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View Full Version : Democrats ... make up your minds please

Robert A Whit
11-11-2012, 09:09 PM
I plan to ask you some questions, so hang on.

First let me get this right.

The Bush tax cuts hurt the country, correct?

They caused people to lose jobs, right?

Now you can reverse them.

Yet Democrats now tell us we will lose so many jobs the unemployment rate gets up to close to 10 percent or over that.

That it will plunge the nation into a depression.

Make up your minds.

It can't be both ways.

Which is it?


Do you plan to call the reversal of the tax cuts, the Obama increase?

Finally, we all know that Obama won't take responsibility for anything other than getting Osama.

How does he play this?

First he rips the tax cuts but now he can simply see them go away so tell me why isn't he happy?

Why do democrats predict doom?