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12-17-2012, 11:07 PM
I have realized for a very long time that I am not a techie. I got my first cell phone when they were still the size of a small brick. When it finally began to die, while I was on vacation, I called to get a replacement. The company told me I was eligible for a small upgrade and the most recent second level model. I asked why I couldn't just get a new one like my old one. They looked up the model and laughed at me telling me the model I had was not even made anymore. Bottom line is I get used to a device and dislike change. So V4R drowned his phone in puddle a couple weekends ago and I sent him to get a new one. I mainly pay the cell bill and told him a budget. He purchased an android smartphone on our service for a very reasonable price. He spent a lot of time showing off how cool it was and finally convinced me to make the leap. So I spent time figuring out the apps screen and messaging, and sending calls. Only problem is it took me three days to figure out the simple process to answer a call. Yes the phone is smarter than I am.

12-18-2012, 01:46 PM
WiccanLiberal. You're not alone. Not the Lone Ranger here. If you get a chance to see any tv. Check out

"Are you smarter than a Fifth grader".

We older folk ARE technologically Challenged..in many respects. But, we have an advantage over the techies.

We STILL talk face-to-face, using whole words, and understand the language, spelling, grammar, and Human aspects.

12-20-2012, 05:20 PM
I like to think of myself as technically savvy, and I still prefer my older dumb phones. Now I have another damn computer that I carry with me everywhere. It of course has it's perks, but it's also bulky, a pain to text, needs rebooting, batteries don't last as long, programs freeze or fail...

And yet, I can't seem to take my hands off the thing.

12-20-2012, 05:27 PM
I have realized for a very long time that I am not a techie. I got my first cell phone when they were still the size of a small brick. When it finally began to die, while I was on vacation, I called to get a replacement. The company told me I was eligible for a small upgrade and the most recent second level model. I asked why I couldn't just get a new one like my old one. They looked up the model and laughed at me telling me the model I had was not even made anymore. Bottom line is I get used to a device and dislike change. So V4R drowned his phone in puddle a couple weekends ago and I sent him to get a new one. I mainly pay the cell bill and told him a budget. He purchased an android smartphone on our service for a very reasonable price. He spent a lot of time showing off how cool it was and finally convinced me to make the leap. So I spent time figuring out the apps screen and messaging, and sending calls. Only problem is it took me three days to figure out the simple process to answer a call. Yes the phone is smarter than I am.

Do not feel bad, lol! I had a smartphone, before phones were smart. I paid over $350 for it, why it was 'smart?' I never did figure that out. I couldn't hear worth a damn on the thing, even on speaker. Best thing it did was names and addresses. When it died, a year and a half later, could I retrieve any on my Sim card? Nooooo.

Currently don't have a cell. Probably will get one when I move in place of land phone. Never again will I pay for both.

12-20-2012, 09:51 PM
I have realized for a very long time that I am not a techie. I got my first cell phone when they were still the size of a small brick. When it finally began to die, while I was on vacation, I called to get a replacement. The company told me I was eligible for a small upgrade and the most recent second level model. I asked why I couldn't just get a new one like my old one. They looked up the model and laughed at me telling me the model I had was not even made anymore. Bottom line is I get used to a device and dislike change. So V4R drowned his phone in puddle a couple weekends ago and I sent him to get a new one. I mainly pay the cell bill and told him a budget. He purchased an android smartphone on our service for a very reasonable price. He spent a lot of time showing off how cool it was and finally convinced me to make the leap. So I spent time figuring out the apps screen and messaging, and sending calls. Only problem is it took me three days to figure out the simple process to answer a call. Yes the phone is smarter than I am.

You're not as challenged as a woman I know who is a school teacher in the Minneapolis public schools... and she can barely turn on a computer, let alone use a smartphone. She still doesn't know how to use the internet browser on her phone so she still calls 411 for most numbers. She also doesn't know how to enter names in with phone numbers, so she has to either memorize whose number is what or call 411 to get the number.

The above-named woman... is my husband's ex-wife.
