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View Full Version : House Republicans to Boehner: "NO tax increases, remember?"

12-20-2012, 09:29 PM
Good for the House Republicans! Some of them have finally started remembering why they were elected.

They have refused to vote for House Speaker Boehner's plan that would raise taxes on people and businesses earning $1 million or more. So Boehner has decided to cancel the vote.

Stand strong, Republicans, even if you have a squishy leader. You were elected based on your promise to NOT raise taxes. Thank God you remember that, and are even keeping your promises!

Naturally, the RINOs are now carping the Democrat line, echoed even by Grover Norquist's group, saying that since the law as currently on the books ALREADY calls for everyone's taxes to go up on Jan. 1 (thanks to the expiration date the Democrats insisted be part of the law), then technically Boehner's plan doesn't raise taxes, the Democrats are raising taxes.

But House Republicans are actually exhibiting the common sense that is missing from the RINOs (very unusual for a politician to exhibit common sense), and are even sticking to the promises they made when campaigning and getting elected about not raising ANY taxes (Very, very unusual for a politician to keep his promises!).

Keep up the good work, Republicans. Keep pointing out to everyone that the Bush tax rates are not the cause of our problems - spending is.

Hmmm... if Republicans can fight off the fake line that says technically it's not them raising taxes... is there any chance they will soon fight off the even more fake line, that if we SPEND 10% more next year instead of the 15% more we had originally planned, that's supposedly a spending "cut"? It is NOT a spending cut, of course, but still a 10% spending increase. Known to everyone with common sense... meaning, everybody except politicians.



Lacking GOP support, Republicans yank ‘fiscal cliff’ ‘Plan B’

By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News
White House Correspondent
1 hr 22 mins ago

House Speaker Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, speaks to the media about the fiscal cliff at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. …In a stinging setback for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, a lack of support from inside his own party for his “fiscal cliff” fall-back plan forced him late Thursday to cancel a much-trumpeted vote on the measure.

“The House did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass,” Boehner said in a written statement released after an emergency meeting of House Republicans.

The measure, dubbed “Plan B,” would have let Bush-era tax cuts expire on income above $1 million annually, while extending them for everyone else.

12-20-2012, 10:08 PM
Finally. The smartest members of the House of Representatives STAND-UP against the Male Version of Pelosi.

My prediction still stands. On January 1st. Normally referred to as NEW YEAR'S DAY.

Americans across this nation will learn what their November vote for Obama really means to the entire nation.


The Obama Economy, or what we loosely call the Obama Economy. Will mark their Very First, Historic, Nation Killing Event.

The Republicans WILL be blamed for everything. But...come 2014. Both houses of Congress WILL LOOK LIKE ABANDONED Outhouses.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2012, 10:23 PM
Bravo to them. Boner is a damn fool. Put forth a bill with huge spending cuts and no tax increases, let the socialists/Senate/Reid kill it ,destroy it , not accept it. Let the world and the citizens see who is for this nation and exactly who is not! Let obama take us over the damn cliff and let it be on his worthless corrupt head. If Republicans are going to get the blame regardless then at least stand on our principles all the way otherwise the base will turn from them next election and the party will be sunk. Boner is a damn foooooooooool!!!!--Tyr

12-20-2012, 10:32 PM
Put forth a bill with huge spending cuts

I thought it had no spending cuts. On the contrary, it had spending INCREASES.

They are smaller than the increases originally planned, but they are still increases.

Spending is far too high now. It needs to be CUT. That is, we need several years where the amount we spend next year, is LESS than the amount we spent this year.

That's a cut.

12-20-2012, 10:43 PM
I thought it had no spending cuts. On the contrary, it had spending INCREASES.

They are smaller than the increases originally planned, but they are still increases.

Spending is far too high now. It needs to be CUT. That is, we need several years where the amount we spend next year, is LESS than the amount we spent this year.

That's a cut.

NOW is the time for Every Republican in both houses to just STOP! Let the Democrats and Obama have their way.

January 1st should arrive, and the American people should get to see exactly what the Democrats are doing...as they try to blame the Republicans again.

If the Republicans keep their hands off of it. Obama and the Democrats OWN IT ALL.

Only those who voted for Obama will remain just as uninformed, and easily led as they have been since 2008.

This is what they VOTED FOR.


12-20-2012, 11:08 PM
Finally. The smartest members of the House of Representatives STAND-UP against the Male Version of Pelosi.

My prediction still stands. On January 1st. Normally referred to as NEW YEAR'S DAY.

Americans across this nation will learn what their November vote for Obama really means to the entire nation.


The Obama Economy, or what we loosely call the Obama Economy. Will mark their Very First, Historic, Nation Killing Event.

The Republicans WILL be blamed for everything. But...come 2014. Both houses of Congress WILL LOOK LIKE ABANDONED Outhouses.


y'know, as much as everyone's bitched about the fiscal cliff, I went over to Khan Academy to see what the effect would be. Basically, the spending cuts would kick in, and taxes would go up for everyone. The important point here is that we'd cover our revenue shortfall by a noticeably larger amount, meaning less debt.

That's what everyone is decrying like we're facing the end of all things. We'd get about as much in cuts and the Reps wanted, and more revenue coming in at the same time. That's about it.

12-20-2012, 11:27 PM
We'd get about as much in cuts and the Reps wanted, and more revenue coming in at the same time. That's about it.

What makes you think increasing tax rates would make revenue go up?

Increasing tax rates (especially in an economic slump) will slow down the economy even more, remember? And so lots of incomes (and sales and imports/exports and everything else) will DECREASE. And the taxes paid on all those thing, will DECREASE.

People will be paying a slightly higher percentage, of a whole lot LESS. It's a net decrease.

Only rising prosperity will produce more tax revenue. And a tax-rate increase produces exactly the opposite.

12-20-2012, 11:41 PM
What makes you think increasing tax rates would make revenue go up?

Increasing tax rates (especially in an economic slump) will slow down the economy even more, remember? And so lots of incomes (and sales and imports/exports and everything else) will DECREASE. And the taxes paid on all those thing, will DECREASE.

People will be paying a slightly higher percentage, of a whole lot LESS. It's a net decrease.

Only rising prosperity will produce more tax revenue. And a tax-rate increase produces exactly the opposite.

Well, short term it would go up, I should have said, until the market corrects for it.

12-20-2012, 11:43 PM
NOW is the time for Every Republican in both houses to just STOP! Let the Democrats and Obama have their way.

January 1st should arrive, and the American people should get to see exactly what the Democrats are doing...as they try to blame the Republicans again.

If the Republicans keep their hands off of it. Obama and the Democrats OWN IT ALL.

Only those who voted for Obama will remain just as uninformed, and easily led as they have been since 2008.

This is what they VOTED FOR.


I have to agree. Harry Reid has also made it clear that he will not allow a vote for whatever comes out of the House if it's not to his liking. With that in mind, the Republicans should let Bonehead get his way and vote "present".

When the economy tanks, the Republicans will at least have the satisfaction of saying "I told you so". If this wakes up Americans, then this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The mid-term elections may not be very pleasant for the Democrats in that they may lose control of both houses of Congress, thereby isolating Barack Obama. If America does not wake up... well, we can tell our grandchildren about when America was great and how it used to be...

red states rule
12-21-2012, 03:56 AM

12-21-2012, 03:19 PM
Let's all clear this up, right here. Right now.

RAISING TAXES has not, and NEVER will Increase Revenue as long as SPENDING continues without limits.

It is a known, proven fact. Raising the tax levels on THE RICH, or THE WEALTHY....EVEN TO 100% Annually.

Will not make a Dent in the DEBT.

The Democrat/Obama principles of PUNISHING the RICH and WEALTHY is nothing more than a tactic OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS have used for more than a century of our Economic History.

It's actually nothing but a Political Ploy...often called CLASS ENVY, or CLASS WARFARE to incite, and anger those who HAVE NO IDEA what they are talking about..but made to feel like VICTIMS..because they are always identified by OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS as the "HAVE NOTS".

Anyone foolish enough, or dumb, or stupid enough to believe what OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS claim to be doing...as HELPING THE PEOPLE....deserves to never succeed, become independent, or make any personal decisions on their own...allowing Government to do all of their thinking, while that Hand is always out....happily being filled by the politicians who need you to be STUPID.

12-21-2012, 03:33 PM
Bravo to them. Boner is a damn fool. Put forth a bill with huge spending cuts and no tax increases, let the socialists/Senate/Reid kill it ,destroy it , not accept it. Let the world and the citizens see who is for this nation and exactly who is not! Let obama take us over the damn cliff and let it be on his worthless corrupt head. If Republicans are going to get the blame regardless then at least stand on our principles all the way otherwise the base will turn from them next election and the party will be sunk. Boner is a damn foooooooooool!!!!--Tyr

Don't knock him until you try to do his job. This is more peanut throwing. Boehner is doing the best he can for what he has to work with. He can now tell the Dems he made a good faith effort to get a deal, and say this proves there are not the votes to raise taxes on anybody. If someone else wants to try in January, let them step up and run for the Speaker's chair and take all the associated heat.

Robert A Whit
12-21-2012, 05:07 PM
I thought it had no spending cuts. On the contrary, it had spending INCREASES.

They are smaller than the increases originally planned, but they are still increases.

Spending is far too high now. It needs to be CUT. That is, we need several years where the amount we spend next year, is LESS than the amount we spent this year.

That's a cut.

We are told over and over by Democrats that the best budget in history was the Clinton era budgets.

Fine with me.

So return to the Clinton era budgets.

Take his revenue and make it law. Take his spending and make it law.

Democrats will NEVER at any point agree to that.

And do you think our party will either?

Come on now.

To save you from looking it up, Clinton operated with 1.8 trillion revenues. Obama loves it being over 3 trillion dollars. I heard a D congressman today speak of spending 3.8 trillion dollars and claiming that was just right.

The damned fool.

Robert A Whit
12-21-2012, 05:09 PM
Let's all clear this up, right here. Right now.

RAISING TAXES has not, and NEVER will Increase Revenue as long as SPENDING continues without limits.

It is a known, proven fact. Raising the tax levels on THE RICH, or THE WEALTHY....EVEN TO 100% Annually.

Will not make a Dent in the DEBT.

The Democrat/Obama principles of PUNISHING the RICH and WEALTHY is nothing more than a tactic OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS have used for more than a century of our Economic History.

It's actually nothing but a Political Ploy...often called CLASS ENVY, or CLASS WARFARE to incite, and anger those who HAVE NO IDEA what they are talking about..but made to feel like VICTIMS..because they are always identified by OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS as the "HAVE NOTS".

Anyone foolish enough, or dumb, or stupid enough to believe what OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS claim to be doing...as HELPING THE PEOPLE....deserves to never succeed, become independent, or make any personal decisions on their own...allowing Government to do all of their thinking, while that Hand is always out....happily being filled by the politicians who need you to be STUPID.

You are soooooo correct ass hat.

red states rule
12-21-2012, 06:56 PM