View Full Version : Author chronicaled Brazil's decline - chased away to the USA

11-11-2012, 10:07 PM
His signature book is "O Imbecil Coletivo" (The Collectivist Imbecile). Here is the English version of his blog:


Open Letter

This Message is Being Sent to
Several American Opinion-Makers

Any anti-American lie, even absurd, is immediately taken for granted as pure truth. Any pro-American word I write is immediately explained as the deed of a professional liar “sponsored by Wall Street”. My personal situation is the best symbol of the Brazilian state of affairs. Hundreds of powerful NGOs have millions of dollars (even from Ford Foundation) to spend in anti-American propaganda, but the only Brazilian journalist that fights against them, with his own personal resources, with no American or local support, is accused of being “sponsored by Wall Street”. My life is turning into a Franz Kafka’s novel. If I believed in reincarnation I would choose to be born again as a communist or a radical anti-Zionist. It’s the best of lives for a Brazilian.
Is it really IMPOSSIBLE for American conservatives to take account of what is happening here? Is Latin American “Little Axis of Evil” so unimportant for you? Is it really impossible for Americans to say a single word in defense of themselves in Brazilian press? Don’t you really have an Embassy here, or is it too much busy in pampering Lula to have the time to do something good for the United States? Are pro-American Brazilians so contemptible, both from American and Brazilian points of view, that they should never be believed at all?

– Olavo de Carvalho

Here are a one of his quotes about Obama:

The American Lula

Besides listening to the national anthem with his hands over his genitals instead of over his heart, Barack Hussein Obama has adulterated the presidential seal so as to make it into one of his campaign logos, declared that the American flag is “a symbol of oppression,” and, as a finishing stroke, removed the stars and stripes from the tail of his campaign jet, replacing them with the “O” that stands for . . . himself.

His current efforts are communicated at:


With the most recent article by one of his associates:

Pauperization by the Courts (http://theinteramerican.org/commentary/401-pauperization-by-the-courts-an-interview-with-stephen-baskerville.html)

Karl Marx once taught that capitalism would inevitably collapse because of widespread pauperization, a process by which increasing numbers of people would be left without subsistence by a ruthless market system. But Marx was mistaken. Capitalism has not resulted in progressive pauperization. It is government interference with the private sphere that results in pauperization. And there is no better example than the ruthless tyranny of our divorce courts.