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View Full Version : 16 1/2 and has decided on a major....not sure how I feel about his college choice.

11-14-2012, 09:24 AM
My 16 year old has declared his major....Political Science...not surprised this kid is a history buff and tends to be on top of current events. But he wants to go to Boise State University. That is like 2000 miles from home! Granted he won't be starting college for another year and a half and could change his mind on college choice.

Anyone know anything about the college, the state, the area? I have lived in a lot of different places but never lived there, so I don't know anything about the state. All info greatly appreciated!

11-14-2012, 11:08 AM
My 16 year old has declared his major....Political Science...not surprised this kid is a history buff and tends to be on top of current events. But he wants to go to Boise State University. That is like 2000 miles from home! Granted he won't be starting college for another year and a half and could change his mind on college choice.

Anyone know anything about the college, the state, the area? I have lived in a lot of different places but never lived there, so I don't know anything about the state. All info greatly appreciated!

A lot of kids say they want to go to school far, far, far, far away from home. It's an independence thing.

I'd question letting them do that if you are paying the bills and it's a problem. They can do that later when they are paying for things.

He will declare possibly three more majors in the next few years, and then take a job in a totally different field, and change that a couple times, too. At least, that's what I often have seen young people do.

11-14-2012, 11:56 AM
if he knows what he wants don't fight it.....I decided to go to law school in the 7th grade and I was the first in my family to even go to college for a full four years.......

11-14-2012, 12:49 PM
I suggest you get him some literature from Hillsdale College, if he's interested in history and/or politics. It's one of the few that stays completely independent from government of any kind, and drills kids to think for themselves and take nothing for granted.


They have some free online history courses. I strongly suggest you encourage your son to run through at least one of them. Costs nothing and he can do it at home. They will give him the basic idea of what they teach there, and how. Then he can make a better informed decision, for better or worse. And so can you.

It's a very tough place to get into. Start making connections now, and get an idea of what they require.

OTOH, there's always my alma mater... :D

11-18-2012, 11:38 PM
Hate to brag on my alma mater, but the University of California at Berkeley is widely acclaimed as the top non-Ivy League political science program in the country.
Cal often gets a bad rap because of its 60's reputation, but when I went there, conservative Republicans outnumbered liberals. This is because of the tightened entrance requirements and the cost of attending school there (I was fortunate to get a full academic scholarship).
Cal draws a ton of important speakers and is well known for encouraging student debate. There is even a designated area for such.

11-18-2012, 11:53 PM
Hate to brag on my alma mater, but the University of California at Berkeley is widely acclaimed
...by desperate liberals who value the fact that it produces unthinking drones like little gabby....

as the top non-Ivy League political science program

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSj_7J0Dadior1vdtH4fUYlpBuZvr9b2 _L0sFLzL-lS5B0cK3BESA&t=1
(not that mine doesn't produce its share of similar gabby-like unthinking drones :drool2: )