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View Full Version : She (D) admits the Media is in the tank for Obama

Robert A Whit
11-06-2012, 11:58 PM
This woman is a democrat. Pay attention to her words.


11-07-2012, 12:28 AM
Hmmm... Fox News, which is in the tank for Republicans, runs a clip of someone criticizing media outlets for being in the tank for Dems. :lame2:

11-07-2012, 12:46 AM
Hmmm... Fox News, which is in the tank for Republicans, runs a clip of someone criticizing media outlets for being in the tank for Dems. :lame2:
Have to agree with Gabby on this one. Fox News and their "Bias" reporting is very lame. It's all pot meet kettle bullshit.
The ultimate losers are the American people. Journalism was supposed to objectively inform the American people. Modern "Journalism" is nothing but propaganda.
It is now up to each of us to find the truth. Not that I disagree with that but it would have been nice if "Journalism" hadn't become such a perversion of its original intent.

11-07-2012, 01:11 AM
It is now up to each of us to find the truth. Not that I disagree with that but it would have been nice if "Journalism" hadn't become such a perversion of its original intent.

The media used to work to protect the people. Now they work only for ad revenue, ratings and personal popularity.
I find the new 24/7 "gotcha" media to be deplorable. The daily cycle was good for balancing out stories. The whole "something new every 15 minutes" is just repetition?

My husband watched election coverage for about 45 minutes. He turned it off when CNN kept trying to analyze every micro percentage of returns that came in.

My daughter said it best -- "are you going to be watching that boring election stuff all night?"

Robert A Whit
11-07-2012, 01:55 AM
Have to agree with Gabby on this one. Fox News and their "Bias" reporting is very lame. It's all pot meet kettle bullshit.
The ultimate losers are the American people. Journalism was supposed to objectively inform the American people. Modern "Journalism" is nothing but propaganda.
It is now up to each of us to find the truth. Not that I disagree with that but it would have been nice if "Journalism" hadn't become such a perversion of its original intent.

You trying to say that had she said the same things on the big three, you would believe her?

Maybe you think because she worked for Lautenberg who is another D, somenow she chose to lie merely because of the tv station?

Get real. She did not lie. She admits the rest of the media is in the tank for Obama and she went so far as to explain why they are.

Robert A Whit
11-07-2012, 02:01 AM
Gabby, if you think the past 4 years was bad, you ain't seen nuthin yet.

You, your husband and your daughter best be ready to suffer. I don't see how Obama can keep getting away with blaming Bush.

As to Fox being biased, why do they always have two points of view?

The MSM does not do that. They feature a line up of trusted democrats. Face this. Just as the Democrats were smart enough to grab teachers, they grabbed the media. We need at least one station and that happens to be FOX willing to show us two sides on all programs and telling us we get to decide. The Big 3 never tell you that. They are in the tank for Obama. Always were. It is because the people working there are almost all democrats.

11-07-2012, 02:14 AM
Gabby, if you think the past 4 years was bad, you ain't seen nuthin yet.

You, your husband and your daughter best be ready to suffer. I don't see how Obama can keep getting away with blaming Bush.

As to Fox being biased, why do they always have two points of view?

The MSM does not do that. They feature a line up of trusted democrats. Face this. Just as the Democrats were smart enough to grab teachers, they grabbed the media. We need at least one station and that happens to be FOX willing to show us two sides on all programs and telling us we get to decide. The Big 3 never tell you that. They are in the tank for Obama. Always were. It is because the people working there are almost all democrats.
Robert, you're missing the overall point that objective "Journalism" is dead. You're arguing that Fox News is the counterbalance to the Liberal Big 3. It should have never been that way in the first place!

11-07-2012, 03:31 AM
Here's a perfect example of Fox stupidity:
These fools want to blame an uninformed US populace for the election results?! We didn't know who was running!!??

News flash Fox: Google is a fucking GLOBAL search engine! God forbid the other 6.7 BILLION people on this planet type in a query about how 300 million people choose their leaders.

11-07-2012, 04:00 AM
Robert, you're missing the overall point that objective "Journalism" is dead. You're arguing that Fox News is the counterbalance to the Liberal Big 3. It should have never been that way in the first place!

Actually journalism isn't dead, it's just not found in the known places.

11-07-2012, 04:03 AM
Here's a perfect example of Fox stupidity:
These fools want to blame an uninformed US populace for the election results?! We didn't know who was running!!??

News flash Fox: Google is a fucking GLOBAL search engine! God forbid the other 6.7 BILLION people on this planet type in a query about how 300 million people choose their leaders.

I don't know if you were being facetious or are a tool, Fox taking into account idiots, does not make for Fox stupidity.

11-07-2012, 04:49 AM
I don't know if you were being facetious or are a tool, Fox taking into account idiots, does not make for Fox stupidity.

Look at the picture, it was a *World Wide* trend.
They're taking world wide stats, and using them to call Americans stupid...
It also fails to take into account that people (American or otherwise) may be looking for details on candidates that aren't Obama or Romney, because how many of them can people on this website name?

11-07-2012, 09:05 AM
A number of people here are old enough to remember the old soviet union. They had a news agency they called TASS. It was propaganda media, exactly what we have today. MSM = TASS. Totally party run.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 09:29 AM
A number of people here are old enough to remember the old soviet union. They had a news agency they called TASS. It was propaganda media, exactly what we have today. MSM = TASS. Totally party run.

Exactly and I hope somebody is compiling a list of all of them. Someday it may come in rather handy!!!--Tyr

Robert A Whit
11-07-2012, 07:10 PM
Here's a perfect example of Fox stupidity:
These fools want to blame an uninformed US populace for the election results?! We didn't know who was running!!??

News flash Fox: Google is a fucking GLOBAL search engine! God forbid the other 6.7 BILLION people on this planet type in a query about how 300 million people choose their leaders.

Well Bruce

The public really is that stupid.

Obama supporters come in several block classes.
I. This class simply supports any and all democrats. They have no real clue what democrats stand for.
II. this class is pro socialism and know very well what Democrats angles are.
III. This class thinks they are heros by backing minorities.

Watch the youtube videos where some of them explain why they voted for Obama.

And best of all, they got their Obama phone.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 07:46 PM
Well Bruce

The public really is that stupid.

Obama supporters come in several block classes.
I. This class simply supports any and all democrats. They have no real clue what democrats stand for.
II. this class is pro socialism and know very well what Democrats angles are.
III. This class thinks they are heros by backing minorities.

Watch the youtube videos where some of them explain why they voted for Obama.

And best of all, they got their Obama phone.


11-07-2012, 10:14 PM
You, your husband and your daughter best be ready to suffer. I don't see how Obama can keep getting away with blaming Bush.

We're not going to suffer at all. My husband and I both have very good jobs that we enjoy doing. We live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood with highly rated schools. We are actually in that upper tax bracket that will likely pay more. We will still earn more than enough to survive.

As to Fox being biased, why do they always have two points of view?

Of course they have two points of view -- moderate conservatives and extreme conservatives. Some guests might be "liberals" to you, but they aren't really liberals. Just like they don't have real conservatives on MSNBC.

The MSM does not do that. They feature a line up of trusted democrats. Face this. Just as the Democrats were smart enough to grab teachers, they grabbed the media. We need at least one station and that happens to be FOX willing to show us two sides on all programs and telling us we get to decide. The Big 3 never tell you that. They are in the tank for Obama. Always were. It is because the people working there are almost all democrats.

Keep thinking like that. That is why you backed the losing candidate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 10:21 PM
We're not going to suffer at all. My husband and I both have very good jobs that we enjoy doing. We live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood with highly rated schools. We are actually in that upper tax bracket that will likely pay more. We will still earn more than enough to survive.

^^^^^ So that why you can be dumb enough to support obama. You guys got yours and your insane liberal mind thinks why not let bamboy destroy most of the nation. You are just plain sickening , were you my son's teacher I'd put him into another school. I pity the poor kids that your damn sick mind teaches!!!!-Tyr

11-07-2012, 10:29 PM
^^^^^ So that why you can be dumb enough to support obama. You guys got yours and your insane liberal mind thinks why not let bamboy destroy most of the nation. You are just plain sickening , were you my son's teacher I'd put him into another school. I pity the poor kids that your damn sick mind teaches!!!!-Tyr

Tyr. I do not believe gabby's story by any stretch of ANYONE's imagination. If what she brags about is true. Why would someone like gabby have any need to come here to waste time bragging?

Sounds more like someone who wishes they had everything gabby claimed. Always stopping just short of disclosing the truth, or admitting the LINE Smarter than Everyone else...is nothing more than a ploy to Impress Gabby.

And. I just found this. GABBY'S words on another thread.
If gabby insists to be satisfied so much, and happy with her, and her husband's high paying jobs.
Why would she say this?.....................

[quote]If Romney had won, the rich and powerful would be lining up to get their payback.

In Obama's case, it is women and Latinos. And, believe it or not, there are a ton of Latinos who live here legally. A large number of them oppose illegal immigration, because the illegals take their jobs and are willing to do them for less money.

RW, attitudes like yours is what cost Republicans the election. You might want to wise up before 2016.[\quote]

Further. If gabby was as affluent, and satisfied as she says. Other than being proven to be a miserable liar. There is no other reason for someone of her SELFISH stature to come here and lower herself to dare speak with us LOW, DISGUSTING Folks who see thru her lies.