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11-16-2012, 08:55 AM
Hostess strike leads to company liquidation


I fail to inderstand how union leaders/members could possibly believe that driving a company out of business is a good thing. I suppose that with Obama's re-election, actual jobs are not really necessary anymore.

11-16-2012, 10:26 AM
Hostess strike leads to company liquidation


I fail to inderstand how union leaders/members could possibly believe that driving a company out of business is a good thing. I suppose that with Obama's re-election, actual jobs are not really necessary anymore.

No, see, they'll all be eligible for government unemployment funds, all 18,500 of them --- so that's all right, right?

Terrible that this awful union closed the company, not just because of the jobs, but because Twinkies was an iconic American brand, whatever individuals thought of the food. It was a mainstay of writers characterizations.

Very sad. I hate unions.

11-16-2012, 10:29 AM
No, see, they'll all be eligible for government unemployment funds, all 18,500 of them --- so that's all right, right?

Terrible that this awful union closed the company, not just because of the jobs, but because Twinkies was an iconic American brand, whatever individuals thought of the food. It was a mainstay of writers characterizations.

Very sad. I hate unions.

I understand that there are some who think that unemployment funds is better than actually having a job that provides a paycheck; thus my comment:

"I suppose that with Obama's re-election, actual jobs are not really necessary anymore."

11-16-2012, 10:33 AM
I understand that there are some who think that unemployment funds is better than actually having a job that provides a paycheck; thus my comment:

"I suppose that with Obama's re-election, actual jobs are not really necessary anymore."

Yes, I recognized you were being sarcastic, hence my comment, sorry if it wasn't clear. I agree with you.

11-16-2012, 11:25 AM
Notice when the union is at fault, or there's no real ability to blame conservatives for this, you don't see the board liberals in the discussion?

The Board of Directors authorized the wind down of Hostess Brands to preserve and maximize the value of the estate after one of the company's largest unions, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, initiated a nationwide strike that Hostess says crippled the company's ability to produce and deliver products at multiple facilities.

On Monday, Hostess Brands permanently closed three plants as a result of the work stoppage. On Wednesday, the company announced it would be forced to liquidate if sufficient employees did not return to work to restore normal operations by 4 p.m., CST.
The BCTGM in September rejected a what Hostess called its " last, best and final offer."

"Hostess Brands is unprofitable under its current cost structure, much of which is determined by union wages and pension costs. The offer to the BCTGM included wage, benefit and work rule concessions but also gave Hostess Brands' 12 unions a 25 percent ownership stake in the company, representation on its Board of Directors and $100 million in reorganized Hostess Brands' debt," a Hostess press release said.

THis what we're talking about when we speak against unions. When wages get so high that a company just cannot afford to hire anyone and still sell their product, it is the union's fault for the company's closure. But Hostess are just greedy bastards, right? I mean, they only offered the union workers controlling interest in the company.

11-16-2012, 02:15 PM
Hostess strike leads to company liquidation


I fail to inderstand how union leaders/members could possibly believe that driving a company out of business is a good thing. I suppose that with Obama's re-election, actual jobs are not really necessary anymore.

CSM. I too, fail to understand how that could happen until....I remembered how GM and the UAW leadership depended on Obama, and Congress to BAIL THEM OUT.
And we all know the results of that. WE THE PEOPLE, through Obama. Became the Owners of GM, and the promised UAW support for Obama gave the Union Leadership that BLANK CHECK they needed to destroy their own memberships.

Watch for this Union to approach Obama very soon, and soon. TWINKIES will become a product of the U.S. Govt.