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View Full Version : Rare valuable Nazi rifle found in CT

Robert A Whit
12-11-2012, 03:48 PM
http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/rPwBlRzXu67uizEzADZ.ig--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYwMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/590/2012/12/11/ht-gun-historic-hartford-nt-121210-wmain-jpg_125436.jpg(Image credit: NECN)Just like a scene out of "Antiques Roadshow," a woman in Hartford, Conn., turned in an old rifle to her local police station's gun buy-back, only to discover the gun was worth anywhere from $20,000 to $25,000. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, inherited the gun from her father who had brought it home with him from Europe as a memento from World War II.

Added note. The police are holding the valuable weapon so the woman can sell it.

12-11-2012, 04:04 PM
Anyone that stupid needs to remain anonymous. Thankfully the police did the right thing and didn't take advantage of her stupidity.

Robert A Whit
12-11-2012, 04:14 PM
Anyone that stupid needs to remain anonymous. Thankfully the police did the right thing and didn't take advantage of her stupidity.

Gun experts at the police department informed her the weapon was very valuable. Were she stupid, she would have let them melt it anyway rather than ask them to hold it for her until she locates a buyer.

She may well get deluged with offers to buy that machine gun.

Marcus Aurelius
12-11-2012, 04:16 PM
Anyone that stupid needs to remain anonymous. Thankfully the police did the right thing and didn't take advantage of her stupidity.

Yes, certainly she is a monumental moron for not being an expert on antique German weapons...
/end sarcasm

dumb ass.

12-11-2012, 04:28 PM
Yes, certainly she is a monumental moron for not being an expert on antique German weapons...
/end sarcasm

dumb ass.

Quiet in the Peanut Gallery!

12-11-2012, 04:41 PM
Yes, certainly she is a monumental moron for not being an expert on antique German weapons...
/end sarcasm

dumb ass.

I suppose using deductive reasoning to conclude that a fire arm from WWII in relative good condition might be worth something, something more that a "buy-back" program that a local police agency is offering is to much to ask of some people. She inherited the gun from her father, it is likely she had some knowledge of its origin.

Marcus Aurelius
12-11-2012, 05:22 PM
I suppose using deductive reasoning to conclude that a fire arm from WWII in relative good condition might be worth something, something more that a "buy-back" program that a local police agency is offering is to much to ask of some people. She inherited the gun from her father, it is likely she had some knowledge of its origin.

you're making a number of assumptions, not the least of which is that her father imparted any knowledge or information about the weapon to her. Not everyone knows weapons, let alone WWII weapons, let alone German WWII weapons. Not everyone knows some old weapons are more than just a doorstop.

You could show that weapon to 100 random people, and I'd venture to guess 95% would not know what it was or what it might be worth.

Marcus Aurelius
12-11-2012, 05:22 PM
Quiet in the Peanut Gallery!

begone, dumb ass.

12-11-2012, 05:34 PM
you're making a number of assumptions, not the least of which is that her father imparted any knowledge or information about the weapon to her. Not everyone knows weapons, let alone WWII weapons, let alone German WWII weapons. Not everyone knows some old weapons are more than just a doorstop.

You could show that weapon to 100 random people, and I'd venture to guess 95% would not know what it was or what it might be worth.

True, those are assumptions. However showing the gun to 100 random people is different than a person having in possession a gun from her father. Perhaps her father gave her no knowledge of the gun, but some logical conclusions could be made just from some knowledge she had of her father and his personal history. At least enough to futher any real value of the gun. On the other hand she may not have realized that any gun would have such value.

12-11-2012, 05:53 PM
Anyone that stupid needs to remain anonymous. Thankfully the police did the right thing and didn't take advantage of her stupidity.

I agree with you. I can't see just bringing a weapon my dad had from WWII, (unfortunately he never brought any home), without checking it out. That was stupid. I don't like guns, but I'd still have checked out the weapon.

12-11-2012, 05:55 PM
True, those are assumptions. However showing the gun to 100 random people is different than a person having in possession a gun from her father. Perhaps her father gave her no knowledge of the gun, but some logical conclusions could be made just from some knowledge she had of her father and his personal history. At least enough to futher any real value of the gun. On the other hand she may not have realized that any gun would have such value.

Indeed, and from the original post:

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, inherited the gun from her father who had brought it home with him from Europe as a memento from World War II.

12-11-2012, 05:59 PM
begone, dumb ass.

You should feel privileged to have a forum like this where you can have contact with those of higher status. In real life, I wouldn't give you the time of day.

Robert A Whit
12-12-2012, 03:07 PM
I agree with you. I can't see just bringing a weapon my dad had from WWII, (unfortunately he never brought any home), without checking it out. That was stupid. I don't like guns, but I'd still have checked out the weapon.

Perhaps had somebody told her about some of the good gun market sites, she would have found out. I believe the article alleges the gun was like in the attic and upon her finding it, she decided it had to go since she did not like guns. Her plans are to sell it. Seems she got smarter once the cops told her what it was.

It was very crude of the poster to label the woman as stupid. She merely did not know, making her ignorant. We have no way to tell based on the article if she was stupid.

My uncle Gene had the habit of shipping guns home he picked up in WWII. More than that, Gene shipped grenades, sticks of explosives and so forth too. During WWII, some company delivered the military boxes full of stuff he got. He also took swords and at one point mom had several of them.

One day as a child, living out in the sticks with no toys to play with, and I must have been a 2nd grader, and no adult was present, I picked up one of the small swords and was hacking at the foot board of Moms bed. My sister, just younger than me put down her hand and I aimed at her fingers and she would pull her hand away. I ended up nicking one of her fingers and of course when Mom got back, she was very unhappy. Fortunately for my sister, there is no sign it every happened. I dunno why I thought we could do that and get away with it.

We were so poor that we used the metal cut from the top of canned goods, sort of like frisbees. Back then, nobody had invented frisbees. We tossed the lids back and forth and Sis toss one that stuck in my chin. Some bleeding of course. I think that ended us playing with lids.

What is funny is that I recall when Chocolate milk in a quart container was invented. i loved it a lot when I could get some. Back in those days milk was delivered in bottles. And if lucky, mom had a wooden Ice box. I recall living in Oakland, CA at grade level 4th and she had managed to get an ice box. When lucky, she had ice for it too.

12-12-2012, 03:28 PM
It was very crude of the poster to label the woman as stupid. She merely did not know, making her ignorant. We have no way to tell based on the article if she was stupid.

In urban terms, she is what's known as a mark. She's con man bait (that's confidence man to you old-timers). It's a good thing the cops in this case were honest.

12-12-2012, 03:33 PM
Let's see a show of hands here.

Will the ONE PERSON who is smarter, wiser, and more intelligent than every other member here. Honestly prove, you are?

12-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Let's see a show of hands here.

Will the ONE PERSON who is smarter, wiser, and more intelligent than every other member here. Honestly prove, you are?

Most of us have one or several areas of expertise. One of mine happens to be spotting shysters, con artists and ripoffs. How about you enlighten us on how to dig an outhouse?

Robert A Whit
12-12-2012, 04:02 PM
In urban terms, she is what's known as a mark. She's con man bait (that's confidence man to you old-timers). It's a good thing the cops in this case were honest.

It is late in life for me to become a con man artist and if you claim you are the expert, practice makes perfect.

I see nothing in the article denoting the woman is a mark. Noe everybody knows guns. GunsAmerica is a fine site to learn about guns and prices.

12-12-2012, 04:11 PM
It is late in life for me to become a con man artist and if you claim you are the expert, practice makes perfect.

I see nothing in the article denoting the woman is a mark. Noe everybody knows guns. GunsAmerica is a fine site to learn about guns and prices.

You don't have to become one to know how they operate. An honest person learns every time they shut down or escape a scammer. Scammers can be COMPANIES or INDIVIDUALS or even a government entity.

Trick question: Does the Better Business Bureau generally help consumers?

Robert A Whit
12-12-2012, 04:11 PM
you're making a number of assumptions, not the least of which is that her father imparted any knowledge or information about the weapon to her. Not everyone knows weapons, let alone WWII weapons, let alone German WWII weapons. Not everyone knows some old weapons are more than just a doorstop.

You could show that weapon to 100 random people, and I'd venture to guess 95% would not know what it was or what it might be worth.

Speaking for myself only, I have over many years bought and sold weapons. I had no idea that machine gun used by the Germans during WWII was valuable. Had I handled it and it would not function, I doubt I would have tried to buy it. But actual gun experts claim it has plenty of value. I have a semi automatic pistol that were I to give details, it is doubtful that this crowd could tell me the value unless they first did some study to learn gun values. Hint.

It sort of resembles a Luger. But it is American made. Dad used it to kill a young steer in front of me. He also killed deer and I berlieve he said on one trip he took out an Elk.

Guess the make and caliber. I now own the gun and I don't know the value at the moment.

Guns are worth what a willing buyer will pay. For that woman's German machine gun, I have no interest so I would not buy it.

Robert A Whit
12-12-2012, 04:12 PM
You don't have to become one to know how they operate. An honest person learns every time they shut down or escape a scammer. Scammers can be COMPANIES or INDIVIDUALS.

I guess my problem is that I hang with honest people. Works every time.

Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 04:19 PM
True, those are assumptions. However showing the gun to 100 random people is different than a person having in possession a gun from her father. Perhaps her father gave her no knowledge of the gun, but some logical conclusions could be made just from some knowledge she had of her father and his personal history. At least enough to futher any real value of the gun. On the other hand she may not have realized that any gun would have such value.


I have two French bayonets from the early 1800's my dad gave me back before he died in 1980. They were sitting in a closet until I had them appraised yesterday (after seeing this thread). They are worth about $200 each, as they are not extremely rare, but are a little unusual. I had no knowledge of this prior to the appraisal.

same deal with her and the 44 rifle.

Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 04:21 PM
You should feel privileged to have a forum like this where you can have contact with those of higher status. In real life, I wouldn't give you the time of day.

Based on your taste in cars (avatar), I'd not ask you the time of day... Swatch watches are out of style.

Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 04:24 PM
... How about you enlighten us on how to dig an outhouse?

You'd have to let him look at yours first so he could copy the design and construction details. yeah, I know it would mean you moving out of it for a few hours, but your bedroom could probably use a good airing out.

12-12-2012, 04:28 PM
Based on your taste in cars (avatar), I'd not ask you the time of day... Swatch watches are out of style.

Swatch? I might give one to the yard guy. Try Elgin or Waltham.


Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 04:34 PM
Speaking for myself only, I have over many years bought and sold weapons. I had no idea that machine gun used by the Germans during WWII was valuable. Had I handled it and it would not function, I doubt I would have tried to buy it. But actual gun experts claim it has plenty of value. I have a semi automatic pistol that were I to give details, it is doubtful that this crowd could tell me the value unless they first did some study to learn gun values. Hint.

It sort of resembles a Luger. But it is American made. Dad used it to kill a young steer in front of me. He also killed deer and I berlieve he said on one trip he took out an Elk.

Guess the make and caliber. I now own the gun and I don't know the value at the moment.

Guns are worth what a willing buyer will pay. For that woman's German machine gun, I have no interest so I would not buy it.

All I can think of offhand is a 9MM American Eagle Luger, but I can't picture on taking down an elk. I've seen good condition ones go for upwards of $2500. Love to know what you have.

12-12-2012, 04:48 PM
If I understood the first post correctly, the woman knew her dad brought the weapon back from Europe after WWII. I think that seems to be the extent of her background knowledge. As I said, for me that would certainly have been enough to keep it, for family and history.

But she didn't want to. My understanding is she brought it to the police for a 'weapons turn-in,' sh probably would have gotten $30 or $50 bucks, at least that's the norm around here. The police kindly let her know it was worth more than that, they'd hold it while she found a buyer.

In fairness she probably hates guns or really needed that little bit of cash.

12-12-2012, 06:46 PM
If I understood the first post correctly, the woman knew her dad brought the weapon back from Europe after WWII. I think that seems to be the extent of her background knowledge. As I said, for me that would certainly have been enough to keep it, for family and history.

But she didn't want to. My understanding is she brought it to the police for a 'weapons turn-in,' sh probably would have gotten $30 or $50 bucks, at least that's the norm around here. The police kindly let her know it was worth more than that, they'd hold it while she found a buyer.

In fairness she probably hates guns or really needed that little bit of cash.

Thanks Kathianne. Good to see a little Common Sense, Logic, and Honesty show up, vs. arguments, and name calling.

You win today!