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View Full Version : Non-union utility workers from Alabama, kicked out of New Jersey by union crews

11-02-2012, 12:34 PM
Apparently a lot of utility crews from Alabama spent their own money to come to New Jersey to help repair hurricane-devastated utilities. But when they got there, they were intercepted by union crews and told to leave. The reason? The crews from Alabama, were not union members.

Some turned around and went home. Others continued on to New York where they found a warmer welcome.

You New Jerseyans who wonder why your power hasn't been restored a week or two (or three) after the hurricane... now you know why.



Non-Union Alabama Utility Workers Denied Entry into New Jersey – Told to Stand Down (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 2, 2012, 12:23 AM

Politics Before People–

Non-union utility workers from Alabama were called up to help out in New Jersey but when they reached the state they were denied entry.

The hurricane-ravaged east coast has been receiving north Alabama help, but crews from Huntsville Utilities learned they’ll be doing work in Long Island, New York instead of in New Jersey.

Crews from Huntsville, as well as Decatur Utilities and Joe Wheeler out of Trinity headed up there this week, but Derrick Moore, one of the Decatur workers, said they were told by crews in New Jersey that they can’t do any work there since they’re not union employees.

The crews that are in Roanoke, Virginia say they are just watching and waiting even though they originally received a call asking for help from Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

The crews were told to stand down. In fact, Moore said the crew from Trinity is already headed back home.

11-02-2012, 12:38 PM
Here is another link:http://www.waff.com/story/19981857/some-nonunion-ala-crews-turned-away-from-sandy-recovery

Hope the President's UNION buddies are really proud of this.

Anyone living in NEW YORK, or NEW JERSEY...who is a victim of SANDY, and is now suffering in any way...who votes

for Obama. The man who PLAYED GOOD GUY getting his photo taken with Christie....then flew away and FORGOT ALL OF YOU.

You deserve everything you are going through. Vote...if you must. For the man responsible for the pain you THOUGHT he promised you wouldn't feel.

11-02-2012, 12:44 PM
They should contact Obama who promised no red tape, no American left behind in the effort to help those in need after Sandy.
Then again, if Benghazi is any indicator, they're all doomed.

11-02-2012, 12:47 PM
They should contact Obama who promised no red tape, no American left behind in the effort to help those in need after Sandy.
Then again, if Benghazi is any indicator, they're all doomed.

Thunderknucles. We all know. Obama has paid more LIP SERVICE to this nation than most Professional Liars normally do.

OBAMA has spent more time being concerned about DADT than the lives of American citizens who are DYING, right here in this nation as the result of SANDY...today.

OBAMA is a SCUMBAG, LIAR who deserves to ROT IN HELL.

11-02-2012, 12:51 PM

The utility companies in New Jersey hastily called press conferences to say they didn't do it.

And they were right: They didn't.

The union crews did.

The unions have since told their members to stop doing it.

Too bad the good Samaritans from Alabama are gone, though.

11-02-2012, 12:56 PM

The utility companies in New Jersey hastily called press conferences to say they didn't do it.

And they were right: They didn't.

The union crews did.

The unions have since told their members to stop doing it.

Too bad the good Samaritans from Alabama are gone, though.

Now we are all about to see the BIG UNION versions of the Obama Benghazi Coverups.

No heads will roll. But Obama will probably Instruct HOLDER to ignore any requests by Congress to Investigate
the UNION background that caused this to surface.

America is finally witnessing the BREAKDOWN, and 2012 Versions of the NIXON Watergate Corruption being used by OBAMA.

BY THE WAY. OBAMA, AND HOLDER ARE LIARS....and so are the UNION VOICES we will all be hearing very soon.

11-02-2012, 12:56 PM
That's about what you said in your original post under the bold part. I didn't think any officials told them to go home. I figured all along it was the union thugs on the local crews that chased them out.

Robert A Whit
11-02-2012, 01:13 PM
Days ago, PG@E a major utility in CA said they sent over 100 men to help out in the East Coast. I am not clear if they are in a union or not.

11-02-2012, 01:29 PM
Days ago, PG@E a major utility in CA said they sent over 100 men to help out in the East Coast. I am not clear if they are in a union or not.

Robert. That's really not the point. If the Unions have people who insist that Non-union workers who volunteer to help the NEEDY, turn them away because they have no Union card. That should be a RED FLAG to every American. Not only those who are suffering more, because HELP for them was turned away.

It's just disgusting to see how the Administration seems to back up such actions, demanding this stuff should be the Norm, instead of the Exception.

And Obama will probably remain quiet about this. GOD FORBID...Obama would say anything negative about the UNIONS who put him in office.

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 01:55 PM
I just heard the other day that right after Katrina hit, firefighters who flew down to help with rescue were detained in Atlanta to undergo "sensitivity training", before they could continue on to RESCUE people.

11-02-2012, 02:13 PM
I just heard the other day that right after Katrina hit, firefighters who flew down to help with rescues were detained in Atlanta to undergo "sensitivity training", before they could continue on to RESCUE people.

Rescuer: Hey, I'm here to save your dumbass from the mess you got yourself into.

Citizen: Unhand me you insolent savage! I shall not have my life preserved by a lout such as you. Begone!

...yeah, there's a likely scenario :laugh:

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 03:15 PM
Rescuer: Hey, I'm here to save your dumbass from the mess you got yourself into.

Citizen: Unhand me you insolent savage! I shall not have my life preserved by a lout such as you. Begone!

...yeah, there's a likely scenario :laugh:

Lol! Somehow I think the wording coming from a Katrina rescue would be just a tad different. :coffee:

11-02-2012, 03:27 PM
Lol! Somehow I think the wording coming from a Katrina rescue would be just a tad different. :coffee:

I was thinking same thing...like a 1 in 100,000 chance of finding a NO rescuee that even knew the word lout. :laugh:

11-02-2012, 03:58 PM
Lol! Somehow I think the wording coming from a Katrina rescue would be just a tad different. :coffee:
Honestly, I bet the "Sensitivity Training" was just a cover for instructing out of state helpers on how not to get shot by the locals.
You might recall the LA riots a while back where the locals were shooting the firemen trying to save their own damn community from burning to the ground!

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 04:34 PM
Just wondering how a person can get offended by someone who is SAVING THEIR LIFE.