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View Full Version : Latinos to Obama: You owe us

11-07-2012, 09:45 PM
Latinos came out in records numbers on election day (perhaps as high as 15 percent of the voting total) and favored Obama by a margin of 3 to 1. Now they want to be listened to. They want a comprehensive program of immigration reform.


Robert A Whit
11-07-2012, 09:49 PM
Latinos came out in records numbers on election day (perhaps as high as 15 percent of the voting total) and favored Obama by a margin of 3 to 1. Now they want to be listened to. They want a comprehensive program of immigration reform.


So, now only Mexicans show up to take your job, heh?

What don't foreigners understand about borders, culture and opportunities lost by them showing up?

This is code talk on the posters part for

Why don't we just ignore our laws to favor the non citizens????

Sad to read such horse crap.

11-07-2012, 09:54 PM
If Romney had won, the rich and powerful would be lining up to get their payback.

In Obama's case, it is women and Latinos. And, believe it or not, there are a ton of Latinos who live here legally. A large number of them oppose illegal immigration, because the illegals take their jobs and are willing to do them for less money.

RW, attitudes like yours is what cost Republicans the election. You might want to wise up before 2016.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 10:05 PM
Latinos came out in records numbers on election day (perhaps as high as 15 percent of the voting total) and favored Obama by a margin of 3 to 1. Now they want to be listened to. They want a comprehensive program of immigration reform.


F-them , the sorry dogs. Voting for national destruction to get what they want, how many of them were illegals voting in Florida? They are no better than the blacks that voted for their free ride the lazy bastards.-Tyr

11-07-2012, 10:12 PM
Right now there bigger things that need fixing...

Let them get line and wait their turn, I realize this may be an entirely new concept for them, but that's just too bad...

11-07-2012, 10:29 PM
Everyone wants the economy to improve. That is the first priority. But other issues have to be addressed as well.
From what I understand for listening to people and reading position papers, you can expect some or all of the following issues to be presented:

Education reform: Obama has promised more funding for public schools, such a hiring more teachers and improving infrastructure.

Immigration reform: The Dream Act will become law, whether you like it or not. Current illegals will not get a free ride. Businesses that hire illegals will be subject to harsher penalties.

Gun control: Sorry dudes, gun registration is on the agenda. You can have all the guns you want. You just have to register them. Sort of like you register your car. The Brady Law will likely be reinstated.

Obamacare: I don't like it. You don't like it. I hope Congress doesn't like it and forces some changes.

The Middle East: Israel will not have carte blanche to launch a first strike. The U.S. will not support terrorism on either side. Further aid to Israel will likely be dependent on them participating in peace talks. Unless Iran strikes first, there will be NO military action or involvement.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 10:40 PM
Everyone wants the economy to improve. That is the first priority. But other issues have to be addressed as well.
From what I understand for listening to people and reading position papers, you can expect some or all of the following issues to be presented:

Education reform: Obama has promised more funding for public schools, such a hiring more teachers and improving infrastructure.

Immigration reform: The Dream Act will become law, whether you like it or not. Current illegals will not get a free ride. Businesses that hire illegals will be subject to harsher penalties.

Gun control: Sorry dudes, gun registration is on the agenda. You can have all the guns you want. You just have to register them. Sort of like you register your car. The Brady Law will likely be reinstated.

Obamacare: I don't like it. You don't like it. I hope Congress doesn't like it and forces some changes.

The Middle East: Israel will not have carte blanche to launch a first strike. The U.S. will not support terrorism on either side. Further aid to Israel will likely be dependent on them participating in peace talks. Unless Iran strikes first, there will be NO military action or involvement.

Hows your little dictator going to do the gun control?? Confiscate them and ship them to Mexico to his drug gang friends? He can not change the 2nd amendment. And if he pushes the issue too hard he is likely to start a revolution, thats a fact.. You know that in revolutions people get killed right? We had one here and this nation was born from it . History remembers those great leaders but the dead arent remembered all that much. Obama should be careful about what he starts IMHO.. Millions of Patriotic Americans are not going to let that ffing maggot take their guns. I realise you have not a clue of that word Patriotic, look it up .. -Tyr

11-07-2012, 10:48 PM
Hows your little dictator going to do the gun control?? Confiscate them and ship them to Mexico to his drug gang friends? He can not change the 2nd amendment. And if he pushes the issue too hard he is likely to start a revolution, thats a fact.. You know that in revolutions people get killed right? We had one here and this nation was born from it . History remembers those great leaders but the dead arent remembered all that much. Obama should be careful about what he starts IMHO.. Millions of Patriotic Americans are not going to let that ffing maggot take their guns. I realise you have not a clue of that word Patriotic, look it up .. -Tyr

Tyr. Like all of the other threads where you, or I have asked gabby questions. There is NO BRAIN behind the name to answer them.

11-07-2012, 11:38 PM
Gabby trolls other sites and copy/pastes a line from a liberal that she thinks has it going on. (Poster's pic has groovy dreds, etc.)

This is self-evident due to the fact that she has no idea how to defend her position, and every rebuttal here is different from www.rabidlyfuckingliberal.com

A quick post and run is all you can expect from her, because every debate runs a different course.

She is solid, and has always done this. One would expect that she would have gotten smarter over the course of 10 years that we've been subjected to her, but sadly, this hasn't been the case. This shows us that she copies and pastes and then runs like hell.