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View Full Version : America Has Sown the Seeds Of Its Own Demise

11-08-2012, 09:20 AM
One of the better articles I've read since the election. Consistently spot on...

http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/11/08/america_has_sown_the_seeds_of_its_own_demise_99979 .html


In the aftermath of the election of 2012, a new reality must be digested by all Americans. Working within the precepts of a democratic republic, The American public freely exercised their choice and voted for a New America.
The electorates' decision once and for all confirms a definition of America that values hopes, feelings and equality of results over the realities of human nature, history, and the foundational principles that hold western civilization together. There is now no doubt that the tipping point of geometrically increasing cultural decline has been crossed. America has now firmly changed from a nation where the founding principles of the great enlightenment have been substituted for a utopia of widespread human suffering. There is no going back.

This change is not due to one person or event. For fifty years we have seen systemic institutional decay to the vital institutions across our cultural landscape that sustains America. And like a canary in a mine providing an early warning signal to dangers, we have been warned time and time again that we were losing our footing and chose to ignore the obvious.

Today the foundational pillars of civilization that have sustained America have been voted insignificant and will be allowed to collapse. The result is a New America for sure, but it is not a greater America. It is an America that has sown the seeds of its own demise, blinded by self inflicted wounds, disguised by false compassion, and based on trust in a human condition that is not in our nature.

America's religious institution has been eroded by the secularization of society, the welfare state, the misguided belief in the separation of church and state, and attacks toward any outward expression of religious passion. The church has lost the culture war.
Our public education institution has been decimated by bureaucracies and unions that have failed to teach children how to read, write, or add, while choice, accountability, rigor, and our nation's history have been forsaken for self esteem and multiculturalism. The schools have lost the culture war.

Our family institution has been redefined into a bizarre amalgam of gender, sexual, and parental proclivities. 40% of children are born out of wedlock and 25% of teenagers have a sexually transmitted disease. The overt-sexualization of our society has created confusion and despair among our children, while infanticide has become an all too easy choice. Biological and psychological realities for sanctioning marriage between a man and woman for the sake of our posterity have been ruthlessly attacked by those seeking to re-define the universal order. Our families have lost the culture war.

The winners of this battle have handed over America's keys to the government. A government that no longer sees its role as providing for the steady rule of constitutional law and unwavering protection of the basis of morality found in the steadfast protection of personal property. The New America government will direct the collapses of what they deem are antiquated institutions of society like life, liberty, and property. They will smugly orchestrate the demise of the bedrock principles that sustained our family, education, religious, and economic institutions that have held us together and allowed us to thrive as a country; naively believing a nation can sustain itself after its foundations are removed.

Progressive ideology has destroyed the social fabric of the nation from within. Ignorance has sown the seeds of our own destruction. As the Romans did long ago, our fate will be written in the epilogue of history. Gone, a nation whose torch was smothered when a complacent arrogance forgot who they were, what made them great, and the humility to stand vigilant in defending liberty was lost.

There is no upside for America or its people; and it is going to get ugly out there. But for those who have been fighting the good fight for so long, honoring those who have died fighting for the same providential cause, my suggestion is to pull in, relax, live, and love your families.

Patriots, the New America is the reality; just have peace of mind knowing the winners of the war, and the choices they made, will be held personally responsible for the severe costs that are to follow. To those who asked for a New America, I leave you with the words of Col. Jessup in A Few Good men: "You have no idea how to defend a nation. All you did was weaken a country today ... That's all you did. You put people in danger. Sweet dreams, son."

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-08-2012, 09:55 AM
One of the better articles I've read since the election. Consistently spot on...

http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/11/08/america_has_sown_the_seeds_of_its_own_demise_99979 .html


Bravo , great find and spot on. Exactly what I've been trying to say here for quite some time. America had a choice for the second time they chose the wrong path. Looks like retribution and extreme misery cometh our way and people have not a clue how bad its going to get! I truly believe THAT it will get far worse than the deprivations that we as a nation suffered during the Great Depression and WW2. I pray that justice be delivered to those responsible , citizen and politician both!!--Tyr

11-08-2012, 07:25 PM
Bravo , great find and spot on. Exactly what I've been trying to say here for quite some time. America had a choice for the second time they chose the wrong path. Looks like retribution and extreme misery cometh our way and people have not a clue how bad its going to get! I truly believe THAT it will get far worse than the deprivations that we as a nation suffered during the Great Depression and WW2. I pray that justice be delivered to those responsible , citizen and politician both!!--Tyr

Tyr. Once again. The truly sad truth about all of this, and what took place on Tuesday is. All of America is about to suffer. Much like a True Democracy would suffer, under an actual MOB RULE.

Sadly. The American people who voted with their hatred, and selfishness as their guide. Also voted to further destroy our nation. And they are all Educationally challenged to such a point. They really DO NOT CARE. As long as their OBAMA BUCKS keep coming. Even if they are worthless. They don't care about the children, or grandchildren.

Instant gratification, and everything else BE DAMNED is their motto.

11-08-2012, 07:32 PM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jVmB3lRjCmc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>.