View Full Version : Gabbo--- you're a racist! If this continues, get used to being called that...

11-13-2012, 11:07 AM
Your boy-wonder is a racist and MLK would be disappointed that blacks won't be judged on the content of their character but be forced preferential treatment by the color of their skin. But that's what you wanted, right Gabbo?


...According to Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, President Obama is committed to "aggressively pushing the 'disparate impact' approach to civil-rights enforcement" through which "the federal government insists that the numbers come out right — even if it means that policemen and firefighters cannot be tested, that companies should hire criminals, that loans must be made to the uncreditworthy, and that — I kid you not — whether pollution is acceptable depends on whether dangerous chemicals are spread in a racially balanced way."

Last month, moreover, the Education Department pressured the Oakland school district to impose "targeted reductions" in the number of black students suspended.

The department charged that Oakland's disciplinary policy has a "disparate impact" on African-American students, who are suspended at higher rates for violent behavior.

The Oakland case is the first of some 20 such investigations of school districts across the U.S. "The Obama administration is pressuring school districts not to suspend violent or disruptive black students if they have already disciplined 'too many' black students," said Competitive Enterprise Institute counsel Hans Bader. ...

11-13-2012, 11:08 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-13-2012, 11:12 AM
Of course she is a racist, all liberals are. -tyr

11-13-2012, 11:22 AM
The Democrat Party has a long history of racism. This is simply a continuation of those policies, albeit in a different direction.

11-13-2012, 11:36 AM
You can't blame me for this. I was out picking cotton at the time. :cool:

Marcus Aurelius
11-13-2012, 12:00 PM
Your boy-wonder is a racist and MLK would be disappointed that blacks won't be judged on the content of their character but be forced preferential treatment by the color of their skin. But that's what you wanted, right Gabbo?


that's actually a very good point.

11-13-2012, 01:15 PM
You can't blame me for this. I was out picking cotton at the time. :cool:

You voted for the monkey-in-chief. Therefore I count you guilty by association.

11-13-2012, 01:37 PM
You voted for the monkey-in-chief. Therefore I count you guilty by association.

Racisto! LOL

That's what my Moroccan friend calls his Italian friend. The Italian is always calling him a terrorist, so he in turn thinks he is speaking Italian when he calls him racisto!

/sorry for the off topic :laugh:

11-13-2012, 03:32 PM
You can't blame me for this. I was out picking cotton at the time. :cool:

Proving...Gabby. That not only are you a racist. You're an absolute STUPID one at that.

Marcus Aurelius
11-13-2012, 09:20 PM
You voted for the monkey-in-chief. Therefore I count you guilty by association.

I'm curious as to why you combat her racism... with racism?

11-13-2012, 10:22 PM
I'm curious as to why you combat her racism... with racism?

Marcus. That wasn't racism being fought with racism. Remember Bush?

If I recall correctly. Almost every week. Someone who called themself a Liberal, also called Bush a Monkey.

Only those who need, and want racism to exist. Use it to deny they are racists.

11-14-2012, 12:31 AM
This thread totally reminds me of this scene from "Blazing Saddles" (funniest movie ever made, IMHO)
You people, of course, would be the ones with the guns. :rolleyes:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0H2W1lK7P-I" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

11-14-2012, 01:01 PM
This thread totally reminds me of this scene from "Blazing Saddles" (funniest movie ever made, IMHO)
You people, of course, would be the ones with the guns. :rolleyes:

Why do liberals want to pick fights with the side that has all the guns?

11-14-2012, 01:31 PM
This thread totally reminds me of this scene from "Blazing Saddles" (funniest movie ever made, IMHO)
You people, of course, would be the ones with the guns. :rolleyes:

<iframe height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0H2W1lK7P-I" frameBorder="0" width="420" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Omigod, that is funny. :laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
11-14-2012, 05:21 PM
Marcus. That wasn't racism being fought with racism. Remember Bush?

If I recall correctly. Almost every week. Someone who called themself a Liberal, also called Bush a Monkey.

Only those who need, and want racism to exist. Use it to deny they are racists.

How is referring to Obama as 'the Monkey-in-Chief' not racism? Do you not understand the historical racist comparisons of African Americans to monkeys?

11-14-2012, 05:35 PM
How is referring to Obama as 'the Monkey-in-Chief' not racism? Do you not understand the historical racist comparisons of African Americans to monkeys?

Because to many people, it is not history. It is everyday life.

Mundame, please go watch Blazing Saddles. The entire movie is that funny.

11-14-2012, 05:39 PM
Because to many people, it is not history. It is everyday life.

Mundame, please go watch Blazing Saddles. The entire movie is that funny.

Can't; I've tried twice, it grates on me somehow. But a little chunk like that is hilarious.

I love Gene Wilder in everything else.

11-14-2012, 07:16 PM
How is referring to Obama as 'the Monkey-in-Chief' not racism? Do you not understand the historical racist comparisons of African Americans to monkeys?

Marcus. I fully understand your anger, and how you see that terrible name as racist. In fact. I agree with you.

However. Two wrongs, never make a Right as I remember EIGHT years of the very same people...who are now calling anything about Obama Racist....doing the very same thing when they called Bush the same thing. There was no Liberal, Democrat, Progressive outcry then because Liberal, Democrat, Progressives were using the term almost as freely. And NOT ONE Honorable Democrat stepped forward to complain, as you rightfully are doing here.

Double standards, hypocrisy, and name calling seem only permissible IF Democrat, Liberal, Progressives are using those techniques. While anyone else who Disagree's with Obama in any way. MUST ALWAYS BE A RACIST.

Marcus Aurelius
11-15-2012, 12:30 AM
Marcus. I fully understand your anger, and how you see that terrible name as racist. In fact. I agree with you.

However. Two wrongs, never make a Right as I remember EIGHT years of the very same people...who are now calling anything about Obama Racist....doing the very same thing when they called Bush the same thing. There was no Liberal, Democrat, Progressive outcry then because Liberal, Democrat, Progressives were using the term almost as freely. And NOT ONE Honorable Democrat stepped forward to complain, as you rightfully are doing here.

Double standards, hypocrisy, and name calling seem only permissible IF Democrat, Liberal, Progressives are using those techniques. While anyone else who Disagree's with Obama in any way. MUST ALWAYS BE A RACIST.

Not angry at all. I just don't see how using a racist term isn't racist. Why drop to their level?

11-15-2012, 09:44 AM
Not angry at all. I just don't see how using a racist term isn't racist. Why drop to their level?

Marcus. That's how they succeed. They find it so easy to just label everyone as racists. But if we dare talk about it. They see it not as dropping to their level, but a successful attempt to silence us. And....IT WORKS.

Every time in my life that I have attempted to have a civil discussion with anyone about the terrible Racial problems we all face. There comes a point where whoever happens to be speaking about it. Puts their foot down, refuses to admit the problem WORKS BOTH WAYS, and instantly ceases the discussion with the RACIST word. Accusing me of being a Racist...merely because I sincerely wanted to talk about it. The result. NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED..again, and still.

Marcus Aurelius
11-15-2012, 12:51 PM
Marcus. That's how they succeed. They find it so easy to just label everyone as racists. But if we dare talk about it. They see it not as dropping to their level, but a successful attempt to silence us. And....IT WORKS.

Every time in my life that I have attempted to have a civil discussion with anyone about the terrible Racial problems we all face. There comes a point where whoever happens to be speaking about it. Puts their foot down, refuses to admit the problem WORKS BOTH WAYS, and instantly ceases the discussion with the RACIST word. Accusing me of being a Racist...merely because I sincerely wanted to talk about it. The result. NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED..again, and still.

There is a difference here. YOU want to talk civilly about racism. KK called Obama a racist name...

Originally Posted by KitchenKitten99 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=592345#post592345) You voted for the monkey-in-chief. Therefore I count you guilty by association.

Surely you can see the difference between your posts on this subject here, and simply calling an African American President 'monkey-in-chief', right?

Maybe we should stop worrying about whether or not someone else is a racist, or thinks we are a racist, and simply live our lives the way we feel is best in that regard. If they are hard core racists, they will rarely admit it, and certainly will not change... so what's the point?

11-15-2012, 03:28 PM
There is a difference here. YOU want to talk civilly about racism. KK called Obama a racist name...

Surely you can see the difference between your posts on this subject here, and simply calling an African American President 'monkey-in-chief', right?

Maybe we should stop worrying about whether or not someone else is a racist, or thinks we are a racist, and simply live our lives the way we feel is best in that regard. If they are hard core racists, they will rarely admit it, and certainly will not change... so what's the point?

Marcus. Can't, and won't argue with any of the points you made. Yes. I honestly do, and would love to civilly talk about racism. But. As I stated earlier. Without fail. Every time I have tried to do so. I have been challenged as insincere, or told I have no right to talk about it if I haven't walked in the shoes of any other American who has lived with racism all of their life.

On the same token. Until we can be permitted to honestly speak, and offer our honest opinions, or suggestions about how we might MUTUALLY agree to solve the problems of racism. It will remain another of those HOT THIRD RAIL issues nobody will be permitted to address without fearing being labeled as a racist.

11-16-2012, 11:24 AM
ateI refer to him as the dark lord. Now that can be construed as racist or as an evil entity. Of course if he were white racism would not even be considered. That's racist in itself.

Calling someone a racist is just a means of shutting them up. Problem for them is I don't shut up. The dark one is an evil entity and jokin joe is his sidekick.

African-American is a term for people who are afraid of the words black or negro. It's a term that really grates on me.

11-16-2012, 01:26 PM
ateI refer to him as the dark lord. Now that can be construed as racist or as an evil entity. Of course if he were white racism would not even be considered. That's racist in itself.

Calling someone a racist is just a means of shutting them up. Problem for them is I don't shut up. The dark one is an evil entity and jokin joe is his sidekick.

African-American is a term for people who are afraid of the words black or negro. It's a term that really grates on me.

Gaffer. Exactly on point. I too, refuse to allow anyone to shut me up by calling me racist, or any other CODE WORD used to stifle, and end any meaningful discussions.

The only defense anyone who need Racism to succeed is to use the accusations of racist. They have nothing else. And sad to say. Whenever they try to silence anyone willing to discuss the topic in a civil manner. They MUST use the accusations instantly because THEY ARE LITERALLY...NOT SMART ENOUGH to hold a civil, intelligent conversation.
That's the bottom line. Rather than show they have no idea what they are arguing about. They use the slurs, and name calling.


11-16-2012, 01:33 PM
I look at it like this - for 8 years we had people posting side by side pictures of GWB with monkeys, claiming he looked like one, and VERY often called him a chimp. IMO, Obama looks more like a monkey, especially with his big ears, than GWB ever did. But we shake our heads at the Bush comments but if anyone dare do the same about Obama it's racism. I don't do it to be racist, I do it because it's simply a fact, and yes, because we endured 8 years of the chimp comments. I do agree though, lowering to the level of others accomplishes very little, but sometimes I can't help myself, even though I know it likely makes me look worse than those who did the same about GWB. But let's face it, when push comes to shove, say it or don't say it, we all know who looks more like a monkey! I wish there WAS a way to make the comparison WITHOUT sounding racist, but no matter how you make that comparison, innocent about looks or not, those who disagree will point to you as a racist.

Now, they may have a point if I pointed out the fact that Michelle looks a little bit like a gorilla... :poke:

11-16-2012, 01:37 PM
I look at it like this - for 8 years we had people posting side by side pictures of GWB with monkeys, claiming he looked like one, and VERY often called him a chimp. IMO, Obama looks more like a monkey, especially with his big ears, than GWB ever did. But we shake our heads at the Bush comments but if anyone dare do the same about Obama it's racism. I don't do it to be racist, I do it because it's simply a fact, and yes, because we endured 8 years of the chimp comments. I do agree though, lowering to the level of others accomplishes very little, but sometimes I can't help myself, even though I know it likely makes me look worse than those who did the same about GWB. But let's face it, when push comes to shove, say it or don't say it, we all know who looks more like a monkey! I wish there WAS a way to make the comparison WITHOUT sounding racist, but no matter how you make that comparison, innocent about looks or not, those who disagree will point to you as a racist.

Now, they may have a point if I pointed out the fact that Michelle looks a little bit like a gorilla... :poke:

But....but,.....but jimnyc. We're not permitted to point out such hypocrisy, or those double standards about Liberals, Democrats, or even Obama.

That's how they maintain their Demands that all of us are RACISTS...as long as we never remind them about how they used it for eight years.
It's all part of their DENIAL game, where they just pretend the HONEST FACTS do not exist...if they are negative against them, or Obama.

11-18-2012, 12:12 PM
Not being racist, just posting an actual photo and a clip from one of my favorite shows of all time. If anyone makes any racist connections, that's on you! :laugh2:


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5qzRSU2NWmE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-18-2012, 12:13 PM
:laugh2: :lol:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Dmh2eEGuIvQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-18-2012, 01:57 PM
:laugh2: :lol:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Dmh2eEGuIvQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

jimnyc: Anyone find it comical how today's known Race Baiters from the left. Now call what was originally CLASSIC COMEDY, from a Number One TV network, and it's stars....RACIST????

Even funnier, if anyone bothers to check. Most of those Comedy Classics from the 70's, and 80's were written, directed, and produced by Liberals. Even Archie Bunker's ALL IN THE FAMILY...was written and created by a KNOWN LEFT LEANING man who perfectly described RACIAL stupidity that now would be declared Racist....merely by bringing the subject up....as you did above.

11-18-2012, 05:39 PM
jimnyc: Anyone find it comical how today's known Race Baiters from the left. Now call what was originally CLASSIC COMEDY, from a Number One TV network, and it's stars....RACIST????

Even funnier, if anyone bothers to check. Most of those Comedy Classics from the 70's, and 80's were written, directed, and produced by Liberals. Even Archie Bunker's ALL IN THE FAMILY...was written and created by a KNOWN LEFT LEANING man who perfectly described RACIAL stupidity that now would be declared Racist....merely by bringing the subject up....as you did above.

That's because people first look at the person making a comment or joke, to determine THEIR RACE before they determine if the comment/joke itself is racist.

Fred Sanford = funny
Me = racist

Sort of like black folk using the racist N word. Racism is racism.

Reminds me of when a white person at a place of employment, claiming "reverse racism" when they are discriminated upon by a black person. There is no such thing though - racism is racism - discrimination is discrimination - and a joke is a joke. Those standards apparently change often though. :slap:

11-18-2012, 05:50 PM
That's because people first look at the person making a comment or joke, to determine THEIR RACE before they determine if the comment/joke itself is racist.

Fred Sanford = funny
Me = racist

Sort of like black folk using the racist N word. Racism is racism.

Reminds me of when a white person at a place of employment, claiming "reverse racism" when they are discriminated upon by a black person. There is no such thing though - racism is racism - discrimination is discrimination - and a joke is a joke. Those standards apparently change often though. :slap:

That is the keyword jimnyc....STANDARDS. Of which. There appear to be none except the DOUBLE standards.

We have all seen the accusations work. Anyone who actively is a Racist is more than likely the very first to accuse someone else of being a racist, that allows them to hide behind their blatant racism, and ceases all discussion.

If we are any race other than Black. We are not permitted to talk about racism because we are Racists...according to the Black Racists who depend on using that word to prevent anyone from understanding...they are incapable of such a discussion because...they know, they are not smart enough to discuss something they do not understand. But blame others for in that Vicious Cycle that never ends.

11-18-2012, 11:29 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between comparing a white person to a monkey and a black person to a monkey is a LOT more ignorant than I thought. But that is par for the DP course.

11-19-2012, 02:08 AM
Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between comparing a white person to a monkey and a black person to a monkey is a LOT more ignorant than I thought. But that is par for the DP course.
What's your handicap? ;)
Seriously, I don't get this thread. Is this a sleight on gabosaurus? Seems this would belong in the steel cage then, yet here it remains. So i thought maybe it was in reference to the gabbo the ventriloquist, and the collapse of multiple personalities, but I've not seen the connection. Its just a personal attack thread near as I can tell. :dunno:

11-19-2012, 12:08 PM
What's your handicap? ;)
Seriously, I don't get this thread. Is this a sleight on gabosaurus? Seems this would belong in the steel cage then, yet here it remains. So i thought maybe it was in reference to the gabbo the ventriloquist, and the collapse of multiple personalities, but I've not seen the connection. Its just a personal attack thread near as I can tell. :dunno:

As are tons of threads, but the subject matter is larger than that and largely about race and less about her.

11-19-2012, 12:24 PM
What's your handicap? ;)

Walked right into that one, I did. :thumb:

As are tons of threads, but the subject matter is larger than that and largely about race and less about her.
It could be about me. I like it when things are about me. I actually think more things here should be about me. :cool:

11-19-2012, 12:33 PM
Hiding a thread won't change the facts and the realities of things, and proof that people first look at skin color to determine whether or not what they heard is racist. Whatever though, moved.

11-19-2012, 02:21 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between comparing a white person to a monkey and a black person to a monkey is a LOT more ignorant than I thought. But that is par for the DP course.

GABBY. You just identified your problem. You claimed to have 'thought'. And we all know what that does for you.

As for being PAR for the DP course. Of course. When everyone follows your lead, and tries to impersonate YOU. Everything fails.

11-19-2012, 03:20 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between comparing a white person to a monkey and a black person to a monkey is a LOT more ignorant than I thought. But that is par for the DP course.

And anyone who doesn't understand that comparing any human to a monkey is derogatory. Doesn't matter if they are white, black, brown, or any race ... it is meant to be a slur.

Gabby, you must be as ignorant as you accuse others of because you've made a lot of "chimp" posts in your time here at DP. Don't try to excuse yourself by using the "racist" card.

11-19-2012, 03:36 PM
And anyone who doesn't understand that comparing any human to a monkey is derogatory. Doesn't matter if they are white, black, brown, or any race ... it is meant to be a slur.

Gabby, you must be as ignorant as you accuse others of because you've made a lot of "chimp" posts in your time here at DP. Don't try to excuse yourself by using the "racist" card.

Which is why I did a lot of "in your face" posts over time to show the hypocrisy. Some would want to now excuse or show a difference in their posts, or point fingers at others yelling "racist", and snidely ignore the facts of their own actions.

Like I alluded to earlier - racism is racism and there is no such thing as reverse racism. If a black person talks about the black race it is no different than a whiter person doing so.

For example, imagine traveling into a state you've never been to before and turn on a radio station you've never listened to before. You hear the "N" word, or maybe a joke about "gorilla cookies". You have NO IDEA who the radio personalities are. Nevermind the fact that we agree it's probably wrong regardless (just as I say it's wrong when a black rapper does it). How do we determine how racist it is? Do we determine by the joke, which rarely happens, or do we first have to determine the color of the person using the words before we say how racist it is?