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View Full Version : Nyc marathon, now??

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2012, 10:36 AM

(CNN) -- Bar manager Paul Wilson says Sunday's New York City Marathon is the perfect way to pull the city together in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
It's uplifting and inspiring, he says, and it will bring much-needed revenue to the city and to businesses.
"I think it's the perfect time to have it," said Wilson, who runs Bar East on 1st Ave. in Manhattan, which gets a front-row seat to the race every year. "I don't think the timing could have been better."
Tell that to residents of hard-hit Staten Island or parts of Brooklyn and you'll get a different story.
"To host the New York City Marathon in the middle of what is complete devastation and a crisis in parts of this city is just wrong," said City Councilman Domenic Recchia, whose south Brooklyn district includes Coney Island and other areas that suffered heavy damage.
The decision by Mayor Michael Bloomberg to hold the marathon as scheduled Sunday, less than a week after Sandy came ashore, is dividing New Yorkers and runners alike.

Really!?? A marathon while so many people are in such desperate need. Mayor Doomberg is nuts and his kind have no common sense..-Tyr

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 10:40 AM
I had the same reaction yesterday when I heard this. Unbelievable.

I also am appalled that the state of NJ spent time and money inspecting every inch of every casino so they could open for gambling today. I know they bring revenue, but there are still plenty of ruined homes in NJ, and open gas lines last I'd heard. Why not let those people move into the casinos for shelter? Or food? Either way, it is unseemly.

11-02-2012, 11:55 AM
The sight of thousands of people running pell-mell across a major bridge to get out of the city will have an effect, all right.

11-02-2012, 12:09 PM
Bloomberg being an ego-centric idiot again.

11-02-2012, 01:32 PM
I had the same reaction yesterday when I heard this. Unbelievable.

I also am appalled that the state of NJ spent time and money inspecting every inch of every casino so they could open for gambling today. I know they bring revenue, but there are still plenty of ruined homes in NJ, and open gas lines last I'd heard. Why not let those people move into the casinos for shelter? Or food? Either way, it is unseemly.

NYC has thousands of POLICE OFFICERS who should be paying attention to the People who are suffering in the lower half of the city.
Does anyone have any idea HOW MANY Police officers would be needed to monitor the MARATHON????

BLOOMINGIDIOT BLOOMBURG is a Political HACK JOB. More important to PREVENT people from drinking a 16 Oz COKE than protecting people from RATS.

11-02-2012, 03:35 PM
New York City can still conduct the marathon? Great, should not be any whining about people's ability to vote next week.

11-02-2012, 04:26 PM
New York City can still conduct the marathon? Great, should not be any whining about people's ability to vote next week.

Being Blue states, as we know N.Y, and N.J. are. Other than the people who are suffering from the damage of Sandy. Everybody else who claims to be an Obama supporter is probably waiting to be PAID in some way for wasting their time...voting.

Which explains why BLOOMINGIDIOT Bloomburg is saving all of those Marathon runners their WATER, FOOD, and TRINKETS that would otherwise be used for those Horrible Romney voters....stuck without food, water, or electricity.

That's the price Americans must pay for being DNC designated RACISTS.

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 04:42 PM
Marathon cancelled...

11-02-2012, 05:01 PM
Marathon cancelled...

Thanks Abbey. I just heard about it myself, not five minutes ago while talking to friends in Brooklyn, N.Y. who, thankfully. Had no damage in their apartment building, living on the 5th floor.

They are life-long residents of Brooklyn, and we met during Vietnam while waiting for a flight at JFK.

They, both my friend and his wife. Call Bloomburg more than what I dare to call him here.

Seems like a majority of New Yorkers hate him. AND I WONDER WHY????

11-02-2012, 11:05 PM
Marathon cancelled...

I just got home from the 2nd job, thought I heard this on radio. Thanks, Abbey!

11-03-2012, 12:10 AM
I think I posted about my niece, my god daughter. I do love her dearly, her dad has always said, "Julie, I love you, but you remind me so much of my sister!" LOL! They argue, a lot.

She met her husband in FL, both did their post-grad studies there. She got her law degree, he got his MD. His folks have a second home on the inter-continental, primary on Long Island. These two figured they could ride the hurricane out. He did, in Long Island Hospital, some of the time without power. She did, alone in their Lower Manhattan high rise. Many calls from her to her folks on dying and screaming while building swayed. Then her cell battery got low-freak out time.

After walking down 50+ floors hours later, she called from hotel. Dr hubby wouldn't get home for another 2 days. I just checked on facebook and my SIL messaged me about 10 hours ago:

Update, Julie and Eric are staying w/ friends in Brooklyn. Turns out hotel rooms are about $500/night and E's cab was $100/day to get back and forth to work. This should work out better till they can get back home. It is suppose to be a while. Hang in there ppl of NY and Jersey.<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="http://www.facebook.com/pschlarb.doherty/posts/3855325027748?comment_id=3944456&offset=0&total_comments=9" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" id=".reactRoot[97].[1][2][1]{comment3855325027748_3944456}..[1]..[1]..[1].[0].[0]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Friday, November 2, 2012 at 1:32pm" data-utime="1351881154" id=".reactRoot[97].[1][2][1]{comment3855325027748_3944456}..[1]..[1]..[1].[0].[0]."></abbr>

11-03-2012, 08:07 AM
Bloomberg claims that the police involved and other crews and staff would not have been taking away from the relief and rescue efforts. Huh? ANY amount of police involved could be used for other purposes! And the food and power they are using can be rerouted for the people who really need it.

Staten Island, Breezy Point, Lower Manhattan, Long Beach and so many other communities still have people homeless from the storm, still no power, flooded, covered with sand... It doesn't take a genius to realize that every resource possible should go towards relief efforts until every single person is accounted for and taken care of.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 08:34 AM
Bloomberg claims that the police involved and other crews and staff would not have been taking away from the relief and rescue efforts. Huh? ANY amount of police involved could be used for other purposes! And the food and power they are using can be rerouted for the people who really need it.

Staten Island, Breezy Point, Lower Manhattan, Long Beach and so many other communities still have people homeless from the storm, still no power, flooded, covered with sand... It doesn't take a genius to realize that every resource possible should go towards relief efforts until every single person is accounted for and taken care of.

Mayor Doomberg is a liberal. Just goes to show everybody how compassionate they really are! He was going to take all those resources away from the many tens of thousands that need all that and even more! -Tyr

11-03-2012, 09:29 AM
When Tropical Storm Lee devastated our area last year, everything was cancelled. The local leaders felt, and rightly so, that having celebrations and other activities like Columbus Day parades, etc, while members of our community were suffering was just not the right thing to do. Besides, it diverted much need resources, e.g. police, etc from the important job, disaster recovery.

I also heard the Mayor Bloomberg doesn't want the National Guard in NYC? The National Guard arrived in our area a few hours after Tropical Storm Lee left and did a great job... directing traffic, helping those in need, and keeping an eye on things (we also had looters after the storm).

Mayor Bloomberg ought to take a lesson from little ol' Binghamton upstate from him... he might learn a few things.

11-03-2012, 09:37 AM
He's proved to be a baffoon. If he gets reelected then the people of NYC deserve everything that happens to them in the future.

11-03-2012, 09:40 AM
He's proved to be a baffoon. If he gets reelected then the people of NYC deserve everything that happens to them in the future.

He shouldn't even be there now. He extended the term limits law and is on his 3rd term. He got his cronies on the city council to vote, then signed the bill into law himself. Wouldn't surprise me if the dipshit tried for a fourth.

11-03-2012, 09:47 AM
He shouldn't even be there now. He extended the term limits law and is on his 3rd term. He got his cronies on the city council to vote, then signed the bill into law himself. Wouldn't surprise me if the dipshit tried for a fourth.

You can bet he'll go for a fourth. He's a control freak. I am not a big fan of Gulliani but you could sure use him in that office right now.

11-03-2012, 01:21 PM
Even though the NYC Mayor finally used his head, and cancelled the Marathon.

We must all remember how millions of people who call themselves New Yorker's, living in the Five boro's...each know now. This man who dares to call himself THEIR MAYOR., is nothing more than his name describes....A BLOOMING IDIOT.

Anyone notice how Bloomingidiot hasn't bothered to visit Long Island, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens...where Literally. Millions of Americans are looking for FOOD, WATER, HEAT, CLOTHING, GASOLINE and......SOMEONE WHO REPRESENTS THEM....Honestly.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2012, 09:35 AM
You can bet he'll go for a fourth. He's a control freak. I am not a big fan of Gulliani but you could sure use him in that office right now.

Giulliani would have handled this crisis deftly.

11-06-2012, 10:18 AM
NYC has thousands of POLICE OFFICERS who should be paying attention to the People who are suffering in the lower half of the city.
Does anyone have any idea HOW MANY Police officers would be needed to monitor the MARATHON????

You're absolutely right.

I can tell you that the plan was to put the 1000 or so rookies in the Police Academy on the street for a day. So theoretically, that wouldn't have drained existing resources at all if you look at it like that. However, an enormous contingent of sergeants and lieutenants would have been needed to babysit these kids on their first day out on the street.

Then factor in the potential civil unrest these kids would have encountered on their first day out with their inexperience, and the potential for disaster and liability would have been enormous.

That should have been apparent to anyone from the get-go.

In the interest of fairness, Rudy Giuliani also supported going ahead with the marathon. I don't know if he said that to give some air cover to Bloomberg, but now Rudy is also stuck with that albatross hanging around his neck from now on.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2012, 12:05 PM
You're absolutely right.

I can tell you that the plan was to put the 1000 or so rookies in the Police Academy on the street for a day. So theoretically, that wouldn't have drained existing resources at all if you look at it like that. However, an enormous contingent of sergeants and lieutenants would have been needed to babysit these kids on their first day out on the street.

Then factor in the potential civil unrest these kids would have encountered on their first day out with their inexperience, and the potential for disaster and liability would have been enormous.

That should have been apparent to anyone from the get-go.

In the interest of fairness, Rudy Giuliani also supported going ahead with the marathon. I don't know if he said that to give some air cover to Bloomberg, but now Rudy is also stuck with that albatross hanging around his neck from now on.

I believe Giuliani's go ahead was 2 months after 9-11. Not a few days later. Big difference.

11-07-2012, 09:25 AM
No, Rudy endorsed running *this* marathon, in November 2012.