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View Full Version : Hamas Barbarity Again Against 'Its Own' People

red states rule
11-19-2012, 02:55 AM
So the rockets launched by Hamas kills a small Palestinian child, and the media goes nuts and the Israel's military. There is only one problem, you actually had a few real reporters asking questions and doing their job. Not the truth comes out, and as of yet, the liberal media has yet to offer a correction.
Hamas has once again apparently been caught faking an image of a dead Palestinian child--this time using a child likely killed by its own rocket fire and claiming that an Israeli attack was responsible. CNN's Sara Sidner ran a full report (http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t1#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/17/pkg-sidner-gaza-child-killed.cnn) on the child's death, strongly implying that an Israeli bomb had been responsible.

The dead child was paraded before the cameras during the visit of Egyptian prime minister Hisham Kandil, who kissed the dead child in the presence of Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh. But even the New York Times was suspicious (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/17/world/middleeast/in-gaza-tragic-result-for-misplaced-hopes-of-cease-fire.html?_r=0).
Bloggers such as Elder of Ziyon (http://www.elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2012/11/dead-child-held-by-egypts-pm-was-killed.html) quickly pieced together the evidence of Hamas fakery:
The IDF did not launch any airstrikes in Gaza while Egyptian PM Kandil was in Gaza...
If it was an Israeli missile, you can be sure that it would have been shown to the media! Furthermore, PCHR (http://www.pchrgaza.org/portal/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9001:ongoing-israeli-offensive-on-gaza-palestinian-civilian-deaths-rise-to-17-including-2-women-and-6-children-and-381-wounded-including-107-children-and-64-women-&catid=145:in-focus), which is keeping track of everyone killed in Gaza (and which admits that most of the dead have been "militants,") did not list Mahmoud Sadallah or Aiman Aby Wardah in their list of victims of Israeli airstrikes, although they even include one person who died of a heart attack.
Put this together with the fact that Hamas and other terror groups were firing rockets throughout Friday morning while the IDF did not, plus the fact that over 100 rockets have fallen short in Gaza (both using past performance (http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2012/11/how-many-gazans-are-killed-by-hamas.html) and IDF statistics (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/162180#.UKg6RofAfjt) as proof), and the fact that the shrapnel in the video matches almost exactly the shrapnel damage we have seen from rocket fire into Israel, and it is very clear: this child was killed by Gaza rocket fire, not by Israel.

Hamas has a well-established pattern of faking civilian deaths in Gaza, even as it seeks civilian deaths in Israel (and fakes that, too, pretending it is firing at military targets). Last week, Breitbart News caught (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/11/14/Hamas-Fakes-Casualties-on-Twitter) Hamas using a month-old photo of a dead Syrian boy and claiming he had been killed by Israel--a double irony, since the Assad regime that killed the boy hosted Hamas for years before the outbreak of the Syrian civil war.
The international community has reinforced Hamas’s pattern of fakery by applying a double standard to Palestinian civilians killed by Israel and Palestinian civilians killed by Hamas. When Israeli artillery inadvertently killed civilians in Beit Hanoun in 2006, the world sprang into action with accusations of “war crime (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/15/israelandthepalestinians.unitednations)”; when errant Palestinian rockets have struck civilians in Beit Hanoun (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,238000,00.html), the world has said nothing at all.
Not every civilian death in Gaza is faked, of course. But almost every civilian death can be attributed to Hamas, which deliberately fires rockets from civilian areas and hides its weapons caches in mosques and homes. Since Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9, Hamas has smuggled in more rockets that endanger the local Palestinian populace, and whose only purpose is to target Israeli civilians. Hamas bears the moral burden of this war.
Update: According (http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=292280) to the office of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 60 of the 703 rockets fired by Hamas and other terror groups since the start of the conflict have fallen on Palestinian civilians. The Israel Defense Force says (https://twitter.com/IDFSpokesperson/status/270171023800950784) that 99 rockets in total that were fired at Israel have hit Gaza itself in four days of conflict.
Update 2: Several sources now report (http://honestreporting.com/gaza-child-killed-by-hamas/) that the child was, in fact, killed by a Hamas rocket, not Israel. Those sources include the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. Will CNN issue a correction to its earlier false report? http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/11/18/Bloggers-Catch-More-Dead-Child-Fakery-by-Hamas

11-19-2012, 03:33 AM
So the rockets launched by Hamas kills a small Palestinian child, and the media goes nuts and the Israel's military. There is only one problem, you actually had a few real reporters asking questions and doing their job. Not the truth comes out, and as of yet, the liberal media has yet to offer a correction. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/11/18/Bloggers-Catch-More-Dead-Child-Fakery-by-Hamas
This is time stamped as updated ~7 hours ago. 1:54 gmt, 11-19-2012

But the Israeli military told CNN on Sunday it did not carry out any airstrikes at the time of the child's death. The IDF said had stopped its attacks for Kandil's visit, raising questions about what caused the fatal blast. One possibility could be the misfire of a Hamas rocket intended for Israel, since CNN's crew in Gaza said it saw two such rockets passing overhead -- apparently fired not far from where the boy lived. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/18/world/meast/gaza-israel-strike/?c=&page=2

red states rule
11-19-2012, 03:39 AM
But CNN ran with the pro-Hamas story and has yet failed to correct its errors. http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t1#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/17/pkg-sidner-gaza-child-killed.cnn

11-19-2012, 03:51 AM
But CNN ran with the pro-Hamas story and has yet failed to correct its errors. http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t1#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/17/pkg-sidner-gaza-child-killed.cnn
The article I quoted was from CNN, coauthored by sara sidner, the same woman who is speaking in the video. The video was from Saturday, the article Sunday. The article is more recent and includes the info you seem to feel was ignored.

red states rule
11-19-2012, 03:59 AM
The article I quoted was from CNN, coauthored by sara sidner, the same woman who is speaking in the video. The video was from Saturday, the article Sunday. The article is more recent and includes the info you seem to feel was ignored.
LR you have to go way down into the article to find that quote (and it is not an admission of error from CNN) and CNN has NOT issued a retraction of their story that blamed Israel air strikes for the child's death. As always, the coverage Hams gets from the liberal media is very favorable regardless of the facts

red states rule
11-19-2012, 04:09 AM
LR, before you come after me for my liberal media comment - here is a great example of what Israel is up against with the liberal media. Did you know rocket attacks do little damage? That is what a MSNBC anchor said
Beyond its military operation targeting the Hamas terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, Israel is invested in an intense media campaign to make sure its side of the story is being heard overseas. But that’s not always easy to do.In an interview with Israel’s top envoy to the United States on Saturday, MSNBC provided yet another example of how much work Israeli officials face in their effort to pass through the filter of the mainstream media and present their side of the story.
MSNBC’s Mara Schiavocampo began her interview of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren straightforwardly enough, asking “What would be the trigger for a ground operation? What’s the red line here?”
Oren answered, “You have the equivalent of what would be about 170 million Americans under bomb shelters. If Hamas continues to escalate we will take the necessary and legitimate measures to defend our citizens.”
Schiavocampo’s second question might be considered more controversial, positing the argument that long-range rockets carrying warheads weighing between 20 and 90 kilograms — 46 to 198 pounds — aren’t actually dangerous to human life. She asked:
“Living under the threat of rocket attack is certainly a psychological trauma. But what would you say to those who argue that the rockets are essentially very ineffective, they rarely do damage and that the response from Israelis is disproportional to the threat they’re under.” http://www.theblaze.com/stories/msnbc-anchor-tells-israeli-ambassador-hamas-rockets-rarely-do-damage/

11-19-2012, 04:30 AM
LR you have to go way down into the article to find that quote (and it is not an admission of error from CNN) and CNN has NOT issued a retraction of their story that blamed Israel air strikes for the child's death. As always, the coverage Hams gets from the liberal media is very favorable regardless of the facts
You claimed they reported something incorrectly. I showed where they did report it correctly. Yet you demand a recant. They reported what they were told by those who were there. When new info became available, they updated their report rsr. She's a field operative. They run the story with what they've got. She had an interview with the family of a dead boy who was kissed by a visiting dignitary-- that's top news. In the article the boy's death was not top news, hence it's further down; but the entirety of the boy's death was reported in the same section of the article, and it was comprehensive. Sorry your vitriol prevents you from seeing news for what it is-- a story meant to sell. That's not the exclusive domain of msm. Need I post every story Fox News has run with that turns out incorrect? I can if you want, but I think it's jut as easy to do your own research about an issue before blasting CNN for not reporting something correctly, when at the time of your post they had, in fact, reported it correctly. It's called checking your story, something the author of the CNN story did, admittedly after the the interview story ran, but nonetheless, it was reported correctly at the time of your post. Will you be issuing a correction to your OP rsr?

red states rule
11-19-2012, 04:34 AM
You claimed they reported something incorrectly. I showed where they did report it correctly. Yet you demand a recant. They reported what they were told by those who were there. When new info became available, they updated their report rsr. She's a field operative. They run the story with what they've got. She had an interview with the family of a dead boy who was kissed by a visiting dignitary-- that's top news. In the article the boy's death was not top news, hence it's further down; but the entirety of the boy's death was reported in the same section of the article, and it was comprehensive. Sorry your vitriol prevents you from seeing news for what it is-- a story meant to sell. That's not the exclusive domain of msm. Need I post every story Fox News has run with that turns out incorrect? I can if you want, but I think it's jut as easy to do your own research about an issue before blasting CNN for not reporting something correctly, when at the time of your post they had, in fact, reported it correctly. It's called checking your story, something the author of the CNN story did, admittedly after the the interview story ran, but nonetheless, it was reported correctly at the time of your post. Will you be issuing a correction to your OP rsr?

LR you are amazing. A small quote deep in the story and in their "retraction" CNN "reports" 'One possibility could be the misfire of a Hamas rocket'. And with that you consider the matter closed? I am sorry your liberalism blocks out all common sense and basic journalistic ethics. Of course journalism died in 2008 and I doubt if it will ever come back

11-19-2012, 05:41 AM
LR you are amazing. A small quote deep in the story and in their "retraction" CNN "reports" 'One possibility could be the misfire of a Hamas rocket'. And with that you consider the matter closed? I am sorry your liberalism blocks out all common sense and basic journalistic ethics. Of course journalism died in 2008 and I doubt if it will ever come back I never said "retraction". Who are you quoting?

You lecturing me about common sense views on political bias and seeing the truth in reporting... That's like ten times more funny than the aggregation of all the cartoons you post here.
Condescension and personal attacks are the last throws of a defeat rsr. I guess your pride precludes you from accepting gracefully.
Ethics died long before 2008; I think is pretty apparent when Clinton's sexual liaisons became the lead story across the gamut of news cycles. Apparently, coverage about the president getting sucked off is jounalistically ethical in your book. The fact is you see only what you want, never bother to do independent research, and parrot a host of conservative talking points with no effort whatsoever to verify their validity. I don't know if you lack the intellect to operate a search engine or you're just too lazy.

11-19-2012, 06:32 AM
Yes. I believe!

Israel is just full of cuddly friendly people that just want to sell you kosher bagels who would never bomb anyone and certainly wouldn't do something like bomb a school with chemical weapons or anything like that.


Yup, all the injuries and deaths in Gaza, especially all the dead children are fakes. We believe you Bibi!

11-19-2012, 08:34 AM
Yes. I believe!

Israel is just full of cuddly friendly people that just want to sell you kosher bagels who would never bomb anyone and certainly wouldn't do something like bomb a school with chemical weapons or anything like that.


Yup, all the injuries and deaths in Gaza, especially all the dead children are fakes. We believe you Bibi!

Photoshop much? I'll bet the original photo wasn't even from gaza.

11-19-2012, 08:52 AM
Photoshop much? I'll bet the original photo wasn't even from gaza.

My thought as well. Looks like run of the mill fireworks to me.

11-19-2012, 09:05 AM
My thought as well. Looks like run of the mill fireworks to me.

And a lot of smoke trails that look identical, especially along the top. I wonder if this is a rueters photo?

11-19-2012, 12:05 PM
Photoshop much? I'll bet the original photo wasn't even from gaza.

He's an admitted terrorist supporter, did you expect anything different? A jew hating terrorist supporter, what a surprise.

11-19-2012, 12:20 PM
He's an admitted terrorist supporter, did you expect anything different? A jew hating terrorist supporter, what a surprise.

As opposed to Muslim hating terrorist supporters, which is you and many others on this forum. Right?

11-19-2012, 12:53 PM
Interesting read. The Palestinians have been busted like 60 million times faking pictures and videos. I'd say it's laughable, but it's sad that scum would resort to such levels and using kids to do so.


Abbey Marie
11-19-2012, 02:25 PM
You claimed they reported something incorrectly. I showed where they did report it correctly. Yet you demand a recant. They reported what they were told by those who were there. When new info became available, they updated their report rsr. She's a field operative. They run the story with what they've got. She had an interview with the family of a dead boy who was kissed by a visiting dignitary-- that's top news. In the article the boy's death was not top news, hence it's further down; but the entirety of the boy's death was reported in the same section of the article, and it was comprehensive. Sorry your vitriol prevents you from seeing news for what it is-- a story meant to sell. That's not the exclusive domain of msm. Need I post every story Fox News has run with that turns out incorrect? I can if you want, but I think it's jut as easy to do your own research about an issue before blasting CNN for not reporting something correctly, when at the time of your post they had, in fact, reported it correctly. It's called checking your story, something the author of the CNN story did, admittedly after the the interview story ran, but nonetheless, it was reported correctly at the time of your post. Will you be issuing a correction to your OP rsr?

That right there is pretty pathetic and pretty damning for a reporter. Why defend it?

11-19-2012, 02:30 PM
Interesting read. The Palestinians have been busted like 60 million times faking pictures and videos. I'd say it's laughable, but it's sad that scum would resort to such levels and using kids to do so.


Now we know where the Obama administration learned to deceive, and lie so well. It also explains why they have endlessly tried to bury the BENGHAZI-gate problems since day one.

Obama and Hamas seem to have Much in common. Both Pretend to be something they will never be. As in HONEST.

11-19-2012, 03:19 PM
LR you are amazing. A small quote deep in the story and in their "retraction" CNN "reports" 'One possibility could be the misfire of a Hamas rocket'. And with that you consider the matter closed? I am sorry your liberalism blocks out all common sense and basic journalistic ethics. Of course journalism died in 2008 and I doubt if it will ever come back

Just came across this, seems CNN got it from Reuters. No shock there:


Video at site.

11-19-2012, 03:49 PM
Just came across this, seems CNN got it from Reuters. No shock there:


Video at site.

Kathianne. CNN reporting on the accuracy of Reuters is comparable to MOVEON.ORG, reporting lies, about George Soros, or Obama.

11-19-2012, 03:50 PM
That right there is pretty pathetic and pretty damning for a reporter. Why defend it?
I merely explained the situation-- bad intel. She had an exclusive and she ran with it. Somehow that's a conspiracy worthy of public apology. Such is not forthcoming from any fronts-- Nor do I expect it to be. Media is a business-- they sell their stories. It's up to consumer to decide if they buy it. what I defend is my way of researching a story. I don't automatically discount a source-- I shop around first, find the story, and compare results. On the first page of a search I found the original reporter's story of the event-- reported correctly in light of newfound information released AFTER the story originally aired.

Abbey Marie
11-19-2012, 04:21 PM
I merely explained the situation-- bad intel. She had an exclusive and she ran with it. Somehow that's a conspiracy worthy of public apology. Such is not forthcoming from any fronts-- Nor do I expect it to be. Media is a business-- they sell their stories. It's up to consumer to decide if they buy it. what I defend is my way of researching a story. I don't automatically discount a source-- I shop around first, find the story, and compare results. On the first page of a search I found the original reporter's story of the event-- reported correctly in light of newfound information released AFTER the story originally aired.

I'll refer you back to Red's post #8 in response.

And yes, you are defending it as a-ok. Otherwise, you might agree with Red's premise that this reporting is, to put it as kindly as I can, at best misleading. No unbiased reporter worth a dime checks a source AFTER they go with a story. Especially one this volatile. I suspect you wouldn't even let a poster on an Internet message board get away with that.

red states rule
11-20-2012, 03:14 AM
I will give credit to CNN's Anderson Cooper who did retract the story regarding the video CNN ran of the Palestinian man faking injury


However the anti Israel bias runs wild in the liberal media

11-20-2012, 05:09 AM
Judging by the internet er... judgement, this hoax was a propaganda win for Israel. They spend a lot of time and money sanitising what they do.

11-20-2012, 06:58 PM
Judging by the internet er... judgement, this hoax was a propaganda win for Israel. They spend a lot of time and money sanitising what they do.

Damn jafar. Your Hamas training has even taught you to LIE about Hamas propaganda, and blame it on Israel.

Problem for you is. The ONE, and ONLY person who believes what you say here is....YOU.

Liar's, and Terrorism supporters never get very far. Don't forget your Earplugs....for your future adventures in Vests.

11-20-2012, 07:05 PM
Damn jafar. Your Hamas training has even taught you to LIE about Hamas propaganda, and blame it on Israel.

Problem for you is. The ONE, and ONLY person who believes what you say here is....YOU.

Liar's, and Terrorism supporters never get very far. Don't forget your Earplugs....for your future adventures in Vests.

AT, please, remember about the all bold posts!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 09:33 PM
I'll refer you back to Red's post #8 in response.

And yes, you are defending it as a-ok. Otherwise, you might agree with Red's premise that this reporting is, to put it as kindly as I can, at best misleading. No unbiased reporter worth a dime checks a source AFTER they go with a story. Especially one this volatile. I suspect you wouldn't even let a poster on an Internet message board get away with that.

Give log a break, working an "around the tree" defense of bad people while attempting to look to be fair and logical is a very hard task. Sometimes sharp people see through the ploy and the gig is up. Thats when spin is important and distraction by any means. A tactic log used when defending muslims and their actions in the past. Any that see through his tricky little spun out maze and speak out about it he calls, traitor, liar, racist, troublemaker, etc. -Tyr

11-20-2012, 09:37 PM
AT, please, remember about the all bold posts!!

My apologies. Sometimes. Rather than using all CAPS. My BOLDNESS takes over.