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View Full Version : Last night on NatGeo "Seal Team Six"

Gadget (fmr Marine)
11-05-2012, 08:22 AM
I spent the evening watching NatGeo, enjoying the George Bush interview about 9/11, and then settled back to watch the new made for TV movie called Seal Team Six...

It was a good movie, spiffed up and glamourized for consumption on American TV...it even included commentary (perhaps interviews) with our President Barack Obama.

As I watched, a question came to my mind...would there be an uproar over the release, just as there was over the book, by Mark Bissonnette, called, "No Easy Day?"

I would imagine there should be the same outcry of opposition to this movie, but I have yet to hear any.....

....I am a proud American, and looking forward to voting tomorrow morning.


11-05-2012, 04:23 PM
There is a very large number of Seal Team members, past, and present who didn't enjoy that program.

I can say this because. I live in a community where thousands of retired, and active duty Navy, and Marine families call home. And the quietest of those are Seal Team, Navy, and Marine members who rarely dishonor their service...as our PRETEND President in Acorn does.

11-05-2012, 04:32 PM
It's a movie that was made to hype the dark lord as some kind of great leader. I won't bother to watch it. It ranks right up there with micheal moore movies in my book.

11-05-2012, 04:38 PM
It's a movie that was made to hype the dark lord as some kind of great leader. I won't bother to watch it. It ranks right up there with micheal moore movies in my book.

Gaffer. Semper Fi. I agree with you on that. As if Obama actually is convinced. All of us will just fall on our knee's to praise him for taking out OBL all by himself...just before the Election????

Obama's problem is. When it comes to those of us who Know what is going on. None of us just FELL OFF THAT TURNIP TRUCK, as he, and the Democrats wish.