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View Full Version : A conservative take an a liberal topic: I blame feminism

12-19-2012, 08:03 AM
I was listening to NPR last night about inmate leasing being a modern variation of slavery. For example, the commentator mentioned more black men are in involuntary servitude than in 1850. Black families have successfully expelled the men. Those men don't die immediately. Without the purpose of a family, they commit crimes. The aggravating reality is that disproportional sentences are being handed down for things like simple marijuana possession and probation/parole get revoked for things like jaywalking.

12-19-2012, 08:40 AM
How is feminism more to blame than government?

A lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one's family, contributed to the erosion of black families - a problem that welfare policies for many years may have worsened.