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View Full Version : Foreign officials coming to monitor our Presidential election!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 09:01 AM

In a move drawing fire from voter ID law supporters, the largest global election monitoring organization is sending an unprecedented number of observers to U.S. polling stations, paying particular attention to any signs of voter intimidation.
The website of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe says that more than 100 parliamentarians from Europe and Central Asia will travel to the United States to monitor the Nov. 6 elections.
The site says it is “the largest Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe parliamentary delegation to ever observe a North American election.”
The move comes at a time when Democrats and Republicans have engaged in bitter battles nationwide over voter ID laws and voter registration investigations that Republicans say are necessary because of fraud, but which Democrats call frivolous and meant to intimidate minorities. As is commonly the practice, the U.S. government invited the OSCE .
Civil rights group that oppose voter ID laws and voter registration investigations have urged OSCE to pay particular attention to voter suppression allegations regarding Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin, most of which are considered battleground states in the presidential election. The groups include the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP.

Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2012/10/24/foreign-officials-coming-in-unprecedented-numbers-to-monitor-us-elections-amid/#ixzz2BAU6RNZ6

Obama setting the stage for cries of voter fraud and intimidation after he loses . How many of these foreign people are socialists, marxist, communists and diehard liberals that are in the tank for obama? After obama loses you'll see how quick obama and the dem party lawyers go into action..

I bet those foreign scum will be diverted away from the polling stations where the New Black Panther Party members will be doing their voter intimidation!!! Remember last time and what they did, well Holder and obama said that was ok LETS HAVE LOTS MORE OF IT!!

11-03-2012, 10:25 AM
No one is coming to "monitor" our elections.
Every general election, our government invites other nations to watch how we run our elections. Just as the U.S. sends delegations out to watch foreign election processes.
It is part of a general process of information sharing.
Of course, there will always be right-wing crackpots who read more into this than there actually is. :rolleyes:

11-03-2012, 10:30 AM
No one is coming to "monitor" our elections.
Every general election, our government invites other nations to watch how we run our elections. Just as the U.S. sends delegations out to watch foreign election processes.
It is part of a general process of information sharing.
Of course, there will always be right-wing crackpots who read more into this than there actually is. :rolleyes:

As usual, wrong again...

International monitors at US polling spots draw criticism from voter fraud groupsUnited Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers from its human rights office around the country on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places. It's part of a broader observation mission that will send out an additional 80 to 90 members of parliament from nearly 30 countries.


11-03-2012, 10:39 AM
That is not what I heard. In California, there will be foreign group hear to observe the election process. They will not be present inside the polls during actual voting, since that is prohibited by law in many states.
Perhaps the conservatives have heard other things. :rolleyes:

11-03-2012, 10:41 AM
That is not what I heard. In California, there will be foreign group hear to observe the election process. They will not be present inside the polls during actual voting, since that is prohibited by law in many states.
Perhaps the conservatives have heard other things. :rolleyes:

Perhaps you're just too dumb to read? They were invited here to observe based on fraud and disenfranchised issues. If you're too dumb to read news that is so easy to find...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 10:47 AM
No one is coming to "monitor" our elections.
Every general election, our government invites other nations to watch how we run our elections. Just as the U.S. sends delegations out to watch foreign election processes.
It is part of a general process of information sharing.
Of course, there will always be right-wing crackpots who read more into this than there actually is. :rolleyes:

Must be nice to be living proof that ignorance is bliss..-Tyr

11-03-2012, 10:52 AM
Must be nice to be living proof that ignorance is bliss..-Tyr

I don't know what's worth, her being too dumb to see the truth, or seeing it and playing ignorant. Either way, not my cup of tea.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 11:21 AM
I don't know what's worth, her being too dumb to see the truth, or seeing it and playing ignorant. Either way, not my cup of tea.

Here is another source for her to reject..


By EMILY DERUY (http://abcnews.go.com/author/emily_deruy)(@emily_deruy (http://twitter.com/emily_deruy))
Oct. 24, 2012

The upcoming presidential elections will be observed by election monitors from countries that have their own issues with democracy.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a group that has observed U.S. elections since 2002, is sending dozens of monitors (http://www.osce.org/odihr/94918) from around the world to monitor the presidential and congressional elections in the United States this November.
As CNS News reports (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/officials-belarus-azerbaijan-kazakhstan-will-watch-us-election-make-sure-its-free-and), 12 of those monitors come from countries that Freedom House ranks "not free," specifically Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and six come from countries ranked "partly free."

He singled out states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida as places to watch. While none of the three have stringent voter ID laws that will be in effect on election day, there has been confusion surrounding what is required to vote, especially in Pennsylvania, where poll workers may ask for ID even though it is not required.
Yes, Ohio and Florida, two very crucial states to win if one wants to be President. This is to help add to the confusion and have liberal/socialist type eyewitnesses to any irregularities that may occur. As if our people are nt to be trusted. NAACP AND ACLU both requested these foreigners so we know its about hoped for evidence against Republicans. I bet these officials will not be placed at the polling stations where the New Black Panthers will be on election day!!! No sir, they'll be placed at strategicly predetermind locations. Its a scam operation ,the UN is our enemy just as are the dems/libs/leftists.-Tyr

11-03-2012, 09:11 PM
No one is coming to "monitor" our elections.
Every general election, our government invites other nations to watch how we run our elections. Just as the U.S. sends delegations out to watch foreign election processes.
It is part of a general process of information sharing.
Of course, there will always be right-wing crackpots who read more into this than there actually is. :rolleyes:

Thank you so much gabby. Good to see how you are unwilling to deny how honestly dumb you really are.

We also would like to thank you for identifying, and being one of those crackpots you talk so much about. If the shoe fits. YOU wear it.

Anton Chigurh
11-03-2012, 09:18 PM
Dey gotta make sho whitey don' be suppressin da black vote ya know.

When in reality, if it is "suppressed" it's Obama himself to blame for it.

11-03-2012, 09:30 PM
What's the problem? The US sends monitors to other countries. Is there any reason the US should be exempt from international monitoring?

11-03-2012, 10:37 PM
What's the problem? The US sends monitors to other countries. Is there any reason the US should be exempt from international monitoring?
In theory no, but you have to be one naive fool to think the UN is sending objective observers. These are the same people that allowed China, Cuba, and Russia to join the Human Rights Council and they send election observers to monitor our elections from countries that aren't even free! The West invented Free Elections as well as Representative Government but the East feels it needs to come monitor our elections? That's a sad joke no matter what reality you are living in.

11-04-2012, 02:06 AM
In theory no, but you have to be one naive fool to think the UN is sending objective observers. These are the same people that allowed China, Cuba, and Russia to join the Human Rights Council and they send election observers to monitor our elections from countries that aren't even free! The West invented Free Elections as well as Representative Government but the East feels it needs to come monitor our elections? That's a sad joke no matter what reality you are living in.

Actually, the Arab world and many other places had free elections before the US even existed. Check your history.

11-04-2012, 08:16 AM
Actually, the Arab world and many other places had free elections before the US even existed. Check your history.

And they performed that well, now they have dictators and cut heads off of those who don't like them. What's the slogan? "Death to America" "To hell with Freedom" Idiots.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2012, 08:41 AM
Having some of these countries come here to monitor anything is a joke.

11-04-2012, 08:46 AM
Having some of these countries come here to monitor anything is a joke.

Animals inspecting the zoo workers! :laugh2:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 09:14 AM
Having some of these countries come here to monitor anything is a joke.

Obama wants them here or else they would not be here. If obama wants them here there is a sinister reason, I'd bet my life on it.-Tyr

Anton Chigurh
11-04-2012, 10:48 AM
Actually, the Arab world and many other places had free elections before the US even existed. Check your history.Right, the problem was, the vastly different definition of "free."

11-04-2012, 10:50 AM
Right, the problem was, the vastly different definition of "free."

Pre-2003 Iraq, citizens were free to vote for Saddam, or risk being killed by his henchmen.

11-04-2012, 01:18 PM
Actually, the Arab world and many other places had free elections before the US even existed. Check your history.

I said the West as in Western Civilization, not the US

11-04-2012, 07:37 PM
Animals inspecting the zoo workers! :laugh2:

Superiority complex much? It's not like your country is immune from electoral corruption.

So, anyone who isn't American is an animal? Are you a white supremacist?

11-04-2012, 07:43 PM
Superiority complex much? It's not like your country is immune from electoral corruption.

So, anyone who isn't American is an animal? Are you a white supremacist?

We ARE superior, in almost every single way. That's right, and I'm damn proud to say it. We are not out there claiming everyone who does bad things to be "non-Americans", no one cutting off heads as a daily practice, not abuse of women condoned by so many, not shitloads of terrorists in every state, no Shariah law punishing people for petty crimes, not killing homosexuals... I think you get the point.

11-04-2012, 09:40 PM
We ARE superior, in almost every single way.

What makes you the master race? Have you looked at what you are saying? It's quite disturbing.

11-04-2012, 10:05 PM
What makes you the master race? Have you looked at what you are saying? It's quite disturbing.

Oh well, sorry you disagree. I don't think we are anyone's master, just simply superior in almost every department. I'm certainly not going to sit back and think 3rd world countries are superior, or even equal to us, when I know they aren't. This isn't to say they shouldn't have the right to freedom, liberty happiness and all that other stuff. Really, the only things I can think of that these countries are superior to us in is terrorism, growing a lot of the worlds drugs and having lack of the freedoms that we offer. What you find disturbing I find to be simply speaking the truth. Just like in sports, someone is superior than the other, but that doesn't mean that the other team deserves to be killed or anything dumb like that, unless maybe you live in certain Islamic countries, then you might be, or for lesser offenses than losing a game.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2012, 08:44 AM
What makes you the master race? Have you looked at what you are saying? It's quite disturbing.

We are far superior to any muslim. Muslims have become slaves to a militant/political/religious ideology and from that they have learned to hate -ALL- that is not part of Islam. We as a nation are generous and have sacrificed hundreds of thousands of our lives plus many billions to defend citizens of other nations and encourage true freedom. Where Islam only spreads and destroys.. -Tyr

11-05-2012, 09:33 AM
As far as election Monitoring vs observing seem like BOTH are true, some folks will be here to monitor, others in other places to observe.

As as far as the west claiming any superiority, It's by God's grace we do not chop off heads, anymore, France anyone?
It's by God's grace we don't have slavery anymore. It's by God's grace that we treat women better than in many countries.
It's by God's grace that we've inherited the dying fumes of a freedom leaning gov't and social system. And in some cases actually fought wars that were for some good.

But Jim... uhh... Growing drugs?... LOL don't get me started.
And we've all got our own sins to answer for , many Muslims at least wait until the kids are born before they kill and maim. We allow killing of millions in the womb. And we turn a blind eye to all of own wars of plunder and empire. And talk up this image of freedom and charity, that is has real aspects of truth, but we then cover up all of our corrupt blemishes and bloodshed in jingoistic flag waving and comfortable denials.

But hey, in general, Humility is a virtue that's forgotten by too many of us.
there's an old proverb.
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Abbey Marie
11-05-2012, 09:36 AM
What makes you the master race? Have you looked at what you are saying? It's quite disturbing.

Last time I checked, America wasn't a "race".

11-05-2012, 01:42 PM
Ok, the USA is #1....

#1 America has the highest incarceration rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_pri_per_cap-crime-prisoners-per-capita) and the largest total prison population (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/23/world/americas/23iht-23prison.12253738.html?_r=1) in the entire world by a good margin.
#2 There are more car thefts in the United States than anywhere else in the world by far (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_car_the-crime-car-thefts).
#3 Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity). Mexico is #2.
#4 The average American drinks more than 600 sodas (http://www.everyday-wisdom.com/soft-drink-consumption.html) a year - the most in the world.
#5 U.S. corporations sell more fast food and more soda than anyone else in the world by a wide margin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food).
#6 Nobody watches more television per week (28 hours (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/med_tel_vie-media-television-viewing)) than Americans do. Although to be honest, people living in the UK are tied with us.
#7 The United States leads the world in credit card fraud (http://www.nilsonreport.com/pdf/news/112111.pdf).
#8 The United States has the highest percentage of one person households (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_one_per_hou-people-one-person-households) on the entire planet.
#9 The United States has the highest divorce rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate) in the world by a good margin.
#10 The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_tee_pre_sha-health-teenage-pregnancy-share) in the world by far.
#11 There are more school shootings (http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/28/why-does-america-lead-the-world-in-school-shootings/) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#12 The United States has the highest child abuse death rate (http://www.allgov.com/Controversies/ViewNews/US_Leads_Developed_World_in_Child_Abuse_Death_Rate _111018) in the world.
#13 There are more "deaths by reptile (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/13/america-is-number-one_n_760544.html#s155231&title=Death_By_Reptile)" in America than anywhere else in the world.
#14 The United States has the most lawyers per capita (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_country_in_the_world_has_most_lawyers_per_cap ita) in the entire world.
#15 The United States produces more pornography (http://techcrunch.com/2007/05/12/internet-pornography-stats/) than any other nation in the world.
#16 Americans take more prescription drugs (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/was-whitney-houston-killed-by-prescription-drugs-like-so-many-other-celebrities-have-been) than anyone else in the world.
#17 More is spent on prescription drug advertising (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/was-whitney-houston-killed-by-prescription-drugs-like-so-many-other-celebrities-have-been) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#18 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-medicated-americans) than in any other country in the world.
#19 More people have been diagnosed with mental disorders (http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/10/why-more-americans-suffer-from-mental-disorders-than-anyone-else/246035/#slide3) in America than anywhere else on earth.
#20 The United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/01/health/webmd/main4222322.shtml) on the entire globe.
#21 There is more credit card debt (http://www.mybudget360.com/endgame-credit-card-nation-40-year-credit-card-bull-market-over/) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#22 There is more mortgage debt (http://www.businessinsider.com/30-charts-you-must-see-before-buying-a-home-2011-4#-8) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#23 There is more student loan debt (http://www.finaid.org/loans/studentloandebtclock.phtml) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#24 The United States spends more money on government schools (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/11-reasons-to-get-your-kids-out-of-the-government-schools) than any other nation on earth does.
#25 U.S. citizens spend more time in school than anyone else in the world. So why are so many of us dumb as a rock (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/dumb-as-a-rock-you-will-be-absolutely-amazed-at-the-things-that-u-s-high-school-students-do-not-know)?
#26 Nobody in the world gets more plastic surgery done (http://www.nationmaster.com/facts.php) than Americans do.
#27 The United States leads the world in eating disorder deaths (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/mor_eat_dis-mortality-eating-disorders).
#28 According to nationmaster.com (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes), the United States has the most total reported crimes in the world by far.
#29 Nobody has more airport security thugs groping women and children (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/female-body-scans/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired/index+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29&utm_content=Google+Reader) than America does.
#30 The United States spends much more on health care as a percentage of GDP (http://www.alternet.org/story/150691/we%27re_%231_--_ten_depressing_ways_america_is_exceptional?page=e ntire) than any other nation on the face of the earth.
#31 The United States has the most complicated tax system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_the_United_States) on the entire planet.
#32 The United States has the most laws (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/19-signs-that-america-has-become-a-crazy-control-freak-nation-where-almost-everything-is-illegal) on the entire planet.
#33 The United States spends more on the military than the next 12 nations combined (http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending), and yet the Obama administration is considering plans to unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/insanity-is-barack-obama-going-to-unilaterally-slash-the-size-of-the-u-s-nuclear-arsenal-by-another-80-percent).
#34 The United States has the most foreign military bases in the world by far (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy_of_the_United_States).
#35 The United States exports more arms (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/mil_exp_to_dev_nat-military-exports-to-developing-nations) to other countries than anyone else in the world.
#36 Americans spend more time sitting in traffic (http://www.businessinsider.com/cost-of-americas-dependence-on-oil-2012-1#in-2010-urban-drivers-wasted-19-billion-of-gallons-of-fuelequivalent-to-about-101-billion-9) than anyone else in the world.
#37 Americans spend more money on elections (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/buying-the-vote-12-facts-about-super-pacs-that-will-blow-your-mind) than anyone else does in the world by a very wide margin.
#38 Every single year, the United States has the largest trade deficit in the world (http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/historical/gands.pdf) by far.
#39 The U.S. government wastes more money (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/30-stupid-things-the-governemnt-is-spending-money-on) than any other government on earth does.
#40 The United States has accumulated the biggest mountain of government debt (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/national-debt) in the history of the world.

11-05-2012, 02:02 PM
And yet people from the world over literally risk their lives to get here. I don't have to worry about getting my head cut off. I don't have to worry about a dictator shooting or bombing us. I won't see stoning and hangings in public, without fair trials, or at all for that fact. We don't have terrorists roaming the streets freely. The only time we have to worry about a bomb blowing up the public place we live in is if a Muslim is in town. No religion has to worry about being eliminated. We don't have to worry about jihad, or having fatwas issued against those who may have offended scumbags. We won't be killed if we leave our faith and switch to another. We don't abuse and discriminate against women as a matter of practice, and condoned by everyone. We don't have to worry about teaching all of our children to hate the Jewish people. We don't have to worry about having our children being taught about Muslim global domination.

The American Dream lives on regardless of the name of your link and America is the best place to live, by far, and by light years compared to 3rd world Islamic hellholes.

11-05-2012, 02:12 PM
you both make interesting points.

11-05-2012, 02:37 PM
you both make interesting points.

I'm sure everyone will definitely have a different outlook and opinion, which is just another great thing about America, is that we are free to go on our street corners and scream about our differences if that's what we feel like. I don't think as individuals that we are superior, as I'm sure there are people from every country which are superior to some people here in the States - but I think America as a whole, as a country, is far more superior than any other country out there, by far. We could technically spend years here going down each and every possible subject, from freedom to technology to military to IQ's to athletes to education to manufacturing... But I think if you were to take the sum of all of those individual debates, the USA would come out far ahead of any other place on Earth. Sure, there are places like Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland and other places which rarely ever see crime and death and are pleasant to live in, but you give up an awful lot of what the USA offers to have that. So I suppose it may depend on each individuals desires, but I think from an overall perspective, we are superior. And of course as Jafar pointed out, we have our share of negative things too, but not even remotely close to make me want to go into a perilous location instead, or to a place where the only thing I can ever do is enjoy the scenery. But I guess if that IS your cup of tea, then some may consider other places superior. My comments are on the totality of what a country and our freedoms have to offer, and I make no apologies when I say we are the best. If one wants to see that as "me" saying I am better than someone, so be it, but they are being a bit presumptuous.

11-05-2012, 02:43 PM
Ok, the USA is #1....

#1 America has the highest incarceration rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_pri_per_cap-crime-prisoners-per-capita) and the largest total prison population (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/23/world/americas/23iht-23prison.12253738.html?_r=1) in the entire world by a good margin.
#2 There are more car thefts in the United States than anywhere else in the world by far (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_car_the-crime-car-thefts).
#3 Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity). Mexico is #2.
#4 The average American drinks more than 600 sodas (http://www.everyday-wisdom.com/soft-drink-consumption.html) a year - the most in the world.
#5 U.S. corporations sell more fast food and more soda than anyone else in the world by a wide margin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food).
#6 Nobody watches more television per week (28 hours (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/med_tel_vie-media-television-viewing)) than Americans do. Although to be honest, people living in the UK are tied with us.
#7 The United States leads the world in credit card fraud (http://www.nilsonreport.com/pdf/news/112111.pdf).
#8 The United States has the highest percentage of one person households (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_one_per_hou-people-one-person-households) on the entire planet.
#9 The United States has the highest divorce rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate) in the world by a good margin.
#10 The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_tee_pre_sha-health-teenage-pregnancy-share) in the world by far.
#11 There are more school shootings (http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/28/why-does-america-lead-the-world-in-school-shootings/) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#12 The United States has the highest child abuse death rate (http://www.allgov.com/Controversies/ViewNews/US_Leads_Developed_World_in_Child_Abuse_Death_Rate _111018) in the world.
#13 There are more "deaths by reptile (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/13/america-is-number-one_n_760544.html#s155231&title=Death_By_Reptile)" in America than anywhere else in the world.
#14 The United States has the most lawyers per capita (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_country_in_the_world_has_most_lawyers_per_cap ita) in the entire world.
#15 The United States produces more pornography (http://techcrunch.com/2007/05/12/internet-pornography-stats/) than any other nation in the world.
#16 Americans take more prescription drugs (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/was-whitney-houston-killed-by-prescription-drugs-like-so-many-other-celebrities-have-been) than anyone else in the world.
#17 More is spent on prescription drug advertising (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/was-whitney-houston-killed-by-prescription-drugs-like-so-many-other-celebrities-have-been) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#18 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-medicated-americans) than in any other country in the world.
#19 More people have been diagnosed with mental disorders (http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/10/why-more-americans-suffer-from-mental-disorders-than-anyone-else/246035/#slide3) in America than anywhere else on earth.
#20 The United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/01/health/webmd/main4222322.shtml) on the entire globe.
#21 There is more credit card debt (http://www.mybudget360.com/endgame-credit-card-nation-40-year-credit-card-bull-market-over/) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#22 There is more mortgage debt (http://www.businessinsider.com/30-charts-you-must-see-before-buying-a-home-2011-4#-8) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#23 There is more student loan debt (http://www.finaid.org/loans/studentloandebtclock.phtml) in America than anywhere else in the world.
#24 The United States spends more money on government schools (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/11-reasons-to-get-your-kids-out-of-the-government-schools) than any other nation on earth does.
#25 U.S. citizens spend more time in school than anyone else in the world. So why are so many of us dumb as a rock (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/dumb-as-a-rock-you-will-be-absolutely-amazed-at-the-things-that-u-s-high-school-students-do-not-know)?
#26 Nobody in the world gets more plastic surgery done (http://www.nationmaster.com/facts.php) than Americans do.
#27 The United States leads the world in eating disorder deaths (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/mor_eat_dis-mortality-eating-disorders).
#28 According to nationmaster.com (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes), the United States has the most total reported crimes in the world by far.
#29 Nobody has more airport security thugs groping women and children (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/female-body-scans/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired/index+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29&utm_content=Google+Reader) than America does.
#30 The United States spends much more on health care as a percentage of GDP (http://www.alternet.org/story/150691/we%27re_%231_--_ten_depressing_ways_america_is_exceptional?page=e ntire) than any other nation on the face of the earth.
#31 The United States has the most complicated tax system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_the_United_States) on the entire planet.
#32 The United States has the most laws (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/19-signs-that-america-has-become-a-crazy-control-freak-nation-where-almost-everything-is-illegal) on the entire planet.
#33 The United States spends more on the military than the next 12 nations combined (http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending), and yet the Obama administration is considering plans to unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/insanity-is-barack-obama-going-to-unilaterally-slash-the-size-of-the-u-s-nuclear-arsenal-by-another-80-percent).
#34 The United States has the most foreign military bases in the world by far (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy_of_the_United_States).
#35 The United States exports more arms (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/mil_exp_to_dev_nat-military-exports-to-developing-nations) to other countries than anyone else in the world.
#36 Americans spend more time sitting in traffic (http://www.businessinsider.com/cost-of-americas-dependence-on-oil-2012-1#in-2010-urban-drivers-wasted-19-billion-of-gallons-of-fuelequivalent-to-about-101-billion-9) than anyone else in the world.
#37 Americans spend more money on elections (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/buying-the-vote-12-facts-about-super-pacs-that-will-blow-your-mind) than anyone else does in the world by a very wide margin.
#38 Every single year, the United States has the largest trade deficit in the world (http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/historical/gands.pdf) by far.
#39 The U.S. government wastes more money (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/30-stupid-things-the-governemnt-is-spending-money-on) than any other government on earth does.
#40 The United States has accumulated the biggest mountain of government debt (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/national-debt) in the history of the world.

A point you miss. Most of what is listed was invented or produced here in the US. There are more prisoners in the US because our system doesn't allow for the arbitrary execution of people for minor offenses. While there is plenty wrong with our justice system, it's still the most humane system.

The US has the biggest of everything because of the population and the fact we have a free market and capitalism. We have always striven to create the best things and make our lives easier and better for our children.
Most of the other negative things you have come up with are just bullshit and in fact many are not true.

11-05-2012, 03:01 PM
I'm sure everyone will definitely have a different outlook and opinion, which is just another great thing about America, is that we are free to go on our street corners and scream about our differences if that's what we feel like. I don't think as individuals that we are superior, as I'm sure there are people from every country which are superior to some people here in the States - but I think America as a whole, as a country, is far more superior than any other country out there, by far. We could technically spend years here going down each and every possible subject, from freedom to technology to military to IQ's to athletes to education to manufacturing... But I think if you were to take the sum of all of those individual debates, the USA would come out far ahead of any other place on Earth. Sure, there are places like Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland and other places which rarely ever see crime and death and are pleasant to live in, but you give up an awful lot of what the USA offers to have that. So I suppose it may depend on each individuals desires, but I think from an overall perspective, we are superior. And of course as Jafar pointed out, we have our share of negative things too, but not even remotely close to make me want to go into a perilous location instead, or to a place where the only thing I can ever do is enjoy the scenery. But I guess if that IS your cup of tea, then some may consider other places superior. My comments are on the totality of what a country and our freedoms have to offer, and I make no apologies when I say we are the best. If one wants to see that as "me" saying I am better than someone, so be it, but they are being a bit presumptuous.

I hear what your saying.
I guess the only point i'd make to everyone is that nations, states, empires rise and fall like the tide in history.
The "greatest" is a at best a temporary title and dependent on your ideas of what makes a country great.

I like to think that we all are one family. our laws and nations are like clothes that can be taken on and off to a degree.
America is made up of peoples and ideas from around the globe, an our system of gov't was inspired by the Greeks, the ancient middle eastern Jews, reformation and enlightenment Europe and examples of gov't found in the native American tribes. the daily lives filled out with people from Europe, Africa, Asia, and every other continent.
Interesting that the mix produced something very powerful, to say the least.
Grace of God.

11-05-2012, 03:10 PM
I hear what your saying.
I guess the only point i'd make to everyone is that nations, states, empires rise and fall like the tide in history.
The "greatest" is a at best a temporary title and dependent on your ideas of what makes a country great.

I like to think that we all are one family. our laws and nations are like clothes that can be taken on and off to a degree.
America is made up of peoples and ideas from around the globe, an our system of gov't was inspired by the Greeks, the ancient middle eastern Jews, reformation and enlightenment Europe and examples of gov't found in the native American tribes. the daily lives filled out with people from Europe, Africa, Asia, and every other continent.
Interesting that the mix produced something very powerful, to say the least.
Grace of God.

I think we've held the title from 1776-2012, not a bad track record, IMO!!

11-05-2012, 07:51 PM
Most of the other negative things you have come up with are just bullshit and in fact many are not true.

The list includes links to back it up. Take a look!

I refuse to accept that the USA is the best when clearly, Australia is! :laugh2:

11-05-2012, 08:30 PM
The list includes links to back it up. Take a look!

I refuse to accept that the USA is the best when clearly, Australia is! :laugh2:

Just because there's a link doesn't make something true.

So tell me about the great scientific minds and technology breakthroughs that have come out of Australia. I happen to like most of the Aussies I have met, but you can only do so much with sheep, kangaroos and koala bears. Or cheese. :thumb: