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View Full Version : Why I have serious doubts about living in the South

12-19-2012, 05:09 PM

If you don't like anecdotal account, look at the incarceration rates and arrest statistics by state.

12-19-2012, 05:22 PM
Wow, the composure of the women that were searched is remarkable. It will be interesting to know the outcome of the lawsuit.

However, why are the actions of this police woman an indictment on the entire South?

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 05:31 PM

If you don't like anecdotal account, look at the incarceration rates and arrest statistics by state.

Isn't government wonderful?

This is a case where I hope they win the lawsuit and that female officer is punished.

12-19-2012, 10:35 PM
Wow, the composure of the women that were searched is remarkable. It will be interesting to know the outcome of the lawsuit.

However, why are the actions of this police woman an indictment on the entire South?

MtnBiker. Because Ignorance really is Bliss. As a Pennsylvania grown, Yankee to most. I have found those who always find reasons to put the South Down...have no idea what they are complaining about, and prove how BLISS is established.

It's a political thing really. Goes back to before the Civil Rights Amendment when the Hatred wasn't limited to the South, but hidden as an excuse for Northerners who were far more racist than the GOOD OLE BOYS in the South.
Most from the North are still BLISSFUL enough to believe. Anyone with an accent...that doesn't sound Northern...Must be A Redneck, or Hillbilly.

It is just a way for them to Hide from being exposed as the real racists who deny it.

12-20-2012, 11:08 AM
Many people in this country have a hollywood perception of the south. They know only what they have seen on TV and in the movies and make their judgments based on that. It's no more accurate than believing California is all ritzy or all barrio.

12-20-2012, 11:37 AM
MtnBiker. Because Ignorance really is Bliss. As a Pennsylvania grown, Yankee to most. I have found those who always find reasons to put the South Down...have no idea what they are complaining about, and prove how BLISS is established.

It's a political thing really. Goes back to before the Civil Rights Amendment when the Hatred wasn't limited to the South, but hidden as an excuse for Northerners who were far more racist than the GOOD OLE BOYS in the South.
Most from the North are still BLISSFUL enough to believe. Anyone with an accent...that doesn't sound Northern...Must be A Redneck, or Hillbilly.

It is just a way for them to Hide from being exposed as the real racists who deny it.

It comes from raw experience. I despise doing business in the South. I liked living there even less. The corporate culture is the worst. Employees are completely disposable. The lack of intellectual curiosity is maddening. Tennessee is becoming the new India, especially for call centers. WRONG is OK if the RIGHT person does it down there. And I mean both factually wrong and morally wrong.

12-20-2012, 02:53 PM
It comes from raw experience. I despise doing business in the South. I liked living there even less. The corporate culture is the worst. Employees are completely disposable. The lack of intellectual curiosity is maddening. Tennessee is becoming the new India, especially for call centers. WRONG is OK if the RIGHT person does it down there. And I mean both factually wrong and morally wrong.

tailfins. Without knowing it, or realizing what your words said above. You just managed to perfectly describe the very people I was speaking about in my last post.

That's how extensive the Brainwashing is. Even you have developed your own hateful standards to go by, and believe.

So. The best thing you can do, for the rest of us is. STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.