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View Full Version : Karl Rove's fuzzy Republican math

11-11-2012, 12:24 AM
I have to wonder how Karl Rove is going to explain to his big money contributor how he blew $300 million of their cash. And then had a meltdown on live TV.

If you are a liberal, you will greatly enjoy this story and the accompanying video. If you are a conservative, you will ... not. :cool:


11-11-2012, 08:49 AM
That Stewart clips is Funny.

the scene is funny on it's face.
Host Megyn Kelly asked Rove if he wasn’t just using math, as a Republican, .....” “Is this Math You Do As A Republican To Make Yourself Feel Better?’

That's just awesome that she did that. And then (it appears from the clip) they made her go back to the counting room and confirm the numbers they already had at the desk in front of them.

But i have to say based on the clip they showed of Palin at the end there, they misrepresented her by lumping her statements in with Bill O'Rileys as if they were the same. they were not.

What she said, I think most people would agree with. They would just blind themselves to the fact that their guy/party isn't doing any of those things.
Palin Said in the clip (I didn't watch Any TV election Night)
"I can't believe the American people think Incurring more Debt is Good..."
No they don't but that's the OTHER PARTIES FAULT
"...Or want to not have a balanced budget..."
No they don't but it's the OTHER PARTIES FAULT
"... Or Don't want to follow the constitution..."
The OTHER PARTY doesn't want the constitution more than my guys. And my side has a good reason not to follow the constitution , it's for the good of the country don't you see?!

Credit where credit is due, Palin is right.