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View Full Version : Hostess to close, lay off 18,500 after 'crippling' union fight

11-17-2012, 08:56 AM



red states rule
11-17-2012, 08:59 AM
Chalk up another accomplishment for Big Labor. The greedy bastards kept pushing now they have NOTHING!! But hey, the unemployed union workers can get 99 weeks of unemployment, food stamps, cell phones, and Obamacare.

11-17-2012, 09:00 AM


And 18,000 jobs to go along with him. Don't worry in 4 years, we'll be a third world country with Generalissimo Incompetente leading us over the cliff.

11-17-2012, 09:04 AM
Union Thugs just made 100,000,000 Americans really mad....

I want my Twinkie's and Fruit Pies Damn it!!

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:04 AM
And 18,000 jobs to go along with him. Don't worry in 4 years, we'll be a third world country with Generalissimo Incompetente leading us over the cliff.

You can bet Wal Mart will sell a lot more of their generic Twinkies. That will piss off those unemployed union goons :laugh2:

11-17-2012, 09:10 AM
And 18,000 jobs to go along with him. Don't worry in 4 years, we'll be a third world country with Generalissimo Incompetente leading us over the cliff.

the Bakers union has now pissed off the teamsters.... not a smart thing to do...

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:14 AM
the Bakers union has now pissed off the teamsters.... not a smart thing to do...

I wonder if any of them will be like Luca Braze and be soon sleeping with the fishes :laugh2:

red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:21 AM




red states rule
11-17-2012, 09:25 AM
ABC thought is was funny that 18,000 people lost their jobs. Does anyone understand why libs would be laughing over this? .

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11-17-2012, 09:59 AM
Its hard to put into words how angry this makes me. So many jobs before Christmas. Very sad in the nostalgic sense as well. We all grew up with hostess in out lunch box.

The popular belief among people I work with and a couple financial guys I heard on the radio is that someone will buy the name and keep them going. From what I undestand the last shipment went out Thursday night. Then I was going to go get some and my mom said he shelves at Kroger were wiped completely out!!! Twinkie Raid!!!!!

red states rule
11-17-2012, 10:05 AM
Its hard to put into words how angry this makes me. So many jobs before Christmas. Very sad in the nostalgic sense as well. We all grew up with hostess in out lunch box.

The popular belief among people I work with and a couple financial guys I heard on the radio is that someone will buy the name and keep them going. From what I undestand the last shipment went out Thursday night. Then I was going to go get some and my mom said he shelves at Kroger were wiped completely out!!! Twinkie Raid!!!!!

And all that money Dems lost in campaign contributions and I bet the union bosses are so broken up over this. Krisy, there was not a Hostess Twinkie to be found at Wal Mart this morning either

11-17-2012, 10:33 AM
And all that money Dems lost in campaign contributions and I bet the union bosses are so broken up over this. Krisy, there was not a Hostess Twinkie to be found at Wal Mart this morning either

I hope they enjoy living with the uncertainty of unemployment and paying full price for health benefits. But hey,they won.....right?

red states rule
11-17-2012, 10:35 AM
I hope they enjoy living with the uncertainty of unemployment and paying full price for health benefits. But hey,they won.....right?

I am sad to say this is only the beginning. There have already been tens of thousands of layoffs and more are on the way. Look at Obama wanting a $1.6 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX INCREASE on top of the other taxes that are set to kick in. Forgive my French - but we are F'D!

Abbey Marie
11-17-2012, 12:12 PM
Chalk up another accomplishment for Big Labor. The greedy bastards kept pushing now they have NOTHING!! But hey, the unemployed union workers can get 99 weeks of unemployment, food stamps, cell phones, and Obamacare.

Don't forget the free birth control. Oh wait, that's Obamacare. :rolleyes:

11-17-2012, 12:52 PM
What a Wonderful, thoughtful Union leadership their Dues paid for. Just to get terminated because the UNION cared so much.

Can anyone explain what sense, or reason any Union leader would have to say..."Sorry guys. They refused to give you any more money. So. Instead. You no longer have to worry about more money. Your job is GONE!"

11-17-2012, 01:04 PM
Oh no, not my goodies! This is not how I wanted to diet, I wanted to still eat my Hostess cupcakes on occasion. :(

11-17-2012, 01:16 PM
Oh no, not my goodies! This is not how I wanted to diet, I wanted to still eat my Hostess cupcakes on occasion. :(

jimnyc: Not trying to be a smart-ass here, but. Have no fear. You won't need to wait long for those Cupcakes to reappear.

I suspect. The Massive Outcry over something as terribly IMPORTANT for Americans, as their TWINKIES, will be noticed by the Obama admin. And he will step in. Just as he did for GM.


Abbey Marie
11-17-2012, 02:27 PM
Chalk up another accomplishment for Big Labor. The greedy bastards kept pushing now they have NOTHING!! But hey, the unemployed union workers can get 99 weeks of unemployment, food stamps, cell phones, and Obamacare.

You raise a good point, Red. With all these cushions to fall back on, all but the most ambitious workers are going to be more demanding.

Robert A Whit
11-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Its hard to put into words how angry this makes me. So many jobs before Christmas. Very sad in the nostalgic sense as well. We all grew up with hostess in out lunch box.

The popular belief among people I work with and a couple financial guys I heard on the radio is that someone will buy the name and keep them going. From what I undestand the last shipment went out Thursday night. Then I was going to go get some and my mom said he shelves at Kroger were wiped completely out!!! Twinkie Raid!!!!!

ABC 7 SF station claims that they are on Craigs list at up to $2,500 but some are at only $25

I wondered a few years ago when Wonder Bread closed the local store what was going on. We have a plant a few miles away.

I hope the Unions give each striker a merrry Xmas Card and tell them it was time for them to be the Turkey this thanksgiving.

11-17-2012, 06:30 PM
I'm sure everyone is aware that Chris Christie has a little issue with his weight. Apparently the reporters wanted his take on Hostess closing their doors. LOL


11-18-2012, 12:07 AM
The Walgreens I work at is in a very working class area, at least compared to most towns around here. Lots of EBT, lots of beer sales, (much of it Bud, Miller, and Pabst).

Folks were coming yesterday and today, wanting to buy the snackcakes. We ran out of boxes Friday morning and the 'individual packages' this afternoon. People are just furious at the unions and I'm guessing many of these folks have union ties. One man was really angry bringing up, 'If the Teamsters could find a way, who the hell do the bakers think they are?'

11-18-2012, 05:34 AM
It's not over yet; a deal could still be struck. filing chapter 11 doesnt automatically grant it. Now the business managers hold most of the cards, so its a tough predicament for labor reps, who really have no recourse. but even if it does go through, the shortages of snack cakes is temporary. Hostess will liquidate their assets (including intellectual property, ie hostess trademarks, recipes etc) to other suppliers who will fill the demand. Kind of funny really, like in an ironic way: twinkies have a longer shelf life than those who produce them. :lol:

11-18-2012, 07:55 AM
I grew up in the shadow of JFK Airport in Queens. So many of my neighbors worked for the airlines. Many of those airlines are now defunct, killed by unions.

My first real job was in a supermarket. There used to be many many bread bakeries in NYC. Those were killed by unions too.

The old Silvercup bread bakery in Long Island City is now a television studio.

Domino Sugar had a plant in Brooklyn, gone. Swingline Staplers had a plant in Sunnyside, Queens, gone.

The common perception is that companies look to kill unions... but my experience always points to unions looking to kill companies.

11-18-2012, 04:39 PM
It's not over yet; a deal could still be struck. filing chapter 11 doesnt automatically grant it. Now the business managers hold most of the cards, so its a tough predicament for labor reps, who really have no recourse. but even if it does go through, the shortages of snack cakes is temporary. Hostess will liquidate their assets (including intellectual property, ie hostess trademarks, recipes etc) to other suppliers who will fill the demand. Kind of funny really, like in an ironic way: twinkies have a longer shelf life than those who produce them. :lol:

Right, the only long-term casualty here is the union jobs for Hostess, I expect the brand will live on. Hey maybe someone could even go back to the original pre-war recipe. Win-win for the US (minus 18,500 and related jobs).

red states rule
11-19-2012, 04:14 AM

red states rule
11-20-2012, 04:34 AM

11-29-2012, 05:36 PM
Final result of the Hostess liquidation battle:
18,500 worker lose their jobs
19 company executives get $1.75 million in bonuses


As always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

11-29-2012, 05:37 PM
Final result of the Hostess liquidation battle:
18,500 worker lose their jobs
19 company executives get $1.75 million in bonuses


As always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Gabby. This time you are correct. DAMN those RICH Union Bosses who got Richer on the backs of their poorer, unemployed members.

11-29-2012, 07:40 PM
Final result of the Hostess liquidation battle:
18,500 worker lose their jobs
19 company executives get $1.75 million in bonuses


As always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

As usual gabby didn't read what she posted.

e money is intended as an incentive for 19 top-level managers to stay on with the Twinkies and Ding Dongs maker to oversee its liquidation following a battle with its second-largest union.
The payouts will be granted only if managers “achieve a set of specific tasks and goals within a specified time frame that are designed to speed and lower the cost of the wind-down,” said Hostess spokesman Lance Ignon.
The maximum bonus amount, Ignon said, represents 0.07% of Hostess’ revenue and 0.17% of the value of its assets and is below the average for bonuses in comparable bankruptcy cases.

1. No one has received the money, it was offered as an INCENTIVE.

2. Even if they agree to the incentive they have to meet certain criteria to RECEIVE THE MONEY

3. it is .07% of Hostess revenue and LOWER than the usual bonuses given in these types of cases.

Lets face it gabby if the union didn't exist those people would STILL HAVE JOBS

The blame can be firmly placed at the unions feet.

red states rule
11-30-2012, 03:42 AM
Looks like Trigg got the USS Gabby in her sights, fired, and scored a direct hit


11-30-2012, 05:34 AM
Final result of the Hostess liquidation battle:
18,500 worker lose their jobs
19 company executives get $1.75 million in bonuses


As always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
SOP. Google golden parachute vs poison pill.
But that's great; those bonuses will be taxable...hopefully they'll give out more of those bonuses to cover the cost of unemployment outlays.
Since we're on the subject of layoff payoffs--

18,500 people going on unemployment
for 99 weeks
at $300/week....

And assuming those workers stay with the union and pay dues @$25/month...
the union will get $10,637,500. 1.9% of the workers' revenues.
Compared to the .7% that the managers will receive of hostess' revenues.
im not saying its not the rich who get richer, they do; but not because of greed, but rather prudence and frugality.

11-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Looks like Trigg got the USS Gabby in her sights, fired, and scored a direct hit

red states rule. You beat me to the punch with that video of a ship being sunk. I was looking for something more appropriate for Gabby, but Google, and Yahoo Image Libraries just don't show WHALE CRAP, and it isn't in much demand.

So we can all use our imaginations. Thinking how Gabby is already on the bottom, below everything else.

11-30-2012, 02:49 PM



The union was a copout. Hostess was afloat only because of cash injections from investment firms. Hostess was going down either way.

btw, hostess execs just got approved for a big bonus

11-30-2012, 03:04 PM
btw, hostess execs just got approved for a big bonus

I think you missed this post.

As usual gabby didn't read what she posted.


1. No one has received the money, it was offered as an INCENTIVE.

2. Even if they agree to the incentive they have to meet certain criteria to RECEIVE THE MONEY

3. it is .07% of Hostess revenue and LOWER than the usual bonuses given in these types of cases.

Lets face it gabby if the union didn't exist those people would STILL HAVE JOBS

The blame can be firmly placed at the unions feet.

Common practice and needs to be approved by the court.

11-30-2012, 03:06 PM
Common practice and needs to be approved by the court.

thanks, i'll concede my concern