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12-23-2012, 10:12 AM

December 22, 2012 "Should Santa Claus still be fat?" (http://www.althouse.blogspot.com/2012/12/should-santa-claus-still-be-fat.html) "Santa is a role model, and kids don't want to have a role model that's fat." (http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/22/health/santa-claus-weight/index.html?hpt=hp_c3)

Kids don't want? Has any kid ever complained about Santa being fat? But various adults are keen on controlling the messages that reach kids, and in this light, Santa needs to be thoroughly examined for inappropriate messages. I'm going to begin a list:

1. He keeps a list. I have here in my hand a list... This is McCarthyesque and oppressive.

2. He's checking and rechecking the list. This is the stuff of obsessive compulsive disorder.

3. He's a grown man obsessing over whether children are naughty and nice. Obviously creepy. Also puritanical.

4. He watches children when they are sleeping. This condones the invasion of privacy (or worse).

5. He smokes. (This bad-example-setting has already come in for censorship.)

6. He wears fur.

7. He stokes materialism.

8. He takes credit for the work of others (deflecting appreciation that properly belongs to the parents).

9. He operates as an endorsement of a rigid class system by creating the impression that wealthy children are more deserving of gifts than the poor.

10. He breaks into houses at night.

11. He relies on sweatshop/slave labor.

12. He exploits animals.
Posted by Ann Althouse at <a class="timestamp-link" href="http://www.althouse.blogspot.com/2012/12/should-santa-claus-still-be-fat.html" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2012-12-22T10:33:00-06:00">10:33 AM</abbr> http://www.blogger.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=6329595&postID=6391476183355486604) (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=6329595&postID=6391476183355486604)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2012, 11:23 AM

A lot of truth in that criticism of liberal thinking.-Tyr

12-23-2012, 12:46 PM
Santa Claus a corruption of Christmas propagated by Coca-Cola.

I would prefer even this over Santa Claus:


Besides, Santa Claus is about to be laid off with Obama applying for the job.

12-23-2012, 02:22 PM
That's hilarious. Click through and read the comments...my favorite was: he has a huge carbon footprint from all the coal he delivers.

12-23-2012, 02:23 PM

And the woman reporting this wonders why COAL is of great supply under her tree????

As for the FAT. Only someone with a FAT....Empty....Head would try to present more Michele Obama Political Correctness Eating crap.