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12-02-2012, 12:31 AM
Well last night worked until 10:30pm. Got up at 7, had coffee. At nearly 9, took off for library, found there was a 'Holiday Run' on, couldn't get there. So parked in my bank parking lot, walked there to return two books and pick up two more.

Learned I could park in bank and get in & out of library in 7 minutes, even waiting for the healthy runners to cross street. (Ok, it helps to know exactly what 2 books I wanted.)

Ran to bank, got some cash. Filled my tank and got to work at 9:45. Worked til 3. Came home and got online for a bit. Got myself looking half glam and went to animal adoption dinner with friends. Met up with my sometime date there. Was fun and even won one of the silent auctions. Nice dinner and very festive.

For the past hour, watching some interesting takes from this:


Started with a yahoo story on his video about Jackie, at Krispy Kreme:


There are some very funny and actually informative videos, in the sense of why 'successful' businesses are. See Fed Ex and Costco in particular.

12-02-2012, 01:13 AM
Interesting, at first it seemed differences between men and women, then again...

Pick out 5 strangers and offer them $5, no catch:


12-02-2012, 02:12 AM
Awesome lead kathianne. 100 days of rejection therapy is a paradigm shifting project. I loved the Krispy Kreme experience, with Janine? in Austin. The daily mail called her "an individual who encapsulates all that is good about American customer service" -- couldn't have said it better myself-- what feel-good video. I can't link to videos through my phone, but clicking on the link in the OP will direct any who want a refresher on the goodness that still exists. DO IT!

12-02-2012, 02:25 AM
Awesome lead kathianne. 100 days of rejection therapy is a paradigm shifting project. I loved the Krispy Kreme experience, with Janine? in Austin. The daily mail called her "an individual who encapsulates all that is good about American customer service" -- couldn't have said it better myself-- what feel-good video. I can't link to videos through my phone, but clicking on the link in the OP will direct any who want a refresher on the goodness that still exists. DO IT!

Jackie. She is the best advertisement Krispy Kreme has had. Truth is, there are hundreds, thousands, millions of Americans that go beyond what's expected! We should celebrate them.

Actually, I'm guessing most here fit that bill.

When I was 14-16 and waitressing, I didn't expect to make what 'adults' made, but I made way more than babysitting. ;)

12-02-2012, 12:22 PM
Great idea Kathianne. Jackie at the Donut Shop IS...probably, the very same kind of American...or rather..Human being most all of us know, or have known.

When you get down to just being human, with no chips on your shoulder. I do believe. All of us wouldn't be very surprised to learn. People like Jackie are Everywhere, and may even BE US!

I don't understand the premise of the fellow in the Krispy Creme video...looking for NO's, or NEGATIVES?

Seems he would be happier being sad, than finding out how nice people really are.

I always have tried to avoid NEGATIVE people, and NEGATIVE Idea's.

If you hang around with, or spend too much time with Negative people, saying, or doing Negative things. You eventually become NEGATIVE....Just like them.

The same could be said for POSITIVE people. Now there's an Idea all of us should practice.

12-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Great idea Kathianne. Jackie at the Donut Shop IS...probably, the very same kind of American...or rather..Human being most all of us know, or have known.

When you get down to just being human, with no chips on your shoulder. I do believe. All of us wouldn't be very surprised to learn. People like Jackie are Everywhere, and may even BE US!

I don't understand the premise of the fellow in the Krispy Creme video...looking for NO's, or NEGATIVES?

Seems he would be happier being sad, than finding out how nice people really are.

I always have tried to avoid NEGATIVE people, and NEGATIVE Idea's.

If you hang around with, or spend too much time with Negative people, saying, or doing Negative things. You eventually become NEGATIVE....Just like them.

The same could be said for POSITIVE people. Now there's an Idea all of us should practice.

He seems like a pretty positive person to me. Appears he's working on taking a positive stance towards rejection, the 'failures' help him get there. That's just my understanding. He's an entrepreneur, working on getting financing. That's a position where one probably hears 'No' quite often, but one needs to keep asking.

12-02-2012, 12:33 PM
He seems like a pretty positive person to me. Appears he's working on taking a positive stance towards rejection, the 'failures' help him get there. That's just my understanding. He's an entrepreneur, working on getting financing. That's a position where one probably hears 'No' quite often, but one needs to keep asking.

Okay. I'll accept that. But. Based on my own, personal experiences in life. If you convince yourself that the answer is always gonna be NO. That's usually what you get. And it helps to build confidence that NO works better than YES.

Thinking positively, and telling yourself positive thoughts, rather than planning on negatives also works.

We all know. The people who succeed...NEVER listen to those who tell them "YOU CAN'T DO THIS, OR THAT" and they go on anyway.

Proof is, with that video. He EXPECTED a NO. And....WHAT DID HE GET?

12-02-2012, 12:43 PM
Okay. I'll accept that. But. Based on my own, personal experiences in life. If you convince yourself that the answer is always gonna be NO. That's usually what you get. And it helps to build confidence that NO works better than YES.

Thinking positively, and telling yourself positive thoughts, rather than planning on negatives also works.

We all know. The people who succeed...NEVER listen to those who tell them "YOU CAN'T DO THIS, OR THAT" and they go on anyway.

Proof is, with that video. He EXPECTED a NO. And....WHAT DID HE GET?

Watching the videos, one realizes the unexpected. The 'no's' aren't always 'no.' See the FedEx or Costco ones. All in all, pretty enlightening. He's also 'discovering' how smart some 'everyday' workers are. Really.

12-02-2012, 03:04 PM
Okay. I'll accept that. But. Based on my own, personal experiences in life. If you convince yourself that the answer is always gonna be NO. That's usually what you get. And it helps to build confidence that NO works better than YES.

Thinking positively, and telling yourself positive thoughts, rather than planning on negatives also works.

We all know. The people who succeed...NEVER listen to those who tell them "YOU CAN'T DO THIS, OR THAT" and they go on anyway.

Proof is, with that video. He EXPECTED a NO. And....WHAT DID HE GET?
Being prepared mentally for a 'No,' is how one can return again and again, without feeling a failure. Every 'Yes,' is a gift!

12-02-2012, 03:58 PM
Great idea Kathianne. Jackie at the Donut Shop IS...probably, the very same kind of American...or rather..Human being most all of us know, or have known.

When you get down to just being human, with no chips on your shoulder. I do believe. All of us wouldn't be very surprised to learn. People like Jackie are Everywhere, and may even BE US!

I don't understand the premise of the fellow in the Krispy Creme video...looking for NO's, or NEGATIVES?

Seems he would be happier being sad, than finding out how nice people really are.

I always have tried to avoid NEGATIVE people, and NEGATIVE Idea's.

If you hang around with, or spend too much time with Negative people, saying, or doing Negative things. You eventually become NEGATIVE....Just like them.

The same could be said for POSITIVE people. Now there's an Idea all of us should practice.

Check out his Q & A Page:


Rejection Q&A Q. Who am I?

A. My name is Jia Jiang (http://www.linkedin.com/in/jiajiang) (@jiajiang (http://www.twitter.com/jiajiang)). I’m a proud husband and father in Austin, TX. I also own a technology startup called Hooplus. We are building a commitment management tool to help consumers and business to keep their promises, increase productivity and collaboration.

Q. Why am I doing this?

A. In 11/2012, I was turned down by a prominent investor. I wanted the investment so bad that I had dreamt about it on five different occasions. The final rejection hurt as if Santa Claus showed up in person and told me he’s not real, and then ran away with my gifts.

I then turned inward, and wanted to focus on building myself with the necessary entrepreneurial skillsets. My experience revealed that my fear of rejection was real, so I wanted to tackle it first. I searched, and found Jason Comely’s Rejection Therapy (http://rejectiontherapy.com/) concept through FounderDating (http://founderdating.com/) Forum. I liked it so much and decided to do it right away, and vlog it to keep myself accountable to going through the whole 100 days.

Q. Is it working?

A. Like magic blended with kungfu. If you see my first video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmIeo2bZVoQ), I was timid, apologetic and wanted to get out of there ASAP. Now, I can negotiate and even joke with each person.

Q. Should you try Rejection Therapy yourself?

A. Absolutely! Many of you expressed that the more videos you watch, the less cringe-worthy they become. That suggests even watching the videos might have some therapeutic effect. However, I encourage all of you to try it on some level personally, because it really works. Maybe you will run into another Jackie in the meantime.

Q. How should you do it?

A. You should develop your own rules. Here are the criteria I use:
1. They are fun/crazy. This is fun only if you have the mindset of having fun.
2. They are challenging but not totally unrealistic. In another word, what’s stopping the other party from doing it is the craziness, not physics.
3. They are something you want to do. When you get a ‘yes’ if it ever happens, you should follow through. Therefore, pick something you would enjoy doing/receiving.

Q. What’s next?

A. The journey just got started and I have 90 more days to go. Just because the honeymoon was like a dream, it doesn’t mean the rest of marriage doesn’t need to be experienced. We are going to experience this together, good and bad. Hopefully there will be more Jackies, Scotts and Roberts.

But either way, there is no loss. That’s the beauty of Rejection Therapy.

Q. What about your suggestions?

A. Your suggestions for crazy requests are amazing. I wish you could see them all. When they first start to come in, I kept a list. But now, we are looking at three years if I do them all. I want to overcome rejection, not marry it. However, I will try to blend in your suggestions as I go on, because your ideas are truly ingenious. Keep them coming!

Q. So will you do any crazy requests involve romance?

A. No. I am blissfully married with a chubby 4 months old. No blog material, no matter how interesting, can undermine that.

12-02-2012, 08:03 PM
Sorry. But I see everything that young man said, in explaining his reasons for doing so. Nothing but self-appeasing Excuses that will permit him to FAIL, and he'll always have the excuse to fall back on.

His only success so far, seems to be the growing numbers of Views for his Youtube video.

He is setting the Wrong Example. Creating a lousy excuse many will use to make them feel better, and not try harder to succeed.

12-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Well last night worked until 10:30pm. Got up at 7, had coffee. At nearly 9, took off for library,

So, basically, what I get out of this was that you sat and drank coffee for 2 hours. No wonder you got around so much, you were all hopped up on the caffeine! :coffee2::hyper:

12-03-2012, 03:18 AM
So, basically, what I get out of this was that you sat and drank coffee for 2 hours. No wonder you got around so much, you were all hopped up on the caffeine! :coffee2::hyper:

Indeed. It's a rare day that I don't go through 3 pots of coffee. ;) Often my friend helps a bit. I have been known to make it through three on my own though. LOL!

12-04-2012, 01:13 AM
Indeed. It's a rare day that I don't go through 3 pots of coffee. ;) Often my friend helps a bit. I have been known to make it through three on my own though. LOL!

No wonder you are so rushed during the day. You have to factor in a dozen trips to the water closet.

12-04-2012, 04:08 AM
No wonder you are so rushed during the day. You have to factor in a dozen trips to the water closet.

LOL! I'm get down a few bottles of water too! I'm a camel. ;)

12-04-2012, 07:06 AM
I'm confused....

Where's the part with all of the hot sex?

12-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Kathianne, you and I are similar in that regard. I take medication that makes me thirsty a lot. Instead of coffee, I drink ice tea and water. So I make it a habit to always know where the nearest loo is. :cool:

I'm confused....

Where's the part with all of the hot sex?

Certainly not in your home... :poke: