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11-07-2012, 05:06 PM
Will anyone pursue impeachment or terminations (Clinton) regarding this boondoggle or will it just be swept under the rug?


53 House Members Demand of Obama: Were Pre-9/11/12 Benghazi Bombings in Presidential Daily Briefs?

11-07-2012, 05:07 PM
Will anyone pursue impeachment or terminations (Clinton) regarding this boondoggle or will it just be swept under the rug?

Obama will be impeached about the same time that Bush is tried for international war crimes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 05:12 PM
Will anyone pursue impeachment or terminations (Clinton) regarding this boondoggle or will it just be swept under the rug?

All justice is off the table now that the scum obama is still in charge. Even his fast and furious treason is not going to be dealt with.
Welcome to the slow ride to hell and misery. Thank those groups that were solidly for him! IMHO they deserve the proper thanks someday ..-Tyr

11-07-2012, 05:23 PM
Obama will be impeached about the same time that Bush is tried for international war crimes.typical liberal retard reply, obama absolved of everything cause of gwb. one is international and no charges brought, the other falls under american jurisdiction and he is covering up and dodging even talkin about it. he left them high and dry, and they died, and he refuses to answer questions. bush was authorized under prior un resoltions and congress. figure you would ignore it because a D is in office, pathetic

11-07-2012, 05:27 PM
As usual Jim, you are looking at one side of the story. The one your conservative masters are feeding you. You don't want to see the other side of the story because it might prove you wrong.
Perhaps Bengazhi is considered "collateral damage." Sort of like the 4,000+ Americans who died in the Bush war. Cheney always liked that phrase.

11-07-2012, 05:31 PM
As usual Jim, you are looking at one side of the story. The one your conservative masters are feeding you. You don't want to see the other side of the story because it might prove you wrong.
Perhaps Bengazhi is considered "collateral damage." Sort of like the 4,000+ Americans who died in the Bush war. Cheney always liked that phrase.

Everyone should take note. GABBY still refuses to answer my questions about whether She was BORN stupid, or if she learned to be Stupid in those schools that made her think...she was the smartest person here.

But then. If she voted for Obama. We all know the answers to my questions. And if she didn't vote for Obama. She's a racist, like Obama fans would call us.

By the way. On Benghazi. As long as the MSM is on Obama's side. The American people will never be told THE TRUTH.

TRUTH and HONESTY are not common words in Washington DC, or in the WHITE HOUSE surrounded by LIARS in the MSM.

11-07-2012, 05:31 PM
First we have to see if MSM now works the story:


Special Reports (http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/)

Zawahiri: Benghazi showed U.S. weakness (http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2012/11/07/Zawahiri-Benghazi-showed-US-weakness/UPI-61621352310690/)


Congress to continue probes of Benghazi attacks Mark Hosenball Reuters 2:58 p.m. CST, November 7, 2012

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Just because the election is over, that does not mean that U.S. President Barack Obama is going to get an easy ride over his administration's handling of the September 11 attacks on U.S. missions in Benghazi, Libya.

While Republican attacks on Obama over the handling of the assault, which killed four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, became a major part of the campaign in recent weeks, an investigator said on Wednesday the inquiry was never related to the election.

With majority control of the House of Representatives, Obama's Republican critics will continue to wield broad investigative powers, including the ability to subpoena evidence and testimony from administration officials.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which held a contentious hearing in early October on the Benghazi attacks, will continue its investigation, a spokesman for the committee said...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 05:37 PM
First we have to see if MSM now works the story:



Congress is no match for obama. They get too hard on him he will issue an Executive Order to disband them! After all, they gave him Supreme Authority in his first term for -unlimited - power by way of Executive Orders!
Few people have properly grasped the situation with his reelection. He now has the means to become dictator and I predict that is exactly WHAT HE WILL DO !! -Tyr

11-07-2012, 05:38 PM
As usual Jim, you are looking at one side of the story. The one your conservative masters are feeding you. You don't want to see the other side of the story because it might prove you wrong. Perhaps Bengazhi is considered "collateral damage." Sort of like the 4,000+ Americans who died in the Bush war. Cheney always liked that phrase.and of course you mention this other side, but cant state whatit is! they asked for support many times and were denied, this much has already been proven, and there are diplomatic cables to furter pove it, and hillary fell on the sword and took responsibilty, bt we now know it went further up the chain. your lame rhetoric and excuses cannot change or excuse any of this

11-07-2012, 05:43 PM
and of course you mention this other side, but cant state whatit is! they asked for support many times and were denied, this much has already been proven, and there are diplomatic cables to furter pove it, and hillary fell on the sword and took responsibilty, bt we now know it went further up the chain. your lame rhetoric and excuses cannot change or excuse any of this

Underlings always fall on the sword. That is why they are underling.
Benghazi will receive the same careful investigation that conditions at Gitmo got. Then they will bring out the same broom.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 05:43 PM
and of course you mention this other side, but cant state whatit is! they asked for support many times and were denied, this much has already been proven, and there are diplomatic cables to furter pove it, and hillary fell on the sword and took responsibilty, bt we now know it went further up the chain. your lame rhetoric and excuses cannot change or excuse any of this

Jim, gabby is about as smart as a box of rocks. She thinks obama is great and thats enough for me to know that she is as about as smart as a fence post!! Her excusing obama is mandatory given that she is a liberal and a muslim lover too. Worse part is not that she posts her crap here but that she teaches kids!-Tyr

11-07-2012, 05:49 PM
Jim, gabby is about as smart as a box of rocks. She thinks obama is great and thats enough for me to know that she is as about as smart as a fence post!! Her excusing obama is mandatory given that she is a liberal and a muslim lover too. Worse part is not that she posts her crap here but that she teaches kids!-Tyr

Tyr. Watch how gabby ignores everything we say here. It's not because she is really ignoring us. But rather, she has no defense. At least any Honest defense against her overwhelming needs to hide after making stupid statements.

Sure glad none of my grandchildren ever had to be near such a terrible example of snobbery and intolerant liberal crap from a so-called teacher.
Seriously. I highly doubt she teaches kids. More like teaching Adults, who never learned to read, or write..and gets paid by the state for doing nothing in return.

11-07-2012, 08:02 PM
Underlings always fall on the sword. That is why they are underling.
Benghazi will receive the same careful investigation that conditions at Gitmo got. Then they will bring out the same broom.

Falling on the sword is admitting that a higher up is responsible. And gitmo was investigated and reinvestigated, and investigated again with the Obama admin and STILL remains the same. But again, it has NOTHING to do with Americans dying tied directly to the administrations hands. Not even the wars you cry about being illegal did that. If this administration denied security, many times, which the cables indicate, they are directly culpable for the death of 4 Americans. Not much different than this administration running guns to a cartel, which ends up killing federal agents, and the subsequent coverup and lack of answers.

11-07-2012, 08:42 PM
Falling on the sword is admitting that a higher up is responsible. And gitmo was investigated and reinvestigated, and investigated again with the Obama admin and STILL remains the same. But again, it has NOTHING to do with Americans dying tied directly to the administrations hands. Not even the wars you cry about being illegal did that. If this administration denied security, many times, which the cables indicate, they are directly culpable for the death of 4 Americans. Not much different than this administration running guns to a cartel, which ends up killing federal agents, and the subsequent coverup and lack of answers.

jimnyc: If gabby is dumb enough to believe what she stated about Gitmo. Maybe a reminder about how OBAMA Closed Gitmo...as he promised, and failed, would be in order.

So. With gabby's line of thinking. Obama will just Lie about Benghazi....promise to clear it up (LIE, LIE, LIE) then pretend CONGRESS, or George W. Bush MADE HIM DO IT????

11-07-2012, 09:01 PM
Underlings always fall on the sword. That is why they are underling.
Benghazi will receive the same careful investigation that conditions at Gitmo got. Then they will bring out the same broom.

You reveal lots about the world you live in. Are you that much of a poop eater (come-mierda) that you are willing to falling on a sword for somebody else's misdeeds?

11-08-2012, 12:10 AM
As usual Jim, you are looking at one side of the story. The one your conservative masters are feeding you. You don't want to see the other side of the story because it might prove you wrong.
Perhaps Bengazhi is considered "collateral damage." Sort of like the 4,000+ Americans who died in the Bush war. Cheney always liked that phrase.

What is the other side of the story, Gabby? Do you know something that exonerates Obama from making the right decision? Pray, do tell!