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View Full Version : Antivirus out of jail

12-12-2012, 12:30 PM
It's fairly obvious that this guy killed his neighbor, and I don't think him and his money should be allowed to get away with it. Besides, I always hated the antivirus package!

John McAfee's blog reports that he was leaving a detention center this morning in Guatemala, where the government had planned on sending him back to Belize, where police would likely arrest him in connection to the murder of his neighbor Gregory Faull. But the rogue anti-virus tycoon with a story crazy enough to get a movie version will get his freedom — thanks in no small part to the lawyer he hired while on the lam with his now former friends at Vice magazine.

A Guatemalan judge ruled late Tuesday that McAfee had been detained illegally, reports The Los Angeles Times's Christine Mai Duc. Initially, he had been charged with coming into the country illegally, and when McAfee had asked for asylum the government denied that request, too. At that point, it looked like he would head back to Belize. Then came the (possibly) staged heart attacks, which bought his new lawyer, Telesforo Guerra, enough time to convince a judge otherwise. Apparently, entering Guatemala without a visa does not break any laws, argued Guerra. A judge agreed and here we are, with McAfee's people claiming that "it is believed he will be allowed to return to the United States," while adding, obviously, that "he has not divulged his plans."


12-12-2012, 12:46 PM
It's fairly obvious that this guy killed his neighbor, and I don't think him and his money should be allowed to get away with it. Besides, I always hated the antivirus package!


Windows 8 includes anti-virus. Someone getting away with murder in Latin America is commonplace.