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View Full Version : Petraeus knew it was terrorism immediately

11-17-2012, 02:20 PM
And his report reflected as much, but "someone" edited it out before Susan Rice and others spoke to the media and TV stations. Why wasn't the CIA reports taken as seriously and why edited?

David Petraeus is going to tell members of Congress that he "knew almost immediately after the September 11th attack, that the group Ansar al Sharia, the al Qaeda sympathizing group in Libya was responsible for the attacks," CNN reports.

In his closed door meeting on the Hill, "[Petraeus] will also say he had his own talking points separate from U.N. ambassador Susan Rice. [Hers] came from somewhere other in the administration than his direct talking points," Barbara Starr of CNN reports, referencing a source close to Petraeus.

The former CIA director will move to further himself from comments that didn't accurately characterize the terror attack that Rice made 5 days after on national television shows.

"When he looks at what Susan Rice said," CNN reports, "here is what Petraeus's take is, according to my source. Petraeus developed some talking points laying it all out. those talking points as always were approved by the intelligence community. But then he sees Susan Rice make her statements and he sees input from other areas of the administration. Petraeus -- it is believed -- will tell the committee he is not certain where Susan Rice got all of her information."


Representative Peter King stated that former CIA Director David Petraeus stated that he knew the Benghazi attack was terrorism and that the talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice were different from the ones prepared by the CIA. Petraeus stated Rice's talking points were edited to demphasized the possibility of terrorism.


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Abbey Marie
11-17-2012, 02:30 PM
I'm thinking more that when the affair looked like it might come out, the General exposed it himself and resigned, so the Admin wouldn't have any way to use the information to keep him quiet about Benghazi.

11-17-2012, 02:36 PM
I'm thinking more that when the affair looked like it might come out, the General exposed it himself and resigned, so the Admin wouldn't have any way to use the information to keep him quiet about Benghazi.

Abbey. I thought the very same thing, right after the news came out about him. And somehow. I knew it would be his most honorable way to not be held captive by the Obama admin. Or, being held in contempt by Holder, and the UCMJ for the Military if he didn't step down to admit what he did.
We used to call that BLACKMAIL. But the General is obviously, much smarter than Obama, and his Lying Squad.

11-18-2012, 12:03 AM
I'm thinking more that when the affair looked like it might come out, the General exposed it himself and resigned, so the Admin wouldn't have any way to use the information to keep him quiet about Benghazi.

It would be of interest to know the real timeline on that affair. Not for salacious reasons, but to know if the original stories, (think Benghazi 'hate' video), which put the affair ending with his taking CIA position; or the 'new' timeline that has the affair beginning then.

If the first, my guess is he came clean with the 'vetting' for the position. Who 'vetted'? Valarie Jarrett.

red states rule
11-19-2012, 04:19 AM