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11-16-2012, 11:53 AM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


11-16-2012, 12:08 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


Where else? ..... drum roll ... Tennessee

More deliverance!

I keep saying the left wins because the right is not playing their A game. That doesn't discount the values themselves.

11-16-2012, 12:14 PM
Jeez, that Scott DesJarlais is a real douchebag

11-16-2012, 01:40 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


Gabby. You really should be showing your joy in learning about the abortions.

On the other hand. I will share your joy. Knowing there will be TWO LESS future votes for Liberals.

11-16-2012, 02:53 PM
Gabby. You really should be showing your joy in learning about the abortions.

On the other hand. I will share your joy. Knowing there will be TWO LESS future votes for Liberals.

I don't applaud abortion. Period.

11-16-2012, 03:28 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:

http://www.tennessean.com/viewart/20121116/NEWS02/311160075/Rep-Scott-DesJarlais-acknowledged-affairs-2-abortions-during-divorce-trial?odyssey=tab|topnews|text| (http://www.tennessean.com/viewart/20121116/NEWS02/311160075/Rep-Scott-DesJarlais-acknowledged-affairs-2-abortions-during-divorce-trial?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7C)

Let me see here, if a person who opposes abortion has an abortion they're a hypocrite....

So then if a person is in favor of an abortion doesn't have one, they're a hypocrite too.

OK, so all of those Democrats who don't have abortions are hypocrites, too, since they favor it... so why are there so many Democrats? I think they should just about be extinct by now?

11-16-2012, 03:32 PM
Let me see here, if a person who opposes abortion has an abortion they're a hypocrite....

So then if a person is in favor of an abortion doesn't have one, they're a hypocrite too.

OK, so all of those Democrats who don't have abortions are hypocrites, too, since they favor it... so why are there so many Democrats? I think they should just about be extinct by now?

Karl. Sounds like that DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD kind of thing we are so often reminded about from Liberal, ROE V. WADE supporters.

I have often wondered why so many Republican, Conservatives made so much noise about Abortion when...if they stopped to really think about what they are AGAINST. They would realize. Supporting Democrats who want Abortions legalized...would also mean, and eventual shrinking number of Liberal, Democrat votes.

11-16-2012, 05:02 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


It's not the party that's the hypocrite it's the man.

It's hardly the GOP fault that the guy is an ass

11-16-2012, 05:14 PM
Let me see here, if a person who opposes abortion has an abortion they're a hypocrite....

So then if a person is in favor of an abortion doesn't have one, they're a hypocrite too.

What a god-awful argument =/

As for the OP, as trigg said, its nothing really to do with the party, unless there is some sort of evidence of the party trying to cover up his past etc.

11-16-2012, 05:49 PM
It's not the party that's the hypocrite it's the man.

It's hardly the GOP fault that the guy is an ass

Trigg. Exactly. And it also explains why the Democrat party isn't totally at fault because Obama is an ass.

11-17-2012, 08:58 AM
What a god-awful argument =/

Exactly Noir, I reversed the tables to illustrate that point

11-17-2012, 09:06 AM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:

http://www.tennessean.com/viewart/20121116/NEWS02/311160075/Rep-Scott-DesJarlais-acknowledged-affairs-2-abortions-during-divorce-trial?odyssey=tab|topnews|text| (http://www.tennessean.com/viewart/20121116/NEWS02/311160075/Rep-Scott-DesJarlais-acknowledged-affairs-2-abortions-during-divorce-trial?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7C)

Who cares.... it's just sex....Right?

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:11 AM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


The difference is Gabby, he will be rejected by most conservatives. Now if this was liberal Dem it would be a resume enhancement and the stature of the wife who had two abortions would increase

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:13 AM
What a god-awful argument =/

As for the OP, as trigg said, its nothing really to do with the party, unless there is some sort of evidence of the party trying to cover up his past etc.

Dems have always circled the wagons around their people. The entire Kennedy clan, Clinton, and Anthony Weiner to name a couple. Hell, Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and the libs still give him a standing O when he speaks, and the liberal media gush over him

11-17-2012, 09:44 AM
I would have more respect for a woman who has had two abortions but now speaks out against them than I would for a woman who has never had one but speaks in their favor.........

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:46 AM
I would have more respect for a woman who has had two abortions but now speaks out against them than I would for a woman who has never had one but speaks in their favor.........
It is amazing how everyone who supports abortion were never aborted when they were a baby

11-17-2012, 10:07 AM
Exactly Noir, I reversed the tables to illustrate that point

No, your 'reversal' is daft, because it confuses the argument of being 'pro-abortion' and 'pro-choice'.
Just because you think someone should have the right to do something, doesn't mean you want to do it yourself (or that you're a hypocrite for not doing it) or that others must do it, the point is that they have the power to chose...you must see the difference.

As a basic example, i think people should have the right to smoke cigarettes, even though i never have or will, i think it's the individuals right to smoke if they want. What i am *not* saying is that 'everyone must smoke cigarettes'.

red states rule
11-17-2012, 10:10 AM
No, your 'reversal' is daft, because it confuses the argument of being 'pro-abortion' and 'pro-choice'.
Just because you think someone should have the right to do something, doesn't mean you want to do it yourself (or that you're a hypocrite for not doing it) or that others must do it, the point is that they have the power to chose...you must see the difference.

As a basic example, i think people should have the right to smoke cigarettes, even though i never have or will, i think it's the individuals right to smoke if they want. What i am *not* saying is that 'everyone must smoke cigarettes'.

I never could understand how libs could have a hard on to murder unborn babies, yet they will bust a gut to protect terrorists from waterboarding, a convicted killer from their trip to the death house, or rescue a lost whale in SF Bay. Somehow libs think murdering unborn kids is a constitutional right. Thank God their mom did not think that way

Nell's Room
11-17-2012, 11:36 PM
I don't applaud abortion. Period.

I am very much pro choice, but I don't applaud abortions, either. If anyone does, they are a moron.

11-18-2012, 01:24 AM
RSR, your incredibly deluded logic and repeated acts of stupidity make me wish your mom was a pro-choice dem. The world would have been a much better place.

11-18-2012, 02:00 AM
RSR, your incredibly deluded logic and repeated acts of stupidity make me wish your mom was a pro-choice dem. The world would have been a much better place.

Your post is in incredibly bad taste. Your example of a hypocrite doesn't tarnish the party he proclaims to be part of. Any more than the hypocritical individuals of the Obama administration that fail to pay taxes represent yours.

From the party of 'never taxed enough':


11-18-2012, 05:15 AM
I have an issue with the statement abortion is murder. Murder is the intentional killing of a human with malice.
First off, To be killed, one must be alive; but when does life begin?
To those who say life begins at conception, is the pill murder?

The second issue is malice. Malice is the desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness.

I would argue that there is a higher likelihood of hostile impulse or deep-seated meanness following a rape than a woman who just finds child bearing an inconvenience; so are rape victims who get abortions worse than a woman who gets an abortion out of convenience, or two, like the woman in OP?

11-18-2012, 02:30 PM
RSR, your incredibly deluded logic and repeated acts of stupidity make me wish your mom was a pro-choice dem. The world would have been a much better place.

gabby. Time for you to step forward and explain WHY your parents didn't choose the Liberal Abortion path for you. Not doing so was a repeated act of stupidity most of us might wish your mom had made, pro-choice, or not.

So. How's that feel gabby?

Your words, turned around, and you are still here to make the World just as bad as you want.

11-18-2012, 11:20 PM
Why is my statement "in poor taste?" I merely wished that RSR's parents had been liberals. Perhaps he would have turned out more intelligent and less prone to fits of ignorant hyperbole.
Then again, not many liberals unleashed spoiled trust fund kids into the world.

red states rule
11-19-2012, 03:08 AM
gabby. Time for you to step forward and explain WHY your parents didn't choose the Liberal Abortion path for you. Not doing so was a repeated act of stupidity most of us might wish your mom had made, pro-choice, or not.

So. How's that feel gabby?

Your words, turned around, and you are still here to make the World just as bad as you want.
That is Gabby being Gabby. She is typical of the liberal elites who actually believe they are better and smarter then everyone else. But when it come time to defend their ideology with facts, they fall back on the personal attacks since they are out of ammo. IN Gabby's world she will defend the the rainforest, whales, bald eagles, and trees - but unborn babies are expendable and the mother has the right to murder them at anytime

11-19-2012, 06:03 AM
That is Gabby being Gabby. She is typical of the liberal elites who actually believe they are better and smarter then everyone else. But when it come time to defend their ideology with facts, they fall back on the personal attacks since they are out of ammo. IN Gabby's world she will defend the the rainforest, whales, bald eagles, and trees - but unborn babies are expendable and the mother has the right to murder them at anytime
This from the person who said they were sorry for my lack of common sense and ethical integrity. Speaking of backing up an ideology with facts: what defines murder? When does life begin? Is the contraceptive pill murder of the unborn?

11-19-2012, 07:17 AM
"paddle faster! I think i hear banjos!!!"

11-19-2012, 03:06 PM
Why is my statement "in poor taste?" I merely wished that RSR's parents had been liberals. Perhaps he would have turned out more intelligent and less prone to fits of ignorant hyperbole.
Then again, not many liberals unleashed spoiled trust fund kids into the world.

I think anyone on this board that wishes another member had been aborted is disgusting, immature and beyond "poor taste", whether they are liberal or conservative.

And, your statement about liberals not unleashing spoiled trust fund kids into the world is pure "ignorant hyperbole" and frankly, not very intelligent.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 03:15 PM
No, your 'reversal' is daft, because it confuses the argument of being 'pro-abortion' and 'pro-choice'.
Just because you think someone should have the right to do something, doesn't mean you want to do it yourself (or that you're a hypocrite for not doing it) or that others must do it, the point is that they have the power to chose...you must see the difference.

As a basic example, i think people should have the right to smoke cigarettes, even though i never have or will, i think it's the individuals right to smoke if they want. What i am *not* saying is that 'everyone must smoke cigarettes'.

The world might be a better place had your mom made that choice and you ended up as waste product. It would be a blast for you to have been part of proving your own point.

Marcus Aurelius
11-19-2012, 03:32 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


Yes, because one mans actions certainly should define the entire party, right?:rolleyes:

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 03:34 PM
I have an issue with the statement abortion is murder. Murder is the intentional killing of a human with malice.
First off, To be killed, one must be alive; but when does life begin?
To those who say life begins at conception, is the pill murder?

The second issue is malice. Malice is the desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness.

I would argue that there is a higher likelihood of hostile impulse or deep-seated meanness following a rape than a woman who just finds child bearing an inconvenience; so are rape victims who get abortions worse than a woman who gets an abortion out of convenience, or two, like the woman in OP?
Abortion as Murder, is the deliberate taking of human life.

Unborn babies are human.

There is nothing they did that ought to cause their deaths.

Marcus Aurelius
11-19-2012, 04:03 PM
This from the person who said they were sorry for my lack of common sense and ethical integrity. Speaking of backing up an ideology with facts: what defines murder? When does life begin? Is the contraceptive pill murder of the unborn?

Life scientifically begins at conception. The argument against this is that it's only an amalgamation of cells at the point of conception. The argument for this would be that we consider a multitude of single cell and multi-celled organisms 'life'... amoebae, bacterium, viruses, etc. Single celled life was probably the first life on this planet. Is a human at the point of conception somehow less alive than a virus?

No, the pill (assuming you mean a typical birth control pill) is not murder, as it prevents contraception.

11-19-2012, 04:04 PM
Abortion as Murder, is the deliberate taking of human life.

Unborn babies are human.

There is nothing they did that ought to cause their deaths.
The piece of my hair is human too; but I get your point-- they are humans (noun)
What defines an unborn baby? Conception? Some stage of development, like a heartbeat?

, did the baby in the op do anything wrong?
good call by the docs in your opinion?

11-19-2012, 04:10 PM
I think anyone on this board that wishes another member had been aborted is disgusting, immature and beyond "poor taste", whether they are liberal or conservative.

Where in heck did you get that idea? Go back and read my post again. I wished that RSR's parents had been pro-choice liberals. The vast majority of pro-choice liberals have never had abortions. They merely believe that women should have control of their bodies.
Sassy Lady, I think you are a wonderful person, but some of your ideas are misguided.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 04:27 PM
The piece of my flesh is human too; but I get your point-- they are humans (noun)
What defines an unborn baby? Conception? Some stage of development, like a heartbeat?

, did the baby in the op do anything wrong?
good call by the docs in your opinion?

I like this way of saying it as Marcus stated it.

Life scientifically begins at conception. The argument against this is that it's only an amalgamation of cells at the point of conception. The argument for this would be that we consider a multitude of single cell and multi-celled organisms 'life'... amoebae, bacterium, viruses, etc. Single celled life was probably the first life on this planet. Is a human at the point of conception somehow less alive than a virus?

It is easy for Democrats to kick this can down the road and claim that nothing is a baby until born. But I don't accept that since it dehumanizes the human being.

It is my view that when the woman gets pregnant, the only thing causing her to be pregnant is the womb has a baby.

When she aborts, she is not aborting some simple cells.

She is well aware she has a baby in her and she intends to kill off that baby. She does not think of it as some fetus. She realizes she will have to change diapers unless she kills it.

While it is not at all fully developed, she wants to stop it dead in it's path.

I don't see how any person can be party to abortions and not realize they snuffed out the life of a child. They would not want an abortion just to wipe out some cells, oh no, they do it because it is a baby and they just don't want one.

A lot of women might kill their kids of say age 6 too for the same reason. Not wanting a child is not a valid reason to kill one off.

I also believe that when she kills that child, she generally loses the man that got her pregnant.

And often it is the woman breaking it off.

To a lot of men, a woman who will keep killing off her children as he gets her pregnant is a mans dream but the woman's nightmare.

It takes a very cruel woman to kill her child that way.

This country has become far more cruel since I was born. Thank the good Lord Mom did not abort me.

When you guys defend abortion, ask if you would have wanted to be aborted?

I know a young woman who was saved from the abortionist who grew up to be a TV reporter and to this day, she thanks her birth mom who put her up for adoption for saving her life.

She is friends with her birth mom and very close to the mother that adopted her.

She is a wonderful woman who graduated from college and is on a path to an awesome career in TV.

11-19-2012, 04:48 PM
[COLOR=#0000cd][B]I like this way of saying it as Marcus stated it.

It is easy for Democrats to kick this can down the road and claim that nothing is a baby until born. But I don't accept that since it dehumanizes the human being.

It is my view that when the woman gets pregnant, the only thing causing her to be pregnant is the womb has a baby.

When she aborts, she is not aborting some simple cells.

She is well aware she has a baby in her and she intends to kill off that baby. She does not think of it as some fetus. She realizes she will have to change diapers unless she kills it.

While it is not at all fully developed, she wants to stop it dead in it's path.

I don't see how any person can be party to abortions and not realize they snuffed out the life of a child. They would not want an abortion just to wipe out some cells, oh no, they do it because it is a baby and they just don't want one.

A lot of women might kill their kids of say age 6 too for the same reason. Not wanting a child is not a valid reason to kill one off.

I also believe that when she kills that child, she generally loses the man that got her pregnant.

And often it is the woman breaking it off.

To a lot of men, a woman who will keep killing off her children as he gets her pregnant is a mans dream but the woman's nightmare.

It takes a very cruel woman to kill her child that way.

This country has become far more cruel since I was born. Thank the good Lord Mom did not abort me.

When you guys defend abortion, ask if you would have wanted to be aborted?

I know a young woman who was saved from the abortionist who grew up to be a TV reporter and to this day, she thanks her birth mom who put her up for adoption for saving her life.

She is friends with her birth mom and very close to the mother that adopted her.

She is a wonderful woman who graduated from college and is on a path to an awesome career in TV.
i have never defended aborion. Just the capacity to choose one way or another.
Should the baby in the OP have been aborted?

11-19-2012, 04:58 PM
RSR, your incredibly deluded logic and repeated acts of stupidity make me wish your mom was a pro-choice dem. The world would have been a much better place.

Why is my statement "in poor taste?" I merely wished that RSR's parents had been liberals. Perhaps he would have turned out more intelligent and less prone to fits of ignorant hyperbole.
Then again, not many liberals unleashed spoiled trust fund kids into the world.

A hypocritical liar. I have no need to communicate with you anymore, but couldn't help but point out this load of absolute garbage. At least have the courage to own up to your own damn words and posts. It's obvious to anyone with 1/3rd of a brain that you were implying that the world would have been a better place had RSR's Mom been pro-choice and him not around, then when others start talking about how it was in poor taste, you respond that you just wish his parents were liberals and of course leave out the pro-choice part. As with others, given time, you ALWAYS allow the real person to surface for others to see. People don't have an issue with you because you're a liberal, but rather for who YOU are and YOUR words and actions.

And while I know you'll have a handful of excuses and choice words to give me in return, fucking save it, as I sure as hell won't be giving you anymore time than I already have.

11-19-2012, 04:59 PM
I think anyone on this board that wishes another member had been aborted is disgusting, immature and beyond "poor taste", whether they are liberal or conservative.

And, your statement about liberals not unleashing spoiled trust fund kids into the world is pure "ignorant hyperbole" and frankly, not very intelligent.

Didn't see your reply until I had already addressed this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw it for what it was.

11-19-2012, 05:01 PM
Your post is in incredibly bad taste. Your example of a hypocrite doesn't tarnish the party he proclaims to be part of. Any more than the hypocritical individuals of the Obama administration that fail to pay taxes represent yours.

From the party of 'never taxed enough':


Hey Jim, me too! LOL!

11-19-2012, 05:02 PM
The world might be a better place had your mom made that choice and you ended up as waste product. It would be a blast for you to have been part of proving your own point.

I hope there is a different message in this and you didn't make the same mistake that the board idiot did. Using the abortion topic as a tool to wish another person was aborted is kind of gross, and as others have stated, in VERY poor taste. I'll give you the benefit as I really don't know you too awfully well, where as the other idiot has a LONG history of being a moron about everything and anything.

11-19-2012, 05:04 PM
Hey Jim, me too! LOL!

Yep. I had originally quoted your post and another, and was going to reply "indirectly", but decided to "man up" on my own words and not take the cowards way out. The excuses made are almost as lame as the original comments, and am sure more denials will be forthcoming!

11-19-2012, 05:42 PM
A hypocritical liar. I have no need to communicate with you anymore, but couldn't help but point out this load of absolute garbage. At least have the courage to own up to your own damn words and posts. It's obvious to anyone with 1/3rd of a brain that you were implying that the world would have been a better place had RSR's Mom been pro-choice and him not around, then when others start talking about how it was in poor taste, you respond that you just wish his parents were liberals and of course leave out the pro-choice part. As with others, given time, you ALWAYS allow the real person to surface for others to see. People don't have an issue with you because you're a liberal, but rather for who YOU are and YOUR words and actions.

And while I know you'll have a handful of excuses and choice words to give me in return, fucking save it, as I sure as hell won't be giving you anymore time than I already have.

That is EXACTLY what I said. And nothing else.
You are the one that makes things up, denies you are wrong, and basically talks out your ass in trying to defend yourself.
I never said (or implied) ANYTHING about anyone being aborted.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is full of shit. But then, you already know that.

11-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Yep. I had originally quoted your post and another, and was going to reply "indirectly", but decided to "man up" on my own words and not take the cowards way out. The excuses made are almost as lame as the original comments, and am sure more denials will be forthcoming!

Can I call 'em, Kath? Like fishing in a barrel.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 06:37 PM
i have never defended aborion. Just the capacity to choose one way or another.
Should the baby in the OP have been aborted?

That is like saying I don't defend a woman killing her child of say 10 years old but I do support her capacity to choose either to kill the 10 year old or not to kill the child.

The OP was a case of murder. I would be cruel to support it. I would be cruel to support the capacity to choose.

11-19-2012, 06:44 PM
Do I have to explain the wording on one of my posts? Has it come down to that?
My original thread was about an anti-abortion congressman who encouraged his wife to have two abortions.
RSR chose to take an off-topic stance (as usual) and launch his usual assortment of ridiculous bullshit.
My point was that, if he has been raised by a mother who was liberal and pro-choice, perhaps he wouldn't be spending his entire empty and bitter existence parroting the ultra-conservative line on a woman's freedom to dictate her own health choices. Or perhaps he would actually know something about women. Not having any personal contact with them, of course. :rolleyes:
And yes, some liberals are pro-life. Just as some conservatives are pro-choice.

11-19-2012, 06:51 PM
Do I have to explain the wording on one of my posts? Has it come down to that?
My original thread was about an anti-abortion congressman who encouraged his wife to have two abortions.
RSR chose to take an off-topic stance (as usual) and launch his usual assortment of ridiculous bullshit.
My point was that, if he has been raised by a mother who was liberal and pro-choice, perhaps he wouldn't be spending his entire empty and bitter existence parroting the ultra-conservative line on a woman's freedom to dictate her own health choices. Or perhaps he would actually know something about women. Not having any personal contact with them, of course. :rolleyes:
And yes, some liberals are pro-life. Just as some conservatives are pro-choice.

Really, you are going THERE? How about the thread today where I posted about how conservative legislators should comport themselves and you went wildly off topic on Reagan?

No Gabby, you already know that in general I think you are a decent person, but you want to claim by this and previous posts, that you assume that all here but yourself are of so low a level of intellect to make inferences. You blew that. We all understood what you implied.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 06:54 PM
I hope there is a different message in this and you didn't make the same mistake that the board idiot did. Using the abortion topic as a tool to wish another person was aborted is kind of gross, and as others have stated, in VERY poor taste. I'll give you the benefit as I really don't know you too awfully well, where as the other idiot has a LONG history of being a moron about everything and anything.

Nope, I hate abortion and do not see it as a solution.

11-19-2012, 06:55 PM
Really, you are going THERE? How about the thread today where I posted about how conservative legislators should comport themselves and you went wildly off topic on Reagan?

No Gabby, you already know that in general I think you are a decent person, but you want to claim by this and previous posts, that you assume that all here but yourself are of so low a level of intellect to make inferences. You blew that. We all understood what you implied.


11-19-2012, 07:04 PM
No Gabby, you already know that in general I think you are a decent person, but you want to claim by this and previous posts, that you assume that all here but yourself are of so low a level of intellect to make inferences. You blew that. We all understood what you implied.

I can totally understand why you would think such. I have made such snarky inferences before. But never on the level of wishing someone was dead, or had never been born.
This is an assumption and implication that YOU have made.
Perhaps someone should have asked me what I meant, instead of going of on tangents on what you thought I meant.

And if I had meant what you thought, I wouldn't feed the need to clear up any misunderstandings. Because I am mature enough to admit when I am wrong. I have done such in the past.

11-19-2012, 07:11 PM
That is EXACTLY what I said. And nothing else.
You are the one that makes things up, denies you are wrong, and basically talks out your ass in trying to defend yourself.
I never said (or implied) ANYTHING about anyone being aborted.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is full of shit. But then, you already know that.

Gabby. You should feel honored that anyone would come here to converse JUST LIKE YOU DO...out your ass. Then you belittle them for trying to be just like you?

Go figure. By the way. Speaking of being FULL OF something. Even you can survive. Just EXHALE.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 07:17 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gabosaurus http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=593965#post593965)
Do I have to explain the wording on one of my posts? Has it come down to that?
My original thread was about an anti-abortion congressman who encouraged his wife to have two abortions.
RSR chose to take an off-topic stance (as usual) and launch his usual assortment of ridiculous bullshit.
My point was that, if he has been raised by a mother who was liberal and pro-choice, perhaps he wouldn't be spending his entire empty and bitter existence parroting the ultra-conservative line on a woman's freedom to dictate her own health choices. Or perhaps he would actually know something about women. Not having any personal contact with them, of course. :rolleyes:
And yes, some liberals are pro-life. Just as some conservatives are pro-choice.

You claim HE encouraged them both?

Did it ever occur to you that their family doctor might get the blame?

We don't know the wifes problem.

If the wife has a medical condition that with a baby in the womb, puts her life in danger, why not wait to find out if that happens?

Doctors would be the best judge of that and if the doctor explained her life was in danger, maybe if he encouraged her to save her life, he did it for that reason alone and not to get her to abort for some other purpose.

Pro choice puts it in the woman's hand to kill off a child merely because it is not born.

But if it saves the mothers life, darned few of us would act as a barrier when it saves her life.

Robert A Whit
11-19-2012, 07:55 PM
The party of hypocritical family values. :rolleyes:


First time she had an abortion, the claim is the doctor wanted her to have one. Can't tell why she had the next one. However I find no proof that any woman he dated had an abortion.

Apply the same standard you would wish to be used on Obama.

11-19-2012, 08:12 PM
Why is my statement "in poor taste?" I merely wished that RSR's parents had been liberals. Perhaps he would have turned out more intelligent and less prone to fits of ignorant hyperbole.
Then again, not many liberals unleashed spoiled trust fund kids into the world.

You might change your tune if you vacation at Martha's Vinyard.

red states rule
11-20-2012, 03:50 AM
Where in heck did you get that idea? Go back and read my post again. I wished that RSR's parents had been pro-choice liberals. The vast majority of pro-choice liberals have never had abortions. They merely believe that women should have control of their bodies.
Sassy Lady, I think you are a wonderful person, but some of your ideas are misguided.
Well Little Miss Liberal I was raised by liberals. In my parents house it was YVD - You Vote Democrat. The first election I voted in was in 1980 and I voted for Ronald Reagan as my parents voted for Carter. Despite your lame excuses your true intentions were clear in your post. You have come full circle Gabby and are now the board's female version of Virgil. Congrats!!!! If you want women to control their bodies perhaps you should lead the way by controlling what your brain transmits your fingers to type on the keyboard as you post.

Marcus Aurelius
11-20-2012, 07:55 AM
I can totally understand why you would think such. I have made such snarky inferences before. But never on the level of wishing someone was dead, or had never been born.
This is an assumption and implication that YOU have made.
Perhaps someone should have asked me what I meant, instead of going of on tangents on what you thought I meant.

And if I had meant what you thought, I wouldn't feed the need to clear up any misunderstandings. Because I am mature enough to admit when I am wrong. I have done such in the past.

perhaps you should have been more clear, then no one would HAVE to ask you what you meant, or assume you meant something.

Just a thought.

11-20-2012, 02:31 PM
Where in heck did you get that idea? Go back and read my post again. I wished that RSR's parents had been pro-choice liberals. The vast majority of pro-choice liberals have never had abortions. They merely believe that women should have control of their bodies.
Sassy Lady, I think you are a wonderful person, but some of your ideas are misguided.

Gabby, thank you for the compliment. I would say the same about you ... I am sure we would have a wonderful friendship in person, but I can only judge you by the way you post on this board and I truly believe that some of your ideas are not only misguided, but irrational at times.

As for how I got the idea that you wished RSR's mother had been pro-choice so she would have aborted him is from digesting all the hateful things you've said about him over the years. I'm sorry if my leap of logic has offended you, but it truly is the only way I have to judge what you say when you communicate in cryptic ways.

Your detailed explanation, if used in the first place, would have gone a long way toward not confusing what you truly intended to say. I wish you would communicate like that more often.

11-20-2012, 02:49 PM
You might change your tune if you vacation at Martha's Vinyard.

tailfins. Obviously. Gabby has a very short, if any at all...memory. Wonder if she would apply her words to the names: John Kerry, Jack Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy....just for starters?

Robert A Whit
11-20-2012, 03:38 PM
Well Little Miss Liberal I was raised by liberals. In my parents house it was YVD - You Vote Democrat. The first election I voted in was in 1980 and I voted for Ronald Reagan as my parents voted for Carter. Despite your lame excuses your true intentions were clear in your post. You have come full circle Gabby and are now the board's female version of Virgil. Congrats!!!! If you want women to control their bodies perhaps you should lead the way by controlling what your brain transmits your fingers to type on the keyboard as you post.

My parents (when living) and even today my surviving siblings follow the rule, You Vote Democratic.

My first vote was for JFK and of course I also voted straight D including Jimmah Carter.

Reagan was my first R vote. And I don't plan to go back to D.

During Carter, I finally troubled myself to study government to the point I realized what a blunder I had been making. I keep trying to atone for my 42 years of supporting Democrats.

11-21-2012, 03:33 PM
hubby was also raised in a Dem. household. Even now we DO NOT discuss politics with ANYONE in his extended family. They are yellow dog democrates and union supporters to the very end. My grandparents were democrates, but my father saw reason and raised 3 of his daughters republican.

My sister I blaim on her misguided husband. Although after loosing his business last year, he has decided he's independent and did not vote for bambam last time.

red states rule
11-27-2012, 03:43 AM
perhaps you should have been more clear, then no one would HAVE to ask you what you meant, or assume you meant something.

Just a thought.

Gabby was perfectly clear. Many liberals (or smart people as Gabby calls them) wish death on people who simply have a different set of values, and who also have a different opinion on the role and size of government. To them, that is a valid reason to wish they were dead and out of their way