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11-03-2012, 02:52 AM
Only a nerd like me would watch in its entirety. Pick it up around the 16 minute mark. Perhaps a bit before.

I'm listening to the whole thing, so may be back for more.


11-03-2012, 02:59 AM
Just before the 19 minute mark, discussion on recall, unions, etc., in WI

11-03-2012, 08:12 AM
Fascinating speech. Great find Kath. Gotta spread the rep around.

11-03-2012, 10:35 AM
What really matters on Tuesday?
Nothing really. You cast your vote and go home.
Nothing is going to change. Politicians will continue to be politicians. Which means they will support their interests and not yours.
I will vote one way. My husband will vote the other way. Neither of us will mention it, because it is not going to affect our lives.

So...what is going to REALLY matter on Wednesday?
A lot of smug gloating and posturing if Romney wins.
A lot of bitching, grousing and conspiracy theories if Obama wins.
Life will go on. :cheers2:

11-03-2012, 10:39 AM
^ and this is why we should have aptitude tests for one to be a registered voter.

11-03-2012, 11:43 AM
What really matters on Tuesday?
Nothing really. You cast your vote and go home.
Nothing is going to change. Politicians will continue to be politicians. Which means they will support their interests and not yours.
I will vote one way. My husband will vote the other way. Neither of us will mention it, because it is not going to affect our lives.

So...what is going to REALLY matter on Wednesday?
A lot of smug gloating and posturing if Romney wins.
A lot of bitching, grousing and conspiracy theories if Obama wins.
Life will go on. :cheers2:

the recession/recovery has been going on for 5 years now. So yes, I would say this election is an important one. If obama wins the never ending recovery will slog along. Romney is a business man and I fully expect him to get this country going and reduce the debt.

I haven't been excited to vote for the last 3 cycles. Bush I liked the first time, wished the dems had run someone besides Kerry the second time and couldn't stand either guy the last go around. I liked Romney 4 yrs ago and can't wait to see what he does as PRESIDENT

11-03-2012, 01:25 PM
What really matters on Tuesday?
Nothing really. You cast your vote and go home.
Nothing is going to change. Politicians will continue to be politicians. Which means they will support their interests and not yours.
I will vote one way. My husband will vote the other way. Neither of us will mention it, because it is not going to affect our lives.

So...what is going to REALLY matter on Wednesday?
A lot of smug gloating and posturing if Romney wins.
A lot of bitching, grousing and conspiracy theories if Obama wins.
Life will go on. :cheers2:

GABBY. Reading your words above finally proved to me, and everyone else reading this forum today.

YOU ARE NOT A TEACHER, NEVER HAVE BEEN A TEACHER...UNLESS, you taught worms, and maggots to speak like you.

11-03-2012, 01:57 PM
the recession/recovery has been going on for 5 years now. So yes, I would say this election is an important one. If obama wins the never ending recovery will slog along. Romney is a business man and I fully expect him to get this country going and reduce the debt.

I would be pleasantly shocked if the debt was actually reduced but we do need some serious reforms to stem our slide in global competitiveness rankings and further stagnation of our economic policies that ultimately hurt those on the bottom. Obama is clearly not the one to address it and Mitt is the best option going right now.

11-03-2012, 03:53 PM
What really matters on Tuesday?
Nothing really. You cast your vote and go home.
Nothing is going to change. Politicians will continue to be politicians. Which means they will support their interests and not yours.
I will vote one way. My husband will vote the other way. Neither of us will mention it, because it is not going to affect our lives.

So...what is going to REALLY matter on Wednesday?
A lot of smug gloating and posturing if Romney wins.
A lot of bitching, grousing and conspiracy theories if Obama wins.
Life will go on. :cheers2:

Life will go on with higher unemployment, tougher credit, more taxes, fewer business start-ups, higher electricity and fuel prices, more expensive but poorer performing vehicles, and in general a lower quality of life. An Obama victory means too many will have decided that a government check is more worthwhile than sharpen their skills at what they do best and pride in themselves. We will have settled for a lesser nation.

Classic Liberal
11-04-2012, 08:26 AM
What really matters is, the duopoly that owns America’s government will continue to violate the Constitution with unnecessary, un-paid-for, undeclared unconstitutional wars, the unconstitutional Drug War, and hundreds of unconstitutional federal socialist programs. The national debt will grow, the federal budget will not be balanced, the federal government will run up huge annual deficits, the duopoly’s cronies on the Supreme Court will validate the duopoly’s unconstitutional laws, the cronies on Wall Street and every large special interest collective will offer more and more bribery loot to the campaign coffers of duopoly politicians in exchange for the bribery of favorable legislation, the government will continue the insane foreign policies of meddling in other countries affaires, absurd nation building, continuing the failed isolationism of particular nations, continuation of the World Police Force, kissing Israel’s ass and creating more terrorism for America no matter which duopoly dork wins the election.

If that doesn’t matter to you, shame on ya!!!

11-04-2012, 08:30 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 09:35 AM
What really matters??

Getting that walking ,talking, lying disaster out of our lives so we can attempt to return to sanity!-Tyr

11-04-2012, 12:17 PM
Life will go on with higher unemployment, tougher credit, more taxes, fewer business start-ups, higher electricity and fuel prices, more expensive but poorer performing vehicles, and in general a lower quality of life. An Obama victory means too many will have decided that a government check is more worthwhile than sharpen their skills at what they do best and pride in themselves. We will have settled for a lesser nation.

What matters Tuesday is that you vote your conscience, then go home (or back to work) and await the results. When the results are counted, you accept the will of the people. No bitching and whining, no excuses, no conspiracy theories.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:38 PM
What matters Tuesday is that you vote your conscience, then go home (or back to work) and await the results. When the results are counted, you accept the will of the people. No bitching and whining, no excuses, no conspiracy theories.

Im going to remind you of this post when obama loses then files those lawsuits contesting the loss.
Already now its been found that certain voting machines give the vote to obama when Romney's name was chosen. Strange that never has the reverse been true!!-Tyr

11-04-2012, 01:15 PM
Im going to remind you of this post when obama loses then files those lawsuits contesting the loss.
Already now its been found that certain voting machines give the vote to obama when Romney's name was chosen. Strange that never has the reverse been true!!-Tyr

Tyr. We won't be able to remind people like gabby if OBAMA loses. They will disappear until they have WHINED themselves to sleep.

11-05-2012, 07:35 AM
What matters Tuesday is that you vote your conscience, then go home (or back to work) and await the results. When the results are counted, you accept the will of the people. No bitching and whining, no excuses, no conspiracy theories.

Society generally shapes the government, not the other way around; it's a barometer of sorts. I'm concerned that Obama even has a chance. A first Obama victory was understandable since many were concerned about a total collapse of our economy thinking that welfare might be there only sustenance. Obama's re-election would mean most have become comfortable with a government check as a way of life, having completely abandoned self reliance.

If that were the "will of the people" to give up on themselves, I wouldn't accept that. While I'm not saying I would leave immediately, I would have to consider that better opportunity exists in another country and start applying for offshore opportunities.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2012, 08:07 AM
Tyr. We won't be able to remind people like gabby if OBAMA loses. They will disappear until they have WHINED themselves to sleep.

Maybe for a short period she will lay low but she will return to post her crap. Remember she is smarter than any of us and her generously attempting to correct us is a manifestation of her tender mercies..-;)-Tyr

11-05-2012, 09:43 AM
Only a nerd like me would watch in its entirety. Pick it up around the 16 minute mark. Perhaps a bit before.

I'm listening to the whole thing, so may be back for more.


Guess I'm as big a nerd as you.....I watched the whole thing and loved every minute....nice find.

11-05-2012, 09:49 AM
Society generally shapes the government, not the other way around; it's a barometer of sorts. I'm concerned that Obama even has a chance. A first Obama victory was understandable since many were concerned about a total collapse of our economy thinking that welfare might be there only sustenance. Obama's re-election would mean most have become comfortable with a government check as a way of life, having completely abandoned self reliance.

I disagree that it's the welfare issue, it was a rejection as Bush as POTUS even though he doesn't have all the control that people think that POTUS has. I also don't think it's the welfare issue now, Romney probably still has the Bush stink on him. That's pretty much all BO has or has ever had, he's not Bush and he talk guud.

11-05-2012, 07:52 PM
What matters Tuesday is that you vote your conscience, then go home (or back to work) and await the results. When the results are counted, you accept the will of the people. No bitching and whining, no excuses, no conspiracy theories.

Really??? Because that's not how I remember you handling the Bush years

11-05-2012, 07:58 PM
I'll be leaving my house around 5:30 am for voting. If quick, I'll come home.

Have to be at school at 7:15, leave house by 6:55.

Work to 3:10, unless last period is plan.

Meet friend for 'election talk' at 3:30, Pinot Noir fits in.

6:00 pm, friend's house. Appetizers, Chick-fil-A (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.chick-fil-a.com%2F&ei=LmCYUMj9BumkyQHZzYGoBg&usg=AFQjCNHKPRmwEP8Elb3pXtks0dLdIwZs-g&sig2=Cw3nvwOyl4LzFTB1ryN1ig) and champagne are in the picture.

If the election goes as foreseen, in bed by 10:00 pm. If not, staying at friend's house. Her husband has agreed to 'talk us down' if necessary. He's an officer at Board of Trade and used to dealing with 'talking down.'

11-05-2012, 08:07 PM
What matters Tuesday. I mean, what really matters Tuesday is. Will All of America finally come together for the Good of more than just the few, in trade for what is GOOD FOR THE ENTIRE NATION...undivided, and promising again for our children, and grandchildren who...at this point in Our History. Are in Deeper Debt than any other Generation in U.S. History.

If Obama is re-elected. We can all look forward to FOUR MORE YEARS of Nothing new. Even as most all of us According to Valery Jarrett, will be in DEEP OBAMA DOO DOO!

If we don't have a Prison problem today. Just watch how much worse it gets by Wednesday if Obama wins.