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View Full Version : Ethnic cleansing of Muslims by Buddhists underway

11-01-2012, 12:26 AM
The flames of hatred are literally consuming Myanmar. This is happening under our noses and nobody will do a thing to help the Rohingya.

While strongly condemning the renewed violence and carnage by the extremist Rakhine Buddhists against the Muslims or Rohingyas in Arakan, we jointly state as follows:
1. Since 21 October organized gangs of the Rakhine extremists headed by monks have burned down over 1000 houses, killed hundreds of Muslims and injured many more in the townships of Myinbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw and Kyaukpyu. These genocidal actions have been carried out with the backing of the police, army and security forces with intent to destroy the whole Muslim population of Arakan.
2. Systematic killings, rape of women and destruction have continued unabated while every single sign of Muslim or Islam is being erased from Arakan. On 23 October, at about 20:00 hours, while the Paikthay village was on blaze, the fire fighters came to the spot with tank load of patrol in the guise of putting out the fire.
3. The state patronized Rakhine terrorists issued ultimatum to the Rohingyas or Muslims in Sittwe, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon and Pauktaw and many other places to vacate their villages, houses and properties by October 25 or face violent attacks and forced expulsion.
4. The blocking of OIC to open its offices in Burma -- despite MoU signed between Burmese government and OIC -- is a clear indication of the Thein Sein government’s intention to carry on its ‘ethnic cleansing’ against the Muslim Rohingyas without outside knowledge.
5. It is a great disappointment that the international community has staked so much on Burmese President Thein Sein’s reform process. When he proposed ethnic cleansing they stayed silent, and even when ethnic cleansing takes palace they still stay silent, although the situation is crying for immediate attention and action.
There is no way this violence would continue if Thein Sein government genuinely wants to stop it. However, it is important that the crimes against humanity and violence against the Rohingyas are stopped without further delay. We, therefore,
• Urge upon the international community, UN, EU, USA, UK, OIC, ASEAN and Burma’s neighbours to put effective pressure on Burmese government to stop violence and crimes against Rohingyas;
• Urge the UN to intervene in the matter on ground of humanitarianism for the purpose of preventing further death, killing, rape and destruction of the Muslims; and to urgently send UN Peace Keeping Force to Arakan;
• Urge upon USA and her western allies to review their policies on Thein Sein government in order to protect the lives of helpless Muslims in Arakan in the light of protecting and promoting human rights and democratic values;
• Urge upon the international community to put pressure on the Burmese government (i) to allow unhindered humanitarian aid to the Rohingya victims in every nock and cranny of Arakan; (ii) to stop its segregation scheme and replace it with a proactive policy of ‘peaceful co-existence’; and (iii) to repeal or amend the Burma Citizenship Law of 1982 in order to conform it with international law standards.
Signatories to this joint statement:
1. Arakan Rohingya National organisation (ARNO),
2. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK),
3. Burmese Rohingya Association Japan (BRAJ),
4. Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia (BRCA)
5. Burmese Rohingya Community in Norway (BRCN)
6. Rohingya Community in Demark (RCD)
7. Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT)
8. Rohingya League for Democracy Burma (RLDB)
9. Rohingya Society Malaysia (RSM)


11-01-2012, 02:36 AM
Why is there so much hate between two supposedly peaceful religions?

11-01-2012, 04:50 AM
Why is there so much hate between two supposedly peaceful religions?

As I understand it, it is political like all conflicts. The Rohingya are a stateless people stuck in the middle. Both Myanmar and Bangladesh refuse to recognise them. :(

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 07:34 AM
The flames of hatred are literally consuming Myanmar. This is happening under our noses and nobody will do a thing to help the Rohingya.


Here is a better link with much less biased reporting.-Tyr


Though we expect explicit condemnation of ethnic violence from one of the world’s leading pro-democracy advocates, is that fair? Is omission a sin?
Surprisingly, Suu Kyi came close to addressing the concerns about ethnic violence in her speech to the Yale community.
“Some have questioned whether it was right to put rule of law before end to ethnic conflict,” she said. “We did that because we believe that — practically speaking — we cannot bring an end to ethnic conflict unless there is rule of law. Unless we can assure our ethnic nationalities that justice will not only be done but seen to be done for them, we would not be able to support any peace process with confidence.”
The reality is that Suu Kyi faces an election in 2015 which will be determined by a Buddhist electorate. Just as “rule of law” paves the way for ethnic justice, so too could Suu Kyi’s election pave the way for the termination of the Rohingya conflict. Though it’s an admittedly optimistic view, Suu Kyi’s silence could be read as indicative of a long-term vision for Burma’s development and symptomatic of playing that ever-sneaky political game — elections.
Burma may be evolving, but it is far from stable. I’m inclined to think that Suu Kyi understands this well. Well enough, at least, to comprehend the strategic value of silence.

11-01-2012, 07:38 AM
Here is a better link with much less biased reporting.

NOW you're concerned about bias? :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 07:41 AM
As I understand it, it is political like all conflicts. The Rohingya are a stateless people stuck in the middle. Both Myanmar and Bangladesh refuse to recognise them. :(

And of course according to you those stateless people(muslims) did nothing wrong to bring on retribution, right?
Current events around the world do not support the peaceful angelic status you want to attribute to those muslims.
I think I'll investigate further tonight what they did to get Buddhists to abandone their peaceful ways and attack /run them away. From my knowledge of Buddhists I know they had to have been pushed extremely hard to do such a thing..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 07:42 AM
NOW you're concerned about bias? :rolleyes:

Like you ever were..

11-01-2012, 07:44 AM
I think I'll investigate further tonight what they did to get Buddhists to abandone their peaceful ways and attack /run them away.

It seems you already have your answer but we're still waiting on the results of your investigation into BO's EOs.

11-01-2012, 07:58 AM
While I feel for the parties involved, and especially the innocent people, here is my issue:

• Urge upon USA and her western allies to review their policies on Thein Sein government in order to protect the lives of helpless Muslims in Arakan in the light of protecting and promoting human rights and democratic values;

But when the USA does the same elsewhere, we're told it's all lies, and we shouldn't be there that the issues are their issues, and the USA should mind their own business. We get involved in ANY way on this and somehow, someway, people will start throwing stones in our direction for "interfering". It doesn't matter if it's us sending in troops to as distant as just sanctions.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:06 AM
It seems you already have your answer but we're still waiting on the results of your investigation into BO's EOs.

Thats not the subject we are on pedro. You arent even bright enough to stay on topic..Instead you think to attack me while you spin way from the topic. You do that a lot, spin away from the topic at hand , its a tactic you employ often to divert. Want to discuss the topic or shoot your usual stupid bullshit?--Tyr

11-01-2012, 08:16 AM
Thats not the subject we are on pedro. You arent even bright enough to stay on topic..Instead you think to attack me while you spin way from the topic. You do that a lot, spin away from the topic at hand , its a tactic you employ often to divert. Want to discuss the topic or shoot your usual stupid bullshit?--Tyr

It is very much the topic. Bias and your investigations all rolled into one; you brought up both in this thread.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:30 AM
It is very much the topic. Bias and your investigations all rolled into one; you brought up both in this thread.

BULLSHAT DUDE, the topic is not my supposed bias nor is it my future posts from any research I may do tonight on the subject. So far your comments have been centered on me! Get a clue or are you just that damn dense?
Try rereading the thread title to understand what the topic is!!
Your obsession with me is a bit creepy but hey the world is full of creepy, freaky people so Im not shocked when I meet people like you. --Tyr

11-01-2012, 08:39 AM
Try rereading the thread title to understand what the topic is!!

I know what the thread title is, it's a horrible situation, I've moved on to where you led the topic of discussion. I'm eager to see what your "investigation" uncovers.

You bring up obsessions? How many anti-Islam threads have you created. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:07 AM
I know what the thread title is, it's a horrible situation, I've moved on to where you led the topic of discussion. I'm eager to see what your "investigation" uncovers.

You bring up obsessions? How many anti-Islam threads have you created. :rolleyes:

Apparently you can not help yourself. As is evident by your last reply to me quoted above.
So your comment on the thread subject is the brilliant, "its a horrible situation", and I only got that by dragging it out of you! I have to say that with such insightful and amazing posts like that you must surely become the leading light around this place! Good luck on winning that crown..-Tyr

11-01-2012, 09:11 AM
I'm not about to go dig up all the stories I've read in the past, but I do remember reading quite often about Buddhists being killed, beheaded, set on fire, kids shot on their way to school, families wiped out. It was always done by muslims. I think they have had enough and are driving the whole population out. Stateless is just another way to say they won't assimilate.

11-01-2012, 09:16 AM
Apparently you can not help yourself. As is evident by your last reply to me quoted above.
So your comment on the thread subject is the brilliant, "its a horrible situation", and I only got that by dragging it out of you! I have to say that with such insightful and amazing posts like that you must surely become the leading light around this place! Good luck on winning that crown..-Tyr

I guess I missed your comment on the horrible situation presented in the OP then as well because your comment was finding "less biased reporting" and then doing your own investigation; How's that coming by the way? You are incredibly transparent.

11-01-2012, 09:26 AM
How does the rule of law in any way conflict with stopping the "ethnic cleansing/murder"?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:37 AM
I know what the thread title is, it's a horrible situation, I've moved on to where you led the topic of discussion. I'm eager to see what your "investigation" uncovers.

You bring up obsessions? How many anti-Islam threads have you created. :rolleyes:

I guess I missed your comment on the horrible situation presented in the OP then as well because your comment was finding "less biased reporting" and then doing your own investigation; How's that coming by the way? You are incredibly transparent.

Yes, I gave another source of information and not having time to do a more complete research into the subject stated that I would do so tonight. Unlike you attacking me, I cited other information and did not go on a personal attack against Jafar the thread author. You should try it sometime.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:49 AM
I'm not about to go dig up all the stories I've read in the past, but I do remember reading quite often about Buddhists being killed, beheaded, set on fire, kids shot on their way to school, families wiped out. It was always done by muslims. I think they have had enough and are driving the whole population out. Stateless is just another way to say they won't assimilate.

I have read many sources that verified those same atrocities. Even saw pictures of a Christian father, his 12 year old son and 6 year year old son with their throats cut from ear to ear by muslims a couple years ago. That graphic picture of that little 6 year old boy so brutaly murdered by muslims still haunts me to this day!! It was in a thread at my old forum and I went there once to find the thread to use the info here and apparently it got purged in one of their updatings. The little boy's throat was cut so badly that it barely remained attached to his little body! He was lying in front of their home wearing only a pair of shorts and blood everywhere, they were murdered around 3 am. The dad was hung up like an animal for slaugheter then his throat slit, the 12 year old was cut the same way but was still inside the house..
Such animals must be obliterated from the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say kill 'em all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Tyr

11-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Yes, I gave another source of information and not having time to do a more complete research into the subject stated that I would do so tonight. Unlike you attacking me, I cited other information and did not go on a personal attack against Jafar the thread author. You should try it sometime.-Tyr

And as I said I look forward to reading what you found out but as I said earlier it seems that you will look for evidence to support what you have already concluded.

I think I'll investigate further tonight what they did...

You don't even need to look much further than your own post to satisfy your conclusion:

Last May, three Muslim Rohingya raped a Buddhist woman. The incident served as a catalyst for increased sectarian violence in the southwest state of Rakhine...

But even that is likely a bit shortsighted IMO:

A bit of context: A recent Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees report estimates that 800,000 Rohingya still reside in Burma, with an additional 400,000 refugees in neighboring Bangladesh, and 200,000+ across Pakistan, Thailand and Malaysia. Despite having lived in Burma for generations, the Rohingya are denied Burmese citizenship, under the country’s 1982 Citizenship Act. Additionally, the government limits their access to higher education, equitable marriage policies, land ownership and labor rights.

As per usual, oppressive governments are usually at fault for creating conflict.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 10:05 AM
And as I said I look forward to reading what you found out but as I said earlier it seems that you will look for evidence to support what you have already concluded.

You don't even need to look much further than your own post to satisfy your conclusion:

But even that is likely a bit shortsighted IMO:

As per usual, oppressive governments are usually at fault for creating conflict.

Hey jacknap, I read it and I didn't accept that the rape was the cause. I decided to look for more information later and you in your zest to criticise me attempt to condemn me for stating I would look for more information. Obviously the source provided that I linked was not anti- muslim.. Your crusade against me has you doing backflips, which is amusing to say the least..-Tyr

11-01-2012, 10:10 AM
Hey jacknap, I read it and I didn't accept that the rape was the cause. I decided to look for more information later and you in your zest to criticise me attempt to condemn me for stating I would look for more information. Obviously the source provided that I linked was not anti- muslim.. Your crusade against me has you doing backflips, which is amusing to say the least..-Tyr

No backflips here, good luck in supporting your conclusion.