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View Full Version : Why tax wealthier Americans?

11-29-2012, 01:10 PM
There was a famous bank robber who finally got caught, and thrown in jail. When he was asked why he had kept robbing bank after bank, he replied frankly, "Because that's where the money is!"

Today's liberals have the same reason for wanting to tax the wealthier Americans. Not because they deserve to lose more than other Americans, but because "that's where the money is". Some of the more fanatical liberals actually try to pretend that if you can make a law saying it's legal, that somehow makes it moral.

The only real differences between that bank robber and today's liberals, are:
1.) The bank robber never tried to claim the banks were eeevil for having the money;
2.) The bank robber never pretended it was moral for him to take the money;
3.) The bank robber never claimed that his taking the money, would benefit anybody beside himself.

In some ways, that bank robber was far more honest than today's liberals.