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View Full Version : Unemployment Rate Drops So Dems Demand Unemployment Benefits Be Extended

red states rule
12-11-2012, 03:49 AM
This is screwed up our country has become. We are told the Obama economy is improving and people are going back to work. So why are Dems screaming to extend Unemployment benefits? The law states if the unemployment rate drops below 9% in a state, then the Feds extension of benefits ends. The liberal media is "reporting" how millions will lose their befits after Christmas and Republicans will be the ones responsible. Rush talked about this yesterday
So the net end of this is, that while we apparently are in an improving economy with jobs being created -- so much that the unemployment rate is down to 7.7% -- we still have going to extend unemployment benefits for two million Americans who've already been on unemployment six months. They haven't gotten to their 99 weeks yet. This is a key. These people that we're talking about haven't hit their 99 weeks because the unemployment rate in the states they live in is under 9%.
That's why they have to be extended. And since the Obama administration is about Santa Claus (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/11/12/baracka_claus_is_coming_to_town) -- since the Obama administration is about buying loyalty and votes, since the Obama administration is about providing for people so that they don't have to work -- why does anybody think that's gonna stop after Obama wins (and, to boot, four days after Christmas)? So in light of that, why does anybody on our side think their taxes aren't going up?
"Well, Rush, go back to 2010. Obama didn't want the taxes go up 'cause it was gonna hurt the economy." Yeah? Well, that's because he still had another election to worry about. Now he doesn't for at least two years. He's at maximum damage potential right now, max damage. He can inflict the greatest damage possible for the purpose of transforming the country from capitalism to Western European socialism.
He's got two years here to double down, triple down, max out on it -- and that's if he cares about the 2014 midterms. But if you listen to Democrats talk, they don't care about that. Hillary's already been anointed for 2016. (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/12/10/democrats_anoint_mrs_clinton_the_2016_nominee_newt _concedes_on_behalf_of_gop) That election's over. This AP story, even the AP admits, "Since the collapse of the economy in 2008, the government has poured $520 billion -- an amount equal to about half its annual deficit in recent years -- into unemployment benefit extensions."

You see? Do you realize that aspect of this too? No matter how much we spend on unemployment, it's still never enough. We still need to extend them. It's never enough. Oh, and don't forget this. From Pelosi to Chuck Schumer to Obama and to all the Democrats, unemployment benefits are now an economic stimulant. Every dollar of unemployment benefits generates $1.73 of economic growth, you see.
And the people who voted for Obama believe that crock. But they believe it, and so we have arrived at the point where the recipient of unemployment benefits is told that he or she is helping to grow the economy! So we've even turned the morality aspect of this upside down. Now it is perfectly moral to extend unemployment benefits because those are growing the economy, without jobs. It's magical! It's a beautiful thing.
And the Democrats do it because they care. The Republicans don't care. But Obama and the Democrats do care. Democrats claim... In this story, folks, I kid you not. They're claiming that extending unemployment benefits will create 400,000 jobs. It's a stimulus. It is. Unemployment benefits are a stimulant. They will create 400,000 jobs. Of course this is all a crock. But everything I've just said, if a low-information voter is listening, they would agree with me 100% and would think that I've finally seen the light.