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12-24-2012, 06:42 AM
This is a very wholesome thread.

The very first thought that entered my head when I read the thread title was:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2012, 10:58 AM
This is a very wholesome thread.

The very first thought that entered my head when I read the thread title was:


Man, that is just wicked to post that for us happily married men to have to gaze upon and force back the lustful thoughts racing madly through our sex-fevered minds! What man could look at that and not be affected with thinking of past girlfriends when a younger man?
Pay no attention to my giving you a thanks on this post for it was done in a moment of weakness!--;)

Well my wife just wandered over ,saw this pic and said, old girlfriend (?)and wandered back into the kitchen.
I havent the heart to tell her that I had several that looked at least that good back when I was a wild , young and crazy buck.. .. One that looked even better but I had to dump because of her hardcore drug use. I still marvel that I dumped her !! True.. --Tyr

Robert A Whit
12-24-2012, 11:47 AM
This is a very wholesome thread.

The very first thought that entered my head when I read the thread title was:


At least I wish she was.

Robert A Whit
12-24-2012, 11:56 AM
Annette was at least that good looking. She had been married to Ken. A brilliant fox, she was part of the team managing restaurants, with her husband the other. She went from the lap of luxury to jail.

She wanted boy toys but mostly drugs. Being so hot, dating was no problem for her.
Ken had given her a satisfying sum of money when they divorced per month. They had no children.

Last time I saw her she was on TV in jail and Geraldo Rivera was interviewing women inmates.

She had gone down hill. She went from super hot to fat. She went from enjoying luxury to living in jail. She had blown all her money on boys, toys and drugs. She turned to prostitution. I was so sorry to see a woman of that caliber go down.