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View Full Version : Angry New Yorkers say Obama pledge to cut red tape ignored by FEMA

12-02-2012, 01:53 PM
He sure did make a good appearance prior to the election though! Where's the cutting of the red tape now? And if the liberals were so up in arms over Bush and Katrina, why are so many of them suddenly silent this time around?

Storm-ravaged New Yorkers say President Obama’s promise to cut red tape and get them aid in the aftermath of Sandy has proven to be hot air.

Angry citizens vented at FEMA officials at a town hall meeting held by the disaster relief agency Thursday, with tempers boiling over. Some 1,000 people, many left homeless by the Oct. 29 storm, attended the meeting at Staten Island’s New Dorp High School. They were initially scheduled to submit written questions that would be picked and answered at random, but the session turned into an angry shouting match where residents booed FEMA officials and accused them of lying.

“We are the people – we are the middle class, and we are getting the finger,” said frustrated resident Scott McGrath, who personally spoke to President Obama and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo when they came to Staten Island to inspect storm damage earlier this month. “You were there when I met Obama, and I told the president … that the middle class was getting the royal finger. And he said, ‘FEMA works for me.’”

“FEMA ain’t doing nothing,” McGrath added. “They keep going around in circles.”


12-02-2012, 01:55 PM
The media covered Katrina aftermath for months. Sandy? Not much. Why? Bush v Obama. So, the people and the conservatives should demand attention. Alternative media first, the others will follow.

12-02-2012, 02:38 PM
He sure did make a good appearance prior to the election though! Where's the cutting of the red tape now? And if the liberals were so up in arms over Bush and Katrina, why are so many of them suddenly silent this time around?

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/11/30/staten-island-residents-vent-frustration-at-fema-other-agencies-during-town/i really do fell sorry for those foolish enough to through there votes his way, even so they got what they voted for.

12-02-2012, 03:45 PM
The media covered Katrina aftermath for months. Sandy? Not much. Why? Bush v Obama. So, the people and the conservatives should demand attention. Alternative media first, the others will follow.

I can explain it.... most severely impacted neighborhoods are all white/GOP neighborhoods.

12-02-2012, 05:25 PM
He sure did make a good appearance prior to the election though! Where's the cutting of the red tape now? And if the liberals were so up in arms over Bush and Katrina, why are so many of them suddenly silent this time around?


Because it's "Their" guy fucking up?

Robert A Whit
12-02-2012, 05:50 PM
I hate to keep saying this, but Katrina was NEVER Bush's fault. Nor was it Browns fault.

To start the ball rolling, the first act has to be by the state Governor. LA Governor Blanco refused to seek help from FEMA. FEMA can't enter to help any state until the Governor makes the declaration and asks for help. She was a Democrat and being the media loves Democrats, she got zero blame by the media though those of us who understand FEMA knew it was her fault she refused to get help. Bush kept trying to get her to seek help. She turned him down.

Bush got burned on that.

Since the media is run by the left wing, naturally they won't attack Obama.

I suspect that this time the Gov did seek FEMA help so on that note we can't blame the Gov. Obama is the top boss over FEMA so this time we can blame Obama.

Matter of fact, I delight in blaming Obama.

I blame the stupid NY voters that supported him.

12-02-2012, 07:55 PM
I can explain it.... most severely impacted neighborhoods are all white/GOP neighborhoods.

taft. How Ironic? The MSM see's no need to claim any racism, or disenfranchisement if a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake destroys an area where ALL WHITE PEOPLE are the victims.

On the other hand. We had Katrina. And the MSM had a field-day, using every aspect of massive racism, bigotry, disenfranchisement, racecard exhibits, the poor, desperate, uneducated, illiterate, homeless to PLAY WITH, and even Blame Bush for.

But then. Obama has no predominantly BLACK neighborhoods to use as examples...other than the MURDER FIELDS in Chicago where DAILY Murder rates must be Hidden...that might make Obama look bad.

End result. Obama himself has promised to TAKE CARE OF HIS PEOPLE. And they just don't happen to be HIS PEOPLE in N.Y. and N.J.

12-03-2012, 07:09 AM
End result. Obama himself has promised to TAKE CARE OF HIS PEOPLE. And they just don't happen to be HIS PEOPLE in N.Y. and N.J.

Nothing new here.

Remember that killer ice storm that hit the mid-southeast Obama's first winter in office? People had no electricity and were literally freezing to death. Obama did nothing.

We never heard any follow-up in the lamestream lapdog liberal news media either about the rash of tornado vicitms, did we? We can only wonder what happened there.
Obama operates like Huey Long did in Louisiana. Long would pave new roads right up to the border of parishes that didn't vote for him. The crews would then drive through the entire parish and resume paving when they got to a parish that did vote for Long.

12-03-2012, 07:39 AM
A little trip down memory lane, from January 2009:


With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that this new "competent" administration and FEMA would be failing so spectacularly in helping in this natural disaster?

It's got to be that Obama hates white people and wants them to die!

Of course, I am just aping what lefty blogs were saying about Bush less than 24 hours after Katrina's hurricane winds stopped blowing. But AP is reporting that Midwest disaster relief people are none too pleased with our new president's FEMA.

In Kentucky's Grayson County, there are 25 National Guardsmen there to help - but no chain saws to cut away fallen limbs and trees. EM Director Randell Smith is quoted as saying, "We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith is also quoted as saying that FEMA is a "no show."

What's that? Here we are 5 days after the storm ended and still no FEMA? I demand a Congressional investigation. And let's get all the anchors and media people down here pronto. People's lives are at stake. For all we know, there are babies being eaten and people jumping off their roofs committing suicide because FEMA is nowhere to be found.

And where is our president? Shouldn't he be visiting these ravaged areas? It must be that he HATES WHITE PEOPLE AND WANTS THEM TO DIE. That is the only possible explanation for this incredible failure of our national government to relieve the suffering of these people.

Isn't it interesting that now that we have a Democrat as president that all of a sudden, disaster relief is a state and local matter and the federal government should stand aside and allow them to do their jobs?

Just wondering...

And for fun, let us revisit the 2008 campaign, and review Obama's hilarious lies and condemnations of President Bush's FEMA:


Barack Obama, caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech Tuesday, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died.

The death toll was 12.

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed," the Democratic presidential candidate said in a speech to 500 people packed into a sweltering Richmond art studio for a fundraiser.

Obama mentioned the disaster in Greensburghttp://global.fncstatic.com/static/v/all/img/external-link.png, Kan., in saying he had been told by the office of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebeliushttp://global.fncstatic.com/static/v/all/img/external-link.png that the state's National Guard had been depleted by its commitment to the Iraq War.

"Turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process in Kansas," Obama said, his shirt sleeves rolled up and his head glistening with sweat.

Lies, stupidity, ignorance... all hallmarks of this president.

12-03-2012, 03:59 PM
Nothing new here.

Remember that killer ice storm that hit the mid-southeast Obama's first winter in office? People had no electricity and were literally freezing to death. Obama did nothing.

We never heard any follow-up in the lamestream lapdog liberal news media either about the rash of tornado vicitms, did we? We can only wonder what happened there.
Obama operates like Huey Long did in Louisiana. Long would pave new roads right up to the border of parishes that didn't vote for him. The crews would then drive through the entire parish and resume paving when they got to a parish that did vote for Long.

taft. We should also take note about what is taking place TODAY, on the West Coast, more flooding, severe rains, and soon to come. Those Mud slides...if they haven't already.
And we all know....Those Sad Hollyweird Types who supported Obama...will be at the top of his list...WHEN HE MAKES HIS CAMEO appearance with AIR FORCE ONE....telling them, and the BROKE STATE Californication....not to worry. Obama is on the way.

Robert A Whit
12-03-2012, 04:52 PM
taft. We should also take note about what is taking place TODAY, on the West Coast, more flooding, severe rains, and soon to come. Those Mud slides...if they haven't already.
And we all know....Those Sad Hollyweird Types who supported Obama...will be at the top of his list...WHEN HE MAKES HIS CAMEO appearance with AIR FORCE ONE....telling them, and the BROKE STATE Californication....not to worry. Obama is on the way.

Since I live in one of the area's you are discussing, let me give you a first hand report.

CA has it's faults. But in the populated areas, being prepared for large floods is not one of them. I live in a city of over 200,000 and we don't flood. Around 1950, floods in this area were common. Today you have to hunt to find any flood. I speak of Northern CA where we get more rain than they do in the South part of the state.

Sure, the news wants to keep you glued to the TV and they will try to make it seem like we are all flooded or deep in trouble.

Winter storms has always raised hell where you have small rivers. Napa River is not that much of a river usually.Not compared to the Sacramento River. Those ares of heavy rains are used to heavy rains. If they still get flooded, it is because they let it flood or ignored the warnings to leave. They bought property with the warnings it would flood. I heard one woman on TV say that she packs a bag and if it will flood, she leaves. She comes back after the water goes down.

Where there are floods of great note, you will find that few people live there. Those who have long lived there long ago got together and got action to help fix the problems.

I recall an underpass in Hayward CA that each time it rained much, it flooded. People now living in Hayward have long used that newer underpass and never had any flood to stop them. Back in the old days, when it flooded, it stayed flooded for at times a few weeks.

I remember fields covered in water. Somehow engineers figured out a flood system and it works very well.

Obama does not have to show up in this corrupted state. He has the love of the democrats who own and operate CA.