-26-2007, 10:22 PM
I am gonna cut you some slack and under react.


I just have no use whatsoever for allowing Bush to widen the war into Iran when WE exacerbated the Iran conflict by invading BOTH of Iran's neighbors and calling Iran the AXIS of EVIL.


sorry bout the yelling but


Bush can't handle the two he started, NO MORE ELECTIVE WARS!!!!!!!!

And the justification for this war will be as full of shit as the last. You know the routine by now.

hey----they called us evil first !! :laugh2:

05-26-2007, 10:26 PM
hey----they called us evil first !! :laugh2:

Yeah but they are radical zealous buttheads. Do we wanna join the radical zealous butthead club?

Abbey Marie
05-26-2007, 10:26 PM
You are full of shit. Trolling for fights is the work of OCA.

I just find the ignorance of Bushbots and war apologists irresistable.

The ABC article was a non story to folks with a clue.

You are crass and repetitive.

05-26-2007, 10:27 PM
Yeah but they are radical zealous buttheads. Do we wanna join the radical zealous butthead club?

Isn't that what you always call me ??:poke::laugh2:

05-26-2007, 10:38 PM
You are full of shit. Trolling for fights is the work of OCA.

I just find the ignorance of Bushbots and war apologists irresistable.

The ABC article was a non story to folks with a clue.

You do realize that popular opinion on the board is that you are a troll, right coward?

05-26-2007, 10:43 PM
I sense a repitition in the force...

05-26-2007, 10:45 PM
You are crass and repetitive.

and you stay sheltered in denial avoiding perfectly obvious facts.

The ABC story was nada.

Only hokey fools play with that kind of crap.

05-26-2007, 10:46 PM
Isn't that what you always call me ??:poke::laugh2:


05-26-2007, 10:47 PM

You do realize that popular opinion on the board is that you are a troll, right coward?

those are the voices in your head, take your meds. Troll.

05-26-2007, 10:50 PM

those are the voices in your head, take your meds. Troll.

No cute little quips can save you from what you've already proved in this very thread.....in so many words you are fucked, your tenure here is getting short.

05-26-2007, 10:59 PM
I am gonna cut you some slack and under react.


I just have no use whatsoever for allowing Bush to widen the war into Iran when WE exacerbated the Iran conflict by invading BOTH of Iran's neighbors and calling Iran the AXIS of EVIL.


sorry bout the yelling but


Bush can't handle the two he started, NO MORE ELECTIVE WARS!!!!!!!!

And the justification for this war will be as full of shit as the last. You know the routine by now.

Bush is handling both wars, he did a better job when the house wasn't being such a pain in the ass.

05-26-2007, 10:59 PM

No cute little quips can save you from what you've already proved in this very thread.....in so many words you are fucked, your tenure here is getting short.

Damn, you are prophetic...

05-26-2007, 11:09 PM
How much longer are we going to put up with Iran's crap, we need to go in there and kick ass.

Huh? Iran breaks up an American spy ring and you want to know how long we're going to put up with this crap?

Please stop and think a few minutes about those troops you people say you are supporting........you know......the ones that have their tours extended. The ones that have their leaves cut short. The ones that got caught up in stop loss..........now do you really want to start another war?

05-26-2007, 11:10 PM
Bush is handling both wars,he did a netter job when the house wasn't being such a pain in the ass.
:laugh2: Now you're just being silly. He's got the same damned thing with this house...or haven't you notice they found the rubber stamp?

05-26-2007, 11:26 PM
Huh? Iran breaks up an American spy ring and you want to know how long we're going to put up with this crap?

Please stop and think a few minutes about those troops you people say you are supporting........you know......the ones that have their tours extended. The ones that have their leaves cut short. The ones that got caught up in stop loss..........now do you really want to start another war?

Yes I do. I do support the troops. They are soldiers when their tours get extended that is part of the job disciption.

05-26-2007, 11:35 PM
Yes I do. I do support the troops. They are soldiers when their tours get extended that is part of the job disciption.

They are over-extended with fighting 2 wars........and now you want them to fight a 3rd? Doesn't sound like much support to me.

05-27-2007, 02:00 AM
Isn't that what you always call me ??:poke::laugh2:


05-27-2007, 02:05 AM
They are over-extended with fighting 2 wars........and now you want them to fight a 3rd? Doesn't sound like much support to me.

Our troops are not over-extended, that it a typical Liberal thougt. Besides, it is all in the same region.

05-27-2007, 02:14 AM
what crap are we putting up with?

well kidnapping allies, killing our troops in Iraq. Threatening genocide to us and allies.. If thats not crap we are putting up with I dont know what is.

05-27-2007, 02:17 AM
I sense a repitition in the force...

Your feelings are perceptive. There is a great disturbance of repitition surrounding those in this thread.

05-27-2007, 02:18 AM
No cute little quips can save you from what you've already proved in this very thread.....in so many words you are fucked, your tenure here is getting short.

Ever notice that anyone who disagrees with him is nuts?

05-27-2007, 11:28 AM
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran said Saturday it has uncovered spy rings organized by the United States and its Western allies, claiming on state-run television that the espionage networks were made up of "infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers."

The Intelligence Ministry has "succeeded in identifying and striking blows at several spy networks comprised of infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers in western, southwestern and central Iran," said the statement, using shorthand for United States and its allies.

The broadcast did not elaborate on how the alleged networks were uncovered, but said further details would be published within days.

Meanwhile, the state IRNA news agency said the networks "enjoyed guidance from intelligence services of the occupying powers in Iraq" and also that "Iraqi groups" were "involved in the case."

The White House said Saturday that it does not confirm or deny allegations about intelligence matters. "We urge Iran to play a positive role in Iraq ... and stop blaming everyone else for problems they are only bringing on themselves," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

Since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Iran has often accused the United States and Britain of trying to undermine the security of the Islamic republic.

The allegations Saturday come just two days before ambassadors of the United States and Iran are to sit down in Baghdad, Iraq, to discuss ways to ease the Iraq crisis. It remains unclear how this announcement will affect those talks, although it reflects a toughening of Iran's stand. (Full story)

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki echoed that note, saying Saturday that the Baghdad talks can bear fruit only if Washington takes a "realistic approach."

"The two sides can be hopeful about the outcome of the negotiations, if America develops a realistic view toward Monday's talks, admits its wrong policies in Iraq, decides to change them and accepts its responsibilities," Mottaki said.

The Baghdad talks will offer a very rare one-on-one forum between the two countries since they broke off formal relations after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution. The agenda is expected to be limited to Iraqi affairs, without spilling over into the nuclear impasse between Iran and the West.

U.S. holds Iranians as Iranians hold Americans
The talks come against the backdrop of five Iranians held by U.S. troops for more than three months, after their January capture in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil.

U.S. authorities said the five were members of Iran's elite Quds Force, accused of arming and training Iraqi militants. Tehran has claimed they were part of a government liaison office and has demanded their release.

For its part, Iran has arrested a number of Iranian-Americans in recent months, accusing them of seeking to topple the ruling establishment. (Iranian-Americans called political prisoners)

Haleh Esfandiari, director of the Middle East Program at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, has been held at Tehran's notorious Evin Prison since early May and charged with seeking to topple the government in Tehran. She traveled to Iran in December to visit her 93-year-old mother, but knife-wielding men in masks stopped her when she headed to the airport to leave on December 30.

She was interrogated extensively and imprisoned earlier this month. The Iranian government announced she was being charged with setting up a network to overthrow the Islamic establishment.

Other Iranian-Americans have also been prohibited from leaving Iran in recent months, including journalist Parnaz Azima, who works for the U.S.-funded Radio Farda.

Ali Shakeri, a founding board member at the University of California, Irvine's Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, and Kian Tajbakhsh, a consultant working for George Soros' Open Society Institute, are two other Iranian-Americans prevented from leaving Iran.

Another American, former FBI agent Robert Levinson, disappeared in March after going to Iran's resort island of Kish, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Earlier this month, state television said Iran had captured 10 men crossing the country's eastern border, with $500,000 in cash, maps of sensitive Iranian locations and modern spying equipment. No other details were available.

Report of CIA plans may raise tensions
Saturday's Iranian statement followed reports that President Bush has authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch new covert action to destabilize the Iranian government.

Iranian officials have repeatedly raised concerns that Washington could incite members of Iran's many ethnic and religious minorities against the Shiite-led government in Tehran.

Although the United States has denied such reports, it has launched several Iran-related initiatives, including establishing offices for Iranian affairs in Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates, and committing $75 million to promoting democracy in Iran.

Iran's numerous minorities have generally been quiet, with little overt show of opposition to the government, but there have been worrisome signs lately.

Fierce clashes broke out last May between Iranian police and Azeris in the northwestern city of Tabriz, after a cartoon in a state-run newspaper suggested the Turkic Azeris -- Iran's largest minority, making up about a quarter of Iran's 70 million people -- were stupid.

A series of bomb attacks in the past two years in Khuzestan, the center of Iran's Arab minority, killed several people. The Iranian government blamed the bombings on Britain and United States, which denied any involvement.

U.S.-Iranian tensions also increased after the Pentagon moved two aircraft carriers and seven other ships into the Persian Gulf in a show of force. (Full story)


How much longer are we going to put up with Iran's crap, we need to go in there and kick ass.

Your COMMENT was "CRAP". what else would you expect?

this is nothing new, EVERYBODY spies on everybody else. even their friends.

05-27-2007, 11:32 AM
well kidnapping allies, killing our troops in Iraq. Threatening genocide to us and allies.. If thats not crap we are putting up with I dont know what is. Are you suggesting that "WE" are not doing the same things????

The OP is nothing but nationalistic reteric.

05-27-2007, 11:35 AM

No cute little quips can save you from what you've already proved in this very thread.....in so many words you are fucked, your tenure here is getting short. Is that intended to be a threat???

05-27-2007, 11:54 AM
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran said Saturday it has uncovered spy rings organized by the United States and its Western allies, claiming on state-run television that the espionage networks were made up of "infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers."

The Intelligence Ministry has "succeeded in identifying and striking blows at several spy networks comprised of infiltrating elements from the Iraqi occupiers in western, southwestern and central Iran," said the statement, using shorthand for United States and its allies.

The broadcast did not elaborate on how the alleged networks were uncovered, but said further details would be published within days.

Meanwhile, the state IRNA news agency said the networks "enjoyed guidance from intelligence services of the occupying powers in Iraq" and also that "Iraqi groups" were "involved in the case."

The White House said Saturday that it does not confirm or deny allegations about intelligence matters. "We urge Iran to play a positive role in Iraq ... and stop blaming everyone else for problems they are only bringing on themselves," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

Since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Iran has often accused the United States and Britain of trying to undermine the security of the Islamic republic.

The allegations Saturday come just two days before ambassadors of the United States and Iran are to sit down in Baghdad, Iraq, to discuss ways to ease the Iraq crisis. It remains unclear how this announcement will affect those talks, although it reflects a toughening of Iran's stand. (Full story)

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki echoed that note, saying Saturday that the Baghdad talks can bear fruit only if Washington takes a "realistic approach."

"The two sides can be hopeful about the outcome of the negotiations, if America develops a realistic view toward Monday's talks, admits its wrong policies in Iraq, decides to change them and accepts its responsibilities," Mottaki said.

The Baghdad talks will offer a very rare one-on-one forum between the two countries since they broke off formal relations after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution. The agenda is expected to be limited to Iraqi affairs, without spilling over into the nuclear impasse between Iran and the West.

U.S. holds Iranians as Iranians hold Americans
The talks come against the backdrop of five Iranians held by U.S. troops for more than three months, after their January capture in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil.

U.S. authorities said the five were members of Iran's elite Quds Force, accused of arming and training Iraqi militants. Tehran has claimed they were part of a government liaison office and has demanded their release.

For its part, Iran has arrested a number of Iranian-Americans in recent months, accusing them of seeking to topple the ruling establishment. (Iranian-Americans called political prisoners)

Haleh Esfandiari, director of the Middle East Program at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, has been held at Tehran's notorious Evin Prison since early May and charged with seeking to topple the government in Tehran. She traveled to Iran in December to visit her 93-year-old mother, but knife-wielding men in masks stopped her when she headed to the airport to leave on December 30.

She was interrogated extensively and imprisoned earlier this month. The Iranian government announced she was being charged with setting up a network to overthrow the Islamic establishment.

Other Iranian-Americans have also been prohibited from leaving Iran in recent months, including journalist Parnaz Azima, who works for the U.S.-funded Radio Farda.

Ali Shakeri, a founding board member at the University of California, Irvine's Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, and Kian Tajbakhsh, a consultant working for George Soros' Open Society Institute, are two other Iranian-Americans prevented from leaving Iran.

Another American, former FBI agent Robert Levinson, disappeared in March after going to Iran's resort island of Kish, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Earlier this month, state television said Iran had captured 10 men crossing the country's eastern border, with $500,000 in cash, maps of sensitive Iranian locations and modern spying equipment. No other details were available.

Report of CIA plans may raise tensions
Saturday's Iranian statement followed reports that President Bush has authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch new covert action to destabilize the Iranian government.

Iranian officials have repeatedly raised concerns that Washington could incite members of Iran's many ethnic and religious minorities against the Shiite-led government in Tehran.

Although the United States has denied such reports, it has launched several Iran-related initiatives, including establishing offices for Iranian affairs in Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates, and committing $75 million to promoting democracy in Iran.

Iran's numerous minorities have generally been quiet, with little overt show of opposition to the government, but there have been worrisome signs lately.

Fierce clashes broke out last May between Iranian police and Azeris in the northwestern city of Tabriz, after a cartoon in a state-run newspaper suggested the Turkic Azeris -- Iran's largest minority, making up about a quarter of Iran's 70 million people -- were stupid.

A series of bomb attacks in the past two years in Khuzestan, the center of Iran's Arab minority, killed several people. The Iranian government blamed the bombings on Britain and United States, which denied any involvement.

U.S.-Iranian tensions also increased after the Pentagon moved two aircraft carriers and seven other ships into the Persian Gulf in a show of force. (Full story)


How much longer are we going to put up with Iran's crap, we need to go in there and kick ass.

Sure they have. Us crackers just blend right in with Persians.:laugh:

05-27-2007, 03:28 PM
[QUOTE=OCA;67412] Is that intended to be a threat???

Looks like I was prophetic because little old Loose has been shitcanned here......its a gift I have.

05-27-2007, 04:37 PM

Looks like I was prophetic because little old Loose has been shitcanned here......its a gift I have. Or maybe you have an unfair "IN" with the Staff. that seems much more likely.

Perhaps a "Gift" from a member of the staff??????

05-27-2007, 04:39 PM
Or maybe you have an unfair "IN" with the Staff. that seems much more likely.

No, I'd say Loose managed that all on his/her own. Just read on the flaming for the day. Seriously, if they need meds, they should take them.

05-27-2007, 05:44 PM
[QUOTE=OCA;67643] Or maybe you have an unfair "IN" with the Staff. that seems much more likely.

Perhaps a "Gift" from a member of the staff??????

Loosecannon broke the rules, and was given a ban the staff has felt to be appropriate. Any further questions should be directed to jimnyc via PM.

05-27-2007, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=OCA;67643] Or maybe you have an unfair "IN" with the Staff. that seems much more likely.

Perhaps a "Gift" from a member of the staff??????

Wish like hell I could take credit for this one but truth is no prodding was needed by me, Loose supplied the rope, tied the knot and then kicked his own chair out from under him.........i'm overjoyed at the results.

05-27-2007, 06:11 PM
Can we please get back on topic?

05-27-2007, 06:20 PM
Can we please get back on topic?


05-27-2007, 08:58 PM
Our troops are not over-extended, that it a typical Liberal thougt. .

Please provide proof that the troops are not over-extended. I read daily how their tours are extended and their leaves are shortened, and stop loss has extended their time there. Talk about partisan thoughts.

Besides, it is all in the same region.

Yeah, so is Afghanistan.........how's that working out?

05-27-2007, 09:04 PM
Please provide proof that the troops are not over-extended. I read daily how their tours are extended and their leaves are shortened, and stop loss has extended their time there. Talk about partisan thoughts.

Yeah, so is Afghanistan.........how's that working out?

Employers require mandatory overtime all the time, the U.S. Army is no different. They signed up......they can be asked to work overtime, nothing wrong with that.

05-27-2007, 09:08 PM
Employers require mandatory overtime all the time, the U.S. Army is no different. They signed up......they can be asked to work overtime, nothing wrong with that.

Yep, that's the cold hard facts...... but that is a far cry from what nevada wants me to believe:

Our troops are not over-extended, that it a typical Liberal thougt. .

05-27-2007, 09:33 PM
No, I'd say Loose managed that all on his/her own. Just read on the flaming for the day. Seriously, if they need meds, they should take them. I think you missed the point. I didn't say he didn't deserve it. That wasn't what My statement was about. Kindly read it again.

05-27-2007, 09:36 PM

Loosecannon broke the rules, and was given a ban the staff has felt to be appropriate. Any further questions should be directed to jimnyc via PM. my statement had nothing to do with staff actions. but rather with OCA actions. or is he now a member of the staff????

05-27-2007, 09:36 PM
I think you missed the point. I didn't say he didn't deserve it. That wasn't what My statement was about. Kindly read it again.
My response was in reply to your insinuation that it was a 'gift' or OCA had some 'pull.' I've never seen bannings on either count.

05-27-2007, 09:38 PM

Wish like hell I could take credit for this one but truth is no prodding was needed by me, Loose supplied the rope, tied the knot and then kicked his own chair out from under him.........i'm overjoyed at the results. I have already responded to this twice. I don't think it is necessary again.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2007, 09:41 PM
Implying that staff banned someone as a "gift" to another member is discussing staff actions.

Please, everyone, take the discussion in another direction, so we don't have to lock the thread, etc.

05-27-2007, 10:36 PM
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. diplomats said Monday's scheduled talks with Iran will be limited to discussions about Iraq's security, and not about the unresolved issues of detained Americans in Iran or the country's nuclear program.

The meeting in Baghdad will be the first public and formal meeting between U.S. and Iranian representatives since the United States cut off diplomatic relations 27 years ago.

"The issue at hand in the meeting between [U.S. Ambassador to Iraq] Ryan Crocker and the Iranian representative ... is going to be focused on Iraq and stabilizing Iraq," U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said last week.

An Iraqi delegation will also be present at the talks, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told CNN.

The purpose of the meeting, Zebari said, is to "help ease tensions between the U.S. and Iran."

"We are not expecting miracles but it is in our interest for such a dialogue to start," Zebari said.

Tehran says it has found U.S.-run spy rings
Tehran said on state-run media over the weekend that it has uncovered several U.S.-run spy rings inside Iran and would release more details in the coming days. There was no immediate response from the White House. (Full story)

Tehran recently arrested Haleh Esfandiari, one of four Iranian-Americans detained in Tehran, on the suspicion of conducting activities against the Iranian government, an accusation dismissed by Washington.

The State Department has repeatedly called for Esfandiari's release, as well as for more information about three other Iranian-Americans who have been detained, imprisoned or had their passports revoked.

In addition, Robert Levinson, an American and retired FBI agent, has been missing since March 8, when he was last seen on Iran's Kish Island.

Washington's attempts to obtain information have been hampered by the lack of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

No talk of prisoner swap expected
The U.S. military is holding seven "Iranian intelligence service personnel" in Iraq, spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told CNN's "Late Edition" in an interview taped Friday.

Tehran has referred to five of the Iranians who were arrested in January as "diplomats" and is seeking their release.

When asked if he thought a prisoner swap would be discussed at Monday's meeting, Caldwell said "there's nothing of that nature that I know of."

He said the Iranians were "detained just like anybody else who has broken the law" in Iraq.

These disputes come amid an international showdown over Iran's nuclear program. U.S. officials have said Tehran is seeking nuclear weapons, though Iran says the program is for civilian energy purposes only.

A report issued Wednesday by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog -- the International Atomic Energy Agency -- said Iran has not only ignored the call to halt its nuclear work but has also increased its activities.

That prompted U.S. and British diplomats at the United Nations to announce they would press ahead for new sanctions against Iran. The U.N. Security Council has so far imposed two rounds of limited sanctions on Iran.

A senior U.N. official told CNN that Iran increased its uranium enrichment centrifuges from 40 last year to 1,600.

"They are going at a rate where by the end of June they could have 3,000," the official said.

Uranium enriched to a high degree can be used for weapons grade material.

But neither the nuclear program nor the status of the detainees will be on the table at Monday's meeting in Baghdad between the American and Iranian delegations, U.S. officials have said.

Talks mark rare meeting between U.S., Iran
The Iraq Study group late last year called on the Bush administration to initiate talks with Iran and Syria.

The United States broke off diplomatic ties with Iran in April 1980 in the midst of the seizure of the U.S. Embassy. Iranian students occupied the embassy from November 1979 until January 1981, when they released the remaining 52 hostages.

While Monday's meeting is the first time U.S. and Iranian diplomats meet bilaterally, they have taken part in informal meetings with Iraq's neighbors in recent months.


05-27-2007, 10:40 PM
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. diplomats said Monday's scheduled talks with Iran will be limited to discussions about Iraq's security, and not about the unresolved issues of detained Americans in Iran or the country's nuclear program.

The meeting in Baghdad will be the first public and formal meeting between U.S. and Iranian representatives since the United States cut off diplomatic relations 27 years ago.

"The issue at hand in the meeting between [U.S. Ambassador to Iraq] Ryan Crocker and the Iranian representative ... is going to be focused on Iraq and stabilizing Iraq," U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said last week.

An Iraqi delegation will also be present at the talks, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told CNN.

The purpose of the meeting, Zebari said, is to "help ease tensions between the U.S. and Iran."

"We are not expecting miracles but it is in our interest for such a dialogue to start," Zebari said.

Tehran says it has found U.S.-run spy rings
Tehran said on state-run media over the weekend that it has uncovered several U.S.-run spy rings inside Iran and would release more details in the coming days. There was no immediate response from the White House. (Full story)

Tehran recently arrested Haleh Esfandiari, one of four Iranian-Americans detained in Tehran, on the suspicion of conducting activities against the Iranian government, an accusation dismissed by Washington.

The State Department has repeatedly called for Esfandiari's release, as well as for more information about three other Iranian-Americans who have been detained, imprisoned or had their passports revoked.

In addition, Robert Levinson, an American and retired FBI agent, has been missing since March 8, when he was last seen on Iran's Kish Island.

Washington's attempts to obtain information have been hampered by the lack of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

No talk of prisoner swap expected
The U.S. military is holding seven "Iranian intelligence service personnel" in Iraq, spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told CNN's "Late Edition" in an interview taped Friday.

Tehran has referred to five of the Iranians who were arrested in January as "diplomats" and is seeking their release.

When asked if he thought a prisoner swap would be discussed at Monday's meeting, Caldwell said "there's nothing of that nature that I know of."

He said the Iranians were "detained just like anybody else who has broken the law" in Iraq.

These disputes come amid an international showdown over Iran's nuclear program. U.S. officials have said Tehran is seeking nuclear weapons, though Iran says the program is for civilian energy purposes only.

A report issued Wednesday by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog -- the International Atomic Energy Agency -- said Iran has not only ignored the call to halt its nuclear work but has also increased its activities.

That prompted U.S. and British diplomats at the United Nations to announce they would press ahead for new sanctions against Iran. The U.N. Security Council has so far imposed two rounds of limited sanctions on Iran.

A senior U.N. official told CNN that Iran increased its uranium enrichment centrifuges from 40 last year to 1,600.

"They are going at a rate where by the end of June they could have 3,000," the official said.

Uranium enriched to a high degree can be used for weapons grade material.

But neither the nuclear program nor the status of the detainees will be on the table at Monday's meeting in Baghdad between the American and Iranian delegations, U.S. officials have said.

Talks mark rare meeting between U.S., Iran
The Iraq Study group late last year called on the Bush administration to initiate talks with Iran and Syria.

The United States broke off diplomatic ties with Iran in April 1980 in the midst of the seizure of the U.S. Embassy. Iranian students occupied the embassy from November 1979 until January 1981, when they released the remaining 52 hostages.

While Monday's meeting is the first time U.S. and Iranian diplomats meet bilaterally, they have taken part in informal meetings with Iraq's neighbors in recent months.


Nice of us to offer Iran an opportunity to be on the world stage with us. I'm curious to see how much they will gain.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2007, 10:40 PM
Thank you, Nevadamedic. :salute:

05-27-2007, 11:22 PM
Thank you, Nevadamedic. :salute:

For what?

05-28-2007, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=OCA;67750] I have already responded to this twice. I don't think it is necessary again.

You realize that I pull your strings like a puppet, eh Donny?

Don't worry you are not alone, you are not the first and won't be the last.

05-28-2007, 09:23 AM
As you quote yourself, are you trying to jerk yourself off?


You realize that I pull your strings like a puppet, eh Donny?

Don't worry you are not alone, you are not the first and won't be the last.

Or are you just pulling strings? I don't think donny is afraid of you and I know damn well I ain't.

05-28-2007, 09:51 AM
As you quote yourself, are you trying to jerk yourself off?


Or are you just pulling strings? I don't think donny is afraid of you and I know damn well I ain't.

As a what, now 6 or 7 time banee you think you have the right to talk to me in any other manner than complete respect? You are so far under me that you need a fire ladder to lick the soles of my shoes.

05-28-2007, 10:12 AM

You realize that I pull your strings like a puppet, eh Donny?

Don't worry you are not alone, you are not the first and won't be the last.

If you think, beleiving you are an arrogant ass is pulling my strings, -------Keep dreaming.
You lost my respect the first week I was here. and until the last couple of days you appeared to be improving.

05-28-2007, 10:15 AM

If you think, beleiving you are an arrogant ass is pulling my strings, -------Keep dreaming.
You lost my respect the first week I was here. and until the last couple of days you appeared to be improving.

That is why you keep replying, eh Donny? I'm the big blip on most lib radars, i'm dangerous.

Your respect is:laugh2::laugh2: of little consequence.

05-28-2007, 10:18 AM
[QUOTE=Psychoblues;68151]As you quote yourself, are you trying to jerk yourself off?

As a what, now 6 or 7 time banee you think you have the right to talk to me in any other manner than complete respect? You are so far under me that you need a fire ladder to lick the soles of my shoes. how is it that yopu keep giving yourself quoteing credit for statements of other people. Glitch??? or stupidity.?? And you think you are so superior. LMAO

05-28-2007, 10:19 AM
[QUOTE=Psychoblues;68151]As you quote yourself, are you trying to jerk yourself off?

As a what, now 6 or 7 time banee you think you have the right to talk to me in any other manner than complete respect? You are so far under me that you need a fire ladder to lick the soles of my shoes. how is it that you keep giving yourself quoting credit for statements of other people.?? Glitch??? or stupidity.??

And you think you are "SO" superior. LMAO

05-28-2007, 10:29 AM
From a guy who just double posted!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

05-28-2007, 10:44 AM
The quote button is located at the bottom right of each post. When quoting another post click on the quote button, a pop up window will appear with the quote in html code. The best way to enter your own text is after the quote, this way the the original quote is posted highlighted in blue and a link back to the post and your reply will follow.

05-28-2007, 10:56 AM
Employers require mandatory overtime all the time, the U.S. Army is no different. They signed up......they can be asked to work overtime, nothing wrong with that.

A lack of knowledge regarding troop strength and optempo is hardly a partisan viewpoint. You don't know jack about the topic except what has been programmed into you as something else to accuse Bush of.

When the optempo increases and troop strength remains the same, of course the troops are required to take up the slack. But no war is required.

Rewind back to the 90s when the President then continually increased our optempo while at the same time continued to downsize the military and realign its funding to other areas. The effect on US was EXACTLY the same. Turnaround time for redelpoyments was shortened while we were more and more sent out with uderstrengthed units expected to STILL fulfill the same missions.

05-28-2007, 11:01 AM
A lack of knowledge regarding troop strength and optempo is hardly a partisan viewpoint. You don't know jack about the topic except what has been programmed into you as something else to accuse Bush of.

When the optempo increases and troop strength remains the same, of course the troops are required to take up the slack. But no war is required.

Rewind back to the 90s when the President then continually increased our optempo while at the same time continued to downsize the military and realign its funding to other areas. The effect on US was EXACTLY the same. Turnaround time for redelpoyments was shortened while we were more and more sent out with uderstrengthed units expected to STILL fulfill the same missions.

Gunny you addressing this to me? I thought we generally were in agreement here unless i'm missing something. Bashing Bush?

05-28-2007, 11:11 AM
Gunny you addressing this to me? I thought we generally were in agreement here unless i'm missing something. Bashing Bush?

No, I responded to a post by lily. Don't know how I ended up quoting you.

Yours is the post following this one:

[QUOTE=lily;67849]Please provide proof that the troops are not over-extended. I read daily how their tours are extended and their leaves are shortened, and stop loss has extended their time there. Talk about partisan thoughts.

Guess I hit the wrong quote button.

05-28-2007, 11:31 AM
No, I responded to a post by lily. Don't know how I ended up quoting you.

Yours is the post following this one:


Guess I hit the wrong quote button.

Thought it was something simple like that:salute:

05-28-2007, 03:30 PM
Quotes in this thread are FULAC.

05-28-2007, 04:24 PM
Quotes in this thread are FULAC.


05-28-2007, 05:10 PM

Fouled Up Like A Chicken. An old saying that a boss of mine used to say. Same general meaning as FUBAR.

06-01-2007, 04:11 AM
You/ve had me shitcanned a few times and neg repped me a lot more.


Looks like I was prophetic because little old Loose has been shitcanned here......its a gift I have.

But, I'm still here, oca, and you still ain't shit from a soda cracker.

06-01-2007, 04:14 AM
I see you are still jerking yourself so I will be careful not to disturb your most precious moments.

[QUOTE=Psychoblues;68151]As you quote yourself, are you trying to jerk yourself off?

As a what, now 6 or 7 time banee you think you have the right to talk to me in any other manner than complete respect? You are so far under me that you need a fire ladder to lick the soles of my shoes.

Under you? That's your freakin' prob, oca. There ain't nobody under you. You are simply alligator shit and there ain't nothing below that.

06-01-2007, 09:17 AM
You/ve had me shitcanned a few times and neg repped me a lot more.


But, I'm still here, oca, and you still ain't shit from a soda cracker.

"PLEASE NOTE" That is NOT something I posted. Nor obviously did OCA--- someone is a bit mixed up.

Abbey Marie
06-01-2007, 09:54 AM
We know. The quoting feature in this thread is not working correctly.

Sir Evil
06-01-2007, 09:56 AM
We know. The quoting feature in this thread is not working correctly.

I dunno, seems Psycho is doing a pretty good job quoting himself! :laugh:

06-01-2007, 10:13 AM
We know. The quoting feature in this thread is not working correctly.

Look back at post #17 in this thread, that's where it all started. :)

Abbey Marie
06-01-2007, 10:19 AM
Look back at post #17 in this thread, that's where it all started. :)

Okay, fixed those. It starts again in a separate group of posts at post #27.