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11-14-2012, 01:24 PM
Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of its military wing, "has opened the gates of hell".

11-14-2012, 01:25 PM

11-14-2012, 01:25 PM
Bye Bye, Terrorist

<script src="http://player.ooyala.com/player.js?height=349&embedCode=MzMnJ3Njoqw1QyJproZ2Oeu3kuErzpW6&video_pcode=RvbGU6Z74XE_a3bj4QwRGByhq9h2&deepLinkEmbedCode=MzMnJ3Njoqw1QyJproZ2Oeu3kuErzpW6&width=620"></script>

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2012, 02:55 PM
Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of its military wing, "has opened the gates of hell".

At least they didnt lie about that.--Tyr

11-14-2012, 02:58 PM
Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of its military wing, "has opened the gates of hell".

jimnyc. Not a surprise at all. Before last week's election. Everybody was making bets on how long Israel would hold out, before that LAST STRAW happened.

Hamas can say whatever they like from their HELL ON EARTH bunkers. But I thank Goodness...Israel has tested their AIR STRIKE capabilities...and shown Hamas, and even Iran.

You want to screw with us. Go right ahead. How long should any nation DO NOTHING before that Camel's Back is broken???

It also shows Obama. You mess around and betray us. We're gonna do what WE need to do. WITHOUT YOUR BETRAYAL.

11-14-2012, 10:19 PM
I guess the "roadmap" to peace is well and truly off the table now. Perhaps they should have given them sat nav instead of an old fashioned map.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2012, 10:49 PM
I guess the "roadmap" to peace is well and truly off the table now. Perhaps they should have given them sat nav instead of an old fashioned map.

What roadmap to peace? The muslims have only had a roadmap to death and destruction and have never intended anything else. Either Israel survives and the muslims are destroyed or else Israel must be destroyed. God says they will be. I hope Im around to see it because it will be a sight to see. Mecca and Medina ultimately destroyed too. God will not allow Satan's bots to destroy his chosen people..-Tyr

11-15-2012, 12:09 AM
What roadmap to peace? The muslims have only had a roadmap to death and destruction and have never intended anything else. Either Israel survives and the muslims are destroyed or else Israel must be destroyed. God says they will be. I hope Im around to see it because it will be a sight to see. Mecca and Medina ultimately destroyed too. God will not allow Satan's bots to destroy his chosen people..-Tyr

Are you one of these special chosen ones Tyr, or are you Shabbos Goy with the rest of us mere mortals?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2012, 10:02 AM
Are you one of these special chosen ones Tyr, or are you Shabbos Goy with the rest of us mere mortals?

No. What I am is a true American patriot. One that is willing to die for what I believe in . There are lots more like me and a few million are retired military with training that will come in handy! Any healthy able bodied American patriot is equal to at least 50 or 60 muslims in a fight and thats a low estimate. So were I in a band of a 100 we could easily destroy 5 or 6,000 muslims in a fight. Thats what Islam faces and why it seeks to detroy us from within BY WAY OF its treacherous BOOZOBOY. Perhaps you should get that carpet camelrug out and pray some more there pedro.--Tyr

11-15-2012, 10:49 AM
I guess the "roadmap" to peace is well and truly off the table now. Perhaps they should have given them sat nav instead of an old fashioned map.

Unfortunately for Jabri, he wrote his own ticket to death in this instance. He's a known terrorist who has coordinated attacks and was responsible for the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier a few years back. That, and Hamas sending in endless rockets to Israel over the past week. War is hell. If bombs are going in both directions, people are going to die. Peace is certainly not happening based solely on one side here.

11-15-2012, 11:02 AM

11-15-2012, 11:31 AM
If it wasn't for the fact that people are dying, this pattern of violence would be almost comical.

Misc. Palestinian Military leader: Hey, I got an idea! Lets lob a bunch of rockets into Israel and strike terror into their black Zionist hearts!
Palestinians: Allah be praised! (saber rattling)
Israeli Leader: We just took out Misc. Palestinian Leader in a surgical strike.
Palestinians: Whoa! Never saw that coming. Now they have opened the gates of hell!
Misc Palestinian Leader #2: Hey, I got an idea...

11-15-2012, 12:30 PM
Good luck to the Israeli forces.

I am a little worried that a two-front war could open, since there has been some action already on the Golan Height with the Hezbollah terrorists, Syria's spawn.

It's all getting pretty lively now --

11-15-2012, 02:22 PM
excellent shooting by the Israelis....

Got his son too so he won't grow up to be just like daddy....

Good Job Israel! Sent him Right to Allah and his 72 Virgins....

11-15-2012, 02:51 PM
HIP HIP...HOORAY! HIP HIP....HOORAY. At least Israel isn't spending four years Kissing butts, and bowing to their enemies.

HINT, HINT. Are you listening Mister Obama?

11-15-2012, 03:18 PM
What roadmap to peace? The muslims have only had a roadmap to death and destruction and have never intended anything else. Either Israel survives and the muslims are destroyed or else Israel must be destroyed. God says they will be. I hope Im around to see it because it will be a sight to see. Mecca and Medina ultimately destroyed too. God will not allow Satan's bots to destroy his chosen people..-Tyr

believe me, muslims will never be eradicated, Islam is growing much more than any other religion on earth, with the current Islam growth rate, two centuries from now muslims will be over 50% of the world population, so keep dreaming as you please. ;)

11-15-2012, 03:22 PM

11-15-2012, 03:30 PM
believe me, muslims will never be eradicated, Islam is growing much more than any other religion on earth, with the current Islam growth rate, two centuries from now muslims will be over 50% of the world population, so keep dreaming as you please. ;)

abso. How funny you are. Coming here to tell us about dreaming????

Let us know how that works out in the next 200 years, and get back to us with a real fact.

11-15-2012, 03:32 PM


Abbey Marie
11-15-2012, 03:37 PM
At least they didnt lie about that.--Tyr


11-15-2012, 03:39 PM
abso. Using the typical Hamas, terrorism tactics of using a photograph directed at the Israeli's is just so....STUPID.

Of course. You would never bother mentioning those THREE Israeli's who were killed in their apartment by a rocket attack from GAZA.

That wouldn't be the Honorable thing to mention here. Would it??

Abbey Marie
11-15-2012, 03:41 PM
believe me, muslims will never be eradicated, Islam is growing much more than any other religion on earth, with the current Islam growth rate, two centuries from now muslims will be over 50% of the world population, so keep dreaming as you please. ;)

Are you counting all the black muslims in America who are just angry folks with a chip on their shoulders? Good luck with that...

11-15-2012, 03:41 PM
abso. How funny you are. Coming here to tell us about dreaming????

Let us know how that works out in the next 200 years, and get back to us with a real fact.

unless you are planning to live that long then i think we both won't be able to see that, but what we can see as a fact for now is that Islam is and will always be the fastest growing religion in the world, this is the only fact that is important for now.

11-15-2012, 03:42 PM
Are you counting all the black muslims in America who are just angry folks with a chip on their shoulders? Good luck with that...

i see you have a problem with blacks ?

11-15-2012, 03:46 PM
unless you are planning to live that long then i think we both won't be able to see that, but what we can see as a fact for now is that Islam is and will always be the fastest growing religion in the world, this is the only fact that is important for now.

abso. You can live your miserable life as the Terrorist supporter you want to be. Nobody will want to stop you. By the way. As you make predictions, or seem to be predicting the future.

Tell me what words I am about to say to you here.....

Abbey Marie
11-15-2012, 03:48 PM
i see you have a problem with blacks ?

I have a problem with people claiming religious beliefs just to be angry and rebellious. Color doesn't matter. Just so happens that in this country, we see this Muslim-related trend overwhelmingly with blacks. And very often borne from prison "conversions".

As I said, good luck with that.

11-15-2012, 03:52 PM
I have a problem with people claiming religious beliefs just to be angry and rebellious. Color doesn't matter. Just so happens that in this country, we see this Muslim-related trend overwhelmingly with blacks. And very often borne from prison "conversions".

As I said, good luck with that.

Abbey. Ignore abso. It's nothing but a tactic being used to finally accuse you, and me of being Racists to please the Terroristic Heart of those who need to bring hatred to the forefront....in order to perpetuate their ignorance.

11-15-2012, 03:54 PM
abso. Using the typical Hamas, terrorism tactics of using a photograph directed at the Israeli's is just so....STUPID.

Of course. You would never bother mentioning those THREE Israeli's who were killed in their apartment by a rocket attack from GAZA.

That wouldn't be the Honorable thing to mention here. Would it??

since you never debated with me, you don't get to judge me, i always pay attention to all the facts, i don't just see everything from my point of view as most of people around here does, i didn't ignore those 3 deaths at all as you assumed, as you see i didn't mention any death count at all, not the palestinian one nor the israeli one.

so, did you bother yourself to mention that 15 palestinians were killed while you were talking about those 3 civilians ?, did you bother yourself to mention that in the last gaza war about 1500 palestinians were killed and that most of them were non combatants ?

and about those 3 deaths, i just came from a visit to my uncle who is a general in the egyptian air forces, we discussed the situation and i expressed my complete opposition to those 3 deaths, and for the second time, i say that i completely disagree and oppose any civilian deaths be them palestinian or israeli.

11-15-2012, 03:57 PM
since you never debated with me, you don't get to judge me, i always pay attention to all the facts, i don't just see everything from my point of view as most of people around here does, i didn't ignore those 3 deaths at all as you assumed, as you see i didn't mention any death count at all, not the palestinian one nor the israeli one.

so, did you bother yourself to mention that 15 palestinians were killed while you were talking about those 3 civilians ?, did you bother yourself to mention that in the last gaza war about 1500 palestinians were killed and that most of them were non combatants ?

and about those 3 deaths, i just came from a visit to my uncle who is a general in the egyptian air forces, we discussed the situation and i expressed my complete opposition to those 3 deaths, and for the second time, i say that i completely disagree and oppose any civilian deaths be them palestinian or israeli.

BOO HOO! I would never attempt to debate with an obvious, hate-filled, partisan as yourself. You're not worth it.

Find someone else to tell your lies to. Preach to them with your endless hatred, and see how long they put up with it.

By the way. I never use that word ASSUME as you did. We all know what it really means.

11-15-2012, 04:01 PM
I have a problem with people claiming religious beliefs just to be angry and rebellious. Color doesn't matter. Just so happens that in this country, we see this Muslim-related trend overwhelmingly with blacks. And very often borne from prison "conversions".

As I said, good luck with that.

depends on what they are angry and rebellious about and the way they express it, being angry and rebellious is not itself a crime, but if you kill like muslim extremists that is the crime, so you should really specify what you condemn exactly, because maybe someone is angry and rebellious to something unjust, but he express his anger and rebelliousness in a peaceful way, that is not something that you should have a problem with, so unless those blacks you are talking about are killing people, then there is no need to have a problem with them.

you think that i am not angry ???, you will not find a single muslim who is not angry about what is happening to muslims in palestine, iraq, afghanistan and lots of other places, but you will not see me killing innocents for it, if i had to kill, then i will be killing someone who is carrying a weapon and firing at me, not someone sitting in his home playing with the remote control.

11-15-2012, 04:02 PM
BOO HOO! I would never attempt to debate with an obvious, hate-filled, partisan as yourself. You're not worth it.

Find someone else to tell your lies to. Preach to them with your endless hatred, and see how long they put up with it.

By the way. I never use that word ASSUME as you did. We all know what it really means.

hate-filled ???, another wrong assumption, you really should stop judging people whom you don't and will never know.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:04 PM
Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of its military wing, "has opened the gates of hell".

What great news!!! Another terrorist bastard is burning in Hell

11-15-2012, 04:05 PM
so, did you bother yourself to mention that 15 palestinians were killed while you were talking about those 3 civilians ?, did you bother yourself to mention that in the last gaza war about 1500 palestinians were killed and that most of them were non combatants ?

That's the whole point of war, right? Kill more of them than they kill of you.

Take their resources and land and make them do what you want, or kill them out.

It's certainly what the Palestinians want to do: they constantly talk about running all the Jews into the sea.

But they are too incompetent and stupid and primitive.

So the kill ratio will be very high against them till they finally calm down again, as usual. I don't see the point in it myself, losing all the time like they do, but whatever.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:05 PM
since you never debated with me, you don't get to judge me, i always pay attention to all the facts, i don't just see everything from my point of view as most of people around here does, i didn't ignore those 3 deaths at all as you assumed, as you see i didn't mention any death count at all, not the palestinian one nor the israeli one.

so, did you bother yourself to mention that 15 palestinians were killed while you were talking about those 3 civilians ?, did you bother yourself to mention that in the last gaza war about 1500 palestinians were killed and that most of them were non combatants ?

and about those 3 deaths, i just came from a visit to my uncle who is a general in the egyptian air forces, we discussed the situation and i expressed my complete opposition to those 3 deaths, and for the second time, i say that i completely disagree and oppose any civilian deaths be them palestinian or israeli.
We know all about you bomb boy. You make more excuses for terrorists then Bill Clinton has girl friends

11-15-2012, 04:08 PM
We know all about you bomb boy. You make more excuses for terrorists then Bill Clinton has girl friends

red states rule. Christmas is just around the corner. Does anyone know how I can send my Christmas gift to 'abso'?

The gift is a pair of EARPLUGS. I am concerned that Suicide Bombers who blow themselves up. Ruin their Hearing when they do so.

SO. The perfect gift for abso is....EAR PLUGS.

And it also prevents the Bomber from Hearing the explosion.

11-15-2012, 04:09 PM
Another enemy correspondent.

I don't suppose this guy's uncle is a general in the Egyptian army -- he'd be lucky if his uncle is employed at all, anywhere -- but I question the point of talking with enemies, even though I answered once above.

What a strange new world, where Germans and GIs TALK about it on the Internet? In the old days, they just killed each other. Seems to me that makes more sense. Why talk to enemies? I mean, you are not going to persuade them to change their minds and love Americans, and you can't get at them --- so what's the point?

If someone is openly my enemy, what good are they to me? I can see avoiding them, or making war on them, but letting them talk our ears off?


red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:10 PM
red states rule. Christmas is just around the corner. Does anyone know how I can send my Christmas gift to 'abso'?

The gift is a pair of EARPLUGS. I am concerned that Suicide Bombers who blow themselves up. Ruin their Hearing when they do so.

SO. The perfect gift for abso is....EAR PLUGS.

And it also prevents the Bomber from Hearing the explosion.
I was thinking of a bomb vest so he could give a live demo to rookie terrorists. He would have to tell them to pay attention since he was only going to be able to show them how the vest works one time :laugh2:

11-15-2012, 04:19 PM
I was thinking of a bomb vest so he could give a live demo to rookie terrorists. He would have to tell them to pay attention since he was only going to be able to show them how the vest works one time :laugh2:

4053 Click to download and enlarge.

11-15-2012, 04:30 PM
Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of its military wing, "has opened the gates of hell".

Highly typical, Jim.

Terrorist cowards can dish it out .. but they definitely can't take it.

Cue a hastily-arranged 'human shield' setup to try and fend off what they deserve ? With Hamas .. who, I've heard, site their rocket launchers in civilian populated areas !!! .. you can 'bank' on it ..

11-15-2012, 04:33 PM
What great news!!! Another terrorist bastard is burning in Hell:clap::clap::clap:

Exactly my own sentiment !

red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:34 PM
Highly typical, Jim.

Terrorist cowards can dish it out .. but they definitely can't take it.

Cue a hastily-arranged 'human shield' setup to try and fend off what they deserve ? With Hamas .. who, I've heard, site their rocket launchers in civilian populated areas !!! .. you can 'bank' on it ..

It is safe to say Israel has had enough of this crap from the terrorists and are about to unleash their military on the bastards. If Obama tries to step in and mettle - I hope Israel tells him to go F*** himself

11-15-2012, 04:37 PM
It is safe to say Israel has had enough of this crap from the terrorists and are about to unleash their military on the bastards. If Obama tries to step in and mettle - I hope Israel tells him to go F*** himself

red states rule. PLEASE! Allow me to volunteer my services to be chosen to be the One who speaks for Israel, and gets to personally tell OBAMA to SCREW HIMSELF.

Doesn't really matter now. The world knows, and Israel knows. OBAMA IS A WUSS!

red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:39 PM
red states rule. PLEASE! Allow me to volunteer my services to be chosen to be the One who speaks for Israel, and gets to personally tell OBAMA to SCREW HIMSELF.

Doesn't really matter now. The world knows, and Israel knows. OBAMA IS A WUSS!
Israel knows how to deal with terrorists. They do not blame videos, or try to make nice with them, or offer up endless apologies. They KILL the bastards which the best solution I can think of

11-15-2012, 04:46 PM
It is safe to say Israel has had enough of this crap from the terrorists and are about to unleash their military on the bastards. If Obama tries to step in and mettle - I hope Israel tells him to go F*** himself

It never ceases to amaze me just how tolerant Israel is of all she endures.

.. so, maybe now, finally, it's payback time ? Definitely overdue ! I wish Israel all possible success in dealing a body blow to one of her most vicious enemy entities .. Hamas.

Obama can intervene by showing total, unstinting support for Israel. Not that this will happen, of course. In which case, I agree. Israel should give him the finger and concentrate their attention on their nearer enemies.

11-15-2012, 04:54 PM
It never ceases to amaze me just how tolerant Israel is of all she endures.

.. so, maybe now, finally, it's payback time ? Definitely overdue ! I wish Israel all possible success in dealing a body blow to one of her most vicious enemy entities .. Hamas.

Obama can intervene by showing total, unstinting support for Israel. Not that this will happen, of course. In which case, I agree. Israel should give him the finger and concentrate their attention on their nearer enemies.

Drummond. Thank you. This may sound very strange. Coming from a retired, U.S. Veteran. But while I was still on active duty, prior to 1995. Israel worked diligently, and purposely to increase, and strengthen their military capabilities. So much so, in fact. I feel highly confident that Israel is nearly as capable as our Present day U.S. Military when it comes to war fighting.
They may be limited in manpower. But Israel has been a leader in high tech for many decades, and I have little doubt. Though they may take some very serious damage.
Anyone who dares to confront them, and believes they will have an easy fight. Probably won't be around long to brag about such thoughts.

As for Obama. He will be an afterthought when it comes to Israel in the future. Any American..or so-called American who snubs our allies like Obama has done. Will end up on the Trash-heap. Much like a Richard Nixon, or Jimmy Carter when History is written...HONESTLY.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 04:56 PM
It never ceases to amaze me just how tolerant Israel is of all she endures.

.. so, maybe now, finally, it's payback time ? Definitely overdue ! I wish Israel all possible success in dealing a body blow to one of her most vicious enemy entities .. Hamas.

Obama can intervene by showing total, unstinting support for Israel. Not that this will happen, of course. In which case, I agree. Israel should give him the finger and concentrate their attention on their nearer enemies.

I do hope PM Benjamin Netanyahu turns the military loose and wipes out as much of Hamas as he can. Do NOT take any prisoners - just leave bodies to be buried with jimmy Dean Sausage

11-15-2012, 04:59 PM
I do hope PM Benjamin Netanyahu turns the military loose and wipes out as much of Hamas as he can. Do NOT take any prisoners - just leave bodies to be buried with jimmy Dean Sausage

He should have been allowed to take care of it long ago. But...guess what? An American president got in the way, and pretended to get a peace agreement between Israel, and Lebonon, with Hamas.'

And that president was Bill MONICA Clinton.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 05:01 PM
He should have been allowed to take care of it long ago. But...guess what? An American president got in the way, and pretended to get a peace agreement between Israel, and Lebonon, with Hamas.'

And that president was Bill MONICA Clinton.

I want PM Netanyahu to have the terrorists to confuse the Israeli military with the wrath of Allah

11-15-2012, 05:03 PM
Another enemy correspondent.

I don't suppose this guy's uncle is a general in the Egyptian army -- he'd be lucky if his uncle is employed at all, anywhere -- but I question the point of talking with enemies, even though I answered once above.

What a strange new world, where Germans and GIs TALK about it on the Internet? In the old days, they just killed each other. Seems to me that makes more sense. Why talk to enemies? I mean, you are not going to persuade them to change their minds and love Americans, and you can't get at them --- so what's the point?

If someone is openly my enemy, what good are they to me? I can see avoiding them, or making war on them, but letting them talk our ears off?


I can think of one good reason to talk to an enemy .. just one. To obtain information.

I wish there were more GITMO'S in the world than just the one everyone knows about. Many more. For as long as a terrorist has potential to be useful, to SAVE lives instead of BUTCHERING them .. sure. Keep them alive. Suffering .. but alive.

Once they cease to be of any value, though, their lives are pointless. I see no reason not to exterminate them.

Terrorists - and I will always argue this, and mean every word - are subhuman. Destroying them is akin to pest control. You can murder a human being. A terrorist, NO. But you can destroy its life.

I have no tolerance for bleeding-heart types who prattle on about terrorist 'human rights'. The association is insulting to decent people, an outrage, a total insult to anyone who's suffered because of them. Human beings, you can value. Terrorists have no ultimate value. Their destruction leaves the world a far better place.

So, my best wishes to Israel for what must surely follow.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 05:06 PM
I can think of one good reason to talk to an enemy .. just one. To obtain information.

I wish there were more GITMO'S in the world than just the one everyone knows about. Many more. For as long as a terrorist has potential to be useful, to SAVE lives instead of BUTCHERING them .. sure. Keep them alive. Suffering .. but alive.

Once they cease to be of any value, though, their lives are pointless. I see no reason not to exterminate them.

Terrorists - and I will always argue this, and mean every word - are subhuman. Destroying them is akin to pest control. You can murder a human being. A terrorist, NO. But you can destroy its life.

I have no tolerance for bleeding-heart types who prattle on about terrorist 'human rights'. The association is insulting to decent people, an outrage, a total insult to anyone who's suffered because of them. Human beings, you can value. Terrorists have no ultimate value. Their destruction leaves the world a far better place.

So, my best wishes to Israel for what must surely follow.

11-15-2012, 05:13 PM
believe me, muslims will never be eradicated, Islam is growing much more than any other religion on earth, with the current Islam growth rate, two centuries from now muslims will be over 50% of the world population, so keep dreaming as you please. ;)

That's assuming that population will overtake other countries. I think the majority will be in Islamic countries. Either way, doesn't bother me, as the Islamic world as it is right now can't even defeat Israel, even though so many are taught to hate Jews from childhood on. "If" terrorism continues at it's current rate as well, and wars in countries that involve Islam, and dictators for leaders - you may someday start to see a decline in the population via force.

Also, Islam will NEVER take over the USA, Japan, China or Russia, and we all know pretty much any one of them could destroy the majority of Islamic countries, and could do so in a matter of days if they worked together. So I wouldn't be bragging about pure population statistics.

11-15-2012, 05:15 PM
I watched about 50 videos or so today. The overwhelming majority of missiles coming from Gaza are being destroyed by the iron dome. Meanwhile, Israel is running sorties left and right targeting Hamas positions, and dropping leaflets to let the innocents know to stay away from the militants and terrorists for their own safety.

I love how Palestine wants to go to the UN for help - while shooting 100 missiles at Israel.

11-15-2012, 05:17 PM

Maybe not the entire area as Israel, unlike the Palestinians, is not targeting civilians. But terrorist groups like Hamas are on their way to eradication and will only be speeding up the process the more they shoot rockets at Israel and provoke them. If they continue, I hope Israel sends in troops and ends things in short order.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 05:19 PM
But Israel will sure as hell reduce the number of active terrorist bastards. And the more the merrier!

11-15-2012, 05:20 PM
Drummond. Thank you. This may sound very strange. Coming from a retired, U.S. Veteran. But while I was still on active duty, prior to 1995. Israel worked diligently, and purposely to increase, and strengthen their military capabilities. So much so, in fact. I feel highly confident that Israel is nearly as capable as our Present day U.S. Military when it comes to war fighting.
They may be limited in manpower. But Israel has been a leader in high tech for many decades, and I have little doubt. Though they may take some very serious damage.
Anyone who dares to confront them, and believes they will have an easy fight. Probably won't be around long to brag about such thoughts.

As for Obama. He will be an afterthought when it comes to Israel in the future. Any American..or so-called American who snubs our allies like Obama has done. Will end up on the Trash-heap. Much like a Richard Nixon, or Jimmy Carter when History is written...HONESTLY.

Thank you in return - appreciated.

I sincerely hope that your assessment of Israel's capabilities is accurate - in fact, I do have faith that it is. I am looking forward to seeing Hamas scum 'get theirs', and the sooner the better. If I had a criticism to make of Israel, it is that she is, if anything, too tolerant. It fuels the arrogance of her enemies, and I don't see the point of that at all.

People sometimes tend to forget that Hamas is still a terrorist organisation, one that has always been dedicated as a core 'principle' to Israel's destruction. The land they rule, consequently, is nothing more than a terrorist State, and for the life of me I don't see why so much tolerance of it comes their way.

So, they should get what they deserve. End of story.

Happy to accept all you say on Obama, of course. His attitude to Israel has been a disgrace. Now, he has a chance to make amends. But I don't believe for a nanosecond it'll happen.

Tyr is right - Obama's a traitor. I'm thinking maybe a trash heap is too good for him.

11-15-2012, 05:22 PM

11-15-2012, 05:25 PM

You know. If my country was held under siege for years then the occupier killed my baby son, I would be joining in on the rocket launching lickety split. Israel isn't exactly the innocent party in this.

red states rule
11-15-2012, 05:28 PM
You know. If my country was held under siege for years then the occupier killed my baby son, I would be joining in on the rocket launching lickety split. Israel isn't exactly the innocent party in this.

Yea, those "poor" terrorists lashing out and bombing schools, hospitals, pizza joints, houses, and other vital military targets to try and obtain their "freedom" F*** em and I hope Israel wipes the bastards off the face of the Earth

11-15-2012, 05:36 PM
You know. If my country was held under siege for years then the occupier killed my baby son, I would be joining in on the rocket launching lickety split. Israel isn't exactly the innocent party in this.

And neither is Hamas. Hamas has been rocketing Israel for quite some time now. Neither side can be aggressive and not expect the other side to retaliate. If Palestine wants to avoid fighter jets coming after Hamas, they have to stop shooting endless rockets into Israel. And the leader who was killed was a major reason, and he's now dead, and his son too as a result of his actions.

11-15-2012, 05:40 PM
You know. If my country was held under siege for years then the occupier killed my baby son, I would be joining in on the rocket launching lickety split. Israel isn't exactly the innocent party in this.

... here we go. Jafar, the Muslim who distances himself from the likes of the Taliban (so we've been told), has little time for terrorism, but when the chips are down, SOMEHOW manages to always see a reason for supporting Muslims .. wherever they come from, whatever they do or threaten to do.

Jafar - this can be a litmus test for what you've claimed for yourself in the past. You don't like terrorism, you say it goes against Koranic principles ?? OK, then !! HAMAS IS A TERRORIST ORGANISATION, ONE RESPONSIBLE, DURING ITS EXISTENCE, FOR RAINING THOUSANDS OF MISSILES ON ISRAEL IN ITS TIME !!

So here's your chance. Show us you will favour Israel, the victims in this, against MURDEROUS TERRORIST TRASH. Be true to what you've asserted to be true of your 'peaceful mindset', and understand that Hamas cannot deserve the support of anyone wanting to further peace.

Now, do I believe you'll follow through ? NO .. I think you'll always favour Muslims, EVEN terrorists such as Hamas. Because, being Muslims, and however murderous, they can do no wrong in your eyes.


11-15-2012, 05:40 PM

This may well have been occurring in Benghazi. I don't necessarily think waterboarding is torture, I don't think extraordinary measures are not called for at times. I do find it wrong if this was happening and got a cover up started because the administration that issued an EO forbidding such, was doing such.

11-15-2012, 07:20 PM
... here we go. Jafar, the Muslim who distances himself from the likes of the Taliban (so we've been told), has little time for terrorism, but when the chips are down, SOMEHOW manages to always see a reason for supporting Muslims .. wherever they come from, whatever they do or threaten to do.

Jafar - this can be a litmus test for what you've claimed for yourself in the past. You don't like terrorism, you say it goes against Koranic principles ?? OK, then !! HAMAS IS A TERRORIST ORGANISATION, ONE RESPONSIBLE, DURING ITS EXISTENCE, FOR RAINING THOUSANDS OF MISSILES ON ISRAEL IN ITS TIME !!

So here's your chance. Show us you will favour Israel, the victims in this, against MURDEROUS TERRORIST TRASH. Be true to what you've asserted to be true of your 'peaceful mindset', and understand that Hamas cannot deserve the support of anyone wanting to further peace.

Now, do I believe you'll follow through ? NO .. I think you'll always favour Muslims, EVEN terrorists such as Hamas. Because, being Muslims, and however murderous, they can do no wrong in your eyes.


jafar is still a phony, False Prophet, and supporter of Hatred, Terror, and Ignorance in the name of a religion more of war, than peace.

jafar is a pawn of OBL, and the Desperation required by OBL followers who pretend to be peaceful...until after they cut your throat.

11-15-2012, 07:28 PM
Another unfortunate reason why innocent people are killed in Gaza - Hamas puts missile launching pads near a playground and a mosque. They know that if they shoot a rocket from such an area that it will then become a legitimate target in return - so WHY put innocent lives, and especially children in harms way?



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2012, 07:31 PM
Another unfortunate reason why innocent people are killed in Gaza - Hamas puts missile launching pads near a playground and a mosque. They know that if they shoot a rocket from such an area that it will then become a legitimate target in return - so WHY put innocent lives, and especially children in harms way?



They hope that returm fire will kill children so they can then post pics and cry bloody murder about it pretending that their enemy is like they are! That in itself shows they are animals with no honor and should be killed!--Tyr

11-15-2012, 07:56 PM
Another unfortunate reason why innocent people are killed in Gaza - Hamas puts missile launching pads near a playground and a mosque. They know that if they shoot a rocket from such an area that it will then become a legitimate target in return - so WHY put innocent lives, and especially children in harms way?



This is what Israeli propaganda claims in order to justify killing innocent people. Regardless, if this is the rocket launch site, it is half a block from the playground. Does Israel really need to carpet bomb the whole area when they know with such certainty where their target is?

11-15-2012, 07:59 PM
This is what Israeli propaganda claims in order to justify killing innocent people. Regardless, if this is the rocket launch site, it is half a block from the playground. Does Israel really need to carpet bomb the whole area when they know with such certainty where their target is?

jafar. Do yourself, and all of us a big, big favor. Go to a standard dictionary, and look up the word PHONY.

You are so much of a phony, bringing your crocodile tear stories here, making excuses to defend killers, while pretending to be upset when people actually defend themselves from killers you defend.

You are such a jerk. And you honestly think we haven't noticed.

11-15-2012, 08:06 PM
This is what Israeli propaganda claims in order to justify killing innocent people. Regardless, if this is the rocket launch site, it is half a block from the playground. Does Israel really need to carpet bomb the whole area when they know with such certainty where their target is?

I doubt it's propaganda, as every major country in the world has satellite capability and can verify the authenticity. And based on the strike on Jabri, I'd say they are pretty much on target with their missiles. Nonetheless, sometimes missiles are off, or heavier bombs are used - and Hamas has to mitigate the circumstances, otherwise they could simply place every site of theirs in civilian territory and claim themselves as off limits as a target. If missiles are coming from an area, it will be a legitimate target in return. That's not Israel's fault, that's the fault of the people who placed the site there and the people who shot off missiles from there. With that said, I do think Israel will try and be as precise as possible with their targets, but that can't always be the case. So long as they aren't purposely targeting civilians, I have no issue with them going after Hamas targets and the innocent lives lost in the direct vicinity lies on Hamas's hands.

11-15-2012, 08:40 PM
This is what Israeli propaganda claims in order to justify killing innocent people. Regardless, if this is the rocket launch site, it is half a block from the playground. Does Israel really need to carpet bomb the whole area when they know with such certainty where their target is?

Blame the Palestinians, not those working to protect THEIR civilians.

11-15-2012, 10:02 PM
They hope that returm fire will kill children so they can then post pics and cry bloody murder about it pretending that their enemy is like they are! That in itself shows they are animals with no honor and should be killed!--Tyr

they do it because they have always hidden behind the skirts of their women and the bodies of their children... they want and increase collateral damage in an effort to garner sympathy from idiots around the world...

Palestinians are cowards... if they were REAL fighters they'd take on Israeli Soldiers.... not civilians...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2012, 10:23 PM
they do it because they have always hidden behind the skirts of their women and the bodies of their children... they want and increase collateral damage in an effort to garner sympathy from idiots around the world...

Palestinians are cowards... if they were REAL fighters they'd take on Israeli Soldiers.... not civilians...

Bravo... So true, and they dont care which kids get killed as they will use their propaganda regardless. Whats sad is that so many in this world fall for that propaganda! They depend on that ignorance and gullibility.-Tyr

11-15-2012, 11:21 PM
That's not Israel's fault, that's the fault of the people who placed the site there and the people who shot off missiles from there.

It is Israel's fault when you realise that they have millions of people herded into a small area where they are being slowly starved on not only their sustenance, but their humanity. Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. It's hard to fight the occupation and avoid being near someone else. Gaza is only 7km across remember.

11-16-2012, 02:36 AM
It is Israel's fault when you realise that they have millions of people herded into a small area where they are being slowly starved on not only their sustenance, but their humanity. Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. It's hard to fight the occupation and avoid being near someone else. Gaza is only 7km across remember.
Gaza isnt occupied by Israel. It's occupied by Hamas.

red states rule
11-16-2012, 03:39 AM
It is Israel's fault when you realise that they have millions of people herded into a small area where they are being slowly starved on not only their sustenance, but their humanity. Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. It's hard to fight the occupation and avoid being near someone else. Gaza is only 7km across remember.

Germany also blamed the Jews for their economic problems in the 1930's and had a similar solution as Hamas and terrorists lovers like you

red states rule
11-16-2012, 04:09 AM
You know. If my country was held under siege for years then the occupier killed my baby son, I would be joining in on the rocket launching lickety split. Israel isn't exactly the innocent party in this.

I just completed my training and would love to have a chat with you jafar. Please come see me http://www.thoseshirts.com/images/shirtsquare-ins.jpg

11-16-2012, 04:21 AM
This is what Israeli propaganda claims in order to justify killing innocent people. Regardless, if this is the rocket launch site, it is half a block from the playground. Does Israel really need to carpet bomb the whole area when they know with such certainty where their target is?

JAFAR - in post #60, I effectively challenged you to distance yourself from Islamic terrorism. You've 'no sympathy' for the Taliban, because they're terrorists ? This is what you say ? FINE.

Well .. SO ARE HAMAS !!

But you won't condemn THEM, will you ? You won't defend their victims - Israel, and innocent Israelis - WILL YOU ?

Hamas, as the terrorist SCUM they are, set things up so that ordinary people (.. leaving aside their probable support for Hamas ANYWAY ..) would be in maximum danger from any Israeli retaliation. But, where's your acknowledgment of what HAMAS HAS DONE ??

Here's the truth. You'd rather attack terrorism's VICTIMS, THAN THE TERRORISTS THEMSELVES.

I gave you your chance to show yourself to be an 'enlightened' Muslim, a truly 'peaceloving' one .. by requiring you to support terrorist victims, and not the terrorists themselves. YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN THAT OPPORTUNITY.

So I need not say much more. You're just a Muslim who'll support Islamic terrorism when he wants to .. as clearly you are, here. I'm not at all surprised you've done this, Jafar. But don't ever say you weren't given a fair chance to prove to us that a Muslim can be a reasonable human being.

'Aboutime' is correct. I never really doubted he was. But, now, we have direct proof this is so.

Now you can continue your support of terrorists, Jafar, but from the more honest platform of showing yourself to be a defender of that SCUM !

red states rule
11-16-2012, 04:25 AM
JAFAR - in post #60, I effectively challenged you to distance yourself from Islamic terrorism. You've 'no sympathy' for the Taliban, because they're terrorists ? This is what you say ? FINE.

Well .. SO ARE HAMAS !!

But you won't condemn THEM, will you ? You won't defend their victims - Israel, and innocent Israelis - WILL YOU ?

Hamas, as the terrorist SCUM they are, set things up so that ordinary people (.. leaving aside their probable support for Hamas ANYWAY ..) would be in maximum danger from any Israeli retaliation. But, where's your acknowledgment of what HAMAS HAS DONE ??

Here's the truth. You'd rather attack terrorism's VICTIMS, THAN THE TERRORISTS THEMSELVES.

I gave you your chance to show yourself to be an 'enlightened' Muslim, a truly 'peaceloving' one .. by requiring you to support terrorist victims, and not the terrorists themselves. YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN THAT OPPORTUNITY.

So I need not say much more. You're just a Muslim who'll support Islamic terrorism when he wants to .. as clearly you are, here. I'm not at all surprised you've done this, Jafar. But don't ever say you weren't given a fair chance to prove to us that a Muslim can be a reasonable human being.

'Aboutime' is correct. I never really doubted he was. But, now, we have direct proof this is so.

Now you can continue your support of terrorists, Jafar, but from the more honest platform of showing yourself to be a defender of that SCUM !

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=muslim%20terrorist%20pics&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thereligionofpeace.com%2F&ei=RAamUKXgBLPF0AH02IDgCA&usg=AFQjCNGQhogaS-M_dwLVMR8jnIDp7wgk7w)

11-16-2012, 04:47 AM
It is Israel's fault when you realise that they have millions of people herded into a small area where they are being slowly starved on not only their sustenance, but their humanity. Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. It's hard to fight the occupation and avoid being near someone else. Gaza is only 7km across remember.

Gaza is only occupied by Palestinians...

so it isnt occupied by anyone but her own people....

Real brave fighters those palestinians.

When you put a ROCKET LAUNCHER in a Building or a Courtyard of a building or on it's Roof... you make that building a MILITARY Target.

Palestinian hide behind Children....

11-16-2012, 11:39 AM
It is Israel's fault when you realise that they have millions of people herded into a small area where they are being slowly starved on not only their sustenance, but their humanity. Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. It's hard to fight the occupation and avoid being near someone else. Gaza is only 7km across remember.

So Hamas should get a free pass and be able to shoot from anywhere, because they may be near civilians? Sorry, doesn't work that way. They should realize then, that if they shoot rockets from that area, they are not just attacking Israel, they are putting innocent lives in danger. Israel has a right to defend themselves by taking out installations that are putting their civilians in danger.

11-16-2012, 01:20 PM
jafar. The False Prophet who claimed to have Jewish friends. Want's nothing more than to always blame the Israeli's for daring to defend their people from the Radicals whom...it appears. jafar has no problem fully supporting.

11-16-2012, 03:40 PM

Partial quote ..

In July 2010, Egyptian journalist Ashraf Abu Al-Houl wrote (http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/4482.htm) in Al-Ahram (Egypt's most prominent newspaper) that "in actual terms" Gaza is not under siege. He further noted that stores were "flowing with goods" at "low prices." Abu Al-Houl went as far as detailing the thriving entertainment and amusement parks industry in Gaza.

Still, in the global media, the notion of Gaza being under an "inhumane" Israeli siege is alive and well. Weeks after Dahlan's statement, the United Nations released a report stating that "[t]he situation in the Palestinian enclave has reached a critical point. If no action is taken, by 2020, Gaza will become uninhabitable" -- noting that Israel is to blame for the conditions in Gaza.

Ironically, throughout all of the alleged Israeli siege on Gaza, Israel has consistently been providing Gazans water and power supplies, which Israel threatened to cut (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/8918983/Israel-threatens-to-cut-water-and-power-to-Gaza.html) in 2011 if Palestinian Authority pursued reunification with Hamas -- a threat which Israel never carried out.

Moreover, numbers (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/weeklygazaaid.html) speak for themselves: in March 2012, the same month when 300 Hamas rockets were fired from Gaza at Israeli towns, 3,653 truckloads of goods were delivered from Israel to Gaza and 1,375 Gazan patients and companions entered or passed through Israel for medical treatments, followed by another 1,364 in April, 2012.

In August 2012, the Hamas prime minister's brother in law was allowed to enter Israel (http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/08/08/231069.html) for treatment in an Israeli hospital. This is the same Haniyeh who visited Tunis in 2011 by invitation from its Islamist-dominated parliament and told the welcoming crowd, "We shall not relinquish Palestine," to which the crowd chanted: "Killing Jews is A Duty (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/01/hamas-prime-minister-ismail-haniya-tells-tunisians-we-shall-not-relinquish-palestine-crowd-chants-killing-the-jews-is-a-duty/)".

So, if Israel has never stopped humanitarian supplies to Gaza and does not enforce the alleged blockade of humanitarian supplies on Gaza, why does Hamas insist on promoting the blockade's myth and even provoking Israel whenever possible by rocket attacks such as the most recent ones?

To understand Hamas's motives, apart from the presumed public relations gains to be amassed by "sticking it to Israel," it might help to know that the Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report in 2011 stating that the estimated tunnel trade between Gaza and Egypt had "likely peaked at around $600-850 million per year," and noted that Hamas takes a hefty cut from the Egyptian tunnel trade, "imposing high 'customs' duties and a daily fee on local tunnel contractors." According to the report, the tunnel trade had been dramatically reduced since June 2010, when Israel quadrupled the number of trucks permitted to bring goods to Gaza through legal terminals. It is therefore in Hamas's best interest to keep the blockade alive to secure larger revenues for its Gaza government, all the while demonizing Israel and causing Gaza's residents to suffer, thereby making them even more dependent on Hamas.

At the same time, Hamas manages to get the world's sympathy in the name of the blockade, as well as the world's cash: Qatar, for example, recently allocated $400 million as aid money for Gaza. Of course, how decent Hamas will be at handling those funds is anyone's guess

It is Hamas, not Israel, which is besieging Gaza.

red states rule
11-17-2012, 06:23 AM
There is an old saying "Be careful what you wish for/ You just might get it". Hamas and idiots like jafar and abozo have wanted war with Israel for awhile. Well they have it and they probably will regret it. I do hope Israel keeps their promise to keep fighting until Hamas BEGS fro a cease fire

11-17-2012, 01:02 PM
Let's face it, the problem here is a territorial dispute. It CAN be handled via diplomacy, but Palestine's position is all or nothing, no middle ground. Then they complain that they are "occupied" and lob rockets into Israel as a result. Israel responds in kind and then others cry that they pick on Palestine. To Palestinians: handle things with diplomacy. You will not get the entire land and force Israel to leave, it's simply not going to happen. If you try to use force, Israel will use much more force in return, and you will lose.

11-17-2012, 01:08 PM
Let's face it, the problem here is a territorial dispute. It CAN be handled via diplomacy, but Palestine's position is all or nothing, no middle ground. Then they complain that they are "occupied" and lob rockets into Israel as a result. Israel responds in kind and then others cry that they pick on Palestine. To Palestinians: handle things with diplomacy. You will not get the entire land and force Israel to leave, it's simply not going to happen. If you try to use force, Israel will use much more force in return, and you will lose.

What you write is true, but so is the fact that Israel is surrounded by forces that want to simply kill all the Jews. Problem for them is that without a bomb that can wipe the Jews out, (see Iran), they will get pounded to oblivion and they know it.

11-17-2012, 01:09 PM
Anyone who has followed the History of what has been taking place between Israel, and Gaza...where HAMAS hides behind the innocents to disguise their cowardice, ignorance, and hatred knows.

The last time those missiles came from Hamas directed locations. They were in Leb. And Iran, with Syria...SOUND FAMILIAR?...provided the rockets to attack Israel. And ISRAEL...Turned the Other Cheek....at the request of the U.N. and the U.S. President at the time.

Today. Israel is no longer TURNING ANY CHEEKS.

Anyone with a tiny brain who wouldn't find a reason so defend yourself...after being attacked almost 1000 times with rockets. Must either be BRAIN DEAD, or so full of Hate..you deserve whatever you get in return.


11-17-2012, 01:18 PM
What you write is true, but so is the fact that Israel is surrounded by forces that want to simply kill all the Jews. Problem for them is that without a bomb that can wipe the Jews out, (see Iran), they will get pounded to oblivion and they know it.

After just watching the Praeger video, I agree with him. Thanks, Abbey!

11-17-2012, 02:17 PM
And now it appears that Egypt has entered the conflict. Probably bought some new missiles with the $2 billion Obama sent them. Quite frankly, I think Israel should now stop trying to tiptoe through this and use pinpoint precision, and should now just unleash what they have if these 2 places continue trying to bomb them. Palestine has supposedly sent in over 700 missiles/rockets since the terrorist leader was killed a few days ago.


11-17-2012, 02:19 PM
And now it appears that Egypt has entered the conflict. Probably bought some new missiles with the $2 billion Obama sent them. Quite frankly, I think Israel should now stop trying to tiptoe through this and use pinpoint precision, and should now just unleash what they have if these 2 places continue trying to bomb them. Palestine has supposedly sent in over 700 missiles/rockets since the terrorist leader was killed a few days ago.


If so, this is very bad.

11-17-2012, 02:39 PM
We all need to accept the hard fact that Israel is pushed far enough back, into that corner of appeasement, and blame from Hamas.

They have every right to Defend their people, and their homeland. No matter what the Palestinians call it.

How long would ANY OF US just Turn the Other cheek if a neighbor threw Moliltov cocktails at our home every day. And we just THANKED THEM for doing so????

Abbey Marie
11-17-2012, 05:29 PM
Hamas' motto: "We love death as much as the Jews love life."

Kind of says it all, doesn't it?

11-17-2012, 06:24 PM
Hamas' motto: "We love death as much as the Jews love life."

Kind of says it all, doesn't it?

They are terrorists, and death is hopefully what they get.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2012, 06:29 PM
They are terrorists, and death is hopefully what they get.

Death is ALL that they deserve!! In fact, nobody in this world deserves death more IMHO.-Tyr

11-17-2012, 06:34 PM
Death is ALL that they deserve!! In fact, nobody in this world deserves death more IMHO.-Tyr

I always found it odd that NO ONE on the Palestinian side EVER tries to stop Hamas. So they are standing by their side, and they are then going to deserve anything and everything that may come their way from Israel. And in case they haven't noticed in the past few days, with Israel fighting with one eye closed and hands behind their backs, Israel is going to mop the floor with them. I'd sympathize with them if they tried the avenue of peace, but they refuse.

11-17-2012, 06:38 PM
I've been watching this thing pretty much nonstop on news sources around the world, everyone sees the Palestinians continuing to provoke with nearly 1,000 rockets in the past 3-4 days going into Israel. Too bad like 3/4 of them are being intercepted, the majority of others landing in no mans land. And in return, Palestine is seeing fighter jets take out all of Hamas strongholds, buildings and tunnels. If the rockets continue, ground forces very well might go into Palestine and there's going to be a LOT of blood shed. ALL of that blood falls on the hands of the terrorists who continue to provoke - Hamas. The irony is, they demand land, and if they push Israel too far, they are only going to make Israel bigger!

11-17-2012, 06:46 PM
Gaza isnt occupied by Israel. It's occupied by Hamas.

The whole of Palestine is occupied by Israel. Israelis are living in former Palestinian homes and villages, the names of which have been "wiped from the map".

I just completed my training and would love to have a chat with you jafar. Please come see me http://www.thoseshirts.com/images/shirtsquare-ins.jpg

Nice threat.

JAFAR - in post #60, I effectively challenged you to distance yourself from Islamic terrorism. You've 'no sympathy' for the Taliban, because they're terrorists ? This is what you say ? FINE.

All I said was that if my children were killed by an invader, I would do everything in my power to resist the invader, including killing them in kind. You would too.

Gaza is only occupied by Palestinians...

so it isnt occupied by anyone but her own people....

Real brave fighters those palestinians.

When you put a ROCKET LAUNCHER in a Building or a Courtyard of a building or on it's Roof... you make that building a MILITARY Target.

Palestinian hide behind Children....

The whole Palestine is occupied. I'm not talking about the sliver of land where Palestinians have been herded for slaughter. Villages like Deir Yaseen and Nadj no longer exist. They were bulldozed (after the population was driven out or massacred) and the Israelis moved in from their former homes in Europe.

To Palestinians: handle things with diplomacy. You will not get the entire land and force Israel to leave, it's simply not going to happen. If you try to use force, Israel will use much more force in return, and you will lose.

To Israel from Palestinians: Stop oppressing us and give us our homes back and we'll talk.

Anyone who has followed the History of what has been taking place between Israel, and Gaza...where HAMAS hides behind the innocents to disguise their cowardice, ignorance, and hatred knows.

The last time those missiles came from Hamas directed locations. They were in Leb. And Iran, with Syria...SOUND FAMILIAR?...provided the rockets to attack Israel. And ISRAEL...Turned the Other Cheek....at the request of the U.N. and the U.S. President at the time.

Today. Israel is no longer TURNING ANY CHEEKS.

Anyone with a tiny brain who wouldn't find a reason so defend yourself...after being attacked almost 1000 times with rockets. Must either be BRAIN DEAD, or so full of Hate..you deserve whatever you get in return.


Israel is going to get that cheek slapped.

And now it appears that Egypt has entered the conflict. Probably bought some new missiles with the $2 billion Obama sent them. Quite frankly, I think Israel should now stop trying to tiptoe through this and use pinpoint precision, and should now just unleash what they have if these 2 places continue trying to bomb them. Palestine has supposedly sent in over 700 missiles/rockets since the terrorist leader was killed a few days ago.


When you say Egypt has entered the conflict, do you mean the Egyptian government, or a small band of bandits unrelated to the government got involved?

How long would ANY OF US just Turn the Other cheek if a neighbor threw Moliltov cocktails at our home every day. And we just THANKED THEM for doing so????

If I treated my neighbours the same way as Israel treats theirs I would fully expect a few molotovs my way.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2012, 06:46 PM
I've been watching this thing pretty much nonstop on news sources around the world, everyone sees the Palestinians continuing to provoke with nearly 1,000 rockets in the past 3-4 days going into Israel. Too bad like 3/4 of them are being intercepted, the majority of others landing in no mans land. And in return, Palestine is seeing fighter jets take out all of Hamas strongholds, buildings and tunnels. If the rockets continue, ground forces very well might go into Palestine and there's going to be a LOT of blood shed. ALL of that blood falls on the hands of the terrorists who continue to provoke - Hamas. The irony is, they demand land, and if they push Israel too far, they are only going to make Israel bigger!

Israel's mistake has always been in giving land back to the damn animals. Kill them when forced to and never give back the land. I screamed what idiots they were when they gave huge chunks of land back , for it bought them nothing and gave closer locations for their enemies to fire at their large cities.
The Arabs and the muslims can never be trusted on anything by anybody for they have no honor , no humanity and no integrity , none, ZERO!--Tyr

11-17-2012, 06:52 PM
To Israel from Palestinians: Stop oppressing us and give us our homes back and we'll talk.

Why would Israel even THINK about that when Palestine states they will NEVER recognize Israel's right to exist? Things will remain status quo, or worse, until Palestine realizes that Israel is here and these people aren't going to disappear into thin air. Palestine's ONLY chance at a peaceful existence is to come to the table and work out a deal, then both sides will have homes and a peaceful existence. If they follow your advice, they will be in a perpetual war and perpetually losing, until they either all die or all lose their land. They simply won't win anything by force, we all know that by now, all they are doing by lobbing rockets is killing their own citizens in return.

11-17-2012, 06:53 PM
If I treated my neighbours the same way as Israel treats theirs I would fully expect a few molotovs my way.

So you condone Palestine shooting rockets, unprovoked? And no, save it about "occupation", as that's not killing people. They have an opportunity to sit at the table for YEARS, but refuse to acknowledge Israel's existence and prefer war to diplomacy, and that will only lead to the end of Palestine.

11-17-2012, 08:03 PM
The whole of Palestine is occupied by Israel. Israelis are living in former Palestinian homes and villages, the names of which have been "wiped from the map".

back in 1947 , here in Lake Success (Long Island NY), at the temporary home of the fledgling United Nations. Mr. David Ben Gurion gave his speech... I quote to you excerpts of that speech now...

The opening paragraph reads:

Statement to the Elected Assembly of Palestine Jews by Mr. David Ben-Gurion,
2 October 1947

"Political developments have swept us on to a momentous parting of the ways - from Mandate to independence. Today, beyond our ceaseless work in immigration, settlement and campaign, we are set three blazing tasks, whereof fulfillment will condition our perpetuity: defense, a Jewish State and Arab-Jewish Cupertino, in that order of importance and urgency."

(See, from DAY ONE of Jewish Independence PEACE AND CO-OPERATION with the assembled people of Palestine and was what was offered by the Israeli Government. )

Now, the last 3 Paragraphs read:

"A final fact. From our work in Palestine, from the society we are constructing, our economy and science, our culture and humanity, our social and fiscal order, and from no other source, must enlightenment come to our neighbors, for if they do not learn from us and labor with us, it is with strangers, potent and tyrannous, that they will find themselves partnered.

They in turn have much to give us, they are blessed with what we lack. Great territories, ample for themselves and their children's children, even if they are far more prolific than they are today. We do not covet their expanses nor will we penetrate them - for we shall fight to end Diaspora in Arab lands as fiercely as we fought to end it in Europe, we want to be assembled wholly in our own Land. But if this region is to expand to the full, there must be reciprocity, there can be mutual aid - economic, political and cultural - between Jew and Arab. That is the necessity which will prevail, and the daily fulminations of their leaders should not alarm us unduly - they do not echo the real interests of the Arab peoples.

Come what may, we will not surrender our right to free Aliyah, to rebuild our shattered Homeland, to claim statehood. If we are attacked, we will fight back. But we will do everything in our power to maintain peace, and establish a Cupertino gainful to both. It is now, here and now, from Jerusalem itself, that a call must go out to the Arab nations to join forces with Jewry and the destined Jewish State and work shoulder to shoulder for our common good, for the peace and progress of sovereign equals."

end quote

Once again.... he closes this speech asking for the hand of friendship, brotherhood and mutual Prosperity among both Arabs/Palestinians and Jews.

on May 14th 1948, ISRAEL became a nation with the expiration of the British Mandate in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the United Nations.

On May 15th 1948: the Assembled Arab Armies proclaimed War on Israel and invaded.

ARABS/MUSLIMS slapped away the hand of friendship and cooperation extended to them by the Jews 6 months before the Mandate expired...

They are in this situation today by their own choosing and poor leadership.

Learn your History Jafar..... your rhetoric is getting old. And your facts are mere fabrication:

Read the whole Document


11-17-2012, 08:07 PM
jafar has proven nothing but his hatred, and that he IS the "other white meat". Pork.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2012, 10:02 PM
The whole of Palestine is occupied by Israel. Israelis are living in former Palestinian homes and villages, the names of which have been "wiped from the map".

Nice threat.

All I said was that if my children were killed by an invader, I would do everything in my power to resist the invader, including killing them in kind. You would too.

The whole Palestine is occupied. I'm not talking about the sliver of land where Palestinians have been herded for slaughter. Villages like Deir Yaseen and Nadj no longer exist. They were bulldozed (after the population was driven out or massacred) and the Israelis moved in from their former homes in Europe.

To Israel from Palestinians: Stop oppressing us and give us our homes back and we'll talk.

Israel is going to get that cheek slapped.

^^^, Really? How much are you willing to wager on that? The attackers are going up against God not just the Israelis. That is what has defeated their sorry asses everytime before. :laugh:--Tyr

11-17-2012, 11:55 PM
Why would Israel even THINK about that when Palestine states they will NEVER recognize Israel's right to exist? Things will remain status quo, or worse, until Palestine realizes that Israel is here and these people aren't going to disappear into thin air. Palestine's ONLY chance at a peaceful existence is to come to the table and work out a deal, then both sides will have homes and a peaceful existence. If they follow your advice, they will be in a perpetual war and perpetually losing, until they either all die or all lose their land. They simply won't win anything by force, we all know that by now, all they are doing by lobbing rockets is killing their own citizens in return.

Yep, there's nothing to talk about. According to Jafar, there is no Israel. That is why things are where they are today.

11-18-2012, 10:37 AM
Here is some earlier video footage of when the IDF took out a "government building". I'm confident it'll be once again labeled propaganda, but anyone watching can see what happens. Some things may very well blow up after the fact, but only explosives will have such detonations. At least the IDF is using precision bombs to take out legit targets and are trying to be as careful as possible - as Hamas repeatedly shoots rockets anywhere and everywhere.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=26d6e4719f7b" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Abbey Marie
11-18-2012, 10:38 AM
Refer to the Hamas motto I posted above. One cannot negotiate with people dead set on your destruction.

11-18-2012, 12:17 PM
I've been watching this thing pretty much nonstop on news sources around the world, everyone sees the Palestinians continuing to provoke with nearly 1,000 rockets in the past 3-4 days going into Israel. Too bad like 3/4 of them are being intercepted, the majority of others landing in no mans land. And in return, Palestine is seeing fighter jets take out all of Hamas strongholds, buildings and tunnels. If the rockets continue, ground forces very well might go into Palestine and there's going to be a LOT of blood shed. ALL of that blood falls on the hands of the terrorists who continue to provoke - Hamas. The irony is, they demand land, and if they push Israel too far, they are only going to make Israel bigger!

Interesting ! I've been watching the BBC's domestic output .. and even despite being as beleaguered as they are by scandals these days, this hasn't made the slightest bit of difference to their indulging in pro-Gaza Leftie propaganda.

They ARE reporting from both sides of the dispute. But the BBC concentrates on those 'poor suffering innocent children in Gaza' being bombarded by Israel .. and they keep releasing death tolls from both sides, saying it's proof of how disproportionate the conflict is.

I think the inference is that if so many Palestinian deaths have to happen, then for the sake of proportional parity, an equivalent number should also be happening in Israel ... !!

There was a discussion programme on BBC-1 today, 10AM, local time .. called 'Sunday Morning Live'. It was more even-handed than the usual BBC stuff .. but then, following on from days of propaganda, it COULD be. They conducted a phone poll, designed to report on voting percentages. The phone poll result from the simple question posed .. 'Is the Israeli military action justified' .. gave 44 percent saying 'yes', 56 percent said 'no'.

Three speakers debated the proposition. One kept saying, again and again, that Gaza was a territory under siege, and kept on saying that far more deaths had occurred on the Palestinian side than in Israel, and that most had been children. Another, an American, argued strongly that Israel had suffered years of bombardments by Hamas terrorists, that Israel too had a right to defend itself.

The pro-Palestinian (said he'd been born in Gaza) was shouting at the American at one point.

And this is the way of it, I think. If you're going to argue the Hamas side of things, you have to shout your opposition down. Anyone delving into FACTS about them will recognise that this is all about terrorist belligerence, terrorists who use children as human shields, then wonder why they are ever on the receiving-end of what THEY are pleased to mete out to OTHERS.


11-18-2012, 12:23 PM
Haaretz has set up a 'live blog' site, it's not been updated for a few hours, but if and when things heat up, it'll be ready:


11-18-2012, 12:31 PM
Interesting ! I've been watching the BBC's domestic output .. and even despite being as beleaguered as they are by scandals these days, this hasn't made the slightest bit of difference to their indulging in pro-Gaza Leftie propaganda.

They ARE reporting from both sides of the dispute. But the BBC concentrates on those 'poor suffering innocent children in Gaza' being bombarded by Israel .. and they keep releasing death tolls from both sides, saying it's proof of how disproportionate the conflict is.

All anyone has to do is simply take a few minutes to follow news from around the world and watch a handful of videos - and they will quickly see Israel responding to the non-stop attacks by targeting Hamas and their "government" buildings and other infrastructure. Hamas is just launching rockets in the general direction of Israel hoping they hit ANYTHING. They are not targeting government or military, just aimlessly looking to hit any city they can. That approach, Israel's "iron dome" and Israel's superiority is allowing them to kill more, which is the goal of war, after all. No one should cry about ANYONE unfortunately dying in Palestine without first condemning Hamas who is provoking all of these back and forth rockets. All was fairly quiet on the front until Hamas sent a few hundred rockets into Israel over a one week period, that's when Israel responded by taking out Jabri, and then other Hamas targets. You seek war, sometimes you get it in return.

11-18-2012, 12:35 PM
Simple answer to Jafar - Hamas is a terrorist organisation. It was before it became Gaza's Government. It has remained a terrorist organisation ever since.

At the core of its reason for existence has been its aim to see Israel destroyed.

Palestinians, knowing this, voted Hamas into power, this action thereby making Gaza a terrorist State. A BBC journalist in Gaza today reported that, in asking for peoples' views of what was currently happening, nearly everyone supported Hamas.

The reality of Israel's situation today is that they KEEP suffering ATTACK AFTER ATTACK from Hamas. Negotiation is ultimately pointless with terrorists who've ALWAYS wanted you dead, and back up that wish by firing THOUSANDS of rockets at their chosen enemy.

Israel is left with but one realistic option, if it's ever going to tackle this problem .. to do what it's now doing. Target Hamas officials. Target Hamas bases. Destroy Gaza's capability for firing rockets. And, since Hamas terrorist scum are such disgusting cowards, they make sure that they have human shields placed at every possible sensitive location, THEN BLAME ISRAEL FOR DEATHS THAT THEY ARRANGED.

Such is terrorist scum, Jafar.

Jafar, if you hate terrorism, think it supposedly 'un-Islamic', then you can start to take terrorism's victims' side. Therefore .. let's see you condemn Hamas, and side with Israel for ONCE.

Not that you ever will, though. Because the truth is that anything which furthers Islam's cause is fine with you.

11-18-2012, 01:52 PM
^^^, Really? How much are you willing to wager on that? The attackers are going up against God not just the Israelis. That is what has defeated their sorry asses everytime before. :laugh:--Tyr

Tyr. We all know, very well. After many weeks of the unconditional support, and attempts at hiding jafar's personal love for Hamas. How he is purposely siding with the Palestinian's whom he claims...endlessly...how they are just fighting to get their own land back.

It has been their constant, false cry. And if jafar said anything else Honestly, that appeared to be fair in recognizing Israel's right to defend themselves. He would be singled out like an enemy of Hamas who has brainwashed him, and many others to always TOW the Hamas line...or they face retribution from their own Hate Filled Neighbors within Palestine.

jafar cannot come here to do anything but...perpetuate the hatred, and the lies. That is the COWARDICE they must demonstrate, while pretending to be something else here to appease.

jafar. In my opinion. Is nothing more than a PAWN of his own making.

11-18-2012, 07:35 PM
An Israeli airstrike killed another top Hamas scumbag today, but it also resulted in the building coming down and killing at least 11 people. Of course the "propaganda" will be that Israel killed innocents but little to no mention of Hamas hiding behind civilians or placing their weapons in with civilians. And the "funny" part is that NOW people want to mention innocent people getting killed - how come the other side never wants to say anything at all about Hamas, which more or less ONLY targets civilian areas?

Yes, it's horrible that innocent civilians were killed. But this is what happens when you allow a terror organization to speak for you and lob rockets into Israel unprovoked - obviously Israel is then going to defend themselves and this kind of crap happens. I'm not saying these people deserved it - but WHY don't we see anyone in Palestine and their supporters condemning Hamas? They WANT Hamas, and everyone knows it. And when lead by a terrorist organization, this is the result.

The Palestinian people should be leaving any area that is occupied by Hamas and start distancing themselves from them and speaking out for them to leave. What is the odds that it will happen? What is the odds that they will just try to use propaganda to blame Israel for everything, embrace Hamas and refuse any type of acknowledgement of Israel and refuse negotiations about land?

11-18-2012, 08:02 PM
You notice the media never reports that innocent Israelis were killed by the hamas rockets. They just refer to them as Israelis. Where as, when palis are killed they are always innocent civilians. Even when they are participating in the attacks.

11-18-2012, 08:52 PM
All anyone has to do is simply take a few minutes to follow news from around the world and watch a handful of videos - and they will quickly see Israel responding to the non-stop attacks by targeting Hamas and their "government" buildings and other infrastructure. Hamas is just launching rockets in the general direction of Israel hoping they hit ANYTHING. They are not targeting government or military, just aimlessly looking to hit any city they can. That approach, Israel's "iron dome" and Israel's superiority is allowing them to kill more, which is the goal of war, after all. No one should cry about ANYONE unfortunately dying in Palestine without first condemning Hamas who is provoking all of these back and forth rockets. All was fairly quiet on the front until Hamas sent a few hundred rockets into Israel over a one week period, that's when Israel responded by taking out Jabri, and then other Hamas targets. You seek war, sometimes you get it in return.

Are you seriously complaining about the lack of accuracy between the low tech rockets Hamas has compared to the latest in ultra high tech weaponry and satellite intel that Israel has?

11-18-2012, 08:55 PM
Are you seriously complaining about the lack of accuracy between the low tech rockets Hamas has compared to the latest in ultra high tech weaponry and satellite intel that Israel has?

You can't have 'they kill civilians indiscriminately; at the same time, bad smart bombs, we don't have those.

11-18-2012, 09:09 PM
Are you seriously complaining about the lack of accuracy between the low tech rockets Hamas has compared to the latest in ultra high tech weaponry and satellite intel that Israel has?

Are you seriously using a lack of technology as a reason for Hamas to be killing civilians?

I see others that have asked you this but haven't seen a response, Jafar - Do you condemn Hamas at all as a terror organization or do you support their actions?

11-19-2012, 02:28 AM
Hamas is just responding to the siege, bombings and incursions from Israel. If they had the technology to target only Israeli troops, I'm sure they would use it.

Israel is just killing kids.

11-19-2012, 02:54 AM
Hamas is just responding to the siege, bombings and incursions from Israel. If they had the technology to target only Israeli troops, I'm sure they would use it.

Israel is just killing kids.
Hamas is responding? Please give us a timeline that includes Israel attacking gaza prior to rockets being fired. Because the information I find indicates rockets are fired at Israel in 2007 and now.
Do you think acquiring and firing rockets is going to help the children of gaza? Didn't seem to help them in 2008. Maybe this time though. :rolleyes:

red states rule
11-19-2012, 02:57 AM
Hamas is just responding to the siege, bombings and incursions from Israel. If they had the technology to target only Israeli troops, I'm sure they would use it.

Israel is just killing kids.
and they are murdering their own people

11-19-2012, 08:56 AM
Tell me again how islamists and terrorist are just a small minority. jafar is expressing how all muslims think. That's a lot of backing for that "tiny minority".

11-19-2012, 10:15 AM
Hamas is just responding to the siege, bombings and incursions from Israel. If they had the technology to target only Israeli troops, I'm sure they would use it.

Israel is just killing kids.

No, Israel is killing lots of terrorists and leaders of Hamas. Yes, civilians tend to be killed, when the bad guys hide amongst them and keep explosives in crowded areas.

11-19-2012, 12:02 PM
Hamas is just responding to the siege, bombings and incursions from Israel. If they had the technology to target only Israeli troops, I'm sure they would use it.

Israel is just killing kids.

Now that's just outright LYING. Hamas bombarded Israel for at least a week before Israel responded, and that's a fact. The entire world is watching Israel pick apart government buildings and Hamas operatives, so your lies about targeting kids is laughable.

And I see AGAIN you refuse to answer as to whether or not you condemn or support Hamas. That's now clearly answering the question, and quite frankly, despicable that you support a terror organization. I now have no doubt whatsoever if it were Al Qaeda fighting Israel you would also support them.

I have no need to communicate with someone who supports terrorism. I always thought you were "peaceful", but supporting terror is not what a peaceful person does. To the shitcan you go where you deserve.

11-19-2012, 12:58 PM
I neither support nor condemn this effing awesome attack on a Hamas cockroach. I hope he enjoys learning that he was lied to and no paradise exists for his terrorist ass.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=ae255cdee171" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-19-2012, 02:14 PM
jafar. Since your endless, defensive Lies haven't fooled anyone here about your Hatred for Israel.

The least you could do is OFFER to pay for the LITTERING that took place after that Drone successfully removed a MAGGOT from reality.

11-19-2012, 06:16 PM
No, Israel is killing lots of terrorists and leaders of Hamas. Yes, civilians tend to be killed, when the bad guys hide amongst them and keep explosives in crowded areas.

Assuming the Israeli excuse that Hamas is using human shields....

Who is worse?

The one who hides behind an innocent child, or the one who shoots the innocent child in cold blood in order to get at the guy hiding behind and reduces the child to collateral damage?

11-19-2012, 06:32 PM
Assuming the Israeli excuse that Hamas is using human shields....

Who is worse?

The one who hides behind an innocent child, or the one who shoots the innocent child in cold blood in order to get at the guy hiding behind and reduces the child to collateral damage?

That's retarded. An honest person would say that Israel is targeting the terrorists and the innocent people are killed mistakenly because the terrorists choose to hide behind civilians. Then again, most Muslims are quite dishonest, especially when speaking about Jews.

11-19-2012, 06:34 PM
Assuming the Israeli excuse that Hamas is using human shields....

Who is worse?

The one who hides behind an innocent child, or the one who shoots the innocent child in cold blood in order to get at the guy hiding behind and reduces the child to collateral damage?

The answer is that no one is targeting children, so those using human shields is the villain.

11-19-2012, 06:46 PM
Hamas Leader Dares Israel to Invade Amid Gaza Airstrikes

I can only HOPE that Israel gives these terrorist scum what they are asking for and invades and takes every single one of them out. They have NO desire for any type of peace talks, and as typical, only understand terror tactics. They need to be eliminated and then maybe others can give talks and peace a chance. If not, then they can complain in their Wheaties as Israel grows that much larger.

GAZA CITY — The top leader of Hamas dared Israel on Monday to launch a ground invasion of Gaza and dismissed diplomatic efforts to broker a cease-fire in the six-day-old conflict, as the Israeli military conducted a new wave of deadly airstrikes on the besieged Palestinian enclave, including a second hit on a 15-story building that houses media outlets. A volley of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel included one that hit a vacant school.

Speaking at a news conference in Cairo, where the diplomatic efforts were under way, the Hamas leader, Khaled Meshal, suggested that the Israeli infantry mobilization on the border with Gaza was a bluff on the part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

“If you wanted to launch it, you would have done it,” Mr. Meshal told reporters. He accused Israel of using the invasion threat as an attempt to “dictate its own terms and force us into silence.”

Rejecting Israel’s contention that Hamas had precipitated the conflict, Mr. Meshal said the burden was on the Israelis. “The demand of the people of Gaza is meeting their legimitate demands — for Israel to be restrained from its aggression, assassinations and invasions, and for the siege over Gaza to be ended,” he said.

Mr. Netanyahu met with top ministers Monday evening and Israeli media said they discussed the next steps in the Gaza conflict, including the possibility of a truce. Israeli officials declined to comment on those reports.


11-19-2012, 06:47 PM
And let me add, for the ignorant:

The Hamas Health Ministry said Monday evening that a total of 107 people had been killed since Wednesday morning, when Israeli airstrikes began, following months of Palestinian rocket fire into Israel. A spokeswoman for the Israeli military said she believed that a majority of these were militants, though it is difficult to know because Hamas’s own fighting brigade and the other factional groups are secretive.

11-19-2012, 08:23 PM
Assuming the Israeli excuse that Hamas is using human shields....

Who is worse?

The one who hides behind an innocent child, or the one who shoots the innocent child in cold blood in order to get at the guy hiding behind and reduces the child to collateral damage?

Actually, Jafar, there's another worse scenario still.

It's that of the terrorists who strap bombs on to little children, bombs set to explode, bombs which those children cannot remove, who are sent to wander around Israeli streets to kill Israelis.

Yes, Jafar, HAMAS HAS BEEN KNOWN TO DO THAT. Would you care to share with us your disgust of Palestinian terrorists who'd do that kind of thing ??


Partial quote ..

.. In one case, a severely mentally challenged young boy had a bomb strapped on him and was sent through an IDF checkpoint. He was weeping, draped in a bulky cloak to hide the explosives.

An observant soldier noticed, ordered the lad to stop where he was, and called for back up.

They actually talked to the boy, who admitted that he was a bomber. The cell phone detonator misfired, and a soldier approached the boy and disarmed the bomb. That is heroism of the first order.

We find it interesting that the men who send these bombers to murder are virtually never the ones whose friends or family are chosen for the grisly task.

Israel Today ran an article recently. Their promo said, “A recent escalation in Palestinian terror has some officials worried, though it still pales in comparison to the days of daily suicide bombings during the second Intifada. But as Israeli and foreign experts told us, the mentality and drive to commit suicide bombings remains, and the phenomenon could resurface.

Of course, these days, Jafar, they (Hamas) just prefer to send missiles instead .. unless, of course, they're ever likely to run out of them. I daresay that if they do, more children will be sent out, instead ...

Let me set you a challenge, Jafar. If the Israelis are 'so very heinous' ... OK, find me ONE example, just ONE, of Israelis stooping to the barbaric, inhuman length of sending a child suicide bomber into ANY foreign territory, ANYWHERE, EVER.

The stench of Muslim terrorism is especially odious, Jafar.

11-19-2012, 08:37 PM
Actually, Jafar, there's another worse scenario still.

It's that of the terrorists who strap bombs on to little children, bombs set to explode, bombs which those children cannot remove, who are sent to wander around Israeli streets to kill Israelis.

Yes, Jafar, HAMAS HAS BEEN KNOWN TO DO THAT. Would you care to share with us your disgust of Palestinian terrorists who'd do that kind of thing ??


That's one of the most reprehensible things I've ever read. I did some follow up searches to read more about this practice and was horrified. No point in going further though, buddy, as your lengthy posts and discussion of this activity will be labeled "propaganda" from Mossad or another Jew.

Here's more "propaganda" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_suicide_bombers_in_the_Israeli-Palestinian_conflict


11-19-2012, 08:38 PM

11-19-2012, 08:46 PM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YIBNRVgq59Y" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_X8dhrzQCHY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BoH19b1TrZo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

Here is proof of war crimes, which isn't surprising, and further proof of Hamas using civilians as shields:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/70Oqo_wmuGo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

Son of a Hamas leader - LOL :

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cHq25tnZoFs" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

A MUST see:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/peppSQC0XTA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

11-19-2012, 08:52 PM
By the way .. here's a thought.

Pro-Muslim propaganda has it that Israel has 'laid siege' to Gaza. They're prevented, so the story goes, from managing, sometimes, to get all the necessities of life they need because of it.

Here's a link to that sort of drivel ...


As an occupying power that exercises effective control over Gaza, Israel has legal obligations to the residents of the occupied territory under the Fourth Geneva Convention (http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/FULL/380?OpenDocument), including the general duty to protect civilians under its control, and the specific duty to allow adequate access to food and medical supplies. Israel's siege of Gaza, including its land and sea blockade, violates these duties of protection by denying Gazan Palestinian civilians access (http://imeu.net/news/article0019136.shtml) to adequate amounts of the most basic food and medical supplies ..

... etc ...

Now, let's consider this.

It's in Israel's interests to make sure that Hamas doesn't get rockets (as is blindingly obvious ..). This so-called 'siege' is supposed to be SO effective in blocking what Gaza can import, that not even basic supplies can get through. So we're told ...


It doesn't make sense, does it ?

But, I wonder. If, in fact, there's any truth to the claims that essential supplies aren't getting through .. yet we all know that rockets reaching Hamas DO get through ... doesn't that suggest that Hamas is blocking those supplies ITSELF, to give priority to rockets ???

Why on earth would ISRAEL want such a thing ??

I see but one way of understanding this. The so-called 'blockade' is nothing like what it's cracked up to be, and propaganda about it is JUST THAT.

11-19-2012, 08:53 PM
I've seen enough of this ilk, to not want to see more. It's deplorable.

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YIBNRVgq59Y" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_X8dhrzQCHY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BoH19b1TrZo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

Here is proof of war crimes, which isn't surprising, and further proof of Hamas using civilians as shields:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/70Oqo_wmuGo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

Son of a Hamas leader - LOL :

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cHq25tnZoFs" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

A MUST see:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/peppSQC0XTA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

11-19-2012, 09:00 PM
I've seen enough of this ilk, to not want to see more. It's deplorable.

I should have placed a disclaimer on my post, but that would be labeled propaganda as well. And quite frankly, I would say the same if I saw any Israeli's teaching this crap to kids as well, and will if it should be posted. But for as long as I have followed this stuff, it's always the Muslims that are bringing children into things. I find that very disturbing. There are kids - KIDS - in many places talking about the hatred of jews and other vulgar things. Being taught that death and martyrdom is the way to go in getting the jews. And it's not just against the Jews, even in Australia recently there was an 8yr old girl preaching about Muslim global domination and jihad and talking about how other kids should get involved. Trust me, these kids don't just learn these things from toddlers to the teenage years - they are TAUGHT this hatred.

11-19-2012, 09:06 PM
I should have placed a disclaimer on my post, but that would be labeled propaganda as well. And quite frankly, I would say the same if I saw any Israeli's teaching this crap to kids as well, and will if it should be posted. But for as long as I have followed this stuff, it's always the Muslims that are bringing children into things. I find that very disturbing. There are kids - KIDS - in many places talking about the hatred of jews and other vulgar things. Being taught that death and martyrdom is the way to go in getting the jews. And it's not just against the Jews, even in Australia recently there was an 8yr old girl preaching about Muslim global domination and jihad and talking about how other kids should get involved. Trust me, these kids don't just learn these things from toddlers to the teenage years - they are TAUGHT this hatred.

You and I both. I remember the infants being bombs. So too the mentally retarded. Hamas has no shame, nor problem finding families to give up their children.

11-19-2012, 09:22 PM
I've seen enough of this ilk, to not want to see more. It's deplorable.

Kathianne. Absolutely. As deplorable as we think it is, and know it to be. They find using this kind of propaganda handy, and useful if it is against anyone NOT MUSLIM. Yet. As we have seen over the years. These same people who are so disturbed, insulted, and angry threaten someone who created a CARTOON that was published. Even to the point of placing a BOUNTY on his head.

Double Standards for the Taliban, and Muslim Radicals are much the same...when it comes to standards, as our own Democrat party here in the USA. In fact. Their followers are nearly as radical...if you disagree with them in any way.

11-19-2012, 09:38 PM
Yeh, we can go on all day with propaganda videos from both sides.

As for the kids, they are taught to hate on both sides.

“I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy” - young Israeli kids


The answer is that no one is targeting children, so those using human shields is the villain.

Wrong. They have to target women and children to get at their target. From an early age, Israelis are taught that Arabs are more worthless than cattle. This makes it easy for them to destroy a whole apartment block with families inside in order to hit their target. It doesn't matter that a child isn't directly in your bomb sights. If you drop a bomb where there are children without any concern for them, you are still targeting the children.

11-19-2012, 09:42 PM
Yeh, we can go on all day with propaganda videos from both sides.

As for the kids, they are taught to hate on both sides.

“I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy” - young Israeli kids


Wrong. They have to target women and children to get at their target. From an early age, Israelis are taught that Arabs are more worthless than cattle. This makes it easy for them to destroy a whole apartment block with families inside in order to hit their target. It doesn't matter that a child isn't directly in your bomb sights. If you drop a bomb where there are children without any concern for them, you are still targeting the children.

jafar. You sound more like Obama every day. Using the Democrat, Leftist, Liberal tactics of Blaming others to hide your own lies, and hypocrisy....JUST DOESN'T WORK HERE.

Each time you post, and try to make more excuses to dig yourself out of your endless lies.
The more all of us are reminded...what a Liar, and False Prophet you are, and are trying to be.

11-19-2012, 09:42 PM
Yeh, we can go on all day with propaganda videos from both sides.

As for the kids, they are taught to hate on both sides.

“I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy” - young Israeli kids


Wrong. They have to target women and children to get at their target. From an early age, Israelis are taught that Arabs are more worthless than cattle. This makes it easy for them to destroy a whole apartment block with families inside in order to hit their target. It doesn't matter that a child isn't directly in your bomb sights. If you drop a bomb where there are children without any concern for them, you are still targeting the children.

They are not targeting women and children, they cannot escape that women and children will be harmed. Why? Those of Hamas putting innocents as targets. You and they wish the Israelis will fail to provide for the safety of their citizens because of this? Misjudgment.

11-19-2012, 09:49 PM
Excuses and denials, excuses and denials. As predictable as the sun rising tomorrow morning. Thing is, Muslims teach this crap EVERYWHERE. So even if it were as prevalent in Israel, which it's not, it does NOTHING to change the fact that this kind of crap is taught to children in the worst of countries all the way to places like the Muslims in the USA and Australia. It's despicable to have SO MANY of one people teaching non-stop hatred and violence as a way of life.

11-19-2012, 09:53 PM
Excuses and denials, excuses and denials. As predictable as the sun rising tomorrow morning. Thing is, Muslims teach this crap EVERYWHERE. So even if it were as prevalent in Israel, which it's not, it does NOTHING to change the fact that this kind of crap is taught to children in the worst of countries all the way to places like the Muslims in the USA and Australia. It's despicable to have SO MANY of one people teaching non-stop hatred and violence as a way of life.

jimnyc: Believe it or not. Here in Virginia. North of Richmond. There is a known Saudi School that has been challenged by Americans because it is known to be teaching ANTI-AMERICAN beliefs to children at a very young age.

They have a name for such schools which escapes me at the moment. But their teachings would be considered Treasonous to this nation, outside of the school.

Someone please help me with what those schools are called. But not even Obama, or Holder are willing to confront them.

11-19-2012, 10:34 PM
jimnyc: Believe it or not. Here in Virginia. North of Richmond. There is a known Saudi School that has been challenged by Americans because it is known to be teaching ANTI-AMERICAN beliefs to children at a very young age.

They have a name for such schools which escapes me at the moment. But their teachings would be considered Treasonous to this nation, outside of the school.

Someone please help me with what those schools are called. But not even Obama, or Holder are willing to confront them.


11-20-2012, 05:13 AM



I know it seems all boogeyman scary when you say Madrassa, but it's just the word for "school" in Arabic.

11-20-2012, 11:18 AM
A couple more awesome videos. These show Israel, unlike Hamas scum, ensuring civilians are clear before their attack. Then you get to see what is likely cockroach scum being sent off to paradise!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=77df9f8d0235" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=0d59ad8ba14f" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-20-2012, 11:21 AM
They are not targeting women and children, they cannot escape that women and children will be harmed. Why? Those of Hamas putting innocents as targets. You and they wish the Israelis will fail to provide for the safety of their citizens because of this? Misjudgment.

The terrorist supporter/sympathizer thinks Hamas should be able to lob rockets endlessly, but Israel can't return fire so long as Hamas hides like cowards behind civilians. Videos show that Israel is trying their best to solely target Hamas, but these scumbags are doing their best to mingle with innocents in order to have them killed as well. It would be a good ploy though, a one sided war with only one able to actually strike. Perhaps the only way a bunch of roaches have a chance against what Jafar and others consider the "filthy Jews".

11-20-2012, 12:18 PM
Hamas says Gaza truce agreed, Israel says no deal yet

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Hamas official said on Tuesday Egypt had brokered a Gaza ceasefire deal that would go into effect within hours, but a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "we're not there yet".

"An agreement for calm has been reached. It will be declared at 9 o'clock (1900 GMT) and go into effect at midnight (2200 GMT)," Hamas official Ayman Taha told Reuters from Cairo, where intensive efforts have been under way to end seven days of fighting.

Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev told Reuters the announcement was premature and Israeli military operations in Gaza, territory run by Hamas Islamists, would continue in parallel with diplomacy.

"We're not there yet," Regev said on CNN. "The ball's still in play."


11-20-2012, 12:23 PM
Hamas says Gaza truce agreed, Israel says no deal yet


Last I heard Israel was saying there has to be a 24 hour quiet time, before they'll agree to any deal. In the meantime, they dropped leaflets on parts of Gaza, telling the people to get out of the way.

11-20-2012, 12:33 PM
Hamas says Gaza truce agreed, Israel says no deal yet


Hmmm... must need some time to resupply. It apparently took a lot more rockets to overwhelm "Iron Dome" than they anticipated.

11-20-2012, 12:39 PM
Last I heard Israel was saying there has to be a 24 hour quiet time, before they'll agree to any deal. In the meantime, they dropped leaflets on parts of Gaza, telling the people to get out of the way.

Hmmm... must need some time to resupply. It apparently took a lot more rockets to overwhelm "Iron Dome" than they anticipated.

I doubt Hamas can go 24hrs without shooting rockets into Israel, but I suppose we'll find out soon enough. But if there is a deal to be brokered, and Hamas refuses and/or continues their barrage on Israel, the IDF should go in with full force and finally eliminate them. Israel has shown time and time again that they are willing to work on a peace deal and Hamas continually states they will never recognize Israel and nothing short of giving them all of the land will be acceptable.

11-20-2012, 02:25 PM
I know it seems all boogeyman scary when you say Madrassa, but it's just the word for "school" in Arabic.

I can't speak for what happens regarding Madrassas in the US. The UK, however, is a different matter.

Madrassas in the UK have something of a reputation for abusing the children they exist to 'educate'.

Let me offer this link for as complete a description of conduct within UK Madrassas as I've yet read ...


Undercover footage shows pupils being taught religious apartheid

Muslims who adopt Western ways will be 'tortured in afterlife'

Unprovoked beatings captured on camera in Yorkshire madrassa

Boy threatened with bench by senior student left in charge of class

It is an assembly hall of the sort found in any ordinary school. Boys aged 11 and upwards sit cross-legged on the floor in straight rows. They face the front of the room and listen carefully. But this is no ordinary assembly. Holding the children’s attention is a man in Islamic dress wearing a skullcap and stroking his long dark beard as he talks.

‘You’re not like the non-Muslims out there,’ the teacher says, gesturing towards the window. ‘All that evil you see in the streets, people not wearing the hijab properly, people smoking . . . you should hate it, you should hate walking down that street.’

He refers to the ‘non-Muslims’ as the ‘Kuffar’, an often derogatory term that means disbeliever or infidel.

Welcome to one of Britain’s most influential Islamic faith schools, one of at least 2,000 such schools in Britain, some full-time, others part-time. They represent a growing, parallel education system.

The school is the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham, an oversubscribed independent secondary school. Darul Ulooms are world-renowned Islamic institutions and their aim is to produce the next generation of Muslim leaders. In fact, these schools have been described as the ‘Etons of Islam’.

This school is required by its inspectors to teach tolerance and respect for other faiths. But the Channel 4 current affairs programme Dispatches filmed secretly inside it – and instead discovered that Muslim children are being taught religious apartheid and social segregation.

We recorded a number of speakers giving deeply disturbing talks about Jews, Christians and atheists.

We found children as young as 11 learning that Hindus have ‘no intellect’ and that they ‘drink cow p***’.

And we came across pupils being told that the ‘disbelievers’ are ‘the worst creatures’ and that Muslims who adopt supposedly non-Muslim ways, such as shaving, dancing, listening to music and – in the case of women – removing their headscarves, would be tortured with a forked iron rod in the afterlife.

In 2009 this school was praised by Government-approved inspection teams for its interfaith teachings. The report said that ‘pupils learn about the beliefs and practices of other faiths and are taught to show respect to other world religions’.

It seems that the inspectors were unaware of the teaching methods revealed by our undercover reporter, Osman. He was taken on as a volunteer at the Darul Uloom school in Birmingham in April 2009 and was allowed to sit in on some lessons – but not their Islamic classes.

So, in July last year, he went into one of the rooms where we’d heard they taught Islamic studies and left a secret camera to record the lessons.

Filming intermittently over a period of four months, the camera recorded children being taught a hardline, intolerant and highly anti-social version of Islam.

During the same period our reporter also attended the Markazi Jamia mosque in Keighley, West Yorkshire, after hearing of serious allegations that children were being hit at its madrassa.

Madrassas in the UK are part-time after-school or weekend classes, often held in mosques, where children are taught to read the Koran. In Keighley it is not what they are being taught that is the problem, but how.

Again, Osman went into the mosque and left the camera in the room where classes took place.

The film shows children as young as six sitting on the floor of a large room in the mosque, one of the biggest in the country.

The boys are hunched over wooden benches, rocking backwards and forwards as they rote-learn the Koran in Arabic. A man with a long white beard dressed in a traditional shalwar kameez – tunic and trousers – sits at the head of the class.

Periodically he gets up and walks behind the boys. As he passes, the children appear to cower and watch him nervously. It soon becomes clear why.

He unexpectedly raises his hand and slaps a young boy hard on the head. Moments later he strikes another. And then he kicks a third child.

In just two days of filming in December 2010, the camera recorded the teacher hitting children as young as six or seven at least ten times, in less than three hours of lessons.

From what we could see, every single blow was pretty much unprovoked. We soon realised that the beatings were routine. The behaviour of the boys, the way they flinched and backed away when he approached, indicated that they were long-accustomed to being hit and kicked as they studied.

In another incident an older boy, left in charge of a class while a teacher is out at prayer, picks up a bench and threatens to hit a younger boy with it.

During the making of this Dispatches film I have often counted my blessings. I received my Islamic education at home. My mum would read the Koran with me and most of my knowledge of Islam came from within the family. Others have not been so lucky.

Osman was subjected to beatings at four separate madrassas in the East Midlands as a child. He says that for the nine years he spent going to after-school Koran classes, he was hit regularly, at least a couple of times a week

Charming ... eh ???

Enough said, I think.

11-20-2012, 02:27 PM
^^ that's rather sick and IMO such a school should be shut down. Public or private, no child should be brainwashed in such a manner. We don't allow for child abuse at home, it shouldn't be allowed in schools either.

11-20-2012, 02:39 PM
^^ that's rather sick and IMO such a school should be shut down. Public or private, no child should be brainwashed in such a manner. We don't allow for child abuse at home, it shouldn't be allowed in schools either.

I obviously agree.

My understanding is that such conduct in UK Madrassas is widespread. And, for the sake of being seen to be 'politically correct', the authorities often turn a blind eye to such goings-on. Certainly, if they were doing their jobs, either the schools would be shut down or teams would go in and reform them.

But then .. Madrassas are outside the State system, so doubtless this too might pose jurisdictional problems.

Most likely .. as I say, IF our authorities were doing their jobs .. they could tackle this by launching prosecutions of child abuse. But, they're probably too afraid of the 'racist' tag being applied, or of being seen to be too intolerant of other cultures, if they tried it.

11-20-2012, 02:45 PM

Thank you Kathianne. And, in an informal reply to jafar. That word is a code word that hides the intent of such schools where the children are taught to HATE AMERICA, AMERICANS, and WESTERNERS who are identified...to those children...as the Enemy.

Guess jafar advocates such INTERNAL enemy actions from Within. Much like I suspect he does in Australia...safe from the U.S. Government, and the Constitution jafar would cling to if here, but otherwise despises.

11-20-2012, 06:19 PM
Last I heard Israel was saying there has to be a 24 hour quiet time, before they'll agree to any deal. In the meantime, they dropped leaflets on parts of Gaza, telling the people to get out of the way.

When you consider that Gaza is one of most densely populated places in the world, where do you suggest to go to people who have nothing and nowhere to go?

11-20-2012, 06:32 PM
When you consider that Gaza is one of most densely populated places in the world, where do you suggest to go to people who have nothing and nowhere to go?
Well if they have nothing, like no rockets, mortars or firearms, they could go to Egypt-- Its very Muslim friendly there, but you cant bring weapons. Might explain why so many stay in Gaza. Although, I wouldn't consider Egypt nowhere-- I'll assume you misspoke, otherwise you have begged the question.

11-20-2012, 06:53 PM
When you consider that Gaza is one of most densely populated places in the world, where do you suggest to go to people who have nothing and nowhere to go?

How about they just tell Hamas to get lost as they are placing their lives at risk? Imagine that idea!

11-20-2012, 10:53 PM
Well if they have nothing, like no rockets, mortars or firearms, they could go to Egypt-- Its very Muslim friendly there, but you cant bring weapons. Might explain why so many stay in Gaza. Although, I wouldn't consider Egypt nowhere-- I'll assume you misspoke, otherwise you have begged the question.

Considering the borders are closed while the bombing is going on, that idea poses a problem.

11-21-2012, 07:33 AM
When you consider that Gaza is one of most densely populated places in the world, where do you suggest to go to people who have nothing and nowhere to go?

Singapore (of which you've recently sung praises) and Hong Kong seem to do much more with even higher densities. What policies of economic freedom does Hamas support?

11-21-2012, 07:34 AM
Considering the borders are closed while the bombing is going on, that idea poses a problem.

Kind of a chicken or egg thing going on there huh?

11-21-2012, 09:51 AM
Spoiler - Both sides are in the wrong, and responsible for needless death and misery.

11-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Spoiler - Both sides are in the wrong, and responsible for needless death and misery.

Wrong again.

11-21-2012, 10:38 AM
Cease fire, less than a day, the scummy terrorists known as Hamas strike already...

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A bomb exploded on a bus in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, potentially complicating efforts by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to pursue an elusive truce between Israel and Hamas, as Israeli air strikes shook the Gaza Strip.

After talks in Ramallah with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Clinton held a second meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before travelling to Egypt for discussions with President Mohamed Mursi, whose country is the main broker in efforts to end eight days of fighting.

In Tel Aviv, targeted by rockets from Gaza that either did not hit the city or were shot down by Israel's Iron Dome interceptor system, 15 people were wounded when a commuter bus was blown up near the Defence Ministry and military headquarters.

Israel and the United States branded it a terrorist attack, and a White House statement reaffirmed Washington's "unshakeable commitment to Israel's security".

The explosion, which police said was caused by a bomb placed on the vehicle, touched off celebratory gunfire from militants in Gaza and threatened to complicate truce efforts. It was the first serious bombing in Israel's commercial capital since 2006


11-21-2012, 10:38 AM
Wrong again.

Keeping my hot-streak going ^,^

11-21-2012, 02:13 PM
Spoiler - Both sides are in the wrong, and responsible for needless death and misery.

Hamas has wanted the death of Israel since long before it started ruling Gaza. It's recognised as a terrorist organisation. And it's turned Gaza into a terrorist State, using whatever resources and other opportunities it can latch on to, to further its acts of death and destruction. So yes, they are in the wrong.

As for Israel, Israel hasn't wanted much since its creation in 1948. To survive, to thrive, to live in peace. Hamas, and a great many Muslims beyond Hamas, would regard that as Israel 'being in the wrong'.

.. Do you ?

In these particular ways, Noir, your statement can be reconciled with reality.

A murderous aggressor is in the wrong for being such, and for making good on its savagery.

Their victims are in the wrong for 'naughtily' defending themselves, particularly so when they're effective in what they do.

Why don't they just passively sit around, waiting for Iran to get some nukes, then make good on their 'temerity' in wanting to exist, by letting Iran cure them of their existence ?

What say you, Noir ?

11-21-2012, 02:16 PM
Hamas 'blesses' terror attack on Tel Aviv bus

Hamas praised the terrorist bombing of a bus in Tel Aviv Wednesday afternoon, but stopped short of claiming responsibility.

"Hamas blesses the attack in Tel Aviv and sees it as a natural response to the Israeli massacres...in Gaza," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters. "Palestinian factions will resort to all means in order to protect our Palestinian civilians in the absence of a world effort to stop the Israeli aggression."

On Twitter, Hamas's armed wing posted: "We told you #IDF that our blessed hands will reach your leaders and soldiers wherever they are, 'You opened the Gates of Hell on Yourselves.'"

Sweet cakes were handed out in celebration in Gaza's main hospital, which has been inundated with wounded from IAF strikes as part of Operation Pillar of Defense. Celebratory gunfire reportedly rang out as news of the attack spread throughout the Strip.


Hamas TV After Tel Aviv Bus Bomb: "God Willing, We Will Soon See Black Body Bags"
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UH-IINhvQvI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11-21-2012, 02:18 PM
Hamas 'blesses' terror attack on Tel Aviv bus


Hamas TV After Tel Aviv Bus Bomb: "God Willing, We Will Soon See Black Body Bags"

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UH-IINhvQvI" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

But now Peace has broken out all over the ME!

11-21-2012, 07:27 PM
Singapore (of which you've recently sung praises) and Hong Kong seem to do much more with even higher densities. What policies of economic freedom does Hamas support?

Again there is the problem of the blockade. Gaza is a hard place to get out of.

Hamas TV After Tel Aviv Bus Bomb: "God Willing, We Will Soon See Black Body Bags"

One side hates the other side in war? Whodathunkit?

11-21-2012, 08:03 PM
Again there is the problem of the blockade. Gaza is a hard place to get out of.

One side hates the other side in war? Whodathunkit?

Another of those cowardly methods used by jafar to avoid being forced into using personal responsibility, which might expose the lack of courage.

11-21-2012, 08:36 PM
One side hates the other side in war? Whodathunkit?

One side blows up innocent people in buses - aka - TERRORISM - you know, Hamas, the people YOU support.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2012, 08:41 PM
One side blows up innocent people in buses - aka - TERRORISM - you know, Hamas, the people YOU support.

A crying shame that he missed that Jim...;)--Tyr

11-21-2012, 08:47 PM
A crying shame that he missed that Jim...;)--Tyr

He didn't miss it, in his twisted world, he see what they did as a part of war, or because they are jailed in, or subjugated... but if Israel does anything at all in response to their deeds, THAT'S terrorism. He IS full of propaganda and it's extremely sad to see someone I thought was peaceful and reasonable actually turn out to be a jew hating terrorist supporter. On CANNOT be peaceful and reasonable if they support and condone terrorism, oh, and wife beating. Of course one CAN do so if they deny it though.

11-21-2012, 10:15 PM
One side blows up innocent people in buses - aka - TERRORISM - you know, Hamas, the people YOU support.

And the other blows up buses from afar with drones, aircraft or artillery.

In the end, there is little difference when a bus full of people goes bang and gets turned into "pink mist lol"

11-21-2012, 10:48 PM
And the other blows up buses from afar with drones, aircraft or artillery.

In the end, there is little difference when a bus full of people goes bang and gets turned into "pink mist lol"

Hamas targets buses with innocents, and admits to it, and laughs and celebrates it. Israel DOES NOT target civilians and doesn't sit back and celebrate and hand out sweets when innocents are killed.

11-21-2012, 11:57 PM
Again there is the problem of the blockade. Gaza is a hard place to get out of.

One side hates the other side in war? Whodathunkit?

Jafar... the BLOCKADE is LEGAL as defined in the Declaration/Treaty of Paris 1856 in respect to Maritime Law...

The Major points were: (and are still binding today)

Privateering is, and remains, abolished;
The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war;
Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag;
Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

Your argument holds no water.... The Blockade is legal... As signed by Aali (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmed_Emin_Aali_Pasha) and Mehemmed-Djemil (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mehemmed_Djemil_Bey&action=edit&redlink=1) for the Ottoman Empire for which Egypt was also a Signatory... as was Palestine...

Learn your history Jafar... you continue to let Rhetoric rule your arguments.... hence I easily pick you apart with facts.

11-22-2012, 05:30 AM
Again there is the problem of the blockade. Gaza is a hard place to get out of.

From whence did the blockade originate? Again, what policies of economic freedom does Hamas support?

11-22-2012, 06:42 AM
Considering the borders are closed while the bombing is going on, that idea poses a problem.
And the tunnels, the one's used as conduits for arms smuggling, they're closed too? bummer.
I hear talk of a cease-fire...gazanians, err gazans WTF ever they're called...palestinians, they're willing to move if borders open?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-22-2012, 10:48 AM
And the tunnels, the one's used as conduits for arms smuggling, they're closed too? bummer.
I hear talk of a cease-fire...gazanians, err gazans WTF ever they're called...palestinians, they're willing to move if borders open?

Israeli air strikes closed most of the smuggling tunnels, they can not adequately resupply thier munitions. Thats why they are agreeing to a cease fire, likely most of thier munitions are used up! Israel should invade gaza and kill them all= Hamas that is
Israel is making a mistake agreeing to a ceasefire, they should invade to destroy the enemy.
What we see now is the "Indians" agreeing to let Custer have a ceasefire to rearm and resupply, its folly and stupidity and has been done before because the Jews truly want peace, the other party truly wants every Jew dead" ! THATS THE TRUE GIST OF IT ALL.. ISRAEL SHOULD NEVER GIVE BACK ANY LAND! Doing so serves absolutely no purpose as history clearly shows!-Tyr

11-22-2012, 02:08 PM
Jafar... the BLOCKADE is LEGAL as defined in the Declaration/Treaty of Paris 1856 in respect to Maritime Law...

The Major points were: (and are still binding today)

Privateering is, and remains, abolished;
The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war;
Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag;
Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

Your argument holds no water.... The Blockade is legal... As signed by Aali (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmed_Emin_Aali_Pasha) and Mehemmed-Djemil (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mehemmed_Djemil_Bey&action=edit&redlink=1) for the Ottoman Empire for which Egypt was also a Signatory... as was Palestine...

Learn your history Jafar... you continue to let Rhetoric rule your arguments.... hence I easily pick you apart with facts.

No. The blockade is illegal and inhumane. Besides, your post deals with the blockade from the sea and doesn't deal with the land blockade.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has described Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as a violation of the Geneva Conventions and called on the Israeli government to lift it. (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2010/06/201061452646659588.html)
In (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2010/06/201061452646659588.html)a statement released on Monday (http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/palestine-update-140610), the organisation called the blockade "collective punishment", a crime under international law. It described Gaza as a territory plagued by frequent power cuts, a ruined economy, and a collapsed health care system. (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2010/06/201061452646659588.html)

Israeli air strikes closed most of the smuggling tunnels, they can not adequately resupply thier munitions. Thats why they are agreeing to a cease fire, likely most of thier munitions are used up! Israel should invade gaza and kill them all= Hamas that is
Israel is making a mistake agreeing to a ceasefire, they should invade to destroy the enemy.
What we see now is the "Indians" agreeing to let Custer have a ceasefire to rearm and resupply, its folly and stupidity and has been done before because the Jews truly want peace, the other party truly wants every Jew dead" ! THATS THE TRUE GIST OF IT ALL.. ISRAEL SHOULD NEVER GIVE BACK ANY LAND! Doing so serves absolutely no purpose as history clearly shows!-Tyr

Sieg Heil Tyr. Your mentor the Fuhrer would be proud.

11-22-2012, 02:19 PM
No. The blockade is illegal and inhumane. Besides, your post deals with the blockade from the sea and doesn't deal with the land blockade.

Sieg Heil Tyr. Your mentor the Fuhrer would be proud.

Thanks Denial. Yes. I said Denial instead of using jafar. Thanks for proving ALL OF MY PREVIOUS POSTS were Exactly right in my identification of you, and your methods here.

Must really bother you to say those words to Tyr, when it feels so much more comfortable saying it to the leaders of HAMAS.

11-22-2012, 02:37 PM
Sieg Heil Tyr. Your mentor the Fuhrer would be proud.

Coming from the "man" who supports beating of women, hatred of Jews and supports terrorism.

11-22-2012, 03:05 PM
Israeli air strikes closed most of the smuggling tunnels, they can not adequately resupply thier munitions. Thats why they are agreeing to a cease fire, likely most of thier munitions are used up! Israel should invade gaza and kill them all= Hamas that is
Israel is making a mistake agreeing to a ceasefire, they should invade to destroy the enemy.
What we see now is the "Indians" agreeing to let Custer have a ceasefire to rearm and resupply, its folly and stupidity and has been done before because the Jews truly want peace, the other party truly wants every Jew dead" ! THATS THE TRUE GIST OF IT ALL.. ISRAEL SHOULD NEVER GIVE BACK ANY LAND! Doing so serves absolutely no purpose as history clearly shows!-Tyr

I'm not one for advocating massacres of peoples .. but then again, do we have the slightest reason for thinking that Hamas, and its enablers, seek anything else ? Given the chance, this is what they live and breathe to inflict !! Even when Hamas were supposedly dedicating themselves to negotiating a ceasefire, STILL, when that bus was bombed in Tel Aviv, Gazans CHEERED the DEATHS OF INNOCENTS IN ISRAEL.

Those like Jafar lament the restrictive measures Israel applies to Gaza. BUT, this is a Terrorist State, made such by its population choosing to permit TERRORISTS to run it !!! So ... any relaxation of controls means that terrorists gain from it. It's a sort of extreme version of removing all the guards from a maximum security jail, and inviting the inmates to come and go exactly as they please (with the exception that those inmates wouldn't be planning to attack neighbouring countries with rockets !!!).

Tyr is right. This ceasefire will mean that the lull in fighting gives Hamas a chance to rearm .. again. They've done this before, they'll do it again. Ultimately, thanks to this, many more will die who'd otherwise not have died. Hamas won't stop, not out of choice. They have to be so comprehensively beaten that they CANNOT KILL AGAIN.

I respect Israel's great regard for minimising further casualties. But I think the ceasefire, as it is, is a mistake. It's come way too soon, and at a time when Hamas is a far from defeated enemy.

11-22-2012, 03:18 PM
Should this be surprising to anyone? Muslim Brotherhood - terrorist cockroaches. They, and Hamas, and pretty much all Muslims, don't want peace with Israel, they want Israel to be eliminated. What was the motto again? "No Peace, No Negotiations, No Recognition".

Egypt Brotherhood leader blasts peace with Israel

CAIRO (AP) -- The top leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood denounced peace efforts with Israel and urged holy war to liberate Palestinian territories on Thursday - one day after the country's president, who hails from the movement, mediated a cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians to end eight days of fierce fighting.


11-22-2012, 03:27 PM
Goes hand-in-hand with this:


Egypt's Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers<cite id="yui_3_5_1_23_1353615911729_258" class="byline vcard">By HAMZA HENDAWI | Associated Press – <abbr id="yui_3_5_1_23_1353615911729_257" class="updated" title="2012-11-22T18:28:49Z">1 hr 56 mins ago

</abbr></cite>CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year's uprising.

Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from any possible court decisions to dissolve it, a threat that had been hanging over the controversial assembly.

Liberal and Christian members withdrew from the assembly during the past week to protest what they say is the hijacking of the process by Morsi's allies, who they saw are trying to push through a document that will have an Islamist slant marginalizing women and minority Christians and infringing on personal liberties. Several courts have been looking into cases demanding the dissolution of the panel.

The Egyptian leader also decreed that all decisions he has made since taking office in June and until a new constitution is adopted and a new parliament is elected — which is not expected before next spring — are not subject to appeal in court or by any other authority. He also barred any court from dissolving the Islamist-led upper house of parliament, a largely toothless body that has also faced court cases.

The moves effectively remove any oversight on Morsi, the longtime Muslim Brotherhood figure who became Egypt's first freely elected president last summer after the Feb. 11, 2011 fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak. They come as Morsi is riding high on lavish praise from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for mediating an end to eight days of fighting between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers.

Morsi not only holds executive power, he also has legislative authority after a previous court ruling just before he took office on June 30 dissolved the powerful lower house of parliament, which was led by the Brotherhood. With two branches of power in his hands, Morsi has had repeated frictions with the third, the judiciary, over recent months.

"Morsi today usurped all state powers & appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh," pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account. "A major blow to the revolution that could have dire consequences."


<cite id="yui_3_5_1_23_1353615911729_258" class="byline vcard"><abbr id="yui_3_5_1_23_1353615911729_257" class="updated" title="2012-11-22T18:28:49Z">

11-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Should this be surprising to anyone? Muslim Brotherhood - terrorist cockroaches. They, and Hamas, and pretty much all Muslims, don't want peace with Israel, they want Israel to be eliminated. What was the motto again? "No Peace, No Negotiations, No Recognition".

Egypt Brotherhood leader blasts peace with Israel


Admittedly I haven't checked yet (and I'll sign off from here to see what they ARE saying on this, on our domestic news channel ..) ... but if I know the BBC, this'll be another piece of news they will have no interest in broadcasting. The BBC's coverage of 'Arab Spring' related stories has been very much of a 'the rebels fighting just want freedom from oppressors' line, and news that casts their Muslim views and outlooks in a bad light just gets suppressed.

Even though they stationed reporters in both Israel and Gaza, the BBC's coverage has been uniformly of a line that emphasises the 'terrible tolls' suffered by the 'poor Gazans'. Jafar would've been proud of their output ...

11-22-2012, 05:07 PM
Gotta love when a government or politician grants themselves powers above any oversight. This is why I started in about the Brotherhood the day Muburak was out. They are trying to make themselves untouchable and any decision they make unquestionable. This is how dictatorship starts.

11-22-2012, 05:13 PM
Sieg Heil Tyr. Your mentor the Fuhrer would be proud.

Actually... Adolf Hitler was the Mentor of the GRAND MUFTI of JERUSALEM... Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini who was actually called THE FUERHERS MUFTI.

He collaboratted with the NAZI's and Formed Islamic SS-Divisions

He sent 5000 Jewish Children to their Deaths in the camps of Eastern Europe.

He was the Uncle of Yasser Arafat

He was a NAZI and a Friend of Hitler...

I'd say Palestinians to this day carry on their brand of NAZI Philosophy taught to them by Hitler himself!

Hitler was the mentor of the PLO..

Your lack of historical knowledge is amazing... personally I think you ignore it and deny it when confronted with it because you'd rather spout Rhetoric instead of fact...

because the facts are squarely against you...4066

11-22-2012, 05:14 PM
Gotta love when a government or politician grants themselves powers above any oversight. This is why I started in about the Brotherhood the day Muburak was out. They are trying to make themselves untouchable and any decision they make unquestionable. This is how dictatorship starts.

I think Obama is doing the ilk, with executive orders. Effectively doing away with Congress. Since there's no protest, he carries on.

11-22-2012, 07:20 PM
It appears they caught the cockroach terrorist who tried to kill a busload of Israeli's. No surprise he's an Arab and connected to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli authorities arrested an Arab Israeli on Thursday on accusations he planted a bomb on a bus in Tel Aviv that wounded 27 people and threatened to sabotage efforts to broker a cease-fire to end the fighting in Gaza, police said.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the man, from the village of Taybeh in Israel, was connected to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad militant groups.

A Palestinian militant cell based in the West Bank village of Beit Lakiya sent the man to put a bomb connected to a mobile phone on the Tel Aviv bus Wednesday, Rosenfeld said.

After he planted the bomb, the man, who police declined to identify, left the bus and called his handlers, who remotely detonated the explosive by calling the phone, he said.


11-22-2012, 08:15 PM
It appears they caught the cockroach terrorist who tried to kill a busload of Israeli's. No surprise he's an Arab and connected to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


jimnyc. I hope you do realize. You just offended every Cockroach by associating them with the terrorist, Hamas sponsored, and praised for the Jihad.

11-22-2012, 09:22 PM
Admittedly I haven't checked yet (and I'll sign off from here to see what they ARE saying on this, on our domestic news channel ..) ... but if I know the BBC, this'll be another piece of news they will have no interest in broadcasting. The BBC's coverage of 'Arab Spring' related stories has been very much of a 'the rebels fighting just want freedom from oppressors' line, and news that casts their Muslim views and outlooks in a bad light just gets suppressed.

Even though they stationed reporters in both Israel and Gaza, the BBC's coverage has been uniformly of a line that emphasises the 'terrible tolls' suffered by the 'poor Gazans'. Jafar would've been proud of their output ...

I was right. The BBC haven't broadcast the story. Hardly surprising .. to do so would've been too politically incorrect .. the British public must never be exposed to the true nature of Muslim hatreds, you see ...

But to give them their due .. and again, though their news broadcast didn't include THIS, either .. at least their website does ...


Egypt's President Mohammed Mursi has issued a declaration banning challenges to his decrees, laws and decisions.

The declaration also says no court can dissolve the constituent assembly, which is drawing up a new constitution.

President Mursi also sacked the chief prosecutor and ordered the retrial of people accused of attacking protesters when ex-President Mubarak held office.

Egyptian opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei accused Mr Mursi of acting like a "new pharaoh".

In a joint news conference held late on Thursday, Mr ElBaradai and other opposition figures described the declaration as a "coup against legitimacy" and called on Egyptians to take to the streets in protest.

The president may feel he has gained power through his role as international mediator in the Gaza conflict, but his latest announcement is likely to cause new struggles inside Egypt, the BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo reports.

Thousands of protesters have returned to the streets around Cairo's Tahrir Square over the past week, demanding political reforms and the prosecution of security officials blamed for killing demonstrators last year.

Many feel that Egypt is missing political guidance, our correspondent says, and the appointment of a new prosecutor could be seen as an attempt by Mr Mursi to quell the protesters' dissatisfaction.

But judges will view the decree as an attack on the courts' independence, our correspondent adds.

The BBC, in their 10PM news broadcast on BBC-1, did comment on the Gaza-Israel ceasefire. As they put it, Israelis are unhappy with it, feeling insecure at the outcome. They then talked about Hamas and Gaza citizens celebrating their 'survival' ...

... nice spin, eh, designed to suggest that Israel was threatening them with a wholesale massacre ...

11-22-2012, 09:26 PM
Goes hand-in-hand with this:


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

11-22-2012, 09:31 PM
I was right. The BBC haven't broadcast the story. Hardly surprising .. to do so would've been too politically incorrect .. the British public must never be exposed to the true nature of Muslim hatreds, you see ...

But to give them their due .. and again, though their news broadcast didn't include THIS, either .. at least their website does ...


The BBC, in their 10PM news broadcast on BBC-1, did comment on the Gaza-Israel ceasefire. As they put it, Israelis are unhappy with it, feeling insecure at the outcome. They then talked about Hamas and Gaza citizens celebrating their 'survival' ...

... nice spin, eh, designed to suggest that Israel was threatening them with a wholesale massacre ...

Drummond. In effect. What the BBC isn't broadcasting is that Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood...are not willing to admit, or concede that they are just FOLLOWING THE OBAMA rule.
Which is: Pretend you want Peace with Israel, but always carry a large enough knife...behind your back to Betray, and Kill, while pretending to CARE.

11-22-2012, 09:47 PM
Drummond. In effect. What the BBC isn't broadcasting is that Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood...are not willing to admit, or concede that they are just FOLLOWING THE OBAMA rule.
Which is: Pretend you want Peace with Israel, but always carry a large enough knife...behind your back to Betray, and Kill, while pretending to CARE.

True enough ...

To the BBC, though, it's simpler. Their spin has it that Gaza is an overpopulated prison, with Israel as their jailers, overly mighty oppressors who are picking on poor, semi-'defenseless' people with reason to feel a grudge. To read between the lines, you'd get the message that Israel is a modern-day Nazi Germany.

Oh, they do report rocket strikes on Israeli cities. But these are invariably 'balanced' up with reports of far greater, supposed hardship on the Gazan side. But then .. as this very forum has shown, some of their footage shows Gazans faking their injuries.

The BBC has never admitted that any of that footage contained questionable scenes. Indeed ... one of their reporters, as I've posted here very recently, was caught 'Twittering' a picture of a so-called Gazan attack victim, wounded .. when that image really came from SYRIA. It turned out that the reporter happily accepted material from a Palestinian activist and ran with it, expressing sympathy for the victim in the process.

Goes to show what dodgy sources the BBC is pleased to rely on ... and from which side ...

11-22-2012, 09:59 PM
True enough ...

To the BBC, though, it's simpler. Their spin has it that Gaza is an overpopulated prison, with Israel as their jailers, overly mighty oppressors who are picking on poor, semi-'defenseless' people with reason to feel a grudge. To read between the lines, you'd get the message that Israel is a modern-day Nazi Germany.

Oh, they do report rocket strikes on Israeli cities. But these are invariably 'balanced' up with reports of far greater, supposed hardship on the Gazan side. But then .. as this very forum has shown, some of their footage shows Gazans faking their injuries.

The BBC has never admitted that any of that footage contained questionable scenes. Indeed ... one of their reporters, as I've posted here very recently, was caught 'Twittering' a picture of a so-called Gazan attack victim, wounded .. when that image really came from SYRIA. It turned out that the reporter happily accepted material from a Palestinian activist and ran with it, expressing sympathy for the victim in the process.

Goes to show what dodgy sources the BBC is pleased to rely on ... and from which side ...

Drummond. Have you also noticed how the NON-PARTISAN BBC never refers to your Proxy Churchill Wannabe...OBAMA???

In fact. Obama can't make up his mind WHICH Address he'd find easier to remember. 10 Downing, or 1600 Pennsylvania.

11-22-2012, 10:13 PM
Drummond. Have you also noticed how the NON-PARTISAN BBC never refers to your Proxy Churchill Wannabe...OBAMA???

In fact. Obama can't make up his mind WHICH Address he'd find easier to remember. 10 Downing, or 1600 Pennsylvania.

To him, they're probably much the same - after all, Obama is one of those Lefties yearning for globalisation and a World Order, where America was relegated to a subordinate entity within it, possessing very little power, or even identity.

Still .. Obama might like Downing Street. In England, you're never too far from a mosque these days ... and our NHS would be something he'd feel at home with, complete with its waiting lists and world-breaking MRSA and C-difficile infection rates ...

11-22-2012, 11:17 PM
Should this be surprising to anyone? Muslim Brotherhood - terrorist cockroaches. They, and Hamas, and pretty much all Muslims, don't want peace with Israel, they want Israel to be eliminated. What was the motto again? "No Peace, No Negotiations, No Recognition". Egypt Brotherhood leader blasts peace with Israel http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_EGYPT_GAZA?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&

CTIME=2012-11-22-09-34-08 (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_EGYPT_GAZA?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-11-22-09-34-08)
Goes hand-in-hand with this: http://news.yahoo.com/egypts-morsi-grants-himself-far-reaching-powers-162850563.html

From David Horowitz's site, Front page. The same guy who had hosted the Bill Whittle video many f you liked:


Obama Legitimizes Morsi’s Protection Racket November 22, 2012 By David Goldman


Anyone that misses the danger here, has to be brain dead.

11-23-2012, 02:21 AM

I don't think he has any attention of running, indeed those that have read my posts for many years, should recognize him as the author of Eject!Eject!Eject! that I cited for years on the old site.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-23-2012, 09:25 AM
No. The blockade is illegal and inhumane. Besides, your post deals with the blockade from the sea and doesn't deal with the land blockade.

Sieg Heil Tyr. Your mentor the Fuhrer would be proud.

Hamas is Israel's enemy and is terrorist to boot. Does not the Koran teach to slay your enemies?
Any true principle given from God(Allah) applies equally to all, right?
Yet you call me a Nazi for simply restating whats taught in the Koran. Although I never put forth murdering innocent women and children as the Nazi's(Fuhrer) did. Here is a BIG hint dude, innocent women and children are not firing those rockets into Israel with the deliberate purpose of killing innocent women and children!!
Get a clue..---Tyr

11-23-2012, 11:51 AM
Who'd have thought?


Latest update: 23/11/2012
- demonstrations (http://www.france24.com/en/category/tags-pour-les-articles/demonstrations) - Egypt (http://www.france24.com/en/category/tags-pour-les-articles/egypt) - Mohammed Morsi (http://www.france24.com/en/category/tags-th%C3%A9matiques/mohammed-morsi) - Muslim Brotherhood (http://www.france24.com/en/category/tags-th%C3%A9matiques/muslim-brotherhood) - politics (http://www.france24.com/en/category/tags-thematiques/politics)
Muslim Brotherhood offices torched, Morsi on defensive
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi defended his latest decree granting himself sweeping powers before supporters in Cairo as anti-Morsi demonstrators set fire to Muslim Brotherhood offices in cities across Egypt on Friday.
As enraged demonstrators torched Muslim Brotherhood offices in several Egyptian cities, a defiant Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi defended his recent decree granting himself sweeping powers (http://bart.france24.com/en/20121122-egypt-morsi-sweeping-final-powers-presidency-appeal)before a crowd of supporters outside the presidential palace in Cairo Friday.

"Political stability, social stability and economic stability are what I want and that is what I am working for," said Morsi. "I have always been, and still am, and will always be, God willing, with the pulse of the people, what the people want, with clear legitimacy" he said from a podium before thousands of supporters.


All eyes on Morsi’s handling of judiciary
Among Egypt’s secular opposition groups, there was mounting alarm over Morsi’s declaration that no court could dissolve the country’s Constituent Assembly, which is drawing up a new Egyptian constitution.

The rewriting of the new constitution has been a controversial issue, with most non-Islamist members quitting the Constituent Assembly – including representatives of the Coptic Christian Church and the April 6 Youth Movement, which played an influential role in the 2011 ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak.

Reacting to the announcement late Thursday, prominent Egyptian opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei accused Morsi of usurping authority and becoming a "new pharaoh" (http://www.france24.com/en/20121122-egypt-morsi-pharaoh-israel-palestinian-ceasefire-obama-clinton).

Abbey Marie
11-24-2012, 10:13 AM
People tend to get the government they deserve. Just like we Americans.

11-24-2012, 05:04 PM
People tend to get the government they deserve. Just like we Americans.

Abbey. And the sad truth about that is. Most of WE Americans have little, if any idea how much of what they deserve is coming because they were gullible enough to put Obama back into office for four, America Killing years.

11-25-2012, 04:10 PM
What a shocker! I'm sure this as well will be labeled as propaganda.

'Satellites show Iran moving quickly to rearm Hamas'

Israeli intelligence satellites have spied the loading of rockets and other materiel believed to be destined for the Gaza Strip, The Sunday Times reported citing Israeli officials.

According to the report, Iran began preparing the weapons shipment around the same time Israel and Hamas negotiated cease-fire understandings late last week.

The shipment is said to include Iranian-made Fajr-5 medium-range rockets, the same model that was fired into the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas during Operation Pillar of Defense, the Times reported.

Last month, following an air attack on a weapons plant near Khartoum, the Defense Ministry's director of policy and political-military affairs accused Sudan of acting as a transit point for weapons shipments to Gaza.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2012, 04:35 PM
What a shocker! I'm sure this as well will be labeled as propaganda.


muslims== ceasefire== time to rearm. They use everything to thier advantage. Any negotiation that they partake in is only a tactic to gain time, some advantage or satisfy some need that they have.
To them it would be dishonorable to be honorable in any way to Allah's enemies.. What still amazes me is that so many fail to see that they are completely dishonorable people!--Tyr

11-25-2012, 05:00 PM
muslims== ceasefire== time to rearm.

Israelis==ceasefire== time for more freebies from the US

11-25-2012, 05:48 PM
Israelis==ceasefire== time for more freebies from the US

It wasn't Israel calling for the cease fire though, right? Seriously, you've got to get a better script.

11-25-2012, 05:49 PM
Israelis==ceasefire== time for more freebies from the US

jafar. When will you finally get the courage. Or GROW A PAIR enough to just come out and admit "YOU HATE AMERICANS and ISRAEL"?

11-25-2012, 06:02 PM
Israelis==ceasefire== time for more freebies from the US

What does "freebies" have to do with war and a cease fire? Is that really the best you have?

11-25-2012, 06:28 PM
What does "freebies" have to do with war and a cease fire? Is that really the best you have?

Only justification he has.

11-25-2012, 06:36 PM
Only justification he has.

But the typical thing is, as usual he ignores the topic and immediately zones in on HIS enemy. It's reminiscent of the liberals when they ignore everything negative about Obama and bring up things from 10 years ago instead of debating what Obama has done.

The point here is the proof that Iran is involved and that Hamas is still preparing to commit terror attacks even though the cease fire is merely days old. Let's all keep a keen eye on the news and see who starts it this time. I suppose it won't matter though, as "some" will blame Israel no matter what happens next.

11-25-2012, 06:50 PM
But the typical thing is, as usual he ignores the topic and immediately zones in on HIS enemy. It's reminiscent of the liberals when they ignore everything negative about Obama and bring up things from 10 years ago instead of debating what Obama has done.

The point here is the proof that Iran is involved and that Hamas is still preparing to commit terror attacks even though the cease fire is merely days old. Let's all keep a keen eye on the news and see who starts it this time. I suppose it won't matter though, as "some" will blame Israel no matter what happens next.

You really think he's going to admit to that logic? Nope, he'll keep on trying to find equivalencies.