View Full Version : Moved from thread re: homework/grades

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 03:35 PM

Kath went to lengths to state she agreed only with two posts following Jims first statement and I presume she does not agree with the following.

I had said this to Jim and he replied favorably.

My question then is simple. What did I say that she did not agree with? All of it?


He may be bored Jim.

I can't say for sure, but he might be repeating stuff he should have learned before. And probably paid little attention to the last go round.

At his age, you might knuckle down and sit with him to keep him on the ball.

Kids will work harder if they can see what good it will do for them. Also, he may have a pal that gets top grades who might buddy up with him to get him on the right path.

Also, ask the school for help. Behavior is learned. And he has to unlearn bad habits. As to taking stuff away from him, given how lax you have been it may get him angry. I suggest you counsel with the school experts. Surely they will help you.

12-19-2012, 03:50 PM
My question then is simple. What did I say that she did not agree with? All of it?


WTF is your problem? None of this goes back to my posts. You sir, are an arse.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 04:52 PM
WTF is your problem? None of this goes back to my posts. You sir, are an arse.

This is precisely how you start fights.

Not only did it go back to your post, well above, but it said why and how.

It was a simple question that even a simple mind might get right.

All you had to do was answer the very simple question.

Abbey Marie
12-19-2012, 05:38 PM
My question then is simple. What did I say that she did not agree with? All of it?


Robert, not thanking a post doesn't mean the person necessarily disagrees with any of it.
It probably means they either:
a. Didn't see it, or
b. Didn't like it enough to thank.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=600978#post600978)
My question then is simple. What did I say that she did not agree with? All of it?


Robert, not thanking a post doesn't mean the person necessarily disagrees with any of it.
It probably means they either:
a. Didn't see it, or
b. Didn't like it enough to thank.

Abbey, that is not what happened.

Let me explain again.

She posted a reply to Jim after I had. My comment was like number 3. She posted like number 6.

She saw what I said.

I was not looking for thanks.

She pointed out to Jim that she only agreed with 2 posts after he commented.

I wanted to find out what part of my post she did not agree with.

For asking her, she called me an ass.

Abbey Marie
12-19-2012, 06:14 PM

Abbey, that is not what happened.

Let me explain again.

She posted a reply to Jim after I had. My comment was like number 3. She posted like number 6.

She saw what I said.

I was not looking for thanks.

She pointed out to Jim that she only agreed with 2 posts after he commented.

I wanted to find out what part of my post she did not agree with.

For asking her, she called me an ass.

Oh, I guess I misunderstood about the thanks. Kathianne didn't say which two she agreed with, so I didn't notice a problem. Never mind.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 06:28 PM
Oh, I guess I misunderstood about the thanks. Kathianne didn't say which two she agreed with, so I didn't notice a problem. Never mind.

She did not name them, she cited them as being THE FIRST TWO posters. But I had posted next.

Thus she acknowledged those two posters and I wanted to find out what troubled her about my post. For asking her, she called me a name. Very unkind of her to do that.

Going down the list, it was clear the names of the two posters she accepted. One had posted twice.

12-19-2012, 08:23 PM
This is precisely how you start fights.

Not only did it go back to your post, well above, but it said why and how.

It was a simple question that even a simple mind might get right.

All you had to do was answer the very simple question.

No you twit. Just to be on the safe side, I went through every post I made on this thread, not one was in response to anything you posted. That you make up quotes as if I did, without attribution, is your passive aggressive behavior. Stay away from me.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 08:32 PM
No you twit. Just to be on the safe side, I went through every post I made on this thread, not one was in response to anything you posted. That you make up quotes as if I did, without attribution, is your passive aggressive behavior. Stay away from me.

Something is the matter with you.


You told the forum that you approved the other two posts and my post was before yours but right after the two you approve. I asked what in my post did you not accept. And you called me an ass in the post following some nonsense you said to me before that.

I am not passive. I am not even trying to be aggressive with you for were I trying, I would be as snotty to you as you are to me. I have no way to get close to you.

One more thing, when you read posts that you believe are unfavorable to me, why do you thank the person? That is passive aggression at your best.

12-19-2012, 08:35 PM
Something is the matter with you.


You told the forum that you approved the other two posts and my post was before yours but right after the two you approve. I asked what in my post did you not accept. And you called me an ass in the post following some nonsense you said to me before that.

I am not passive. I am not even trying to be aggressive with you for were I trying, I would be as snotty to you as you are to me. I have no way to get close to you.

One more thing, when you read posts that you believe are unfavorable to me, why do you thank the person? That is passive aggression at your best.

I don't want to respond to your posts. I'll thank or not when I wish. I was responding to Jim's and trust me, I'll not post according to your stupid commands or comments. Personally your posts strike me as a lot of blather, but of little merit. That's my opinion, when that's what I think I just keep going. Don't demand thanks.

12-19-2012, 08:40 PM
No you twit. Just to be on the safe side, I went through every post I made on this thread, not one was in response to anything you posted. That you make up quotes as if I did, without attribution, is your passive aggressive behavior. Stay away from me.

Kathianne. Remember our conversation? See what I mean now?

12-19-2012, 08:43 PM
Kathianne. Remember our conversation? See what I mean now?

Hey, we all have disagreements from time-to-time. We don't like each others posts sometimes or just think, hey, ok. No need to thank. I post god knows how many without a rep or thank. Never once have I said to someone, much less bitched to staff, that 'so and so said they liked Tommy's post and not mine. Wah! Something is wrong with them and I *snifff* want an explanation!"

12-19-2012, 08:45 PM
Hey, we all have disagreements from time-to-time. We don't like each others posts sometimes or just think, hey, ok. No need to thank. I post god knows how many without a rep or thank. Never once have I said to someone, much less bitched to staff, that 'so and so said they liked Tommy's post and not mine. Wah! Something is wrong with them and I *snifff* want an explanation!"

Excuse me. Never mind.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 08:55 PM
I don't want to respond to your posts. I'll thank or not when I wish. I was responding to Jim's and trust me, I'll not post according to your stupid commands or comments. Personally your posts strike me as a lot of blather, but of little merit. That's my opinion, when that's what I think I just keep going. Don't demand thanks.

Yes, I should have placed a bet. You are that dumb.

It had nothing at all to do with you thanking my posts. I don't wish to tell any poster to thank my posts. This is their option.

As to your opinion of my posts, I knew how you feel right away. It did not take me long to figure you out.

I also learned again that when somebody asks you questions, you don't reply. And when you reply, you act as if something was said that was not said.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 08:59 PM
Kathianne. Remember our conversation? See what I mean now?

Well, why not join in.

Oh wait, you just did.

Carry on. Discuss posters behing their backs. It is your style.

Her style is to attack me. And she did it this time too.

Why you may ask.

She now claims it is over thanks.

That is a lie. She can read all of my posts and she has to stop lying about my remarks.

She provoked a fight. Why I do not know.

She may lie and claim she did not provoke me. But she did.

12-19-2012, 10:55 PM
Well, why not join in.

Oh wait, you just did.

Carry on. Discuss posters behing their backs. It is your style.

Her style is to attack me. And she did it this time too.

Why you may ask.

She now claims it is over thanks.

That is a lie. She can read all of my posts and she has to stop lying about my remarks.

She provoked a fight. Why I do not know.

She may lie and claim she did not provoke me. But she did.

Actually, it was in front of your face. Behind your back would have been through PM, and you started this horrible tangent, period. No one brought anything up, but you demanded to know why you weren't thanked, and jumped on her for it. Did it ever occur to you that she was still crafting a response when you made yours? The log times are for time posted, not time started.

I've had a number of times where, mid-post, I've had to step away and come back to it. You jumped on her, and demanded an answer. You got one. Now man up, and move on.

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 11:28 PM
Actually, it was in front of your face. Behind your back would have been through PM, and you started this horrible tangent, period. No one brought anything up, but you demanded to know why you weren't thanked, and jumped on her for it. Did it ever occur to you that she was still crafting a response when you made yours? The log times are for time posted, not time started.

I've had a number of times where, mid-post, I've had to step away and come back to it. You jumped on her, and demanded an answer. You got one. Now man up, and move on.

You should be ashamed of yourself for lying.
As to messages in front of me, he spoke of some other time. What was he talking about?
I did not start shit. It had nothing to do with thanking anybody.

Actually had you read the posts, you could have told the truth. See how ass chewings work now?

I did not even jump her. I only asked her view on what she did not like about the reply I gave to Jim. She made a point out of acting as if my post was shit. I wanted to be sure so I did not want to make a mistake. then she called me an ass. I have never called her an ass.

Jim liked my reply. He replied kindly in fact.

I have a question for YOU

Why didn't you man up and not hit submit post?

12-19-2012, 11:33 PM
You should be ashamed of yourself for lying.
As to messages in front of me, he spoke of some other time. What was he talking about?
I did not start shit. It had nothing to do with thanking anybody.

Actually had you read the posts, you could have told the truth. See how ass chewings work now?

I did not even jump her. I only asked her view on what she did not like about the reply I gave to Jim. She made a point out of acting as if my post was shit. I wanted to be sure so I did not want to make a mistake. then she called me an ass. I have never called her an ass.

Jim liked my reply. He replied kindly in fact.

I have a question for YOU

Why didn't you man up and not hit submit post?


Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 11:35 PM

Over your grief yet? Looks that way.

12-19-2012, 11:38 PM
Over your grief yet? Looks that way.

You really are the charmer, aren't you? :fart:

Robert A Whit
12-19-2012, 11:47 PM
You really are the charmer, aren't you? :fart:

Right back atcha toots. Had you acted civil to begin with, none of these others would be talking about this.

You earned your favorite calling card too. The one above. Those little doo dads.

12-19-2012, 11:50 PM
Right back atcha toots. Had you acted civil to begin with, none of these others would be talking about this.

You earned your favorite calling card too. The one above. Those little doo dads.

You know what Bobby, your immature stalking of me, my posts, your imagined slights is for nought. I don't give a fig what you think of me. You are irrelevant in my day-to-day life or posting. It's only when you go 'off' that I feel compelled to acknowledge your pitiful existence, yet never go to the insane level of ever attempting to read your intent, beyond trying to annoy.

You give me powers I shouldn't have, like man, I live in your head.

12-20-2012, 10:30 AM
You should be ashamed of yourself for lying.
As to messages in front of me, he spoke of some other time. What was he talking about?
I did not start shit. It had nothing to do with thanking anybody.

Actually had you read the posts, you could have told the truth. See how ass chewings work now?

I did not even jump her. I only asked her view on what she did not like about the reply I gave to Jim. She made a point out of acting as if my post was shit. I wanted to be sure so I did not want to make a mistake. then she called me an ass. I have never called her an ass.

Jim liked my reply. He replied kindly in fact.

I have a question for YOU

Why didn't you man up and not hit submit post?

Excuse me, you imagining a slight that doesn't exist may make you delusional, but it does not make me a liar.

Except that she never said she didn't like your post. It's like me right now going, "Why do you hate all Jews?" because you didn't specifically say you liked them.

Even if she didn't, it's not your god damned business anyway. She used tact, something you clearly lack in any significant degree.

Clearly, Robert, you do not understand what being a man is.

Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 01:15 PM
You know what Bobby, your immature stalking of me, my posts, your imagined slights is for nought. I don't give a fig what you think of me. You are irrelevant in my day-to-day life or posting. It's only when you go 'off' that I feel compelled to acknowledge your pitiful existence, yet never go to the insane level of ever attempting to read your intent, beyond trying to annoy.

You give me powers I shouldn't have, like man, I live in your head.

Seek professional help.

Clearly you have this very wild imagination.

Really, get help. What you claim is in your imagination. (the parts about me that is)

To show how immature you are, all I had done is seek your advice of the comments I made to Jim. And of course you replied by calling me a vile name. And then somebody, probably you got your tit in a winger by lying in claiming I had asked for thanks. I said again, I did not.

Will you please seek anger counselling?

Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 01:25 PM
Excuse me, you imagining a slight that doesn't exist may make you delusional, but it does not make me a liar.

Except that she never said she didn't like your post. It's like me right now going, "Why do you hate all Jews?" because you didn't specifically say you liked them.

Even if she didn't, it's not your god damned business anyway. She used tact, something you clearly lack in any significant degree.

Clearly, Robert, you do not understand what being a man is.

Why don't you guys get together to keep your stories straight?

I did not imagine any slight. What the hell made you make that claim? You lied because the text was on the thread and yiou had read it. Had you not read it, you had no business even commenting is how I see it. You made wild ass claims that are not true. And that is a lie.

Correct, she did not speak of my post. She chose to engage in a fight and to call me vile names.

Here you go again, rather than dealing in facts, you engage in ad hominum. Are you proud you stuck your nose into this?

Let me recast this trying to get the lying to end.

1. 2 posters gave Jim advice.
2. I was next and gave Jim advice, and believe me, he appreciated it and kindly replied to me.
3. Kath then made a point to Jim that she approved 2 advices by the 2 above me.
4. Kath posted AFTER I had posted.

Now, I don't call her remark that she approved two posts as anything. She can approve 1 post or 6 posts or whatever suits her.

I thought she might tell me why she stipulated but 2 posts rather than 3 or even not commenting on how many she approved.

I thought what I told Jim was to help the man. He certainly approved my post to him. That really is all the approval I want or need. I was curious so asked her about my post.

She took the horse shit route out.

She got all over me.

She called me vile names.

And you back her?

If you honestly back that type of action, repeat back to yourself the crappy things you told me.

Hey Jim, I was trying to help you with your son. I know you asked because you wanted honest replies. I hope it helps. I sure did not want to read Kath shitting on me because she has anger problems.

12-20-2012, 01:44 PM
Over your grief yet? Looks that way.

I'm not taking sides in the argument here, not even getting involved. But I think this particular comment was a bit out of bounds. Something like that should never be used as part of an argument. She lost a loved one, her sister, and no part of that should ever be brought up unless Sassy brings it up and expresses the desire to discuss it. Just my opinion.

12-20-2012, 02:50 PM
FOOD FOR THOUGHT. I do hope it will be a while before it applies to me.

Everyone else. TAKE NOTE. 4167

Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 03:48 PM
You really are the charmer, aren't you? :fart:


Robert A Whit
12-20-2012, 03:50 PM
I'm not taking sides in the argument here, not even getting involved. But I think this particular comment was a bit out of bounds. Something like that should never be used as part of an argument. She lost a loved one, her sister, and no part of that should ever be brought up unless Sassy brings it up and expresses the desire to discuss it. Just my opinion.

I agree with you 100 percent Jim. But I did not strike FIRST.

My part was to do something AFTER she attacked me. In Grief, one would assume she would not attack posters. Makes her appear she is no longer grieving.

12-20-2012, 06:41 PM
4169 4170 It's almost Christmas. Can we stop???????????

12-20-2012, 06:45 PM
4169 4170 It's almost Christmas. Can we stop???????????

One would think, but apparently not for Bobby. He tried to keep the whining up in original thread, after split.

12-21-2012, 01:43 AM
Over your grief yet? Looks that way.

You know what Robert ... I am not over my grief which is why I only posted the "beating a dead horse" because that is what I saw in your post. I cannot fathom anyone who is so childish as to give out a negative rep because of a smilie.

However, I will give you this ... in the ten or so years I've been posting on Jim's boards, you are the first one to give me a neg rep.

Even when debating with the worst assholes on this board (OCA, Pyscho, etc.) they didn't give me a negative rep because even they had more self esteem than you. Congratulations on showing everyone on this board your level of maturity.

I have tried my best to not engage with you, however, you have now changed the dynamics with your childish and immature action.

PS ... I have never given out negative rep so don't worry about this being a rep war ... you are not worth it.

12-21-2012, 02:23 PM
You know what Robert ... I am not over my grief which is why I only posted the "beating a dead horse" because that is what I saw in your post. I cannot fathom anyone who is so childish as to give out a negative rep because of a smilie.

However, I will give you this ... in the ten or so years I've been posting on Jim's boards, you are the first one to give me a neg rep.

Even when debating with the worst assholes on this board (OCA, Pyscho, etc.) they didn't give me a negative rep because even they had more self esteem than you. Congratulations on showing everyone on this board your level of maturity.

I have tried my best to not engage with you, however, you have now changed the dynamics with your childish and immature action.

PS ... I have never given out negative rep so don't worry about this being a rep war ... you are not worth it.

Sassy. Bless you. I have never used the negative rep for anyone here as well.

I merely remember the GOLDEN RULE, and allow those who have that deep, selfishness alone. Eventually. They learn the hard way.