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View Full Version : Obama: troops out of Afghanistan by 2014... Panetta: troops in Afghanistan after 2014

Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 10:06 AM

NATO leaders signed off Monday on President Barack Obama's exit strategy from Afghanistan that calls for an end to combat operations next year and the withdrawal of the U.S.-led international military force by the end of 2014.


U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Wednesday that President Obama will decide in the next few weeks how many U.S. troops will stay in Afghanistan after the combat mission ends in December 2014. Panetta did not reveal what options Obama is considering, but officials have said he may settle on a figure between 6,000 and 10,000.

Say one thing, do another, appears to be the motto of this administration.

12-12-2012, 11:57 AM
Obviously, the U.S. can withdraw combat troops and leave advisers. Though it would be much better to remove everyone.

Marcus Aurelius
12-12-2012, 12:00 PM
Obviously, the U.S. can withdraw combat troops and leave advisers. Though it would be much better to remove everyone.

So, it's okay for Obama to leave a military presence in Afghanistan, but not for McCain to suggest it for Iraq?

Why is that?

12-12-2012, 12:06 PM
I wonder how his promise to close Guantanamo is going? Wasn't that a big seller to the liberal dolts in 2008?

12-12-2012, 08:35 PM


Say one thing, do another, appears to be the motto of this administration.

Marcus. I am old enough to remember a time, and a different place. When we had a President who later declined to run for a second term during another War, and the person who followed him did exactly the same thing Obama is promising to do in 2014.
Personally. As a veteran of that war, way back when. I once again believe it is a Huge Mistake to Leave Americans behind in Afghanistan to REPEAT History, and place them in a NO-WIN situation where the Lives of our Military WILL BE IN FAR GREATER DANGER.

If Obama and Panetta are going to WITHDRAW our troops. ALL OF OUR TROOPS should be brought out....not leaving some behind to become the Next Group flown home in Boxes, under AMERICAN FLAGS.

12-12-2012, 08:43 PM
Marcus. I am old enough to remember a time, and a different place. When we had a President who later declined to run for a second term during another War, and the person who followed him did exactly the same thing Obama is promising to do in 2014.
Personally. As a veteran of that war, way back when. I once again believe it is a Huge Mistake to Leave Americans behind in Afghanistan to REPEAT History, and place them in a NO-WIN situation where the Lives of our Military WILL BE IN FAR GREATER DANGER.

If Obama and Panetta are going to WITHDRAW our troops. ALL OF OUR TROOPS should be brought out....not leaving some behind to become the Next Group flown home in Boxes, under AMERICAN FLAGS.

I agree, all troops should come home now. All. Should make Relevarts happy, if no one else. ;)