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View Full Version : New, boy friendly Easy Bake oven!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 12:36 PM

Yes they took away realistic plastic or metal guns from little boys to play with, stopped contact games at school in the lower grades, teach sensitivity and crybaby politics to our sons. Now we see what they truly want to turn them into. -little girls baking on play ovens!
Check this out fresh from the liberal fantasy land where girls are to be butch guys and boys are to be kitchen cooking little women.. -Tyr

A 4-year-old boy's big sister who went to bat for him by petitioning Hasbro to make a version of the classic Easy Bake Oven for boys got a surprise this holiday season when the company invited her to see the new, boy-friendly model of the timeless toy.
McKenna Pope, 13, didn't have to go all the way to the North Pole, but simply went to YouTube to make an appeal for her 4-year-old brother, Gavin, and the one thing he wants from Santa this year.
"I want a dinosaur Easy Bake Oven," Gavin said.
As it turns out, it's not that easy. The pint-sized aspiring chef was hoping for a color that wasn't just for girls. But Hasbro only makes the Easy Bake Oven in a pink and purple-floral print.
"Only girls play with it," the 4-year-old complained.
So his big sister then stirred things up with a petition on Change.org. She asked Hasbro to offer a more gender-neutral color for the toy, and include boys in its commercials. The petition got more than 40,000 signatures
Easy Bake Oven models have come in all sorts of colors since 1963, including teal, yellow, silver and blue. And when Hasbro welcomed McKenna and her family into its headquarters Monday in Pawtucket, R.I., she got to see them all, including their newest model, in black and silver.
"They had like a blanket covering it, and then they took it off, and when he saw it, you could like see his eyes light up," McKenna said.

Somebody dare to give my son a gift like that and I'll smash it all to hell right in front of them..And dare 'em to utter one word of protest.. --Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
12-18-2012, 12:49 PM

Yes they took away realistic plastic or metal guns from little boys to play with, stopped contact games at school in the lower grades, teach sensitivity and crybaby politics to our sons. Now we see what they truly want to turn them into. -little girls baking on play ovens!
Check this out fresh from the liberal fantasy land where girls are to be butch guys and boys are to be kitchen cooking little women.. -Tyr

Somebody dare to give my son a gift like that and I'll smash it all to hell right in front of them..And dare 'em to utter one word of protest.. --Tyr

Boys should be taught it is unmanly to learn to cook or show an interest in the culinary arts?

12-18-2012, 12:52 PM

Yes they took away realistic plastic or metal guns from little boys to play with, stopped contact games at school in the lower grades, teach sensitivity and crybaby politics to our sons. Now we see what they truly want to turn them into. -little girls baking on play ovens!
Check this out fresh from the liberal fantasy land where girls are to be butch guys and boys are to be kitchen cooking little women.. -Tyr

Somebody dare to give my son a gift like that and I'll smash it all to hell right in front of them..And dare 'em to utter one word of protest.. --Tyr

OK! That post earned being taken off my ignore list. Don't get so radical, Tyr. If my son were to receive such a gift, it would serve as a lesson on how to use Ebay or Craigslist. After it sold, I would then have him send the completed listing to the giver, suggesting they help burn less fossil fuels by giving him the cash straightaway. Sending someone a message shouldn't be a burden. It should be done in such a way that absent the message still benefits you. Merchandise transcends all demographics. Anyone care to sell a sterling silver Buddha or a 14K Koran pen holder (at 50% of MELT)? I'm buyin'. One of the few things I won't sell is alcohol related. My wife convinced me of that one.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:01 PM
Boys should be taught it is unmanly to learn to cook or show an interest in the culinary arts?

No, actually the greatest chefs in the world are men! I believe little boys shouldn't be taught to be chefs or to be little girls playing with little girl toys. After puberty when gender identification and parental teachings have led them to accept being males I think its fine to learn to cook and learn to do it well. For me its a matter of what is age appropriate. I cook and what I do cook I do extremely well, its just not a big selection. -Tyr

12-18-2012, 01:02 PM
Somebody dare to give my son a gift like that and I'll smash it all to hell right in front of them..And dare 'em to utter one word of protest.. --Tyr

If only...

Marcus Aurelius
12-18-2012, 01:03 PM
should boys also not be giving these toys or allowed to play with them?




Or is it just the Easy Bake Oven in particular?

Marcus Aurelius
12-18-2012, 01:08 PM
No, actually the greatest chefs in the world are men! I believe little boys shouldn't be taught to be chefs or to be little girls playing with little girl toys. After puberty when gender identification and parental teachings have led them to accept being males I think its fine to learn to cook and learn to do it well. For me its a matter of what is age appropriate. I cook and what I do cook I do extremely well, its just not a big selection. -Tyr

I'd qualify that with 'some of', but that's just me.

You consider a gender neutral version of the Easy Bake Oven to be 'a girls toy'? I disagree.

Cooking is an art. It is not a boy thing or a girl thing. It's a human thing. Regardless of gender, we all have to cook at some point in our lives. I personally see no reason it can't start as early as the child shows an interest. I would certainly not give my 4 year old son a pink Easy Bake Oven, but I'd have no problem with a gender neutral colored version or even a 'boy' colored version. Hell, I think an American Chopper-like version with chrome, flames, pin-striping, would be a great idea.

12-18-2012, 01:10 PM
should boys also not be giving these toys or allowed to play with them?




Or is it just the Easy Bake Oven in particular?

1) Keep
2) Sell
3) Sell
4) Sell

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:19 PM
I'd qualify that with 'some of', but that's just me.

You consider a gender neutral version of the Easy Bake Oven to be 'a girls toy'? I disagree.

Cooking is an art. It is not a boy thing or a girl thing. It's a human thing. Regardless of gender, we all have to cook at some point in our lives. I personally see no reason it can't start as early as the child shows an interest. I would certainly not give my 4 year old son a pink Easy Bake Oven, but I'd have no problem with a gender neutral colored version or even a 'boy' colored version. Hell, I think an American Chopper-like version with chrome, flames, pin-striping, would be a great idea.

For me its the age thing. The boy mentioned was 4 years old. My son will be 6 years old in 5 days. He has never played with any girl toy. When he is older I'll be less strict as I was with my daughter that I taught to shoot , to box etc.. My daughter came out just fine , all girl , and smart as hell. Now if a parent thinks differently about their own child I HAVE NO HUGE PROBLEM WITH IT. ITS JUST NOT MY WAY.. -TYR

Robert A Whit
12-18-2012, 01:22 PM
No, actually the greatest chefs in the world are men! I believe little boys shouldn't be taught to be chefs or to be little girls playing with little girl toys. After puberty when gender identification and parental teachings have led them to accept being males I think its fine to learn to cook and learn to do it well. For me its a matter of what is age appropriate. I cook and what I do cook I do extremely well, its just not a big selection. -Tyr

Don't any of you men cook food?

Why is cooking only for little girls and their moms?

12-18-2012, 01:23 PM
Aside from the obvious wussification of our nation that started back in the 70's, when the Women's movement was preaching about women living WITHOUT men....WE CRUSTY, TERRIBLE BEINGS.

It looks like boys need to learn how to cook if they are brought up in surroundings where WOMEN do not want them around. And I repeat, for the sake of clarity...how the Battery manufacturers are raking in Billions for female oriented, sexual toys.

Who will be left to prepare the meals in MOTHERLESS homes?

And before the expected ANGRY RANTS directed my way begin. IT'S A JOKE....based on Reality.

12-18-2012, 01:25 PM

Robert A Whit
12-18-2012, 01:27 PM
I would be shocked if Hasbro changed a product line based on just one little girls request for her little brother.

I would expect at the very least that they got many reqests. That they did market surveys trying to make sure that it was not a market blunder.

Many posters point out that to cook is universial. Now if the boys vershion had fringes on it, there I would draw the line. But the photos look male to me. Whatever that is vs a stove.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:30 PM
If only...

All that know me personally clearly understand what a huge mistake that would be..
My son will be taught how to properly use , maintain , store and clean weapons at an early age just as I was .
He is a little guy now but someday he'll be a big guy and will be an all American male, one thing for sure , a far better man than I !! -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:33 PM
Aside from the obvious wussification of our nation that started back in the 70's, when the Women's movement was preaching about women living WITHOUT men....WE CRUSTY, TERRIBLE BEINGS.

It looks like boys need to learn how to cook if they are brought up in surroundings where WOMEN do not want them around. And I repeat, for the sake of clarity...how the Battery manufacturers are raking in Billions for female oriented, sexual toys.

Who will be left to prepare the meals in MOTHERLESS homes?

And before the expected ANGRY RANTS directed my way begin. IT'S A JOKE....based on Reality.

My wife has no such toys, at least not that I've ever seen. ;)--Tyr

12-18-2012, 01:35 PM
All that know me personally clearly understand what a huge mistake that would be..
My son will be taught how to properly use , maintain , store and clean weapons at an early age just as I was .
He is a little guy now but someday he'll be a big guy and will be an all American male, one thing for sure , a far better man than I !! -Tyr

I would more think it sad but possibly an effective object lesson in how misplaced rage is counterproductive.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:37 PM
1) Keep
2) Sell
3) Sell
4) Sell

Keep number one for sure. Number 4 a maybe, it wood working right?-Tyr

12-18-2012, 01:37 PM
For me its the age thing. The boy mentioned was 4 years old. My son will be 6 years old in 5 days. He has never played with any girl toy. When he is older I'll be less strict as I was with my daughter that I taught to shoot , to box etc.. My daughter came out just fine , all girl , and smart as hell. Now if a parent thinks differently about their own child I HAVE NO HUGE PROBLEM WITH IT. ITS JUST NOT MY WAY.. -TYR

Tyr. Nobody here is trying to change your mind. Nor are you wrong in your thinking, and the manner you choose to teach your children.

Like you tell us "Its just not Your way". The very same can be said for everyone else. We all have the freedoms to teach our children as we see fit.

Personally. I learned to cook, clean, and even sew before I became a teenager. I lived in a family with a lazy sister who cut Movie magazines all day, and did nothing to help around the house...while our ALCOHOLIC parents were either drinking, playing cards, or watching tv until they fell asleep. So. I had to learn how to cook just to feed myself, my two brothers, and my pimply faced, lazy sister.
Making fun of boys for the toys they play with is just....a reality of life we can't change.

12-18-2012, 01:42 PM
All that know me personally clearly understand what a huge mistake that would be..
My son will be taught how to properly use , maintain , store and clean weapons at an early age just as I was .
He is a little guy now but someday he'll be a big guy and will be an all American male, one thing for sure , a far better man than I !! -Tyr

It amuses me to think how many of my compatriot Brits would recoil in horror at that one ...

... simultaneously seeing, yet not seeing at all (in true Orwellian fashion) what an almighty mess our disownership of weapons, and dependence on the authorities for our security, has led us to.

Just how old should boys be, before they're prepared for life's truths, anyway ? 'Feminising' them with toys fit for girls ... completely inappropriate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:45 PM
I would more think it sad but possibly an effective object lesson in how misplaced rage is counterproductive.

Rage is often productive. Of course it is also counterproductive when not controlled. The suggestion to simply sell the toy and send the money back to the giver was a better alternative but Im a dog that bites when enraged. A flaw to be sure but has even saved my life for sure at least once possibly even twice. I change as much as I can about myself. Im really a very calm person these last few years.;)-Tyr

12-18-2012, 01:46 PM
Don't any of you men cook food?

Why is cooking only for little girls and their moms?

One the more memorable moments in my upbringing was my older sister asked me to help her dry the dishes. Our mom saw it, gave me a big lecture how boys don't do work in the kitchen and grounded my sister to boot.

12-18-2012, 01:47 PM
Rage is often productive. Of course it is also counterproductive when not controlled. The suggestion to simply sell the toy and send the money back to the giver was a better alternative but Im a dog that bites when enraged. A flaw to be sure but has even saved my life for sure at least once possibly even twice. I change as much as I can about myself. Im really a very calm person these last few years.;)-Tyr

Send the money back to the giver? I don't think so! Only send the completed Ebay listing to the giver. Let the kid pocket the money.

12-18-2012, 01:50 PM
One the more memorable moments in my upbringing was my older sister asked me to help her dry the dishes. Our mom saw it, gave me a big lecture how boys don't do work in the kitchen and grounded my sister to boot.

tailfins. That's a funny one. I imagine what our house would have looked like IF....My mother had said such a thing.

How long can you HOARD dirty dishes, silver-ware, pots and pans before the scraps of food on the plates....WALK OUT THE DOOR by themselves?????

12-18-2012, 01:51 PM
Rage is often productive. Of course it is also counterproductive when not controlled.

Rage over a toy? Not productive. Although the lesson wouldn't have been for you. ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:52 PM
OK! That post earned being taken off my ignore list. Don't get so radical, Tyr. If my son were to receive such a gift, it would serve as a lesson on how to use Ebay or Craigslist. After it sold, I would then have him send the completed listing to the giver, suggesting they help burn less fossil fuels by giving him the cash straightaway. Sending someone a message shouldn't be a burden. It should be done in such a way that absent the message still benefits you. Merchandise transcends all demographics. Anyone care to sell a sterling silver Buddha or a 14K Koran pen holder (at 50% of MELT)? I'm buyin'. One of the few things I won't sell is alcohol related. My wife convinced me of that one.

Im honored indeed.. Your suggestion was noted by me to be a very good one ! Just saw the giving cash right away part, had misinterpreted it previously to read giving the cash away, back to the giver. Either way I view it as a better reaction but did state what I believe my initial reaction would be. -Tyr

12-18-2012, 01:52 PM
tailfins. That's a funny one. I imagine what our house would have looked like IF....My mother had said such a thing.

How long can you HOARD dirty dishes, silver-ware, pots and pans before the scraps of food on the plates....WALK OUT THE DOOR by themselves?????

Simple: You hire somebody if necessary and use disposable plates and utensils.

12-18-2012, 01:57 PM
Simple: You hire somebody if necessary and use disposable plates and utensils.

Hire someone? Sure thing. Can't afford to buy healthy food to feed your kids, but the Refrigerator was always full of CARLING BLACK LABEL bottles. So the HIRED Help would work for what...FREE?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 01:58 PM
Rage over a toy? Not productive. Although the lesson wouldn't have been for you. ;)

I agree with that suggestion from tailfins, its far better and has the added benefit of not teaching my son that uncontrolled rage is admirable. Rage is only good when its harnessed to effect good results. See , an old dog can learn new tricks and even consider others 's more insightful ideals/suggestions appropriately. -Tyr

12-18-2012, 02:03 PM
Hire someone? Sure thing. Can't afford to buy healthy food to feed your kids, but the Refrigerator was always full of CARLING BLACK LABEL bottles. So the HIRED Help would work for what...FREE?

I don't understand your post. My wife takes care of the house quite nicely. If that option were not available, a cleaning lady charges maybe $100 per visit, once per week. It's not that bad really.

12-18-2012, 02:13 PM
See , an old dog can learn new tricks and even consider others 's more insightful ideals/suggestions appropriately. -Tyr

There's hope yet.

12-18-2012, 02:32 PM
I don't understand your post. My wife takes care of the house quite nicely. If that option were not available, a cleaning lady charges maybe $100 per visit, once per week. It's not that bad really.

I was talking about WHEN I was growing up. We couldn't afford to pay any bills on time as it was. But the BEER was always there.

Marcus Aurelius
12-18-2012, 03:41 PM
Tyr. Nobody here is trying to change your mind. Nor are you wrong in your thinking, and the manner you choose to teach your children.

Like you tell us "Its just not Your way". The very same can be said for everyone else. We all have the freedoms to teach our children as we see fit.

Personally. I learned to cook, clean, and even sew before I became a teenager. I lived in a family with a lazy sister who cut Movie magazines all day, and did nothing to help around the house...while our ALCOHOLIC parents were either drinking, playing cards, or watching tv until they fell asleep. So. I had to learn how to cook just to feed myself, my two brothers, and my pimply faced, lazy sister.
Making fun of boys for the toys they play with is just....a reality of life we can't change.

As did I. in fact, I 'made'... as in, sewed from patterns and cloth, my daughters senior prom dress. You'd be surprised to know what a divorced man will to to bond with his daughter. Now, having just admitted that, I pity the person who tries to tell me I am not 'man' enough because I can use a sewing machine. Especially if he tells me to my face.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 03:47 PM
There's hope yet.

Almost always a glimmer of hope. Sometimes its even microscopic but still there.
I see such for even the muslims, although its very small .. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 03:54 PM
As did I. in fact, I 'made'... as in, sewed from patterns and cloth, my daughters senior prom dress. You'd be surprised to know what a divorced man will to to bond with his daughter. Now, having just admitted that, I pity the person who tries to tell me I am not 'man' enough because I can use a sewing machine. Especially if he tells me to my face.

Out of 7 boys I was the only one ever made to help in the kitchen. I took turns with my older sister doing the dishes after meals. I simply hated it and resented the hell out of it from age 7 until I was 14 I did that. At 14 I went to my dad and lodged my complaint about why was I the only boy in the family to have to do kitchen work. He agreed and then told my mother no more kitchen chores for Robert. He just added another farm chore outside to my daily list. I was as a happy as a drunken sailor with a very pretty gal on first night's shore leave! You got me, often wished I knew how to sew. Nothing unmanly about being so skilled IMHO. -Tyr

12-18-2012, 04:01 PM
I wouldn't let my wife get an Easy Bake oven for either of our kids.....daughter or son......we taught them how to bake and cook using a real oven, including help washing the dishes afterwards......

Robert A Whit
12-18-2012, 04:14 PM
One the more memorable moments in my upbringing was my older sister asked me to help her dry the dishes. Our mom saw it, gave me a big lecture how boys don't do work in the kitchen and grounded my sister to boot.

My mom sure was different. We all had to share in doing dishes. And probably Mom got my sisters more involved in cooking than she did for me. As a teen boy, I really learned how to cook cakes. And omlettes. I enjoy to this day both.

If I could not cook, I wouild have to depend on restaurants or friends. No thanks. Been there done that. I used to eat most meals at restaurants.

12-18-2012, 04:19 PM
As did I. in fact, I 'made'... as in, sewed from patterns and cloth, my daughters senior prom dress. You'd be surprised to know what a divorced man will to to bond with his daughter. Now, having just admitted that, I pity the person who tries to tell me I am not 'man' enough because I can use a sewing machine. Especially if he tells me to my face.

Marcus. Only those who will never know what it feels like to be a 'man' would do so.

Truth is. Thankfully for how I was forced to grow up so long ago. I believe I later became a better father to our son's as I showed them there is nothing wrong with being YOURSELF.

12-18-2012, 04:55 PM
I wouldn't let my wife get an Easy Bake oven for either of our kids.....daughter or son......we taught them how to bake and cook using a real oven, including help washing the dishes afterwards......

You and me both! If they're old enough to deal with the pans from Easy Bake, they are ready, with assistance to bake cookies and cakes in the oven. They all were making salads, helping stir cake batters from 2 onwards. They helped set the table after doing their homework when that time came.

12-18-2012, 05:50 PM

Yes they took away realistic plastic or metal guns from little boys to play with, stopped contact games at school in the lower grades, teach sensitivity and crybaby politics to our sons. Now we see what they truly want to turn them into. -little girls baking on play ovens!
Check this out fresh from the liberal fantasy land where girls are to be butch guys and boys are to be kitchen cooking little women.. -Tyr

Somebody dare to give my son a gift like that and I'll smash it all to hell right in front of them..And dare 'em to utter one word of protest.. --Tyr

Um.... okay, Tyr, you're reading into this horribly. A kid wanted the gadget his sister had, but not in girly colors. The sister, wanting something nice for her brother, did what it took to get it. There is nothing about sexuality or manliness in this.

I cook for a living, but can also fire the following: An M-14, a 12-guage shotgun, various pistols, and even bolt actions rifles. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but I also grow bonsai trees, do gardening, sew, and know how to make my own scented candles. I like do basic carpentry and power tools, but I also like Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson.

None of these activities make me more or less manly. An Easy-Bake Oven for boys is not going to do anything untenable to your son. Maybe he takes up a more serious interest in cooking. I fucking dare you to go up to Gordon Ramsey and tell him he's less manly for being a chef.

Actually, the culinary world is mainly dominated by men, although more capable female chefs have been coming along, and that's for the good.

12-18-2012, 05:56 PM
Um.... okay, Tyr, you're reading into this horribly. A kid wanted the gadget his sister had, but not in girly colors. The sister, wanting something nice for her brother, did what it took to get it. There is nothing about sexuality or manliness in this.

I cook for a living, but can also fire the following: An M-14, a 12-guage shotgun, various pistols, and even bolt actions rifles. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but I also grow bonsai trees, do gardening, sew, and know how to make my own scented candles. I like do basic carpentry and power tools, but I also like Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson.

None of these activities make me more or less manly. An Easy-Bake Oven for boys is not going to do anything untenable to your son. Maybe he takes up a more serious interest in cooking. I fucking dare you to go up to Gordon Ramsey and tell him he's less manly for being a chef.

Actually, the culinary world is mainly dominated by men, although more capable female chefs have been coming along, and that's for the good.

What would any of us say to those MALE members of our military who go to schools, paid for by WE THE PEOPLE, to teach MALES to cook for thousands of other military people on ships, bases, or installations around the world?

Would you make fun of them because they just happen to make GREAT CAKES, or COOKIES, or Dinner Rolls in Bakeries where the primary tool used by those MALES is an OVEN????

12-18-2012, 06:02 PM
I wouldn't let my wife get an Easy Bake oven for either of our kids.....daughter or son......we taught them how to bake and cook using a real oven, including help washing the dishes afterwards......

Yup, my mom taught us how to cook growing up, and do so properly. By the time I was 12, I could and did cook every Thanksgiving dinner in our household, deciding that Mom should get a break from the cooking the first year because of her hip replacement, and then I enjoyed, so it became a tradition. Now, I'm by no means a professional chef, and I would never want to be.

However, thinking on it now, it's acutally a good thing for men to know how to cook, because as I think on past girlfriends, I've found that I generally fare better on dates where I cook for them.

Robert A Whit
12-18-2012, 06:03 PM
You and me both! If they're old enough to deal with the pans from Easy Bake, they are ready, with assistance to bake cookies and cakes in the oven. They all were making salads, helping stir cake batters from 2 onwards. They helped set the table after doing their homework when that time came.

This one is very tough for me other than I don't see such toys as unmanly unless they dress those toys up to be solely for little girls.

My oldest daughter is in her mid 40s. I can't really remember if my first wife bought her a toy stove. Seems like we did not. She was about 10 when her mom and I divorced. I know I did not buy such toys for any of the kids. She had a boy and girl when we married.

I simply have no memory about toys such as that.

12-18-2012, 06:20 PM
My sister had one of these many years ago. Damn thing sucked anyway. She also had a doll that puked. That doll scarred me for life, and it wasn't even mine. But directly to the topic, I do think little girls should be given things to get them started in their lives as ladies, and little boys given things that will lead them to be men. But sometimes there are things that are kind of in between. A 'fake' grill with the Steelers emblem on it and such wouldn't be so bad for a boy. And if an easy bake oven, it should only make something gross, to separate us from the women. :poke:

12-18-2012, 07:46 PM
Heaven forbid the kid turns out like this guy, right? I mean, who would want their boy to turn into a 'Flour Fairy' making millions a year with a family bakery which also has its' own TV show? The things people push their kids into doing these days...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 07:55 PM
Heaven forbid the kid turns out like this guy, right? I mean, who would want their boy to turn into a 'Flour Fairy' making millions a year with a family bakery which also has its' own TV show? The things people push their kids into doing these days...


Not bad but Id much rather my daughter did that!!! And she is so much prettier!
Problem is my mother was too old and in too bad health to tech her to cook like she did for several other granddaughters. And my ex-wife wasnt a good enough cook to do that. Still, she does a passable job of it, even great at my specialities ,chilis, stews and a chicken noodle special I learned from a friend.. I at least taught her that in her early teens. --;)--Tyr

12-18-2012, 10:43 PM
Not bad but Id much rather my daughter did that!!! And she is so much prettier!
Problem is my mother was too old and in too bad health to tech her to cook like she did for several other granddaughters. And my ex-wife wasnt a good enough cook to do that. Still, she does a passable job of it, even great at my specialities ,chilis, stews and a chicken noodle special I learned from a friend.. I at least taught her that in her early teens. --;)--Tyr

So, you want your daughter to make millions, but not your son?

Marcus Aurelius
12-18-2012, 10:50 PM
My sister had one of these many years ago. Damn thing sucked anyway. She also had a doll that puked. That doll scarred me for life, and it wasn't even mine. But directly to the topic, I do think little girls should be given things to get them started in their lives as ladies, and little boys given things that will lead them to be men. But sometimes there are things that are kind of in between. A 'fake' grill with the Steelers emblem on it and such wouldn't be so bad for a boy. And if an easy bake oven, it should only make something gross, to separate us from the women. :poke:

i had something like this when I was a kid...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2012, 10:52 PM
So, you want your daughter to make millions, but not your son?

Actually, I want my son to pick what he wants to do in his adult life. If he wants to be a great chef, fine by me. I wanted my daughter to be a physical therapist , yet she chose to be a dental hygienist ! I said go for it , whatever makes you happy, its your life.. -Tyr

12-18-2012, 11:17 PM

Abbey Marie
12-19-2012, 10:54 AM

12-19-2012, 11:02 AM
Actually, I want my son to pick what he wants to do in his adult life. If he wants to be a great chef, fine by me. I wanted my daughter to be a physical therapist , yet she chose to be a dental hygienist ! I said go for it , whatever makes you happy, its your life.. -Tyr

There's a good chance they will change their minds from time to time. My oldest wants to be a lawyer. He does have a knack of messing up then trying to convince you he just did you a favor.

12-19-2012, 12:12 PM
i had something like this when I was a kid...


Creepy Crawlers!!! I had one of those!!

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=600702#post600702)
No, actually the greatest chefs in the world are men! I believe little boys shouldn't be taught to be chefs or to be little girls playing with little girl toys. After puberty when gender identification and parental teachings have led them to accept being males I think its fine to learn to cook and learn to do it well. For me its a matter of what is age appropriate. I cook and what I do cook I do extremely well, its just not a big selection. -Tyr

My reply below is not to the above posters point, but in general.

Don't any of you men cook food?

Why is cooking only for little girls and their moms?

Wanted to clarify an earlier post. Thanks.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 01:43 PM
Creepy Crawlers!!! I had one of those!!

I am older than dirt. What was that toy?


12-19-2012, 01:43 PM
Well for the most part the US is still a free market economy. If a toy manufacture chooses to take an Easy Bake Oven to market targeted for boys, the consumer will determine if such an item is successful. My guess is this item will fade away like so many different introduced toys do. I really do not see this as any kind of conspiracy to alter gender behavior in children.

12-19-2012, 01:47 PM
Creepy Crawlers!!! I had one of those!!

LOL! While I was 'the mean mom' my kids got books, board games, arts & crafts, riding toys for the most part, yeah they had Nintendo, but only Mario Bros & Tetris until the oldest was over 9; my brother had Creepy Crawlers and I had the Easy Bake oven. The cupcakes sucked. LOL! Baking with Mom was way better for ego. I remembered that and just bought the boys insects and dinosaurs from British museum. Yeah, one dino cost more than Creep Crawlers, but they learned more.

12-19-2012, 03:31 PM
Well for the most part the US is still a free market economy. If a toy manufacture chooses to take an Easy Bake Oven to market targeted for boys, the consumer will determine if such an item is successful. My guess is this item will fade away like so many different introduced toys do. I really do not see this as any kind of conspiracy to alter gender behavior in children.

Actually, there are a lot of girls who don't like the pink and purple coloring of the Easy Bake Ovens as well, so if they've just changed the color scheme, it could actually work. Usually, when companies market a cooking toy for boys, it's like Creepy Crawlers. They don't just market boys cooking, no, it must be something "boy-centric" too.

Cause we would never want anything like pizza, or cookies. Oh no, only girls want to make that kind of stuff.

12-19-2012, 04:01 PM
I am older than dirt. What was that toy?


It cooked liquid plastic into solid plastic bugs/creatures. Someone missed the boat on your generation: They could have marketed a toy smelting furnace to make creatures out of cast iron. I bet you remember when Bakelite was introduced.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 05:11 PM
It cooked liquid plastic into solid plastic bugs/creatures. Someone missed the boat on your generation: They could have marketed a toy smelting furnace to make creatures out of cast iron. I bet you remember when Bakelite was introduced.

Kids can learn something useful with that toy then. No, when I was a child, toys were much more basic that I got. When mom remarried, it was after that that I got more toys. But I was just about out of the age of wanting toys.

I have made patterns to make aluminum parts though. I learned to make patterns from a young German guy who came to the USA and knew the trade. I paid him for a few molds. I always asked questions and I also had a book on the subject. So I appreciated that toy. Thanks for explaining it.

One pattern did make a part for the invention out of ductile iron.

12-19-2012, 05:19 PM
Kids can learn something useful with that toy then. No, when I was a child, toys were much more basic that I got. When mom remarried, it was after that that I got more toys. But I was just about out of the age of wanting toys.

I have made patterns to make aluminum parts though. I learned to make patterns from a young German guy who came to the USA and knew the trade. I paid him for a few molds. I always asked questions and I also had a book on the subject. So I appreciated that toy. Thanks for explaining it.

One pattern did make a part for the invention out of ductile iron.

Could you imagine the reaction today if they sold a kit to melt lead and make action figures/ creepy crawlies?

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 05:55 PM
Could you imagine the reaction today if they sold a kit to melt lead and make action figures/ creepy crawlies?

Yeah, and the crap would hit the fan.

I made an error in my previous remark. I said I paid the German to make molds. He made patterns for me and not molds.

Remember those toys called slot cars? When I owned the machine shop, I had my shop foreman make some steel rule dies to cut out parts for the bottom of slot cars. We got the order from a company that made slot cars. The part was to make the slot car weigh a bit more and stay on the track. It attached to the bottom and had to fit the cars so the wheels could still move. They made a lot of the cars.

12-19-2012, 07:32 PM
I am older than dirt. What was that toy?


Instead of a pink little oven in which you can make cookies, in this contraption you made creepy crawlers. They were just rubber molded spiders, centipedes and other cool looking insects.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2012, 07:45 PM
Instead of a pink little oven in which you can make cookies, in this contraption you made creepy crawlers. They were just rubber molded spiders, centipedes and other cool looking insects.

Jim, we even as young kids went out and caught those things , didn't need plastic substitutes. WE CAUGHT SNAKES TOO EVEN POISONOUS ONES(we knew which were). Dad busted our buts for that and made us kill them, so we used 'em for target practice with our bows and arrows. AHH, the good 'ole days ..;)--Tyr

12-20-2012, 04:44 PM
On that note... my youngest boy asked for this 2 years ago for Christmas. He was 4 1/2 at the time.

The first one is him asking for it. The second is his older brother trying to convince him to get the Nerf guns...

I was a bit surprised he didn't want at least one nerf gun to play against his brothers. But whatever I guess.



Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 04:55 PM
Jim, we even as young kids went out and caught those things , didn't need plastic substitutes. WE CAUGHT SNAKES TOO EVEN POISONOUS ONES(we knew which were). Dad busted our buts for that and made us kill them, so we used 'em for target practice with our bows and arrows. AHH, the good 'ole days ..;)--Tyr

Oh yeah. Some boys and myself would hike up a mile or so to the hills and go up a couple thousand feet in elevation. We found to our delight a reservoir and a creek. A bit higher was an old abandoned house. That creek had lots of salamanders. And the hills had lots of ground squirrels. We tried to shoot the squirrels with bb guns but I don't imagine we hit the squirrels.

Back on the hike down, was a old abandoned water well that had some pretty large gears on the system. Taking a salamander and putting it into the gears and moving them seemed to a 8th grader to be fun. Why I don't know. But it seemed to make us boys happy. We caught snakes too. But only one rattle snake was caught and not by me. The twin boys captured an immature rattle snake and took it home and put it into a old fish aquarium and of course a lid so the snake could not escape. The twins loved to bring it out and let it loose on their lawn and catch it over and over. I sure wanted no part of that experiement.

12-20-2012, 05:16 PM
Oh yeah. Some boys and myself would hike up a mile or so to the hills and go up a couple thousand feet in elevation. We found to our delight a reservoir and a creek. A bit higher was an old abandoned house. That creek had lots of salamanders. And the hills had lots of ground squirrels. We tried to shoot the squirrels with bb guns but I don't imagine we hit the squirrels.

Back on the hike down, was a old abandoned water well that had some pretty large gears on the system. Taking a salamander and putting it into the gears and moving them seemed to a 8th grader to be fun. Why I don't know. But it seemed to make us boys happy. We caught snakes too. But only one rattle snake was caught and not by me. The twin boys captured an immature rattle snake and took it home and put it into a old fish aquarium and of course a lid so the snake could not escape. The twins loved to bring it out and let it loose on their lawn and catch it over and over. I sure wanted no part of that experiement.

I think the creepy crawlers may have made salamanders too! I used to catch hundreds of them at this little park near where I lived. Whenever we went near there, just flip over all the rocks and logs and they were everywhere. It bordered a creek too, so it was a moist area, and we would find them on the waters edge too. Cool little buggers.

12-20-2012, 06:32 PM
I think the creepy crawlers may have made salamanders too! I used to catch hundreds of them at this little park near where I lived. Whenever we went near there, just flip over all the rocks and logs and they were everywhere. It bordered a creek too, so it was a moist area, and we would find them on the waters edge too. Cool little buggers.

jimnyc. I had a friend who went with me to our local park during the Summer months. We used to go down to the creek, and hunt for Crayfish, and polywogs. Put them in a jar, or can. Bring them home, and he would start a small fire in a Cinderblock....then boil the Crayfish until they turned Orange like a Tiny Lobster.

Most of us, during those days before Vietnam...also used the last day of school to meet in the park, play in the woods, along the creek. Making Mud-balls that became Hand Grenades that exploded on the tree's, then we had a reason to jump in the creek to cool off.
That became our War Training...like John Wayne...before most of us finished school, and ended up in Uniforms.

Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 06:53 PM
I think the creepy crawlers may have made salamanders too! I used to catch hundreds of them at this little park near where I lived. Whenever we went near there, just flip over all the rocks and logs and they were everywhere. It bordered a creek too, so it was a moist area, and we would find them on the waters edge too. Cool little buggers.

We learned a lot in those hills. That reservoir was good for some of the boys to swim in. we decided one day to take car inner tubes to the reservoir and float on the water. I must have dozed off since I came to burning like all fire. I had to stay out of school for over a week to recover. That sun burn ranks as my worst. The sun with the water reflecting the sun cooked me and in not that long of a time.

Were you raised in a city or out in the burbs? It was pretty rural when I was a teen. We still had plenty of wild areas to mess around in.

12-20-2012, 07:01 PM
I've always been a 'burb' kid. Never less than 40k, never more than 50k, regarding population. Always has been middle-to upper middle class.

My parents were well ahead of the norm. While married, my ex and I were well ahead of our parents. Generations though mean something. While 'we'd' been handed everything our parents hadn't had, we chose not to give many things our parents thought were expected.

For my kids it was the electronics for the most part, not that they were denied, just restricted and controlled. Same with computers. There was never a question that my kids would get a 'new car' at 16, something both myself and the ex did. Wasn't happening. They'd have to pay for the car and insurance. Too many crashed up Mustangs and Dusters between us.